/pso2g/ Phantasy Star Online General #1394

■A Boisterous White Day Gets A Scenery Change

■ January: 「ARKS NEW YEAR CARNIVAL 2018」

■ Web Panel ・Event ended, you can check the rewards

■ Weekly Boost & Events Schedule
├ JP: pso2.jp/players/boost/
├ EN: google.com/calendar/[email protected]
├ Random EQ Hourly Alerts (JP, All Ships): twitter.com/pso2_emg_hour
└ Regular Maintenance: Wednesday @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST

■ Current Scratch: pso2.jp/players/catalog/scratch/
├ [AC] Blooming Courage (until 3/22)
├ [AC] Spicy Candy (until 4/11)
└ [SG] Aether Mother Hope (until 6/13)

■ Current Collection File
├ Tactio (until 3/7)
├ Revolutio 2 (until 3/7)
├ Detonation (until 4/11)
├ Aura (until 5/09)
└ Yvrida(until 6/27)

■ Character Adjustments Roadmap
├ Apr: New Dark Blast form, Expert filter revision
├ May: Class Level 85 (except Hr), new class skills
└ Summer: New Techniques, 14 Star Pets

├ General Information/News: bumped.org/psublog/
├ Basic English Patch: pso2.acf.me.uk/Manual/
└ Buy AC using PSO2es: pastebin.com/raDBtSpa

□ Database/Wiki
pso2.swiki.jp/index.php (JP)
pso2wiki.net/ (JP)
pso2.arks-visiphone.com (EN)

□ Simulators
├ Skill Trees: arks-layer.com/skillsim/skillcalc.php
├ Affixing: pso2affix.seilent.net/
└ Damage Calculator: 4rt.info/psod/

□Previous thread
└ →

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Other urls found in this thread:


post butts!

>■ Current Collection File
>├ Tactio (until 3/7)
>├ Revolutio 2 (until 3/7)
good job smartass

this is what happens when you let crowe make the threads

I made VoPerformance3, but that dance is boring so I made a webm of Dance 31 male version. The motion blur should be gone after I changed some settings in the rendering.

Whoops, forgot the webm

Attached: Dance31.webm (712x1080, 2.87M)

I liked you better when you were wearing Togo repca

Name drop me again and you'll be turned into a Panini grill

Attached: 1520984508863.gif (269x283, 204K)

Shut the frick up.

post screenshots
it's maint

Attached: pso20180308_234237_009.jpg (1920x1200, 430K)

I didn't take any.

Attached: LTHrhythm.webm (530x720, 1.78M)



Attached: 2018-03-10_22-58-45.png (1080x1920, 2.71M)

Attached: pso20180311_195138_033.png (1080x1920, 3.05M)

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Attached: 23AF06D6-4C62-46BC-97B8-489091C80958.jpg (1360x699, 392K)

So that's why we fight Luther in the next chapter.

As expected of elves. They're all sluts unlike pure dews.

Attached: ss+(2018-03-13+at+09.58.57).jpg (1407x971, 377K)

rip stephen hawkings ;_;

I'll stop spamming the thread with my character for now.

Attached: pso20180312_125044_000.jpg (1920x1200, 650K)

you suck at looping.

>trying to loop randomized particles

>emilia pose revival

Attached: laughter_stops.png (356x256, 200K)

Don't post my wife ever again.

I want to make some meseta what should I spend my ac on?

ship transfers

>Eternal F Layer GV revival

What are you gonna do about it?

Attached: 1516396553207.png (865x597, 601K)

>LA movement and music notes are on seperate looptimers
>music notes have random starts when you use the LA
Same situation with rappy's LA, I hate sega.

Attached: LTHrhythm1b.webm (460x640, 1.28M)

Go sleep you fug.

I'll instant transmission to your house and rape you.

Attached: DrgZmPm.png (1920x1080, 454K)

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fuck off xiv cunt.

I never knew rappies ate Arks members. The rappy menace must be stopped.

ok user, please have a nice day

Can you work with other classes with these balance changes or is it still muh hero? I don't mind hero but if I could play the older melees effectively I will.

Fighter can be stronger than hero, katana is quite up there too, I'm not familiar with hunter weapons but I've seen partisan users do pretty well, bouncer is still bouncer I guess, not bad but not that great as well.

The older melee classes can be as good and sometimes better than hero. It's just that they require more skill to do as much or more damage than hero.


Attached: pso20180306_191332_012.jpg (2560x1440, 1.29M)

Servers up.

Reminder that they're doing another player survey, this is your chance to let them know the game is shit, and you'll be getting free 40SG later for that.

You can redeem all of these rewards from the Visiphone, if you qualified for them during the Arks New Year Carnival.

