/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

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Japanese news: imasnews765.com
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>Event: 03/12 - 03/18 Road (Miyako, Ibuki)
>Gacha: 03/12 - 03/16 (Sakura, Hikaru)
>Party: 03/05 - 04/05
Cards: starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: twitter.com/deresuteborder0

>Event: 03/13 - 03/18 MillionLive Collection (Megumi, Karen, Kana)
>Gacha: 02/28 - 03/14 (Konomi, Makoto, Julia)
Cards: imas.gamedbs.jp/mlth
Tracker: twitter.com/imas_ml_td

>Event: 03/13 - 03/?? "Happy White Day" (Ren, Kirio)
>Event Gacha: 03/12 - 03/21 (Touma, Tsubasa)
>Gacha: 03/07 - 03/18 S.E.M SSR

- Check previous OPs for more news/recent events.
>Archive of : archive.is/n2I1z
- WWG volume 5 CD MP3/FLAC rip: - SM anime BD 3 bonus CD "315 St@rry Collaboration 03" MP3/FLAC rip: - TD Serika commus UL: - SS Assets (Mar 9th/12th): - SS Harugasumi store display: - SS Ayaka commu sub: - ML 1stLIVE commentary stream rip: - TD Update (Mar 13th): - CG Update (Mar 13th): UPCOMING:
Mar 14th: STARLIGHT MASTER 15 Sakura no Koro, STELLA MASTER 02 Seisai Stepper
Mar 15th: WWG manga on Cycomi
Mar 15th, 8PM JST: Deresute NIGHT x15: nico.ms/lv311246133
Mar 15th, 10PM JST: SM ~We are 315!!!~: nico.ms/lv311369955

Attached: 65823458_p0.png (845x1200, 1.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:

i.mkb.moe/u/1-01 桜の頃 (M@STER VERSION).m4a


Attached: Yuko facetouching.png (155x155, 54K)


Attached: 1520924938431.jpg (2560x1440, 1.27M)

Why is she the facetouching idol


Wait a second, this isn't a pure white dress.

Attached: DXrx9g3U0AMQkVI.jpg (500x700, 62K)

That don't look like something that idol should be doing

This MV is weird

Attached: IMG_4614.png (1080x1920, 1.53M)

Lots of bust angles in this song.

Attached: DYJoDX5VMAAr8c8.jpg (1334x750, 163K)

Umimi is cute!

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-13-15-08-50.png (1920x1080, 1.58M)

It is white on my monitor


>:58 onwards
as much of a trashfire LoS , they still managed to do some effort to make Saki avoid a pantyshot

Is this some sort of neo-haigure?

Attached: saki stop.png (247x298, 150K)

What virus is this

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-13-09-42-36.png (720x1280, 126K)

Crying puchis.

Attached: 1520757575429.webm (640x360, 2.12M)

Cute Baba.

Attached: 2018_03_11_14.47.25.png (2560x1440, 2.28M)

Attached: takanya horohoro.gif (421x360, 230K)

>wrong icon
What are you installing


ONE HI YA YA! TWO HI YA YA! C'mon ladies. I want to see more Theodore Roosevelts and less Franklin Roosevelts.

Also requesting simpsons drawfag to draw that scene.

Attached: yuko_hip.jpg (1190x1771, 216K)

Attached: 1398307877053.gif (504x360, 1.33M)

Yuko is HOT

Might be the hd modded apk.

What language is that? Romanian? Also that's the Shiki virus so proceed with caution.

What does Yuko do when she tries to bend a spoon onstage and nothing happens?

That's a nice touch. Can't have people seeing his bulge.

>and nothing happens
Something destructive will always happen, even if it's not what Yuko intended. The audience probably thinks that's what was supposed to happen.

She goes backstage after her segment and cries on my shoulder while I touch her face.

Do people actually stick these posters on their walls or wherever

Attached: DYJdnzHVQAEzWgM.jpg:orig.jpg (2560x1920, 643K)


Hazuki is sleeping, and so should you

Attached: DYJqbGNVMAIc1_w.jpg (400x1105, 96K)

Do you get an actual "You are banned" message or just "Posting from your ISP range has been blocked"?
The latter is client side.

Attached: DYJnoLRVQAE5g_T.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1536, 310K)

Attached: ニャーっ!.png (617x700, 417K)

>Hazuki sleeping
Huh that must be why she's forgetting about ALSTROEMERIA and the twins.

>that Iori
I would make it into wallpaper.

Attached: 18638639.jpg (1100x715, 405K)

Sleeping with Hazuki!

