/hbg/ Hacking and Homebrew General

Lonely gamer edition
Previous thread -SAFE FIRMWARES-
3DS: 11.3 (11.6 via magnethax or system transfer)
Switch: 3.0.0 (4.1.0 "eventually")
Wii U: 5.5.2
Vita: 3.60
PS4: 4.55
PS3: 3.55 (4.82 for 25xx models (minver 3.56) and below)

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
↳CFW + b9s: hax.b4k.co/3ds/guide
Wii U: pastebin.com/DhfG6z7F
Switch: switch.hacks.guide/
Vita: pastebin.com/6DjeR08L
PS3: pastebin.com/6rH9Fc2E

[March 12] Firmware update 5.0 released by Nintendo.
[Feb ??] SciresM is working on a custom firmware for Switch called Atmosphere: github.com/SciresM/Atmosphere-NX
[Feb 18] nx-hbmenu released. Homebrew Launcher for 3.0.0. It's happening. Instructions: switchbrew.github.io/nx-hbl/
[Feb 17] "fusée gelée", a PoC coldboot exploit has been teased and is said to be unpatchable. twitter.com/ktemkin/status/964780654142484481

[Feb 24] TheFlow has an exploit chain for 3.67, waiting until the end of the year before releasing. twitter.com/theflow0/status/965261365496696832
[Mar 11] TheFlow released the exploit for 3.65, but requires 3.60.

[Feb 28] "Holy Grail" PS4HEN released, allows unsigned packages and more. wololo.net/2018/02/28/ps4-4-55-holy-grail-ps4hen-released-enables-pkg-support-homebrew-backups/
[Feb 28] 4.55 kexploit released. wololo.net/2018/02/28/ps4-4-55-jailbreak-specterdev-releases-full-implementation-payloads-pending/
[Feb 27] 5.05 webkit exploit released. wololo.net/2018/02/27/ps4-exploit-5-05-webkit-exploit-released-4-55-functional-jailbreak-probably-matter-days/

[Mar 3] The PS3Xploit team is working on a userland exploit for Super Slims and certain Slim models which does not support homebrew but offers PS1/2/P emulation and save back ups. psx-place.com/threads/ps3xploit-3-0-preview-new-features-for-superslim-all-non-cfw-comp-ps3-models.16525/

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First for Asuka

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Reminder that DS ROM loading from SD was not worth waiting for.

double reminder that 3.65 was worth the weight

Stop reminding me shit

Best gurk

I have a much worse situation. After I have installed sd2vita none of the plugins worked, so I have decided to remove the cartridge with sdcard to boot with vita card. Vita showed message that I can't use my card and it needs to be formatted, so I formatted it and now I'm stuck with installed henkaku but no molecular shell or any way to return it

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kek. Did you make a CMA backup of Vitashell?

No vitashell back-up at all? Or QCMA?

>Mar 11 is below Feb 24
>link is below and not to the right

So im guessing no ps4 is going to ship on 4.55 or below?

daily reminder to actually play some games user

you'll have to find old stock

Maybe if you're lucky enough to get a unit from older stocks.

just reinstall henkaku from browser holding r1 senpai

>Want to play Shovel Knight on vita
>King Knight update is going to need 3.67
troubled feelings

>Guys there's an unpatchable coldboot exploit in the works
>Omg don't update to 5.0.0 latefags are fucked forever

Who do I believe? I would play it safe but waiting an undetermined amount of time for possible CFW while not being able to play any new games feels bad man.

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change game locale to japan/japanese

I mean I'd play it safe, but then I'm an idiot who updated my vita to 3.61 2 weeks before the henkaku hack came out..

>edited the PS3 news
for what purpose

5.0.0 added a lot of shit, don't update.

For space in OP to add switch updates. Just shorted it a bit and it basically says the same thing.

B-but Kirby.

Fine I won't but I don't look forward to waiting like a year with no news and then updating one day before there suddenly is a released exploit and CFW.

Just how old are we talking? Or is nand downgrades possible on the ps4?

What's everyone playing or installing today?

Oh right, I remember having the same issue a week ago. There's way too much going on right now.

So long story short I need to get a Switch before the hardware revision hits the stores if I ever want to be able to pirate games in the future?

Reminder that sissy anigay boi enso 3.65 shit show was worth waiting for.

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i spent half a day deciding what to play on 3.65, decided to replay Nonary Games, gotta check the new JP dub

Should I get a Splatoon 2 bundle (3.0.0 FW) from my local Wally-World

If I download ps1 game from NPS can I launch it from livearea or adrenaline only?

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How likely is the 5.50 kernel exploit? Should i just shell out for a 4.55 ps4?

You should wait for what SciresM recommends. But it's likely 5.0.0+new revision won't get anything this year. The scene has a long road ahead.
yea, confirm the serial though

do this user
i just went through this
and also sd2vita replaces your memory card ux:0 with your sd card ux:0

so unless you made a 1:1 copy of your memory to your sd, you may have some problems with the tai config.txt

Someone, give instructions on how to update vita to 3.65 and download and play 3.65 games now!

>eshop still works on 4.1.0

what are some good eshop games to grab before I get locked out?

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>confirm the serial

Is this accurate, or just a best guess?

