Ace Combat General #395 - /aceg/

Ace Combat General #395

Wardog Edition

Thread Theme:

Previous Mission:










Gameplay vid:

The Infamous Kono Letter:

Gamescom '17 Trailer:

AC7 Info:


Closure on March 31st.


>Miscellaneous stuff:
Project Wingman:
Open Horizon:
Razgriz Patch Guy:
RPG Logs:
Old OP:
Planefu Mouse Cursors:

Reminder to draw for the collage! Draw your planefu, put effort into it, and it will be added right in!
The only rules are:
>it must be black and white, no shading
>it must fly from left to right
>not being good at drawing is not an excuse
>you MUST have fun while drawing. It's the most important part!
Asking for help and showing your work are encouraged!

Because it bears repeating:
>HD Collection never (ever).
>Don't let it die, buddy.
>Release date soon™ Bamco pls

Attached: 108th Tactical Fighter Sq. 'Wardog'.png (2241x2793, 503K)

Other urls found in this thread:

First for Air Racing

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Eternal best livery

Attached: CFA-44 Phoenix.png (3428x2326, 2.98M)

Attached: bellxf109.jpg (1200x818, 148K)

Post happy planes

Attached: Happy Crusader III.jpg (1872x1453, 228K)

Not sure if bantz because my terrible internet connexion made me post this really late into the thread or if there's some fundamental wisdom in that statement.
My connexion is going to shit and I can't even do basic research for that reason.

Well I'm not wrong, am I? Aside from tail draggers, as PA mentioned, it's generally not recommended to push down when traveling at speed down a runway.

Attached: charcoal2.jpg (1024x471, 57K)

Well I can give you a basic rundown of what I do. But keep in mind this is for a small civil aircraft, specifics may not apply, but the general gist of it.
Look if the plane is in order, just walk around the thing and do some checks
>Cockpit Inspection/Preflight check
Setting instruments, and going over some checklist items. I forgot them because I don't need to know this by heart. Some of them are after engine start too.
>Engine start
Ignition, check engine gauges, set rpm
>forgot the name of this one
Just check if your gauges are doing what you need them to do. Like that the Altimeter is showing your current elevation, that the ASI shows zero knots if you're not moving. That kind of thing.
>Taxi Check
Check brakes and steering
>Engine Run-up (not required for jets or turboprops)
Just run the engine at a certain RPM, test magnetos, test carb heat, test idle
>Pre-Departure Check
More checklist items, checking seatbelts is fucking important buddies, keep that shit in mind, and the departure briefing, runway surface, wind, emergency procedures and all that jazz. Seriously check those seatbelts and seats. If the thing collapses backwards on take off because it wasn't secured properly and you grab the stick to hold onto something you will stall and die.
>Lineup Check
Look if there's anyone in the approach or on the runway before lining up and stuff, check that you are lining up on the correct runway
You probably want to know the most about this bit
Note your time
Push the throttle in
Pull the stick towards you to lighten the load on the front wheel
Watch the speed, check if it is alive and rising
Check that you have 75% of your speed within 50% of the runway, just a rule of thumb
At your take-off speed, rotate (Airliners will call out V1 as decision speed, then rotate)
You are now flying

On the radio communications, I don't have any because I fly from an uncontrolled airfield. But you would wait for instructions from ATC for some steps

>latest news was 4 months ago

I see Whine user has found his way here.
Welcome buddy, you going to whine about having to wake up in the morning too?

I ended up writing a bit before checking the thread. How does this sound?
After a brief start up period, the screens of the simulator displayed the environment around a simulated Engyocu fighter. By the looks of it, I was currently on the taxi way. Checking that the nose wheel steering and slaved throttle switches were in the "On" position. With my right thumb, I keyed the taxi request code as I twisted the right steering handle forward until the HUD displayed the engine being at 20% power. The permission to taxi didn't take long and the fighter started picking up speed. Pushing the pedals to rudder my way towards the runway, I waited for the clearance for takeoff.
Lining up the meatball and the end of the runway, disabling the nosewheel steering and pulling the brakes was business as usual. Twisting both handles increased the target RPM for the computer faster, even if the engines spun up at about the same rate. It just felt more satisfying. Releasing the brakes, the displayed image jolted forward. I wondered what that felt like in a real fighter, given that this simulator had only a scrapyard cockpit with displays arranged around it. After a few seconds, I pulled the handles slightly, lowering the elevons as I took flight.

