League of legends general /lolg/

Evefags need to take a hint, the obtuse morons lmao edtion

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I sure love ganking for my cute mid laner.

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>lissfag is still alive for some reason

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haha funny gif im sure that'll show the trannie lissfag

I wanna cuddle Jinx and hear her talk about guns and explosives like a complete /k/ nerd

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not only that but autistically posting OPs for at least 4 years now

I want to snuggle up with Kog'maw after a long day on the rift!

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i want her to deliver my child

>Gumi Cat and Majin bukkage are still alive

truly the darkest timeline

Made for fat old faceless human men

xth for the official /lolg/ waifu

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>play against barely gold riven
>claims he's a mechanical god because he knows the basics
>cant even maintain a 50% winrate
>builds full dmg, yet cant do shit
>gets thrashed and is ultra salty on all chat
Is there a better feeling?
>muh mechanix
>muh high skill cap champ
>I-I'm better than you

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Reminder that Lux is objectively the BEST girl in league.
Any attempt to argue this fact will be futile. As you cannot refute a universal truth.

>they also exist
>loliposters exist
League dying when?

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Does anyone here play this game, or is it waifus only?

Anyone else horrible at carrying?
I just had a game where I was 4/0 but ended the game with 5-8, we still won but it made me feel kinda shitty afterwards.
Also back when I used to main support I had a consistent 70% winrate and went on huge winstreaks but now that I try to branch out a bit with mid and jungle I'm barely at 50%.

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>That actual smurfing high elo Yas that uses his annoying kit well.

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>feeling this proud over beating someone in gold
>feeling this proud over beating a champ that breeds overconfidence
Heh, words worth. Not sure why you thought you were actually getting a challenge there. You're more the fool.






Rek'sai is better.

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I didn't say I'm proud of shitting on a goldie, I'm saying that it feels satisfying to shit on yet another faggot who thinks he's a hot shit because he's playing a faceroll champ.

>Riot will never release any of the Void Monster skins from the Star Guardian event even though the only thing they need to do is finish splash arts

free fucking money riot, 95% of the work done

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No need to get butthurt just because we have the cutest waifus

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How does Annie stay so __CUTE?


Thats like 3 skins I'd buy in a heartbeat.

Especially Rek'sai.

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How would you guys feel if Braum got the next Ultimate skin?

How awful would this rework be?

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ekko buffs when

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So Xayah is a bird person? Then why does she look like a scrawny elf?

>play support
>adc is garbage
>lose match
Every fucking time.

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how the famalamin' fuck did we unironically win this game soyboys?

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>Rtio's obsessive need to give every passive and subpassive its own little individual name
god fucking damnit fuck off


Read the lore, faggot.

Riot tries to keep it only about 35% furry so as not to scare the waifu crowd away too hard

>play the "plz carry me" role
>cry because you don't get carried
Classic. Be the ADC you want to see in your games instead of wishing for others to step up for you.

>comebacks are only possible in bronze
spotted the casual shitter.

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>adc is garbage
>not abandoning the lane and start roaming

I would but I'd rather not turn myself gay.

>lore changes every few months
that doesn't help much.

i didn't say that. it's not uncommon for bad players to throw a lead.

if you want an actual answer, you're tristana with 16 kills that's how you unironically won the game.

post reasons to live

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Right? Hell I try not to spend too much money on this game but a Vel'koz one would be pretty tempting. It just seriously weirds me out that they haven't made those available for purchase. Out of their 2500 employees I'm sure at least a few of them could crank out decent splashes in a week.

Tinfoil-hat says that someone at Riot set a policy of releasing 1350 skins 99% of the time, with only a few exceptions like Birdio.

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>put voices in weeb mode for the first time
This is actually pretty neat

I've heard bronze/silver/gold is mostly a coin flip. Who ever throws last loses.

>Rek'Sai hasn't had a skin since that Pool Party garbage
>Eternum is kind of meh in general
It's not fair.

My friends, few in number they may be

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this shitty hextech chest I drew for some RP

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Anyone wants to play ranked? This is on NA.

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It's been a while since I looked there. I have this very work saved.

>play ____
>____ is hot garbage
>muh anecodtal experience
Every time.

