Dragon Ball FighterZ General - /dbfzg/

When Broly Edition

Previously on /dbfzg/: >DLC Pack 1 revealed:

Useful info:
>Basic mechanics:

>Numeric Notation Sheet:

>PS4 and Xbox controls:

>Characters moves and statistics:

>All assists:

>List of hidden mechanics:

>Hitbox/Hurtbox info:

>Network colors (the square next to the name):

>Ranks and their respective amounts of BP:

>How to unlock Android 21 and SSGSS Goku and Vegeta:

>Prima guide:

>CouchWarrior's beginner guide:

>Semi-universal combo route:

Modding Linkss:

>[un]Official Anime Music Pack:

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for I want to fight all the strong anons tomorrow!

west coast 3
meeting lobby 3
were still going

This but with weak anons that I can bully!

PS4 or PC?


The first 10 people under me get tri-beamed

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I'm ready. I'm so bad at this game I've got nothing to live for.

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Good shit man. I want to save those games because a couple friends that play frieza and teen gohan and those combos are dope as fuck. That teen gohan level 1 into level 3 was crazy. I wish I had the execution to do all that shit.

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Pretty slick with the empty vanishes. I shouldn't have reflected after I saw you do it once. Good one

All these anons having the good fight and Im stuck at work. Its not fair.

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GohanBlanco here
I love wolf gang fist!

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Blazing_Star here. I'm done for real tonight. Great games everyone.

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Yeah your Yamcha is amazing. I love that combo you pulled off man.

Great matches.


|||||||||| ___ Highest Cancer
|| ___ Lowest Cancer

Android 16
Lung/Bronchial Cancer
Colon/Rectal Cancer
Breast Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct Cancer
Adult Gohan
Goku Black
Kid Buu
Android 21
SS Vegeta
SS Goku
Captain Ginyu
Android 18
Majin Buu
SSGSS Vegeta
Teen Gohan

your beerus is too good
especially that crossup move

Oh so there are people that play pc here.

Beerus is unironically my best. 'Dunno why I put him on point honestly. I should probably make him my anchor or mid.

My other two are fairly basic. I'm OK with them but not as good as I want to be.

I'm sort of terrible with Hit in neutral for some reason and there's just no excuse for that.

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What is this Beerus crossup move?

How were they? Did they give the good fight? Would I have a good time against them?

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They were pretty good. I was probably the worst in the lobby honestly.

You'd enjoy the matches.

Cupbot's T. Gohan is insane.

Autocombo I assume, I rarely use it so it's nice when it lands?


cupbot i hesitated level 3ing frieza
i still would have lost though

Speedz here , Good games everyone. I'm tired as hell and I'm getting worse playing but I'm going to have to play against more of you guys. It was fun.
He was doing the autocombo in the corner but sometimes he canceled with a vanish. I was getting confused in the corner.

Yeah he's really good. His gohan and freeza are crazy as fuck. Easily the most creative combos I've seen online. He's out here doing clayton combos in games.

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Cupbot I challenge you to friendly fisticuffs one day! Hopefully in my next 4 days off after tonight. I want a challenge!

He has this crazy corner combo where he can do a double T.Gohan level 1 kamehameha with Frieza's level 1 deathball.

Plus he does insane mixups with sparkling empty vanishes.

I've never seen a T.Gohan this good. I want to see him go Golden with Frieza honestly.

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I've learned some new stuff with Hit since last time we fought. If we play tomorrow I could teach you some shit Ive found for tricking up opponents

Sure. My Hit is super basic. I basically only use one string with him.

Thanks for the matches guys, it was fun!

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>Plus he does insane mixups with sparkling empty vanishes
>I want to see him go Golden with Frieza honestly

>mfw he empty vanished and I wasn't ready for it but golden frieza ran out

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was that the one where you beat him with black?
that match was insane

God dammit you guys stop, I can only get so erect.

is cupbot even here? what if he was just a stranger

Good games man. Your offense is insane, I'm super weak against stagger pressure. Really exposed how terrible my defense is.

Good games fellas. Next time I won't come in on the tail end of your session where everyone is tired.

I'm always down for sets friend.

>Learn each member of my team in depth because they have 0 synergy/combo assists and need to be played at 100% individually to compete
> mfw gokuB/cell/vegeta fags lose as soon as you kill one character because they don't know how to play without assists.

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>mfw I'm so shit that I don't even know how to use assists in combos but I still end up winning most matches anyway by being better in neutral and predicting their next moves

/dbfzg/ should host ring matches on every other midnight.