>forgot tabs didn't parse into Veeky Forums comments
Formatting is lost to the barbary of imageboards.

I could never do them myself but I love these kind of drawings.

Yeah that sounds alright. You would probably get a taxi clearance via some taxiway route then hold short of the runway or at some holding point before they give you the take-off clearance. Or if it isn't busy they might give it to you straight away or while taxiing.
Just as an fyi.
Perhaps also consider that rolling take-offs are a thing if you need to expedite. Basically roll around the corner from the taxiway straight into the take-off roll. Also an fyi for future scenes or just in general.

A rolling takeoff would skip pulling the brakes and instead start revving the engines as you line up with the runway, right?

Well you rev after you've lined up, but you just kind of do it all in one motion without breaking. It probably shaves a few meters off the TORA though since you will inevitably roll a bit further forward before you apply take-off thrust

drawing is dumb, charcoal is neat.

Attached: charcoal4.jpg (1024x550, 105K)

What's your tailcode?

Attached: 044600304793.jpg (900x900, 102K)

You're just gonna hack into my plane if I tell you.

F our old charcoal gril

Tom you fucking memer

Attached: 010.png (374x376, 178K)
What does he mean by this?

Someone close to him probably died.

Sketch bump. Good night, buddies.
>remember old design I did back in the Spore days
>do a quick sketch of what it looked like
>try to redo the design while keeping it similar to the more recent one
>fail to do it justice
Posting it here in case some buddy finds a way to give a coat of fresh paint to that thing since I feel like I've botched this attempt.

Attached: Random old design revamp sketch.png (1073x529, 110K)

Like Ace Combat 7

how do i tell her i like her bois


Attached: wyvernfu.jpg (1213x601, 210K)

Another modern classic from Whine user! Great job buddy!

I can try to work with this. Could be fun. I'll see if I cant do something tomorrow

>morgan is not the father
>falken is not the brother
What are you, a MiG-15? Hey, at least she hasn't got the hots for F-4E.
I'd say give it your best shot. You seem to be the type to get tunnel vision when you focus your radar on a nice nozzle, keep an eye out for other beauties. You might want to check out a Fulcrum, looks like they might be your type.

Two (You)s?

>You might want to check out a Fulcrum

Attached: gJkPvf8.jpg (399x388, 11K)

I love the implication of flying WWII fighters in Infinity
>Operation: Eternal Liberation
>On a mission to destroy Excalibur after it was taken over by USEA
>Mercenary pilots flying some of the most advanced aircraft ever built
>FALKENs, Fenrirs, Delphinus's
>One merc chugging behind at 300 MPH
>Turns out they drug an 80 year old plane out of a museum
>They fly straight into the laser web and single-handedly take out the superweapon
>In a fucking Spitfire

Attached: Supermarine_Spitfire_Mk_IXe_Infinity_flyby_1.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

>some people keep being pessimistic about AC7
At this point it doesn't matter when AC7 is coming out. I'd rather be concerned two things that might have been pointed out before. First, l sincerely hope that Kono doesn't have a nervous breakdown like Hideaki Anno did during the production of NGE. Second, hopefully Bamco wouldn't treat Kono like the way Konami treated Kojima. Because if they did, then the future of AC series would be ruined forever.

I'm looking at you, Metal Gear Survive.

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What's everyone up to tonight?
Alternatively, post what you're listening to!

Watchin' wrasslin' at the moment.

Hasn't been a very good day, if I'm honest. I'm just trying to clear my head. Nothing worth discussing, just your average pileup of stupid crap.

Hoping to get some AC-related writing or art done once I'm less out of it.

