/domg/ - Dominions General

Prophet edition.

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3000 units, 900 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them.
It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.


>Group chatroom

>Our pastebin
pastebin.com/wjbSA98Y (embed) (embed)



>Where do I get it?
Currently only available on Steam.


>Mod inspector

>Multiplayer guide

>Debug mod

>How do I change the fonts?
Replace guifont.ttf, guifont_fancy.ttf and guifont_texty.ttf in the game's 'data' folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dominions5\data usually).

>Is there an easier way to play multiplayer?
Works for Dominions 5 just as well.

>Completed games
Submit them here:

>OP pastebin
Just copypaste it and link the previous thread below.
pastebin.com/RbFWcFcU (embed) (embed)

>Previous Pantokrator:

Attached: Dead Eater.png (1117x618, 782K)

First for aboleth traps.

second for dead game dead thread

How do you deal with phaecia and its shitty island if you cant get to it? Do you just resign yourself to getting attacked for the rest of the game?

Nice try you throne-rushing piece of shit. I put Iron Walls on ALL my thrones.

You and your friends have made me this way.

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It's easier to get to than an UW cap.

Well if you'll kindly sit still, I'll be happy to kill your god and put an end to your shenanigans.

Although, really, if anyone else wants to go be competent at Nazca's thrones that'd be nice too.

Yeah I'm kind of stunned that only you and xibalba are even attempting to stop me.

Oh well, it will end soon, one way or another.

>Mercenaries are units who are willing to fight for gold. They sell their services to the highest bidder.
They are hired for a period of three months (turns). Clicking on the Mercenaries button will display the
mercenaries available for hire, as well as currently hired mercenaries, their employer (indicated by the
national flag) and the time of service remaining. When a mercenary band’s contract runs out, it will
again become available for hire, except on that turn only, the previous employer’s bid counts double. It
is only good for that turn, and if the mercenaries are hired by someone else, the bonus is lost and instead
that nation will gain the bonus when those mercenaries complete their contract.

Do you get your money back if your bid on a mercenary fails?

Saying that doesnt really give me much ideas of how to go about it you know? At least UW fuckers have to move slowly through the water instead of flying over it like sonic the nautical hedgehog.


I don't know how to make a webm of this, but the commander was killed by being tramped by *all three* of the chariots as they retreated in sequence.

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I hope that ain't a thug.

Did you mess up your scripting again Uruk? I'm surprised you cast Serpent's Blessing but no Foul Vapors or other globals.

Also my cap is in a forest and the fucking Wild Hunt killed my prophet this turn.

Attached: cap_battle.png (1600x875, 1.71M)

My cap is also in a forest. All of my mages are priests. You can guess how this goes.

>using the king of fire to fight abysia

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Also, all of Uruk's mages are priests too, so it's possible that some critical mages got eaten en route

I'm pretty much dead at this point and just raiding with garbage, he's not actually fighting fiery armies

Sure is, the only other threat is Berytos but for whatever reason, Hinnom and Bery aren't fighting as far as I know.

I've taken over after this cool domg style 5x staler that I'm replacing decided to opt out of a sweet game because he was too retarded to live. Any other players around and want to talk?

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>playing a game that has Lemuria in it
lmao why even

all of my guys have magic weapons and all of my mages are priests and death paths and mictlan is raping the shit out of lemuria single handedly right now it appears (although this may be untrue what with immortality, but lemuria isn't managing well against the huge bless and partially demonic aztec assault

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If you're here C'tis let's talk

>playing Pythium
>someone names his prophet "Mother Hydra"


What units does reanimator bonus work on? Literally just the three types (longdead, soulless, ghoul) mentioned in the description?

Yes, C'tis. Let's talk.

Hi Agartha how are you?

Suddenly being attacked by horses and naked ladies, apparently.

Was eating two nations hand having most of the planet to yourself not enough? Machaka isn't even fully eaten yet.