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Anyone have experience what's a good assist to enable fat buu's gum throw that isn't Vegeta's? I'm considering changing my roster a bit and I would rather not trial and error through the entire cast wondering if it's my execution or actual possibility

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Try it with Kid Buu. It lasts for a somewhat decent length of time.



I'm tempted to pick up Fat Buu. I seem to be best with unorthodox or tricky characters.

bitchin' thank you very much

Dammit he better be an user. You guys got me hyped to fight a strong guy.

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cupbot is this guy here:

Just saw that. Glorious. Cant wait to fight the good fight. Im gonna host ring matches tomorrow night so be on the lookout for my handsome hercule avatar

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Anyone have experience with running tourneys on Veeky Forums? Long time ago thr smash threads would have tourneys we'd stream for the threads. I would love to help set one up for FighterZ if we could get enough interest and people who are smarter than me for that sort of thing.

I'd join. We need more actual matchmaking in these threads.

I'm by no means a good player but my computer's good enough to stream, if that's necessary.

we could use discord (as much as i hate discord)to set it up like so we know whos fighting
and stream it somewhere idk i dont have experience with streaming

Yeah I remember that. It was like smash fridays or something like that. I didn't have a good enough PC for dolphin netplay but it was still cool to see. I would join to play.

ps4 or pc?

yamchas 5m needs to be buffed frame wise

Why not both? Although it seems like we have way more ps4 players actively playing with each other

pc streaming would be easier but if we go ps4 route maybe some user may have a capture card or something that can stream the matches

I need suggestions. How can i deal with turtles with a steel defense? Even when i started smashing random things the guys remained still. Dragon rush worked at the beginning but then he become more circumspect. He had an absurd patience.

Test his autism with ki spam.


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>gohan btfo every time

can never get enough of this

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IAD overheads. Dragon rush after an assist finishes before he can react. Or turtle yourself and force him to do something



Because Dragonball Fighterz is now on sale.

ok watched it enough times. When Bardock?

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It kinda looks like Nappa just died

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>mfw i checked and its real

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>next week

aw man

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at least its something to look forward to

>LLL ends with a grab and straight up launcher, that first punch is so high that it probably whiffs on crouching opponents just to fuck with you
>Ki Blasts go downwards but still reach full screen
>Fast descent stomp that doesn't cause any sort of knockdown/back, possible followup
>Gigantic Hammer in the air, command grab into Eraser Blow on the ground, huge reach
>Omega Blaster is huge compared to Frieza's Death Ball
Didn't even show off his Lariat. That shit better be an armored move and a Dramatic Finish against Vegeta.

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takai, takai!

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whens great saiyan man, videl, and mr.satan

Looks sick but the level 3 is lame as fuck. Literally a green Freeza ball

Well... it's lame in the anime too.

damn i was hoping that was his level 1

I'm hoping he'll have two level 3s like some other characters

could be lvl 1 nobody knows

every character trailer in pre-release showed off the character's level 3 at the end. why would this one be any different?

Still needing that sauce.

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only cause im in a good mood
next time dont be retarded

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lol never mind found it

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oh im sorry
im the retarded one

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A Grande Padre, El Hermano and Gohan Blanco DLC pack is more likely than that

A tiny bit of Beerus advice for a nigga: play him second, and use the "super dash switch" mid combo to get free corner setups. So let's say you're playing Goku/Beerus/Whoever

You play goku and corner carry 'em some, then when they're near the corner, you hit 'em with the 2m 5m jlml2h but then as opposed to following, you hit A1, and Beerus swaps in and follows to finish the combo, allowing you to get a corner knockdown and a 236S setup for Beerus's real reason to exist: sick oki shit with the orbs and his dive punch.

That's generally how I like to play him anyway. Swap him in mid combo for setups without having to use his normals to get in.

I'll leave this advice with a short webm of a beerus kill. I overused 2H in this clip for sure, and made a couple of other mistakes, but I think the setup off corner knockdown was pretty solid. Note the 214M on block bounced me back out behind the second row of orbs which I knocked back in to continue pressure, which ultimately is what led them to opening themself up.

Attached: beerus corner ko.webm (1280x720, 2.2M)

Reminder that anyone using Cell, Black, Vegeta (just for the assist), AGohan and 16 are anti-fun fags.

Good thing I use vegeta because hes my favorite character AND because his assist is dope. Fuck Blue vegeta and his boring ass "on a scale of one to ten I give you a BWAAAAAAA"

Is that 6 ball spawn reliable? Looks like they could recover before you get it out.

I love playing as Adult Godhan and there's nothing you can do to stop me

Off a hard knockdown in the corner it's reliable.