Attached: wish upon an asteroid fragment.gif (500x393, 991K)

Writing even more essays, with one of those generic lofi youtube channels in the background.
>No! Not the anime beats!
nice, literally just got it last saturday
Think I lucked out, bought birthrights but somehow it came with the "branch of fate" option already unlocked without needing to buy DLC

I've been too busy burning Osea to the ground to post.


A friendly reminder to fellow Eruseans

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i wonder

which path you would choose

is this for erusea?


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Got on a bit of a San Andreas binge.

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>listening to
I guess this, watching all of season 2


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JJ is pretty much the only one that *isnt* capeshit.
Generally I'd agree though, most of it's stupid.

On behalf of the Belkan Federal Army, we declare that if all Osean occupiers do not leave South Belka within a week then we shall begin a coordinated campaign of burning Osea to the ground, in not just South Belka but across all the country. We call on all true Belkans to join us in our struggle against the treacherous and imperialist Osean nation, who under the guise of peace-making, have continually brought war to this continent.

We will not accept a foreign power occupying our clay, and will use any and all means to remove them.

Attached: BFA.png (619x412, 417K)

Only one pair of pilots is all that's needed to stop you guys though. :^)

Attached: Cipher Thumbs Up.jpg (240x313, 44K)

>be belkan
>want to burn Osea to the ground
>start with south Belka

How's a pilot supposed to shoot me and my mates when we're in an alleyway in town, smartguy?

>hurr durr I'm so dumb they're just gonna burn down random buildings and not target Osean government and military facilities in South Belka to end the occupation
I knew Oseans were dumb, but never this dumb.

>How's a pilot supposed to shoot me and my mates when we're in an alleyway in town, smartguy?

Same way they did in Hoffnung.

Attached: gunfighter.jpg (2399x3489, 219K)

>Same way they did in Hoffnung.
>Oseans care so little about Belkans they will literally firebomb towns that they're occupying to kill half a dozen men with rifles
No wonder no one likes Oseans.

>using guns

com'on, grandpa
its current year

>Belkans care so little about Belkans they will literally nuke them seven times.

The only takeaway from this is that there's no consequence for killing Belkans.

>hurr durr I'm so dumb they're just gonna burn down random buildings
But thats what you did in Hoffnung.
And I'm not even counting seven nukes.
Every one of those 12000 people was definitely osean and not innocent belkan civilians.

>Drummer singing

>random buildings
The Osean Air Force was too busy dropping bombs on houses to hit the factories, so we did it for them so they couldn't use them later.

Attached: BFA3.png (500x358, 492K)

dead thread
AC7 2019

Attached: 041_41.jpg (2550x3509, 1.01M)

>this is what 20 years of victimhood and desperate rationalization does to a country
I just feel sorry for Belka at this point.

It's rare, but it's not like he had one arm.

Sometimes I sing when drumming,
it isn't hard

What do we know of the nations in Usea other than Erusea, post-AC04? I know there's Central Usea, Delarus, North Point, and San Salvacion, but do we know anything about them- probably a couple others I'm missing- but do we know anything about them?

Attached: Usean_continent.jpg (1024x768, 189K)

We know literally nothing about what countries except Erusea even make up Usea now, given that if the trailers showing the outbreak of the war represent the Erusean border and not occupied land then it's grown quite a lot beforehand.

>but Osea committed war crimes!

Fuck off, if Belka spent as much time actually trying to fix and improve their economy as they do whining about Osea and starting wars, they'd be the premier superpower on Strangereal.
I honestly hope Belka makes an appearance in AC7 just so I can fuck them up some more.

Ha ha, time for the Draken!

Attached: gsdx_20180314050839 copy.jpg (1536x860, 272K)

I like how the camera's a bit offset to make room for the constant radio chatter at the top of the screen. Smart devs.

Attached: gsdx_20180314050833.jpg (1536x860, 242K)

That's one thing I always liked about AC.
Also damn that is a slick livery.

Yeah it's neat!

Also, taking modern jets with old Swedish 60s tech.

