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Previous thread: This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels. All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on E-celeb shitposting is not allowed. Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.
>Mesu Kyoushi 3 wasnt translated first Someone's gonna translate MK3?
Jeremiah Cook
Seems like you're just adding yours right on top of the pile, friend.
Evan Moore
Hobo scene is great
Chase Mitchell
Hoshi Ori soon bros
Ryder Cooper
>tfw never played magic or yugioh or whatever card game all these are from
Landon Johnson
same. buy all moege and torrent plotge
Jaxson Moore
Imopara 3 and Onikiss soon bros
Joseph Garcia
i dont even read plotge. I cant take the shit writing seriously. At least moege has the cutesy thing down to entertain me.
Luis Watson
Is Rance X a kamige?
Connor Campbell
It's a moege.
Adam Brooks
It's because this thread is full of people who can't follow the rules and got kicked off of /jp/ for discussing translated VNs. But now people have played almost all the translated VNs and have nothing to talk about.
Moege is boring to me, different strokes for different folks
Nathaniel Peterson
It's a cuckge
Caleb Torres
Someone recommend me a VN that's not a moege
Mason Powell
spoiler that shit, i want to play rance x in 2020
Owen Turner
Kill yourself
Maiden Rape Assault Violent Semen Inferno
Cooper Wilson
Is the protagonist an asshole like Yuuji? I may be able to hold my tears if he's a nice guy
Tyler Roberts
Does not exist
Xavier Smith
Doki Doki Literature Club
Lucas Lee
>reminder that no matter how hard you cry and sob, SukiSuki and Tsujidou WagaHigh FDs will never come out in English and you just have to accept that fact and face reality
If it makes you feel better, he's basically yamato's dad from Majikoi. At least I imagine their "courtship" went the same way
Jacob Garcia
ahh...MG survey results...
Gabriel Price
wasn't hatsune's ending the most vanilla though
Adrian Reed
You're my least liked ritual poster I WILL NEVER ACCEPT THIS
Julian Clark
>fucking in the park while gang of hobos jerks off to them doubt
Jace Barnes
Not much, but I don't mind. The fan translations are really old and I'm not very proud of them so trying to push for a more fair rate didn't seem worth it. They'll have to pay me /at least/ twice as much if they want me to do any other games for them, though.
Isaiah Ross
That's Marika
I ctrl skipped hatsune's ending, how is it more vanilla?
Dominic Ortiz
>SukiSuki doddler said it's happening >Tsujidou WagaHigh FDs tsujidou is trash and the only people who care about wagahigh FD are cakefags
Jose Cruz
Fuck you. I'm going to start working out and get real Veeky Forums just so I can live long enough to ensure I get to play Sukisuki. A generation from now when you've died of a heart attack, Sukisuki has been released, and /vn/ is full of newfags that only read VNs on their phones with routes locked behind paywalls, I will come back here to triumphant and proclaim to all how you were wrong.
Wyatt Rivera
I'm always joking about Planescape but all you fags who haven't played it should get on it.
i don't remember something like that. that's marika hatsune's ending has a line like "I won't go for anyone else because I already have the perfect body" also he somehow met her rich parents' standards. it almost felt like a moege ending hatsune is probably my favourite route in SM even though most anons skip it altogether because she's not a cake
Chase Lopez
It's true though. Wichita and Kaoru become Medusa's fucktoys until they die from being penetrated all the way through. Housenurse and Bezeleye both fuck Guy Monsters after disabling Rance and make him watch. Maria abandons Rance for his son.
Henry Ramirez
> → That one is Toushin Toushi 2
Jaxon Edwards
sorry lad but I hate isometric RPG's that are based on DnD mechanics
William Davis
>Wichita and Kaoru become Medusa's fucktoys until they die from being penetrated all the way through. Housenurse and Bezeleye both fuck Guy Monsters after disabling Rance and make him watch. Maria abandons Rance for his son. no way...
Zachary Nguyen
second one is fureraba it's coming soon
Nathaniel Jones
>hatsune's ending has a line like "I won't go for anyone else because I already have the perfect body" He inner monologues something to that effect at the beginning of every girls ending and might even say it to them.
>most anons skip it altogether because she's not a cake I skipped it because she's not drawn by Kagami
Cant wait for the osananajimi route in fureraba. Supposedly its the archetype done right for once.
Dominic Russell
That's also Hatsune. The difference is the hobos just stay in the bushes in her ending. Good for you buddy, you deserve it. Wouldn't mind donating some of my NEETbux to you either.