Amai is a smoker? Dropped. I'm not working for a fucking savage.

And where the fuck are Alstroemeria's comics?

cute roll

sorry about your dead mom
SideM is so dramatique

Fucking nerd.


I wish I could fall asleep on my chair.

Attached: cover.jpg (1500x1500, 593K)

Most dandy men smoke.

Sweet. Thanks.


Ahh yeah. Thanks as always.


If only Space Dandy smoked.
It would have made the show even better.

>still no FC

Thank you very much. Are you uploading the recent 2nd live commentary too?

The show goes on for Yuko but as punishment she has to sit on my face. Shit happens, you know?

Attached: DYGLm_KVAAImDSp.jpg (565x787, 84K)


Attached: hazuki sleepy baby.png (246x237, 79K)

Eventually. I can only watch it over one day once activated, so I need to make it count.

Attached: C-p9ccXVwAAwojr.jpg (900x842, 104K)

I can't control my love for her.

I hate Yayoi

Attached: 43.jpg (305x434, 111K)

Fuck you!

Fuck you!

Attached: 1365690311035.jpg (500x400, 54K)




Fuck off Kanye you jackass.

Why is Sakura no Koro so good, i want to cry


Next Yoshino or Karin event when!?

Attached: DWBH0LjUQAAcEfI.jpg (1500x1100, 269K)

How horny is Minami here?

Attached: b189aea89908aa665f0c5be2497e946d2f2af10c.png (869x1228, 1.35M)

The better question would be, how fucked is TakeP there?

Why would he be fucked? The worst that could happen is Minami coming onto him, but TakeP being the sensible gentleman that he is will reject her advances and take her to her apartment to ensure she doesn't get raped on the way home.

Fuck you and your shitty trash poorfag idol. I hope you can punch Yayoi in her stupid face in the next game and it gets a million views on youtube.

Attached: afdc203095ea08cb0e794fbde3f50f77.jpg (1000x1000, 372K)

Pretty soon, very.

I hope I get a million views for anything.


When will we get a proper Idolmaster sequel already?

I want to see more 765 Pro. I don't want this CG or Shiny Colors or Side-M shit.

You just had PS and StS.

Stella Stage just came out last december, the fuck are you on about

>TakeP being the sensible gentleman that he is will reject her advances and take her to her apartment to ensure she doesn't get raped on the way home.

And THEN he fucks her right?

Stream your death

Attached: 1496647687072.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

I'm talking about a TV show.

You should take your pills.

Why the fuck would they create a new show for old hags that don't even sell anymore

Oh, i feel you. ML anime when

Good Night

Attached: 62927606_p4.jpg (765x1024, 91K)

Sachiko suffers.

I can't believe this is happening, it's been so long.

Can someone upload this somewhere? My computer can't play it, and mixtape.moe has a 100mb limit.

Can't say Yukko without yuck, happy birthday phantom thief.


Attached: DYJKIq9VMAAskrB.jpg (1000x1000, 127K)

Nope, stay a shitter

Lossy rips are up on nyaa. Here's an aac for just snk.

i.mkb.moe/u/1-01 桜の頃 (M@STER VERSION).m4a

It's easier to make your computer play flac, unless you use a mac, in which case, tough luck

Thanks a lot.

Or a chromebook.

Fuck, i'm happy, i didn't have any of her cards damn it.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-13-05-02-29.png (1280x800, 825K)

>62 jewels
I'm so sorry


>spending money on a cellphone game

>spending any jewels on upgrading furniture
you are also too pure to spend on gacha until you start wanting that one special idol's card.

My hope was lost after spending 40k+ jewels trying to get Halloween Nina, i don't save them anymore
I spent them trying to rank on Frost

hard to see that given how you ended up on a number that doesn't end in 0 or 5

Oi mister, how about a little back-alley fun? Just give us 200 bucks and you can do anything you want with us for five whole minutes! You won't get a better offer anywhere else!

Attached: 9da7cc4ff4740587bb8163a27520aeffa158d3ff.jpg (707x1000, 598K)

It costs 7 jewels every 10 stamina now

They revamped how many jewels are spent for stamina refills, so it is possible now to get odd digits if you're low-levelled.

On a side note, I just realized nginx default mime.types doesn't include FLAC. You should be able to play *.flac from ksmz/mkb directly in chrome now.

You can use something like this for CrOS

Oh wow.

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Attached: She likes the sight.png (412x206, 154K)

I like the sight of her

Attached: bikini music teacher.jpg (2000x4000, 795K)