That's fine with me, you are even more narrow than fedora tipping chaosfags
Alexander White
Because i don't compare an anime with little explanation to a game that explains things perfectly?
Kayden Harris
A franchise based entirely around mythology and religion, is being explained? This is the wrong game for you
Robert Martin
Evangelion's overrated. It's alright but people over analyze it way too much.
Sebastian Cruz
So what is considered a "MegaTen" game? Is persona considered part of the overall franchise or is it it's own completely separate franchise? What about games like DDS or the raidou games? Are they all just considered "spin-off" series or something?
Son, the game explains to you how the world, mutiverse works in SMTN, that there is a multiverse SMT2 and How god and demons are made in SMTA and every games. its not hiding anything. did you even play any of the games?
Jaxson Gonzalez
>doing work in Demon Summoning Program Fundamentals class (Advanced PHP) >autismo in the front is complaining about having to work with AJAX >non stop bitching >prof jokes, asks if there's anything positive that the class DOES like, to change the mood of the room >people are blurting out stuff like tiddies and sushi and Chipotle >I say "I like Chex Quest" >girl behind me murmurs "I like RPG" >turn around >solid 10/10 in a sweater, baseball cap, long brown hair, short shorts on top of leggings >debate whether I should talk to her >panic and continue my work Do you think she posts in this general? I think you're really cute
that's pretty much what last thread was in a nutshell. it was a guy overanalyzing things and throwing out in games explanations for his own fantasies
Brayden James
"MegaTen" is an umbrella term for all of the games. Imagine a game of marbles with each marble being a universe's series and the ring surrounding it being MegaTen. It's more of a general term for all of the games and some weebs will get angry at you if you say "what's your favorite shin megami tensei series" because SMT is its own series within the Megami Tensei franchise. Does that make sense?
Hudson Moore
Good thing you are outing yourselfs as complete witless personalities
Nicholas Lee
>some weebs will get angry at you if you say "what's your favorite shin megami tensei series" because SMT is its own series within the Megami Tensei franchise. So basically some of the fans are just being completely autistic? >"MegaTen" is an umbrella term for all of the games. This is what I always thought was the case, but people kept getting their panties in a twist.
Tyler Powell
It does not come to your mind that if an information says X = Y, for you X never possibly could mean Z aswell? Just because the game does not explicitly say so?
Henry Moore
She probably likes stuff like Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Just ignore her, women aren't necessary.
The reason some weebs will get angry at you is because in Japan, there is a special little symbol before "Megami Tensei" which is the "Shin" part of SMT. "Shin" means true and the title is translated as "True Goddess Metempsychosis" with the goddess in question being Izanami. The whole confusion in the West about what an SMT game is was caused by Atlus wanting to market megaten to the West, but were afraid that they wouldn't sell unless there was a recognizable branding to them. So they slapped "Shin Megami Tensei" on everything for a while to make it easier, but it only made it more confusing. But otherwise, you get the difference. Now you too can be an elitist!
William Ward
thats only if it's implied, but its the opposite. Its heavily implied the multiverse is real with Aradia who is from the Shadow Vortex a world which has failed to force the beginning of a Conception.
>theoryfreak on /smtg/ can't comprehend that others don't like what they like sad
Alexander Mitchell
It's the other way around really
Lincoln Allen
I want to snuggle with Dormarth!
Ryan Smith
it really isn't user
Xavier Harris
show me the way then
Kevin Sanders
What's elitist about getting a name right? You had people shunning Persona because others were telling them it "wasn't a REAL shin megoomi tensai" but neglecting to mention both series are Megaten.
Ethan Howard
>Amane sympathizes with our plan and suggests we work together on Naoya's route Now I'm really curious to see her route.
SMT game (a.k.a. mainline game) = Any game whose Japanese release includes the phrase "Shin Megami Tensei". Examples include SMT 1, 2, Nocturne, Strange Journey, NINE, etc.
Megami Tensei game = Any game whose Japanese release includes the phrase "Megami Tensei". This includes Megami Tensei 1 and 2, Megami Tensei (Telenet) and Giten Megami Tensei. All SMT games are in this category.
MegaTen game = Umbrella term to refer to any Megami Tensei game or its spinoffs or related games. Examples include Megami Ibunroku Persona, Megami Ibunroku Devil Survivor, Majin Tensei, Last Bible, DDS and Soul Hackers. It is debatable if Catherine, TMS and Maken X belong to this category.
