This general is for discussing the less popular mobage (Mobile Games). Games whose Veeky Forums generals wouldn't last a day or two on their own and games that are not popular enough for their own general. Typically these are Japanese only games.
>Current English Games Potion Maker, Valkyrie Connect
>Current Foreign games Battle Girl High School, Shironeko Project & Tennis, Shoumetsu Toshi, Girls Frontline, Alternative Girls, Destiny Child, #Compass, Tagatame, Houkai Impact, Tenka Hyakken, Tales of Rays, Graffiti Smash, Alice gear Aegis, Princess connect Re:dive
>For a complete list of games played in the thread and more information about them, please read this:
If looking for game recommendations or suggestions on what to play, please check the above docs. This docs is regularly updated with games and has all the games discussed on the thread.
>Help!! This game is not avaliable in my region?? How do I download it? >It says the game is not avaliable on my device, how do I install it? Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS (Updated for 2018)
>pricum >esports confirmed strap in bois, this palce is about to become /gbfg/ 2.0
Lincoln Jackson
What happened to /pcrg/
Daniel Brooks
cygames won't forget priconne
keep believing bros
James Gray
>/gbfg/ 2.0 Bretty hype tbqh my family.
Logan Martinez
It wasn't active or on-topic enough
Adam Harris
The /mbgg/ guild leader didnt actually lose his account, its mere propaganda spread by the /gbf/ cuckold guild in an attempt to destabilise us internally stay woke boys, we will outrank them in the upcoming clan battle
Jayden Jackson
she'd make such a good wife. why cant real life be this good senpai???
Ryder Rivera
We clearly have a traitor in our ranks.
Jace Reyes
>mbgg seanigger guild vs gbfg esports guild lmao i mean come on
Jackson Fisher
Because then no one would play games.
Aaron Scott
>seaniggers vs trannies yeah i'll take my chances
Leo Gomez
can't wait to smash some trannies tbqh
Joshua Rivera
You mean everyone will namedrop and complain about how the LGBT should be sent to Auschwitz?
Jace Ward
Easiest bingo 2018; 2 lines done without even using my dupe points.
at this point we should just make a general for that autobattle shit so the brain damaged children stop spamming
Andrew Morris
>lets see whats the fotm >priconne >cute girls mobbage by cygames >lets play this since i avoided gbf hell >its actually gbf 2.0
thanks KMR
Justin Campbell
Namedropping and tripfagging are the worst part of /gbfg/.
Jordan Williams
>we >wahhh im so low t I need someone else to do it for me lmfao trannies everyones
Asher Sanchez
Can't. /prcg/ didn't have enough discussion to keep the thread afloat (Like what happened to /osg/
Ian Diaz
and why should I care? Fuck off
Lucas Davis
If their General sinks again they'll come back here since they are a Mobage
Luke White
>Being this buttmad because IQ too low to play an autobattler
Henry Richardson
and what? only for them to die out themselves and crawl back here? those brain damaged childs are from gbf anyway. not gonna solve anything./
Anthony Parker
Should i beat 8-15 right now or wait for next group?
Cooper Perez
Wait until you have at least two functional teams, a third team if possible.
Julian Allen
What is this meme about me and my GBF bros being trannies?
Brayden Campbell
Big brained auto battler
Landon Smith
>Oh boy the valentine event in Terra Battle 2 was actually fun and you could get lots of stuff for free with almost no work, I wonder what they changed for white day event >solo quest instead of co-op >points are scattered in the quest with the shitty dragons that steal everything >white dragons that charm your characters(this making it so they die to your own attacks) It only took you a month to kill all the good will you earned Shitguchi
Is battle cats really not welcome or is it just never talked about thus not listed? Sorry if there is another thread for it but I couldnt find one and any guides im seeing on the game seem wildly out of date
This autobattler is smarter than most mobages out there, you only need budget to be fully voiced, have anime cutscenes and make everyone waifu material. Then get rekt in pvp
James Nguyen
Who cares what they do, the game can't even stay in the top 1500 on the ios grossing chart. It's time to shift gears into TBW and TB3.