LA Atlantis has a hero called Mother Hydra. Shes the last remaining basalt queen.

I just want the planet, I would let you keep the fort on the planet even like I've done for C'tis, but it's a choke point.

It's a chokepoint that leads to my moon, so you're not getting it.

You can move back one tile and fort up there, I just need that tile to move troops through the eastern side of the planet.

Not going to happen. You're already the biggest player in the game by far game, I'm not just going to give you more free land and sit back as you win the game.

Is there any way to boost the Summon Vine Ogre Spell outside of the helmets?

The vine staff or whatever it's called. The +2 Nature booster item.

Some units are innate Vine Lords and get a bonus

I think the trees, ivy kings, animists, and master druid pretenders

Treelord's Staff, I mean.

there's an artifact version of the helmet too

The prime reason for using it is usually longdead hosemen or tomb chariots. Both counts as longdead for the purpose of the bonus.

Longdead ichtyids

I'm interested in mapmaking. Is it possible to randomly generate a map and then draw over it to make it look nice? The map making manual seems to imply that's possible but I don't know how to separate the actual image from the .map file.

>I'm interested in mapmaking. Is it possible to randomly generate a map and then draw over it to make it look nice?
>The map making manual seems to imply that's possible but I don't know how to separate the actual image from the .map file.
You don't need to separate it. Generating a map creates one .map file and two .rgb files. The .rgb files are the images you need to edit (one regular and one winter version).

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contacted llamabeast, my turns should be getting sent to the user who said he'd sub now.

Had a mutual agreement with the former player that we'd just ignore eachother, you leave me alone and I leave you alone. Up to you if you want to keep that deal up, quite sure cataclysm is soon anyway.

What is a good thug shield? No Blood/Fire access.

Also, what are good 'thug' items for dealing with chaff shit, such as Maenads, aside from Frost Brand?

The answer to both questions is Vine Shield.

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There is no cataclysm in fashionablylate.

>Also, what are good 'thug' items for dealing with chaff shit, such as Maenads, aside from Frost Brand?
Extra attacks work better now, so you could try one or more from dancing trident/stone bird/horned helmet plus sword of quickness.

Quickness will obviously help a lot, if you can take the extra fatigue.

If there's enough chaff, though, you'll probably want something AoE. The death item which gives Soul Vortex can be good if you can provide iron face/stone boots/buffs to mitigate its lack of protection.

Well my bad, looks like we're in for the long haul then.

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I just wanted to have fun. Was that too much to ask?

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Is Heroic Quickness actual innate Quickness?

Attached: Doom Horror - Slave to Unreason.jpg (1570x703, 488K)

It should be


Requesting a 4-day extension on the next turns of MANoStalesPls and ModalVerbs.

t. going on vacation

ModalVerbs is at turn 7, you should feel bad.


Is vampire spam viable as a main strategy for any nation?
Xib is well suited to it with everything flying and a wide variety of paths to buff the vamps, but they are expensive and relatively easily countered. Fire evocations, something REALLY easy to get, pretty much hardcounter them and they have little access to water for fire resistance/rain. In addition Xib has no healer which would be great for vamps who pretty much always have afflictions due to dying repeatedly.

On the other hand once you pay 11 slaves they're yours forever since they're full immortal and not dom-immortal, making them effectively free after the initial investment. I guess constant harassment of everything undefended would be a use for them, but xib has shit national units for pitched battles, and your slaves are already in use at this point so summoning demons is sort of out of the question.

Xib is just better off summoning a metric fuckton of ozelotls, which are stupidly good with the right bless. Xibala can already easily harass enemy territory anyway with all the flying units they have, and if you lose a raiding party of bats it's no great loss to you

What sort of bless? They have 33 hp so regen might not be so bad, but I can't remember how much you need for that. You need a pretty high blood for the tier 2 ozelotls so having a blood 4 or 5 pretender would be useful.

Is this a good pretender for MA arco?