Look, I just think the Shadow Vortex and the whole Amala thing is there to make the lifes of the devs easier. Because it makes psychologically, mythologically and symbolically no sense compared to absolute everything else in the game that does make sense
Juan Hernandez
My personal opinion (probably hated):
DDS = Megami Tensei
SMT games are just to seperate a little from the novels "universe"
Persona and Devil Summoner was intended to play a role in the SHIN "universe" but due to popularity it became forcefully a seperate franchise with seperate... everything
Cameron Butler
>in Nocturne Chronicles Raidou's version of "E & I" is called "Boogie Woogie" Is this a refrence to something? I feel like I'm missing something here.
but you do understand if you go with that way of thinking then you would have to say that Megami Tensei II is also this because its the first one to start it and if 2 and noc is wrong then so is IV and IVA for also doing it as well .
Carter Hernandez
This is my point entierly. If the multiverse would not exist, I-II-III-SJ-IV and IV:A would be easily connected, and it make symbolical sense too.
Brandon Jackson
but it does exist and therefore my point is why deny its existence just because you find it more convenient to your ideas. Why does something stop being important if you say it's not when it's been said it does hold importance. Do you control what is and isn't canon or what the symbolism mean or does the creator of it.
Luis Wood
The creator does, but even symbolism has rules. It's not my opinion or idea or fantasy or just because I say so. Using several "universes" for every single game title of your franchise is n o t somethig a creative director says, but a producer.
The multiverse was implemented as a solution for the player to have freedom over your paths, story, endings or even possible plot holes. So that Dev team does not have to answer every fan question for which game how being connected. It is just there for business purpose, being sold as part of the story although it is not.
Certain Endings of previous games would fit too good to be true with certain Beginnings of their following games. This is also true and not only an opinion.
Adrian Wilson
P-cuck absolutely BTFO!
Jackson Nelson
Just had a 3-way with Nekomata and Lilim, AMA.
Luis Price
>first person dungeon crawler >Kaneko said its hard to not self insert
Yeah BTFO, amirte?
Carter Baker
Just go talk to her tomorrow u fucking autist
Justin Rogers
But user you were the cute girl all along.
Adam Morales
>trying to finish my SMT4A Apocalypse difficulty run >going Genocide, pick Toki as my Goddess for whatever reason >my face when she's fucking useless >YHVH is still destroying me on the second phase even though all my demons are level 99+ I miss Isabeau.
Horus but I don't feel like finding a picture. I know Horus is basically a goddamn palette swap in every fucking game but he's always one of my bros. Especially in Nocturne, I kept him way longer than I should have.
Aiden Campbell
Can someone do a step by step or some kind of guide on how to get the X-Metal in Eridanus? I'm a brainlet and can't work it out
Aaron Thomas
Look up a guide, if you can't figure it out after that then you're beyond saving.
Jason Fisher
>reading about Alex in SJ:R It's like I'm taking crazy pills. Like holy fuck how did Atlus give this the green light?
They needed to fill their "we need to add a new waifu that has the "true \" ending center around" quota.
It saddens me that SJ couldn't be spared but at least other mainline games won't have to have their stories raped like that.
Jaxon Long
She has like nothing to do with the actual new endings story-wise. She's just there to push you into the new content. She gets erased from existence once you decide to do the new post-game dungeon The only bad thing about her is the Lucifer bullshit, which is just an image, it's not explained in the story.
Jose Sullivan
epic meme
Jordan Price
I'm surprised they didn't just name her Marie.
Jaxson Ramirez
That makes me hate her just the same, she literally exists for no reason other then to have a waifu to advertise.
Jaxon Martinez
So basically the only way you would be happy is if she was male.
Angel Harris
The only way I would be happy is if she didn't exist.
Grayson Bennett
You should play the DS game then.
Logan Smith
I have, multiple times and every route. I'm getting DSJ and will do a playthrough but the classic version will always be what I return to.
Andrew Ward
>American comprehension
Luke Fisher
Stephen Hawking is dead How has Stephen Hawking's real-life attributions to science reflected on your opinion of his character in SMT?
Thomas Fisher
she's actually the best enhanced port content of megaten (btw marie isnt that bad, the worse would be miyako), she plays no relevant role to the new endings, her fights, from what i've seen, are nice so shut the fuck up
Does this mean we won't get the Demon Summoning Program?
Ian Bell
Yes. You will never get to fight YHWH. Law wins forever.
Luis Cooper
I thought it was a cool basis for a character but hate what they've done with him in recent games. He had his role in SMTI and didn't need to reappear ever again other the maybe cameos or references to him.
Also was it just me or before IV confirmed he speaks did anyone else assume he used a computer to speak like the actual Hawking?