「1000 FUN Ticket」×1
「Browile a (Accessory) 」×1
「Brimoier a (Accessory)」×1
「Brandydos a (Accessory) 」×1
「Fishing Stamina Drink 50」×2
「Collecting Stamina Drink 50」×2
「Casino Coin Pass」×5
「Loser Penna (Accessory) 」×1
「Loser Felz (Accessory) 」×1
「Loser Delota (Accessory) 」×1
「+100% Tribooster」×1
「Free Salon Pass」×1
「Color Change Pass」×1
「Chrome Vel (Accessory) 」×1
「Chrome Hands (Accessory) 」×1
「Chrome Tail (Accessory) 」×1
「*Hyper Ninja 」×1
「*Lumiere Fonce 」×1
「*Sprite Plight 」×1
「*Astkrone 」×1
「200 SG Ticket」×1
「10 SG Ticket」×2
「5 SG Ticket」×1

Give us a free camo storage stinkga

how many conquerer's seals were you supposed to have gotten if you had done all the requirements?

Can someone currently online tell me what weapons those camos cover?
Also is there a camo that covers both jet boots and dual blades
120-150 or so

There is allready a camo that covers both of those categories and among the freebie camos another one is among them

>freebie camos
From today? Is it this one?

Attached: panel_13.png (236x272, 21K)

No check the hyper ninja one

Lame it's the boring one

Attached: panel_12.png (236x272, 61K)

>1 billion for NOVA pose1
what the fuck?

Both new poses were 31m thirty minutes ago. Emilia pose is obviously overpriced but it was once down to 18m.

Brainlet here but what exactly makes emilia pose good?

it's a tits on display pose.


Elaborate PLEASE

BO goes to YES
Hu stays in debatable
Friendly reminder BO is good (performance wise), but it's fucking boring to play

Rank the most boring classes to play from Most to Least.

I'll start: Techer, Force, Ranger, Summoner, Bouncer, Braver, Gunner, Fighter, Hunter

Attached: 1521010976188.jpg (500x497, 33K)

crafted sakura endo, kazan to keep up gear during downtimes
git gud

I just watched some videos too and just peeped the damage. If hero doesn't work out I'll go back to braver

I'd swap braver with gunner and fighter with hunter.

If you're a lucklet like me you could get Atra katana, only need to Kazan if it's something like PD or PI.

Fo, Bo, Su = Ra, Gu, Br, Hu = Fi, Hr

Or get a kasami and never run out of gear ever.

Yeah, lucklet don't get kasamis.


Attached: pso20180314_051305_001.jpg (1920x1080, 869K)

How good are in general the bo 14*?i have seen people swearing under their scarlet/epd/kazami but never read anything about them

Literary a Lightsaber

Attached: pso2 2018-03-14 18-57-47.jpg (1920x1080, 454K)

I feel like a jedi with sword/talis hero

>seriously thinking about quitting because of the ep1 - 3 removal
Why did they do this?

game doesn't fit on vita anymore

Goddam handhelds. I know if they drop vita they won't even bring it back.

dude ironic fat rofl meme loool

You seriously care about the game's annoying ep 1-3 trek that much?

It's more about removing history from the game that new players will never be able to experience. Do nips do this often in a game?

>new players will never be able to experience.
Omnibus renders it pretty redundant.

You have omnibus though. Not the same hassle dealing with matter board, but supposed to cover all the important things in the story.

I'm mostly annoyed that the titles will be unobtainable, they should just make it so doing the omnibutts unlocks the matterboard ones too now.

They removed a nigger getting killed in the 1-1 opening matterboard quest that used to be used for training a long time ago.

It's not the same thing.

I remember that. I don't know why they did that.

>It's not the same thing.
No shit, it's better.

Perhaps but not the same experience.

Anyone get hang yet?

I got it the last time.

Of course it's not the same experience, it's a better one. Did you act this way when they removed that stupid stagger animation from hitting shields?

I'm still annoyed that the shields are even a lockon point, and that they're unbreakable. even now wonda group zondeels are a fuckfest of TINGTINGTINGTINGTINGTINGTINGTINGTINGTINGTINGTINGTINGTINGTINGTING

Changing gameplay is one thing, removing entire story crap for the "new" version of it is something else entirely.

My friend said they were handing out salon passes for this campaign. Did she lie to me? I don't have one!

I miss bearhead

I think you get one from webpanel reward, along with recolor pass.

My stalkee still hasn't logged in. I'm freaking out.

just go to his fucking boyfriend's room
he literally lost everything irl for being an open homosexual

he's still around

But I'm on right now

Then you're not my stalkee.

What's that?

>be a disgusting degenerate
>lose everything
No surprises there.


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It's web event that finished quite sometime ago, if you participate in limited-time quest back then you will able to claim webpanel rewards starting from weapon camos, accessories, SG tickets, and other stuff.
Esthe and color change pass is among the pile of rewards.
These can be claimed from visiphone, you should see big red "!" icon above visiphone terminal if there's reward that can be claimed.