I second this. She constantly berates and insults her team for everything, calls them mayflies and lumberfoots while everyone else is licking her cunt whenever she's doing well. Fuck Kerillian. Worst character.
> everywhere >None of the subtitles are right >Still crashes >Buggy barks, especially for abilities Well at least Fort Bruk. tome got patched Does anyone know where the missing tome spawns now? Is it back under the first bridge?
Jack Garcia
Sounds like she's the alpha bitch and everyone else is a beta orbiter
Jeremiah Thomas
not him but right now its no different considering how easy it is to stagger bosses now I guess it does require more coordination but its just as safe as 1-3 shotting the boss
Hudson Martin
that whole weapon swap thing is gonna get patched 100%
>hit level 15 as saltz >can now practically fire freely at stormvermin and rotblood champs Still getting the hang of this game but it feels good to just instantly assassinate those fucks as soon as they appear instead of getting raped by them now
I mean aside from 3 shotting the bosses obviously. Hordes used to be much harder to kill but you had genuinely crazy shit to deal with them. Now they melt like butter but everything is nerfed.
William Jones
Yes, get 2 loot die.
Ryan Williams
V1 DLCs were pretty good, like 7-10$ for 3 maps and at least 1 new weapon for every hero.
Joseph Cox
If they keep the same prices as for VT1 around 10 bucks for each DLC.
Michael Campbell
They should've got rid of tomes and grims and added another way to give player the ability to trade item slots and health for extra XP/rewards. Taking them a couple of times and doing some jumping puzzles is nice and all, but when you want to just, you know, play the game and kill some ratmen, these things are on your way and unless you have a full premade, there is a high chance that pubs will go for them regardless of what you think. If you want to effectively level up, you HAVE to pick them up, and it makes the grind even more tedious and repetitive.
Even simply adding optional bosses/encounters would be more entertaining. Deeds were a good start, I don't know why tomes and grimoirs are still there. At least they could make it so you can only get the bonus once per map.
>tfw not a single extra bonus for finishing the last mission for the first time
Ian James
You can do it! Go out there and make your teammates proud you dal'durak Dawi! Kill every wazzock you come across!
Can anyone give me some advice on building a workable shade build. I really like the class but I'm struggling to find it's niche in the team. When I work crowd control I always take damage because my sword/dagger combo has no range, and when I go for elites like chaos warriors my team always kills them before I can circle around to get that backstab. Is the career not viable right now? I did very well as waywatcher but shade is kicking my ass metaphorically speaking
Nicholas Perry
will somebody please commision some kerillian lewds?
Nerf Burblespew. All bosses have an AoE knockback and spawn ads, but burblespew can also charm, bullet hell, DoT and Arena wide windstorm. Literally fucking nerf burblespew.
One of my gripes with the game, especially compared to Vermintide 1 is that it like short, straigthforward missions with no tomes or grims. Smuggler's run was pretty good for this, just follow the tunnels and bash ratmen till you puke. Right now I just can't play quickplay when I only have a little time to play because outside of the Brachsenbrücke (which is still longer than the shortest mission of VT1) there aren't quick to do missions
But for the love of Sigmar no fucking rats. Just some good ol fashion elf ""interrogation"" by our friendly witch Hunter would be nice. Fuck I'd even accept some Dawi X Elgi despite how wrong it is. Just anything but fucking rats
Aaron Reed
>no fucking rats what are you, gay?
Jacob Miller
>like lacks Kruber x Kerri pls
Dominic Garcia
I can dig this.
Nathaniel Barnes
>classes have different health >weapons have different critrates Compiled info in OP when?
Colton Sanders
Start by learning to dodge the packmaster's grab.
Camden Reed
after mod tools are released and gathering that information is no longer an enormous time sucking pain in the ass
Joseph Price
What if i set my worker threads on maximum?
