/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #112

They're multiplying! edition

General VR Resources

>Oculus Rift Setup Guide
pastebin.com/QgHwLq8R (embed)
>HTC Vive Setup Guide
pastebin.com/QNc18zHd (embed)
>Recommended VR Applications/Games 2018
pastebin.com/YtRejmd5 (embed)
>VRChat Resources and Tutorials
pastebin.com/AVvN08hT (embed)

>Socks containment thread
>I can't think of a good thread theme, very sad, next time maybe

Previous Thread:

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trap user

VR is fun !

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Do you have Tobi’s animations?

You got VR? Nice

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first for rakfu/azuthfu

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never forget

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>tfw your vrfu makes fun of your dick size

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Just stay away from any anime girls you’re not familiar with, with him. Or at least stay in front of them at arms length.

The only ones I have are the ones pertaining to his mask revealing the sharingan in his right eye. I've only seen one person who had kamui, and it was a jap who had nothing but shitpost avatars in Japan town. Was really neat, cause it did everything, including warping his body till he was sucked inside.

Just finished setting up! I only have 2 sensors though and not much space so my arms glitch a little bit

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>still no footage has surfaced

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Get cucked nerd

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You're such a faggot

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>when people say they recorded it but never upload

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Oh that sounds awesome. I hope I see something like that.

I'll upload it in 5 minutes.


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5 minutes, you say?

Attached: 5_minutes_left.jpg (640x475, 37K)

Yeah, tobi's also a real bitch when it comes to his model. Only one that wasn't hilariously broken was one without the akatsuki robes, and I usually don't pull it out unless I'm drunk as shit stumbling around shouting "Hai Hai, watashiwa tobi desu" because it also has a hugging pillow attached to it.

I wanna discuss music with anons at meetups more! Its fun finding out who likes what, especially since somebody here seems to like a relatively rare artist I like a lot
I'll find you, I swear

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leo is an anime girl

come find me on the weekend I'll give you the goods

>tfw spent all day on a working duel disk
>realise blender animations do not work well with unity
well fuck

Attached: duel disk.gif (956x605, 181K)

Yeah Unity is such a bitch. I fucking hate it a lot of times.

also does this when I join meshes with cats and ruins the animations when I "fix" the model

Attached: he's dead.gif (1288x830, 1.94M)

I'd upload mine but my footage is all shit.
My internet kept dying so whenever something clipworthy was starting to happen, I'd cut out halfway through and need to restart

Real nigga meido

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we wuz pure and shiet

best boy

streamable.com/0c8c2 more dancing

Y'all niggers need to learn how to dance


Should I do this with a model of Colonel, Ronald and Wendy's?

Come learn from my dance senpai. She’s the best. I feel like my moves have gotten way better, still not as good as hers though.

I want full body so bad why the fuck does vive have such shit dildo controllers


finally got the viewball somewhere where my view isn't blocked most of the time

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sure, who is it?

If i launch vrchat through steam but log in with a vrchat account, can people see my Steam account?

I bet your dance senpai is shit


Are you ashei from that video? If you are I’ll message you on YouTube with their name and you can add them. I don’t wanna name drop them in this thread.

>message you on YouTube
is this a thing now

yeah that's me

No, she’s really good. The real deal.

I need more free time and to live on my own so I can be in VR as much as possible.

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YouTube has been around since 2007 I believe.

Sure, I will upload to streamable later today

when do the eu hours start and who would i even join for eu meetups

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>tfw people talking how they're bored of VRChat makes me afraid by the time I get VR, everyone here will have quit out of boredom

>buy VR
>buy new vr game

>bored of VR
Every game has its regulars, most people here dont even spend time in public instances except during off hours where there is no meetups going on and sometimes even then they make some waiting room

Usually around the evening time, during the day it's pretty dead sadly. You can just post to see if there's anything going on and someone will namedrop themselves and then you can add them for an invite

>People ask me what kind of music I like
>Mention a bit of stuff
>They've never heard of any of it
Every time.
I don't want to be a hipster, but I just don't like the stuff that other people like.


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dude I love Death Grips too

>have to create own visemes for talking
>end up looking like an alien badly mimicking human speech
Could've been worse I guess.

Someone likes the stuff you like, just not the majority. If nobody likes the genres you listened too, then they wouldn't exist in the first place.

Just like in real life

How I feel as an autist trying to communicate with normans

Found the normalfag

You caught me!

>perfect crotch matching
>shota's hands around (my) choker belt thing

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speaking of chokers, I wonder if you could use some of the techniques from the skirt-lifting collider stuff to make 'poseable' things like leashes.
Have a gesture that enables the bones object, and give the bones zero elasticity and maximum inert so they stay where they're put and move with you. then have another gesture that you can use to grab the thing and move it around.

When are you buying your vr choker, user?

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Wating with degenerates to freak about.

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Who's the blue cat on the left?

where the fuck did you find a freddie freaker model

when will it all.end

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Do it pussy. End it.

Where's Red? Is he just keeping normal hours now, and I've just missed him?


are you ok my friend

I dunno who you are but I hope you are ok
Fuck this guy

I have a potentially kino video with Big Lincoln eating chicken, but then everyone ascends from the mortal plane and the chicken floats away.

>but then everyone ascends from the mortal plane and the chicken floats away.
Are you saying that's a problem?

I can't see the core members quitting any time soon.

I hope so. Everyone's been so nice to me even though I can barely interact with them.
Public worlds feel just terrible to be in most of the time.

I can see a fair portion of them getting banned soon, even tupper said

Public worlds are pure garbage, I'll never understand how people can stomach them. Even on the rare chance you meet someone who's decent to talk to the 90% awful encounters just ruin it for me.

Banned for what?


dunking on tupper too hard
he can't stand it

Yeah, true. I'd rather sit alone in an empty room than go to a public one. Though I've been doing that a lot lately and eventually it starts feeling kind of sad.

r u me? ive been avoiding prime time lately as im just that one annoying kid apparently

Just make a new account lol

I actually do that as well, I know what you mean. I tend to avoid meetups.

i miss my beacon to join on in the the afternoon. Keep your RL healthy buddy.

Publics are kinda more enjoyable in less popular worlds, but gaia and open mic is meh most times

Reminder to do this to every Gumi you see.

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reminder to delete this

>Where's Red?
He had gone for over a month with next to no sleep before finally crashing the other day, so hopefully recovering from the burnout that must have caused.