/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #2910

Yogurt Overflowing Edition

Buy more mobacoins

Stream summary

>Recent news
4th Anniversary Event with Magfest, daily crystals, free daily draw, bonus pendant, JD drop boost and Daily Roll Roulette with one guaranteed 100 rolls in the last day if you haven't got one before that.
Yaia 5* uncap and Bonito 4* uncap in March
What makes the sky blue Part 2 is ongoing with free SSR Sandalphon and a free discount Primal
SSR Tiamat, SR Birdman and SSR Halluel and Malluel summon released

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for March:
2/28 - 3/23 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II
3/12 - 3/18 - Rise of the Four Beasts
3/18 - 3/24 - Xeno Corow Clash
3/24 - 3/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun)
3/31 - 4/8 - New Scenario Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous thread:

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Can Lecia even swallow that down?

Ultimate tokage HL
4 spartans 1 sage

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She better, I've got another cup of yogurt for her just waiting.

Dead game, dead general.

>every 100 roll that has been posted here has been a complete horror

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Granblue Fantasy? More like Gran -shitty mobage without Hayamin - Fantasy

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Do you guys also get network errors very often? Everything was ok at Sunday but gbf is throwing networks error every few minutes for me now


>budget mamiko noto

How do I use this Jew?

Attached: jew.png (607x845, 725K)

>having this shit taste
Now let's not start some ugly mudflinging here, mamiko noto is also great.

>girl of the crew connects
>discord goes full beta

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>Not pretending to be a girl in an all-girl crew

Thank you for the host.

press 2 then 1

how do i stop getting wrecked by blade of light
light buncle is always too late

Almost everyone couldn't hit the 3% rate

Thanks for coming and carrying


225 should unlock another front row character slot

I cant believe i was so dumb to not notice the marked, i apologize


>no leechlist
uhh gbfbabs?

I use Zoi. Before I had Zoi I used Holy Saber.

Kill yourself

Leechlist: windgod ralkos and my wife naka carrying me

Shut up naka

He kinda already did, didn't he?

So, tomorrow is last day of Summon banner and possibly we get flashfest?

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Yes, wait til news before making the decision to roll.

Is demi Titan worth it if I have 1 AK?

shut up mig

But naka is my wife?

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Any more UBHL hosts?

Nice falseflag naka.

Since its the anniversery flashfest kmr will have to whip out a big iconic character.

And it will be Earth monika. And since she wasnt in the trial she will be broken op.

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titan in 2018 LUL


As a new player, am I supposed to farm omega raids of the element I want until I get the basic grid listed on the wiki?

It seems like it'll take forever...

>swords are rare xDDD
love this meme bros! 5 swords is all you need now right, do I just reduce this shit?

Yes. You have higher odds in host chest, otherwise just leech. Spread the weapons out, don't uncap them with one another until you get the base grid. Once you skill those up some you will get past the most boring part of the game and start seeing a steady increase in power.

Yes and no it won't take forever. Farm your renown and you can get 2 weapons a month from the shop.

>finally decide to 4* my grids
>they need mats that are used to get Jewtenshoes

forgot my pic bros i was just too excited about chev fest i guess

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>metatron bows won't be as good as grim harps because it has a lower crit
I'm still farming two of that shit since it's fated to be better than 2 more chev swords

they dont, its separate materials that drop on the same spots usually

yeah you can reduce it


You're going to love what they did with quartz and magna II.


inb4 lower drop rate becuase light and dark are too strong
prease understan

You need feathers and hollow souls to get a 4* Jewten. What are you going on about?

Search for artist named Gengorou and look for his idolmaster doujins.

That seems more reasonable than I thought, but is there a faster method to farm renown? I'm at 500/100 for the R and SR bonuses while only having 170/4000 for the weekly...

Host something!!!

What are the chances of a blue chest


Ok. Hayamin is alright I guess.

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>discord on fire because they want to nuke tori
>scrubp is too much of a pussy to do it


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What makes Yaia so good?

When are they implementing this? Getting sick of doing 18 hard raids everyday.

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Which guild is that guy in?

The fact that she's 6 years old

She is pretty hot for a 6(seox) years old


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Too old

Oppai loli is disgusting

Neither are good.

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I got the perfect girl for you

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B4A0E1CE alex

Hosting your omegas and getting enough contribution in the ones you join. Just keep joining what you can. Also do all your free ones to get material to host.


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I don't know what I expected.

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>Song lands local para on turn 1
>lands normal para after local para is over
>lands local para again after that one is over

Yaia's Yaias

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DAO HL, bring big dick damage and get MVP. Get those moldy cortanas before xeno corrow.

>the state of this general

Cows are the miracle of the Granblue universe

Leviathan HL: 3F20C9CC

For me, and I assume for a lot of people, I think she's just memetic because her body and age is unique in a strange way. I don't find her actually attractive and I also don't have her so it's not like I comment on her skills or story.

Is there anything that can prove this wrong?

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Yaia is a bit too young for my tastes but damn those boobs

No one up for DAO HL? If no one joins soon I'll pub it.

>Tfw too weak to get enough contribution
This might sound stupid, but how do I host an omega fight? The wiki says "Azure Sky Gate" on the first island but the only thing there is a Sanctum.

they're on zinkenstill
I think you need to host and clear the hard mode before they show up

Grimnir 2f137f3a

>going to fap to this now
Fuck you

Are you rank 30 yet?

Does the shop ever reset for weapons? or is that all I'm ever going to get in the RoTB shop?

Is it all of the hard modes? I've done a couple of them and went straight to omegas.
Yup, 32

>Tfw too weak to get enough contribution
Do what I did when I couldn't contribute: Phalanx, Rage, attack once and leave. You obviously won't cap but you'll get a decent amount.

Did you forget about me, onii-sama?

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>tfw I can MVP ROTB raids now

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