Hunter Williams
>>>Balance >>The troll ended up slightly harder than the other bosses, especially for new players. So we made some changes: >Troll pukes less amounts of vomit near itself (set to same amount, 30 liters as ranged puke). >Troll puke liquid area lifetime reduced (from 10s to 7s). >Troll passive regen while walking around changed from 1.5/s to 0.5/s only on Recruit difficulty. >Troll downed regen min health factor changed from 60% to 50% (you can murder half-a-troll per down now). steamcommunity.com/games/552500/announcements/detail/1656634771905452289
>tfw no comfy pictures of Kerrilian and Bardin chatting and enjoying each others company from their neighboring tents
>tfw you won't see tender not quite romance blossom between them
>tfw you will never see the lines blur between the dwarfs and elves like the time before the War
Elijah Brooks
>still can't fully block any of his attacks >still can't avoid his instant throw up when you're behind him but he still pukes your way >still an annoying fuck with his heal bullshit It's rather fight 2 chaos spawns than 1 troll.
Logan Edwards
yes, I bought this game just to watch another player kill everything in the game before I can even touch them
Gavin Harris
What I can't wait for is the stats for Hero Power - ie, health on enemies, hits to kill per enemy per weapon (based on Hero Power sweetspots)
The values on some traits and abilities would be pretty cool too
Jacob Moore
>want to play a defensive support role >all of my friends play Bardin Is Foot Knight any good? I've never partied with one in randoms which is not encouraging.
On an unrelated note: Is the party heal aura still worth taking as Waystalker in release? I was playing with it earlier and it seemed to me that the party regen only kicks in if Kerri is actively healing (which is to say below 50% health). Between the gimped healing and the condition that at least -two- characters are gravely wounded, I'm not entirely sure if it's worthwhile compared to using the improved self-regen to consistently save on healing resources (although I don't have hard numbers on how much healing the improved regen is).
Mason Jackson
poast ears thot
Gavin Hernandez
30% cooldown on charge for knight Kruber or 100% stamina reduction for 10 seconds after charge?
>Is Foot Knight any good? His knockdown is pretty nice if you don't charge into the middle of a horde and has a short cooldown. The problem with Kruber though is that hes tall as fuck and subject to friendly fire. He also does not have the "absorb 1 hit from anything (including ff) every 20s (13s with passive). >On an unrelated note: Is the party heal aura still worth taking as Waystalker in release? That entire row of passives is fucked since the 50% nerf. Just get the increased regen imo.
Foot knight is in a strange spot at the moment. People say his passive doesn't work when you take the 15 talent, other say it does just the icon disappears. Don't know which one is true. Merc kruber is still good for his revive on shout. Handmaiden is also a good support with her stamina buffs, she can push for days, but if you're not playing Legend, no reason to take Handmaiden over just another dps burster.
Carter Cook
Feels bad man. >Tfw Karellian is just being so snarky so the group doesn't discover her real feelings
Alexander Stewart
>quick play as elf >can't find a single game that doesn't already have an elf
what the fuck
Cameron Sanders
i take 30% CD for fun
also what weapon power should i have at lv 30 they are all sitting around 230-220 even after burning 30 commendation chests, and whats the best way to get hats?
>Sienna says something along the lines of "putting yourself first Kerillian?" after she wastes a healing item >Kerillian responds "No one else ever does"
What does "ranlads gift" mean (at chest upgrade screen)?
Brody Rodriguez
>Merc kruber is still good for his revive on shout
Shame the cooldown is so long though even with cooldown reduction on crit on your weapon, you pretty much run around saving it for that oh shit moment.
rng 10%-100% extra bar. Enjoy having Emperors depend on rng.
Lucas Torres
which is why you dont take revive shout, cooldown reduction is better so you can use it every fight
Brayden Turner
It's a pure RNG bonus. Pray you get that upgrade.
Eli Nguyen
Does this only work with the flail?
Joshua Smith
Alexander Bennett
this dapper chap here fucks with your roll. he adds a random amount to your chest level and takes delight if you're a sliver away from an emperor's chest.