It's pathetic, especially from supports. Tell me exactly what you did to attempt to counteract this "garbage" play. Most of you just want to sit back too far or be too far up, hardly communicate plans or pings and just expect to be carried.

why does she have bird feet and feathers, but also cat ears


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Who's the last simple champ we've had? Taliyah? Everyone lately has all those stupid double passives, passives on every ability and overloaded nonsense.

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

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This man has it correct

Its not even hard to make a Rek'sai skin, she was meta for god knows how long before hand and while she isn't super popular now she's not loaded with resources like Illaoi or Zyra. That fucking Star Guardian event was just a gigantic taunt to every void champion that hasn't gotten a skin in years.

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So I can deal with shit supports?


Feathers because that was the idea for the design. The human figure and cat ears because that's what makes riot points fly off the shelves.

I think Ornn was comparatively straight-forward.

When you look past Kayn's gimmick his kit is straightforward as hell.

But I hate filthy lux players.
KDA players are annoying to a lesser extent.

>Who's the last simple champ we've had?
Kayn's pretty simple for a dual path champion. One kills squishes while the other one has good sustain.

The only thing thats arguably overloaded is his E giving a heal regardless of form but its a decent trade off with Kayn's early game in such an early game roll being garbage.

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You are more in control of your destiny as the ADC. But ideally you should quit the "im blameless it was my supp/adc's fault" lane and go mid or top.

horsecock or not
i will fuck soraka regardless

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Vastaya cover pretty much all flavors of magical animal people, including fully anthropomorphic animals like Rengar, shapeshifters like Nidalee, and Cargill style humans with animal features like Xayah. IIRC is caused be the varying ways and degrees to which Vastaya and Human blood have mixed over time.

Nidalee's a vastaya now? What the fuck

Why bother with the shit cosplay when you have tits like that.

The alternative is undesirable

Also [playing Zoe]

If they put those void skins in the store it would be at least one good Star Guardian-related thing brought to the game

xayah is a pretty simple champion aside from the rakan synergy gimmick that i still to this day cannot fathom as to why riot thought that was a good idea and wouldnt automatically make xayah+rakan the best bot lane duo in the game because they have access to things no other champions in the fucking game do

>double Ludens Morgana who's not full build in a 54 minute game
>Lord Dominik's Illaoi
>Ludens Kaisa
>Comet Nautilus
>no sightstone on either team
This is a very wholesome image in a way, unironically enjoy being bronze while it lasts, games are gonna become less fun when people actually start trying to win.

t. low Silver

ahahah get fucked ahrifags

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God I can almost smell you from reading this post. But it was my bad for asking.

Why are you not a Mordekaiser main yet user? Do you hate well designed champions?

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Because its a hobby? Does it really matter?

They do this all of the time, that doesn't mean she isn't getting changed, it just means that they'll be fucking around with her more. Also it's not like she's weak right now or anything.

>Pussy mage

>play Morde support
>get reported
no thanks

I am though user, hence why Rito hired me to do his rework : ^)

I'll only whip out Morde if the enemy top decides to go Yorick or Trynd. Trynd mains get so fucking salty when they can't engage without losing 60% of their hp

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I don't want to get banned for abusing bugs

Literally Kai'sa? What's not simple about her?

how do you find people to duo with in Europe

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>Heim no zhonya
>Kai'sa building like a brain dead monkey
>Kha has static shiv
>Illaoi has no deaths dance or steraks gage against a team where all 5 champs nuke your ass
>you had cho at 52 mins, morgana to cuck naut, 2 hard cc stuns, and a group silence to ruin kha zix and illaoi's day.
>Naut had fucking comet and no aftershock
>Bronze 2

For the love of god, learn to analyze your own games.

This guy gets it.

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Basically every animal person who wasn't explicitly magically transformed in their lore (Cass, Shuriman Ascended, etc.) was retconned to be a Vastaya around the Xayah/Rakan release and the new Ahri lore.

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Imagine believing this.

They were fine up until recently.

>naut building every armor item in the game
>except randuins
>into tristana

just having tits does't get you enough attention to fulfill your attention whore needs

you can play with me if youre plat, but i do a lot of mistakes lately and idk why lol

I want a more dynamic smash champion. Well, Mordekaiser is pretty dynamic, but I want something that throws its opponents around the environment and benefits from herding its prey, gaining bonuses from cleaving multiple metabags at once.

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