/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General:

>Ran out of estus

>Shadows Die Twice trailer

>DaS1 Remaster information


>Shitposter filter lists for Veeky Forums X users

>Character Planners





Bloodborne discussion is welcome here, but you'll get more help in their general: >KING'S FIELD

Discord: discord.gg/C3AX2Hk
Steam group: steamcommunity.com/groups/DarkSoulsGeneral

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First for
>washing pole
pick one

will the western release of the Remaster get pic related or any other similar goodies?

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Why user? You could've let the general die for good
Damn, that's an old meme


How big do you think the red eye orb is?
Is it small like the beherit or is it bigger?
I've always imagined it big, like the size of a basketball

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>/dead series general/ is still here

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Small enough to fit in my asshole, big enough to pleasure me as it does.

not quite dead yet, the series will be truly dead in 9 months when everyone stops playing the remaster

So I'm still a novice pyro, but how much ATT is necessary just to pve, how many blue gatorades do I need?

can be guardbroken while attacking meaning it's shit in any meta that contains straightswords (read: all of them and even if they didn't,
there's no hurt in upgrading an appropriately infused longsword)

user...but what if they reveal what Shadows Die Twice is at E3.......will there be a different general but with the same shitposters?

About heart size, enough to snuggly fit the grasp. I imagine the eye alone is around human eye size

do we even know what genre of a game it is? even if it is an action rpg, it probably won't be considered part of the souls series

PS4 exclusive -> /bbg/
multiplat -> /dsg/

deepest lore: dark souls and soul calibur are in the same universe

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>playing DS2 blind
>get to a boss
>"huh, I've never seen a picture or heard anyone ever talk about this boss"
How many times can I expect this to happen? Also is it expected that I have multiple upgraded weapons at the ready, due to durability in this game? Breaking weapons actually seems like a threat in this game

You should consider carrying repair powders and the repair sorcery as an alternative to having several weapons

We will ride eternal, shiny and chrome!

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In my experience, durability for bosses will only be an issue for you if you summon for them, due to the increased health pool.
It’s generally a good idea to have a backup weapon but it doesn’t need to be as upgraded as your main weapon.
>huh, I’ve never seen or heard anyone talk about this boss
that will happen a lot. DS2 is a good game but it has many forgettable bosses, especially if you have the dlc

>want to replay the game again after over a year
>get to smouldering lake
>no longer want to play anymore

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>How many times can I expect this to happen?
A lot. DS2 have unmemorable bunch of bosses. Somehow i remember most of them.

>gets bored in optional area

Why is the bearer of the curse so chubby?

How do i make Star Platinum in DaS1??

>want to look up Maiden in Black's dress
>break neck while flipping and rolling around
>didn't get to see anything

Are the Broadsword and Estoc decent in DS2?

>when there's 2 bone shards and 1 estus shard there

Missing out on estus flask upgrades is a grave sin

Is Royal Rat Vanguard the shittiest boss fight in the entire series?

you can just grab some early shards in NG+ and if you just want to PvP then you should have no problem finishing the game and just rolling through that place one-shotting everything

iirc you hear about:
>lost sinner
>iron kang
>giant lord
>technically fume, though you can only make the connection after beating him
>sinh, I think
>maybe darklurker
so, 29/41 are literally whos until you beat them, some even after that

I’d say many of the gimmick “fights” like Dragon God and Ancient Wyvern are worse, but that’s only if you even consider them boss fights at all

Dirty colossus. Or, if dark souls only, Aldrich

Shadows Die Twice will be a different general without the usual retards on /dsg/. Same goes for Code Vein.

/bbg/ is actually a decent general with a good community unlike the shithole that is this general.

Should I start making Nioh generals? Would anyone even be up for it?

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deacons is an objectively worse fight than aldrich

Try making one, if it doesn't catch up go to ps4g
Nothing in ds3 comes close to as shitty as Aldrich except maybe the ghrus or corvians. But those aren't bosses

Maybe we should merge Nioh with /bbg/ as /slg/ for Souls-like general, and when Souls' popularity declines we can merge /dsg/ with that as well.

Just beat 3 for the first time. Is Soul of Cinder as genius a final boss as I think he is?

there was a nioh general but it died

Aldrich isn't a great boss fight but I never thought of it as a terrible boss fight either. What makes you hate it so much?

/bbg/ would definitely not go for that and besides like 5 people played nioh.

Who cares what /bbg/ wants, those guys are faggots.

Yes, but most people complain about him being too fanservicey. Which is fucking retarded, SoC and NK are prime examples of fanservice done right
I don't hate him, I only said he's shitty
come on, man, dirty colossus didn't tip you off? shit flinging/spitting mobs didn't either?

I have multiple fucking stones of everything besides faintsones i'v never gotten one and traded over a dozen times with the crows and farmed frogs in the things bewtixt to extinction
what the fuck i bet if i started a non int character the first stone i'd get would be a faintstone

>most people complain about him being too fanservicey
The fuck? Who does that? It's the perfect way to end off the series.

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I didn't even know DS3 had a washing pole

i rest my case

Even when the series stops getting games, we will play and discuss them. Some people will vanish when they realize that there won't be similar games on the horizon but there will always be the hardcore userbase because these games generate too much productive autism. Look at Stalker general, it's been 8 years since the last game release but ee still keep going.