Attached: gsdx_20180314053035.jpg (1536x860, 84K)

Canada anons. What's going on with your F/A-18 replacement search? Is it true your planes will become like that scenario in AC5 where they're all in poor condition? Not replacing them at all and just wasting money on constant repairs?

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hehe'd at the camo

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>page 10

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More skins

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I have Chopper's F-14.
I have a stadium.

Thanks man, looking forward to it.
The absolute state of Belka. One day you'll realize aiming at your foe is more effective than aiming at your feet.
Someone screencap this shit.

Attached: Belkanisch Luftstreitkräfte Rokiski.png (609x454, 95K)

See and

Attached: gsdx_20180314065848 copy.jpg (1536x860, 88K)

Attached: stratolaunchtaxi_test_2.png (1200x675, 876K)

Loving it.
Could you post the other Tiffy skins, too?

Attached: sample_64f00b3421a43d683af9409ad29c5a35.jpg (850x548, 169K)

Yeah sure, doing some work atm, but I'll take some screens later.

>tfw I put effort into making a South Belkan IRA but all anyone can reply with is "what about muh seven nukes"
Maybe this general would be less dead if more people actually put effort into their shitposting.

Maybe Belka would be more convincing if the nukes weren't their only defining feature

>entire game where you fight them
>nukes are there only defining feature
Like I said, literally no effort.

>implying anyone can take Belka seriously after seven nukes and a bunch of LARPers trying to win a war with edgy radio transmissions
This is your own fault.

How would /strangeint/ look like, anyway?
>Oseans divided between muh peace and Hoffnung burners
>Belkans reeeing about clay
>Eruseans reeeing about the ISEV
>Yukes singing offkey
>everyone replies to Belkan apologists with SEVEN
>Gaspar Diego Howard shilling the Fenrir

Attached: 1512331394218.png (1932x1396, 893K)

The Oseans would be too lazy to make any OC, I can tell you that for free.

>shilling the Fenrir
He's still not wrong. It's a good plane.

I'm gonna bet eruseans are going to shitpost about adopting monarchy and about their new princess.
I like it.

Attached: Buy_my_plane.jpg (308x540, 95K)

Yo fellow aces! Have you already invested your hard earned mercenary money into a new plane? If not I must recommend you to invest in the XFA-33 Fenrir, a true marvel of technology, made by none other than the great Gaspar Diego Navarro for the glorious nation of Leasath! Buy this plane right now, your money will be well spent!

Attached: Juan Domingo Neverro.jpg (308x540, 94K)

You won't fool me Navarro! I'll buy the Fenrir rerelease over my cold dead body

We can work on that.

Attached: Gfs_74724_2_3.jpg (480x221, 16K)

Ja, zhis fellow ace with the fashionable Schnauzbart has the korrekt idea. Buy the XFA-33 Fenrir.

Attached: Kasper Jakob Neuhauser.png (308x540, 273K)

Again, asking for some design critizism of my 70s strike fighter
Planned changes so far:
>internal bomb bay
>single seater

Attached: 1520967799517.jpg (2400x3435, 434K)

You know what you could do? You could angle the wingtips so that they are aligned with the direction of flight when folded back.
That would make it look a bit more aggressive, and it would also work with them extended as it would just "round" the wingtip a bit.
Perhaps also don't just make the elevators triangles, but add another bit at the end to add some substance. You know so they also have a flat bit on the sides. Like you did the vertical stabilizer or similar. Probably also move them just somewhat below the wings so that they don't catch the turbulent airflow from them.

Looks like the F-111 and a Mig-27 had a kid.

Maybe read up on the area rule and try to implement it in your design.
See pic related for how that can change an aircraft.
Since you will be releasing the Ramjet at trans- to supersonic speeds, having an area rule shape will definitely help improve the efficiency at those speeds.
And I'm not a big fan of the aircraft becoming wider at the end, but that is only personal taste, the Tiffy does it, the Jaguar kinda does it, so it's not a realism issue.

Attached: F-102A-Area-Rule-Application.jpg (1000x550, 65K)