Is there confirmation that any of the potential exploits for 4.1.0 got fixed in 5.0.0?

it will get released probably, could take all year though

>eshop still works on 4.1.0
Oh fuck, does it? I should grab Mighty Gunvolt Burst while I have the time

it's not worth it
i almost bricked my vita and it almost fooled me into updating to latest firmware twice
wait a week or so until instruccions get all fleshed out correctly

Yep, it usually takes a few days for them to lock out old firmwares

>Not using the henkaku DNS to block official update

lol user, your inability to read doesn't translate to "it's not worth it"

(Settings) > [Start] > [System Update] > [Update Using Wi-Fi]

>wait all this time to play Mary Skelter
>its just a bad version of Dungeon Travelers 2
>nobody will dump Dungeon Travelers 2-2 though
hopefully 3.67 will have better games when it comes out

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We don't even know if there's a 5.50 kernel exploit.
5.05 will likely be released whenever qwerty feels like it.

Utawarerumono NEVER EVER

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Reminder that psvsd literally works now

So there is confirmed 5.05 exploit? Are most / any ps4s shipping on 5.05 or below?

Won't reddit deliver 2-2?

Yes, qwertyoruiopz has one that he confirmed was patched with 5.50, so should work for every firmware below.

Ok, is there a list of what firmwares each ps4 comes with?

Buy it. I already did. The PS4 version though.
>Arriving 23 Mar - 27 Mar

>put my VitaTV on 3.65 Enso yesterday
>pick up a sealed brand new PS4 Pro today with 4.55
>found a proper job with healthcare, benefits etc last week
This month is getting better all the time.

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It's like you don't remember that it took 9 YEARS for PS3 to get a new hack that didn't require 3.55



Nice, congrats user.

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Human rights are free in the first world

Yup. I buy a lot of vidya.

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Wrong, you don't get healthcare even in EU if you're unemployed. Anyway this is extended package, as in better than gubment healthcare, this is gubment healthcare + private healthcare funded by the company.

>tfw American
>tfw no healthcare
>tfw it doesn't matter since you can kill yourself with a wide variety of firearms

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>full time job
>near unlimited videogames

I'm happy for you user, but don't kid yourself. You can only choose one.

>found a proper job
Enjoy having no time to enjoy your purchases

This. Try to get healthcare in the EU without being able to afford it.

Thanks man, I'm quite happy. Now to wait for PS4 to get proper homebrew and NoNpDRM equivalent or something that will allow proper way of pirating patches and DLC.
I want muh weeb audio for Purseowner 5.

I'm aware it comes at a cost, but being able to afford shit is still good in my eyes.

>download update from pkgj (300 MB update)
>check my game again
>still version 1.0.0
>click on live area
>vita redownloads update again
what the fuck happened? where did the first update go

Just a question, but why are people downloading the game updates through pkgj and not through the live area?

I didn't knew this was going to happen

Can you get DLC from the live area yellow updater

Or is it a different thing?

No DLC only with pkgj or nps.

>these retards who buy two consoles to play retail games on one of them
>not just being patient so you can get it for free with all the perks
Why do you lunatics do this? If you're going to fucking buy retail games, then why bother buying another damn system? This shit is so stupid. If you can't play a damn game now just play something else for the time being.

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You answered you own question. Impatience.

there's dlc and updates with different firmware requirements
so update 1.3 for GameX might work on 6.35 while 1.4 doesn't
And as everything has to be dumped just like on freeshop I'm pretty sure no one is giving you updates that break games while the live area might just do that
Just a guess tho

newfag here, for my 3DS my firmware is 11.5.0-38U can I still hack it?

That's why I ended up with 2 vitas. One for homebrew, one for 3.61+ games. When the new exclusive titles you want to play keep piling up and nigger devs keep saying never ever or "I'll release in a year" you basically have to buy another system


Boys, while I can still access the eshop, is Disgaea 5 worth it on the switch or what? I really just need a game on there to actually use it

is there an undub for P4D that works with the patch and DLC characters and shit?

If you haven't played it on PS4, yes. That said the game only requires FW 1.0 so you can always pick up the physical cart down the road.

Can I install NPS DLCs after the updates?

I assume yes

>All those 3.65 games and DLC that are still missing
>People would rather dump some fujo VN that can't even be played right now because it's 3.67

>All those 3.65 games and DLC that are still missing

So I'm trying to make my own SD Media Loader for Gamecube, I already bought a cheap memory card and have a spare MicroSD card converter to attach to it so I can remove the card to update shit. I've been reading about this and I'm getting conflicting answers, can I use SDHC/SDXC cards or just the original

anyone know if remote play works on the vita for webman games? i tried playing nier replicant and it just crashes the ps3

Kirby won't be 5.0.0.
There's absolutely no way it is.

Is there any particular reason the freeshop hasn't updated in months?

> not using switchshop

Thanks for the help user I appreciate it.

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Drive Girls
Gun Gun Pixies
Dungeon Travelers 2
Miracle Girls
Bullet Girls 2

Just to name a few.


>No Macross yet
Come on reddit
Those games are better than the anime they're from.

Why not? If they want to push a new update on a game Kirby would be perfect for it

Because its release is literally days away.

You can ask SciresM which version it is, he can check on the CDN.

Do those even come with English text?

it's actually out already for reviewers. A friend of fine got it 2 weeks ago to review it

Thanks, that's good to know, I've played every game but 5 so I'll most likely pick it up at some point when I feel the need to use my switch and not playing 2 rpgs already

Drive and Utawarerumono do.
Why the fuck do you own a VITA if you're not weeb enough to play JP games though?