William Anderson
Does SiNoAlice still relied on having party members to be npc controlled and not make a party on your own?
Jonathan Hall
I am playing king's raid. It'S, cool. I like the autobattle.
Ryder Rodriguez
Even if your guild loses badly in the pvp event you still will be able to get her. The problem is having guilds that accept you in the first place if you are new. People can join your party during battle. If you wanted only specific people to join, you set their character as cpu. But no prebattle preparation or what not.
Dominic Long
I always have 2 or 3 missions unfinished everyday because i don't know what i should be doing.
>People can join your party during battle. If you wanted only specific people to join, you set their character as cpu. But no prebattle preparation or what not.
I didn't like that desu I played when the game was out day 1 besides the multiple bugs and server issues. I couldn't arrange a party with all my cute girls but just one, and having literally whose being npc controlled. It was a turn off for me I expected some kind of team arrangement with only 1 support and being able to control them all.
Jose Long
铁血 refers to sangvis ferri so it explicitly means that you have to kill SF units only to fulfill that mission. Also, if you don't know how to send a message, just open your friends' list and tap the speech bubble button beside their name. If you're an EOP laowai just send a random message to someone low level who hasn't logged in for a few months or so and delete them afterwards if you want.
Charles Martinez
I deleted all friends that hadn't logged in for a while but one that gives 10 batteries, regretting it right now.
Levi Baker
What do they mean by clear autobattle?
Luis King
The green option when you select a map, you have to get all three medals of a map for it.
I've been playing Helix Horizon recently. It doesn't seem too bad, it's in english, the art is good, the story seems correct so far, combat is your typical auto battle but you can win when you push the enemy out of the screen. It launched recently (mid-february I think).
Matthew Price
Thanks. Suddenly the game just freezes on me in the middle of simulation training and refuses to log back in.
Easton Lee
For GF what's the transfer rate from Coins spent to exchange coupons? 1:1?
Ethan Brooks
>Stream releases content >Its an announcement that they'll make a future announcement of when the events will be and what they will be >Meanwhile enjoy another gacha
Connor Martinez
Black screen? Happens sometimes, just keep restarting the game.
Ian Sanders
You can corpse drag if you want assuming your carries are strong enough to solo the map, and you'll need 2 turns regardless. Otherwise I use this route with 1 strong team (on 1), and a weaker team on 2. Altogether your 1st team will clear 2 mobs on the 1st turn, then resupply and clear the last 5 on the 2nd turn. The 2nd team only clears 1 mob on the first turn in order to stop the LZ from being annexed, which will leave you 1 move short of clearing the 5 enemies on the 2nd turn. 1 ticket per roll, so spending a 100 coins for 10+1 rolls will give you 11 tickets
Ryan Jenkins
I’m content since my wife is getting added Atleast they confirmed clan battles for the latter third of this month
God knows when they plan to do Hatsune’s event
They didn’t even comment on arena groups or changing over the fragment shop units
Xavier Sullivan
>At least they confirmed clan battles for the latter third of this month That's like the thing nobody wanted to see for months and its the first thing they're adding before proper events.
If they lock core stuff behind whale walls in clan battles then I can drop the game outright instead of playing for four months only to drop it after that
Charles Long
>Implying you've got better things to do for those four months.
Zachary Lewis
If we can get a team of 30 active people from this thread then guild wars shouldn't be too hard since everyone autismed their rerolls
I was still looking forward to more PvE content instead of more PvP shit though.
Jeremiah Bennett
>Io, Djeeta and Jun will be obtainable from guild battle coins
Will he do it?
Alexander Peterson
>special characters obtainable only through incredibly tedious grind and guild war victories >special six star evolution with new art only obtainable through guild war victory currency the granblue killer
I've been using a shorter route that's only 6 enemies but doesn't need a second team to fight. Seems like my carries are strong enough for corpse dragging, but I think I'll be too lazy to keep this up for long.