Attached: 1491269325077.png (625x596, 531K)

>Playing Arco willingly

Blood surge (maybe blood vengeance if you want to be really annoying), quickness, attack skill up gives you the paths needed to cast rain of jaguars and also turns ozzies into even better murdercats than they already were before.
Xib has the buff paths to cover the only significant weakness that ozzies have in their low protection, and you will be getting a lot of them, so the expensive bless is worth it

>turbo blessing Heart Companions
>playing MA/LA Arco without scales

Very innovative

I think you confused Arco with Ermor.


I'm not sure what era this is for.

EA Xib can go a pretty big bless as long as it has some order for scorpions so it can expand. It doesn't, however, need rain of jaguar paths because it can recruit Onaquis who can cast it. You're pretty versatile in your bless options as a result, though blood and fire might be useful anyways just because you do like +att and +str. It's just not mandatory for your sacreds like in LA.

LA Xib kinda can't expand with one turn of its bat sacreds, because you simply don't have enough of them to beat harder provinces and supplemental bats often are borderline useless (or worse than useless for not dealing damage and triggering an hp rout when they get poked). To recruit significant numbers of frog sacreds, if you still want to use a big bless, you need a lot of resources. You also do need or at least want a rain of jags caster so that you don't need to burn hella slaves and big B turns on onaquis until you get an F random, and you don't have any recruitable retail summoners unless you find the right amazons. Personally, I've found that an awake F5B7 Hun Balam brings what you need in that it can expand into not-crossbow heavy infantry provinces and gives you +att, +str, +FR, and blood surge while still leaving reasonable scales.

Since you don't have native deathcat summoners, there's honestly no point in taking a gigabless, since you won't get ozelotls in decent quantity until way late in blood and your recruitables aren't worth it.

The alternative would be straight up ignoring ozelotls and playing it as a flying swarm / fiend of darkness / demon knight nation that makes vamp lords before it even makes anything national. Not actually sure which is better, but the scales with the big cat are decent enough that I'm not sure what you'd get with the tradeoff

I was assuming he was talking about EA Xib since that does have all flying commanders
Even if you didn't take a big bless I'd still be tempted to use ozzies mixed up with some other demons since rain of jags gets 14 per cast for 40 slaves

yeah, EA Xib would always take a big bless for sure. It's LA Xib that's been making me question

Why quickness if they already fly?

Double the amount of attacks per turn on a unit with good attack density, extra defense and attack doesn't hurt either

double the attacks

Got it mixed up with swiftness

What's the trait that allows wraith lords to return to your capital in 1 month of time instead of 3 months if they're killed?

Distance from where they were summoned.

Also that's where tehy spawn now, not yourcap

Send gold for upkeep please. My army will dissolve without it and it will be in everyone's late game interests if Niefelheim has to fight for my capital.

>sending gold for garbage firbolg upkeep rather than buying useful troops of your own

I don't have that many fir bolgs I just don't have any income.


Different guy, but if I lose the province they were summoned then retake it does the immortality still work?

My gem carrier got eaten and my mages blew all their gems on PD. Twice. With conserve gems on.

There were supposed to be Foul Vapors and Howl and shit cast, but no, 20 hoplites is apparently enough to shit yourself over.


Man, I hadn't even known you two were fucking with each other. I just figured you were both nations who might have earth gems, who would be amenable to trading them. But if it leads to a bidding war I'll take it. What'd you be willing to make me as far as offers go?

Earth gems are an important source of troops for me right now, so I won't be able to trade you any as long as Pan is attacking me.

Though of course if you'd help me out with Pan, I'd certainly be open to trading with you. And considering the current state of Pan, I would suggest that helping me out also helps yourself. After all, if Pan manages to kill me you're likely to be the next target. And would you really want to face someone with four capitals on your own?

>irish asking for handouts

Dammit man, and you couldn't at least have pretended to make me a really good offer so I can rip Pan off?

I'm pretty bad at being subtle.


Actually I'm Abysia.