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>Maybe we should merge Nioh with /bbg/ as /slg/ for Souls-like general
Get the fuck out you newfag trash, /bbg/ is free from the cancer of this general.

Nioh threads died because the game is fucking dead, stop pushing that trash here.

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Ancient Wyvern isn't even that bad if you consider the run up to him the boss

Dark caster is pretty fun but it feels exhausting compared to playing melee.

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I know. Between SoC and Gael, it was the best sendoff to the series. The only thing one can complain about is the weapons you make with their souls
>firelink gs is a mess in general
>gael's weapons aren't particularly connected to the dark soul (other than the sword apparently getting its anime oomph from it)
>the crossbow is worthless

It's not trash

>can kill Emma to fight Dancer and Dragonslayer right out the gate if I feel like it
>can't open Grand Archives until I kill the Yhorm and Aldrich first
Fucking why? I'd rather they locked the door to the Princes instead

>entire phase 1 gimmick is that the Firelink sword can change shapes
>can't hold Weapon Art button and then hit R1 or R2 to change it into a curved sword or a spear
FROM you fucking hacks

The key is held by Gotthard who is running around helping you as a white phantom

I'm pretty sure user means "why did from decide it to be this way" not "why is the door locked, storywise"

>why is X descision that from made in das3 a thing
Because dark souls 3 isn't fun.

The Partizan weapon art looks fucking rad, but how useless is it really?

Its not like the armor fight makes sense when you do it early. It's supposed to be that the armor is controlled by a pilgrim butterfly but they don't even show up till the eclipse.

Probably not good for the partizan, but I love it on the halberds and the spiked mace

The damage isn't great, but it combos.
R1 L2 R1
R2 L2 R1
R2 L2 R2

At first I thought Dark Souls 2 was extremely hard, but not that I'm playing it assuming that every single room has 10 enemies hiding in it, it's gotten better

Can't kill dancer at level 31 with dark hand. Can only bring her down to 25% health. Spent 7 hours trying.
Am I a loser?
I've beaten midir in less time than this.

If we're being completely honest, none of the souls games are hard once you get the hang of it.

What moves are giving you trouble?

Sure that's why the game is completely dead and the same goes for its community lmao.

>no message
Is this a trap?

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The reason it's dead is because you need to have a niche taste to enjoy it and other games have come out

The Hell were they thinking with Iron Keep in the SotFS edition? Those Alonne Knight with crazy long agro and not to mention there's thirty of the fuckers in the way of the boss fog.


You're going to step into it regardless of what we answer, why do you even ask?

It makes perfect sense for them to make the penultimate level in the base game and the last ''real'' level the end gauntlet.

In my opinion it works well because the homoprinces are a great finale and the Grand Archives is an awesome final area.

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I mean, that goes for all video games, all activities in general even

I feel DaS2 is lacking in strength greatswords. Not UGS but plain GS's. Most seem to be DEX.

Yes. Go respec into only hp, some endurance and enough stats to use ToD. also, use both lloyd's rings and maybe estus ring too
If you go in, it will lock and then a hollow gimp will come rape your ass. You know, one of those guys with the whips before the chariot

I dunno. I can't survive long against stage 2 due to lack of openings.

Thats cool but why is the pilgrim butterfly there before the eclipse.

>Yes. Go respec into only hp, some endurance and enough stats to use ToD. also, use both lloyd's rings and maybe estus ring too
I'm not gonna respec. I just beat the crystal sage. This is still early game.

Hug the ass and don't get greedy.

And have you been taking breaks? I have a hard time forcing myself to do that ("I'll get it eventually!") but walking away for a while can really help.

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If you killed the sage, Rosaria is 30-60 minutes away

Yes I've taken breaks and it's not helping.
I think my cognitive intelligence is too low to do it at this level. This is sad. I really wanted to do it at this level.

never even said I was bored, I just don't like the area and why would I skip an area just because it's optional..?

Is phase 1 going smoothly? (0~1 estus)

Try a few runs where you don't attack in phase 2 and just try to learn her tells.

You're using the dark hand, right? Dancer's really weak to dark damage.

Why does it look like everyone has more than base FP but my FP looks tiny

I opted not to, actually. Can't see anything below.

That was on a Knight, so 10 ATT.

I know, and I look at my Knight's and it's like half that?

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>start up DS3
>continue where I left off and go past the door behind Sulyvahn
>immediately invaded by a madman
>kill him
>invaded by two (2) (II) Aldrich Faithfuls barely a minute later
Is this another area-defending covenant à la Watchdogs? If so, the placement is pure genius, what with it being directly after Sulyvahn. Everyone's going to be embered there.
Also, I want to strangle the fucker who added a screamer in Irithyll Dungeon.

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>Lost Bastille
I'm stuck and out of ideas. There are two doors I don't have a key for and a petrified statue with no way to get rid of it.
>katana with european knight armor and heater shield

What are some bosses that gave you crazy trouble that aren't useally considered easier ones of the series?

I had a very hard time w/ the Living Failures and Twin Princes more than most any other bosses and Quelaag as well.

Yes phase 1 goes smoothly.

Yes I'm using that. I actually grinded 20k souls for this and it's not working.
I'm doing his for the MGS

Take the spook boat from the Wharf to start on a different side of the Bastille.

I don't see a lot of hype about Demon Princes but they are the bane of my fucking existence

There's a distinct lack of spears that early in the game


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How did you get to Lost Bastille? Boat or bird?

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