Liam Lee
right now it seems we're split between 3 guilds with one of them being less than half full
/mbgg/ still has open slots aswell and afew more might open up since there seems to be one or two inactives
if worst comes to worst i'll have to fill the empty spaces with nips from twitter
Owen Brooks
I'd be willing to join one of the guilds but only if there's a definitive best guild with high star/power
not really interested in joining some gay B team that ends up being memed after every GW
Adrian Kelly
Just another note: you NEED at least 3 dorms to clear the collect heart mission since you'll get 5 hearts per dorm + another 5 from Kalina in the shop, meaning that you'll be 5 short if you have only 2 dorms.
Only autists do corpse dragging. If you have progressed far enough, you should have more than enough ammo and mres through logistics to do normal levelling with auto resupply on, especially when planning mode makes grinding much easier.
Holy shit Vector's live 2d Skin is expensive. >It costs 600 tickets to get Vector's skin To get 600+ tickets i need 50 rolls+ 5 given for free , which means 5500 coins. >100 coins = 600 gems To get 5500 coins, i'll need 33000 gems. So 12960+6480 pack + 6560+3280 pack + 2 1360+680 packs. Which total up to 1112 chinese yuan or 175.90 USD.
Did i fuck up my calculation or something? This seems way to expensive for a live 2d skin.
Brandon Roberts
I want to save up resources for the new T-dolls, otherwise I wouldn't even consider this shit.
Also make sure you actually put dolls into the dorms before the date changes, I kept fucking myself over with that in the last bingo event.
James Lewis
You take what you can get user. This game has no western community behind it outside of this thread.
Easton Walker
Where would they add events to the main quest UI?
Levi Ward
Evan Murphy
Could do it like Cinderella Girls, on the home screen and a banner on the quest screen.
Connor Hill
Not much way of knowing that until after the first guild wars
Oliver Perez
Also while doing the math. I realized something retarded, all gem packs come to a value of 1 chinese yuan to 30 gems. So regardless of what pack you buy 12960+6480 pack vs 120+60 pack vs any other pack of gems in the shop. You'll get the value of 1 chinese yuan to 30 gems. This seems a little retarded considering games usually give you more gems for lesser value per gem as the prices increase. I guess this is just another way they do their shady business.
Isaac Cox
>Jumped into P.Arena and having to maintain ranks in both arenas now
This is not the kind of uncomfy I had in mind when I needed a break from GBF's PVP autism.
T-doll meta is kinda stale these days, and the last 2 waves weren't particularly impressive. Devs should add more remodels before expanding the pool with more meme T-dolls that people will never use because it's hard to replace simple "just werks" T-dolls like G11 or MG5. Otherwise, more common 2*s and 3*s (with remodels in mind) for new players wouldn't be too bad either since the 4* and 5* pools are already quite saturated.
It's not shady, just jewish, because only the dumbest goy whales won't bother doing calculations. This is hardly the only thing that does this however, since even irl corporations like Games Workshop pulls this shit although they're getting better about it.
Colton Barnes
Just how fucking broken is Ruka going to be when she gets released? Storywise she can block magic and physical attacks with little effort and kill monsters in one hit.
That's probably how they'll do it, considering the entire UI is 1:1 from Starlight Stage.
Jaxson Richardson
>Have Tamaki >Opponent brings no mages >Tamaki kills his Rino instead
I'm 3*ing this girl asap.
Carson Fisher
>kinda stale >AN94 walked past 95% of the t-dolls in damage just like that
Grenadiers are still fucking useless.
Justin Gutierrez
Midline character that stuns the frontmost enemy and heals your entire time + buffs physical attack and magic defence She also has a second magic defence buff which only affects nearby units
She’s a good replacement for Yui / that green haired healer chick
Brayden Mitchell
At least zas skill is fast, that's all I want from grenade throwers. They could also release RPG T-dolls already.
Daniel Williams
AN94 is one out of around 20 new T-Dolls released preceding her or around her own release. Also, she'll mostly on par with G11 in DPS so there's hardly anything she can do that G11 can't, and most seasoned players would have a maxed out kraut space magic before rolling slav pulley magic. Grenades are still satisfying when they delete half the enemy's line worth of infantry and they're good for those pesky ass scouts in night ops.
Justin Myers
He's talking about Ruka. The new character coming out is Rin.