League of legends general /lolg/

Dumb thot edition

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stephen hawking champ when edition

cute cute cute!

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are you that faggot that was in my game a few days ago?
fuck off!

>gets bonus move speed based on level
>ult is a black hole that sucks in and silences enemies and then spits them out in random directions, doing more damage if they hit terrain
My boyfriend is better than you, shitter

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I want to lick Poppy's abs and feel her firm yordle thighs wrapped around my head.

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>lay in bed until 12:30
>go to class at 1
>come home right after and just lie in bed for 5 hours, trying to just forget about the world
>eventually get the energy to get up and play a game of league at least

what are some champions for this feel?

Pre-rework urgot

A splitpusher or a shitpick that seems fun

>bot lane roams mid to farm a little and force a fight
>they lost t1 bot for it
>they died in their forced fight
>they go mid again and sit there
>wind up losing mid inhib pre-20
I wish permapushing bot lane was still a thing for randoms

>tfw no qt petite gf

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Just wait for the buffs, she's weak now but they're buffing her range, her q and her e. shits gonna be disgusting just because faggots are too lazy to learn how to play a new champ before complaining

notice how garen isn't a bitch like you he actually goes out and spins at his problems instead of asking for sympathy from strangers like a bitch

Annie is for lewd.

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Annie is for cute and for lewd

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yay for dumb thots

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*leans into mic*

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Soraka is a SLUT

Kled is the cutest boy in the entire world!

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>he thinks Ryze require "mechanics"

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How do people enjoy playing top lane?

Because it has the cutest bois desu

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they play for that "1v1 me bro" thing
it probably only happens once out of every 10 games but thats why

me in the middle

ryze is a horrible mess needs another rework NOT EVEN JOKING

>new champ is done by the same guy as Xayah and in Reav3's words is a terror worse than Zoe
Ho boy

If they buff all of that she's gonna be legit OP

whats with their recent obsession of making annoying champions anyway? Especially in terms of personality

It seems like there's a lot more farming the wave while ignoring the opponent than there's actual 1v1.

>support meme picks
>enemy support doesnt
>our support ends up doing jack shit all game while enemy support is king of cc
>last game i was autofilled support and we won our lane and i was a cc bot
>im rewarded for being such a nice player by being stuck with an autofill support who just throws

bruisers are fun in concept

It's actually more that they're trying to diversify the cast a bit. All the standard fantasy personality tropes have been covered so they need to make snarky/bubbly/lolsorandumb champs just to make them stand out from the crowd.

Are you still supposed to take klepto on Illaoi? I feel like she's weak now. Her CDs are so high and base AA so slow that even when the enemy doesn't dodge the E they can just AA her to death before she can really react.

Kled in particular is literally impossible to beat as Illaoi

ekko buffs when i want to play him in the top lane

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>It's actually more that they're trying to diversify the cast a bit
the cast isnt very diverse if they keep pumping out these annoying bratty types or edgelords.
Like we didnt have a lot of edgelords already?

Shit like Ekko top makes me hate top lane so never

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This is why i play top lane if we lose the game we lose the game but at least i dont have to deal with a fucking retarded bot lane roaming into my lane and fucking it up

you’re retarded if you honestly believe league’s come even close to using up every standard fantasy trope riot just hates anything that doesn’t instantly gratify weeb manchildren

why does boxerpete build essence reaver on tryndamere?

also why does he go tiamat over statik shivv? i thought shiv was OP

a low elo shitter

My diamond Illaoi main friend just doesn't take klepto on her anymore. He always prefered using Glacial Augment, it helps him have a easier time again mobile champs and helps him land his ability easier.
And yeah, Illaoi's a fairly easy matchup for Kled, you just gotta be careful not to waste your E.

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I'm not going to pretend I'm some balance expert but all I think they need to do is give her 525 attack range. She needs to be weak early because she shits out damage late game, but her range right now is the only thing making her too weak. Also people are still trying to play her like a normal adc and trade early when your goal should just be to survive the laning phase, not win it

>pick viktor against swain
>went in this matchup 5 times and it was just afk farm
>go against this swain
>literally unkillable god
>dives me t2 at lvl 7 and kills me and gets out without flashing
>still at half hp while i used my full combo on him and tanked 4 turret shots
Did the swain buffs actually make him sleeper op? What the fuck i've never been dove t2 before at lvl 7 use all of my abilities just for the fucker to walk away at half health like nothing happend

Hashinshin is hilarious to watch
He's like the darksydephil of LoL

Name a common fantasy personality that hasn't been covered yet.

We don't really have all that many bratty type champs. Xayah's really one of the few you could shove into that category. Zoe is like Lulu dialed up to 11. Kayn is an edgelord but with a more snarky spin on it giving him a more unique niche combined with the Rhaast dynamic.

delete this Taliyah is for Ezreal

swain is a statcheck champion except not as fun because his kit is so disjointed and has no identity

Reminder that literally the only change Jax has EVER needed is to not build stacks hitting buildings.

This room is in 10 minutes followers-only mode. Follow hashinshin to join the community

and all of those were going for the annoying or edgelord traits

>actually typing in twitch chat

>draven gets his adc banned
>Tristana is open
>picks caitlyn
>enemy team has a tristana
i love losing

dont bother he'd ban you anyways
t. permabanned

You can't just have everyone be for Ezreal.

Nah it's more that edgy has become such a watered down term that people use it to describe pretty much everything and annoying is more a personal take on something so not really applicable to an objective overview.

Big elf lady with muscles and a glaive
Fuck off Ezreal

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Is karthus on the rework list?

caitlyn can rek tristana in lane so hard

depends on her support tho

but like always after 20 mins trist will just be unstoppable

explain how xayah and kayn arent edgy.
My original claim was "annoying champions"

learn to read before you post

I would rather deal with the meta 2 years ago with tank ekko than what it is now

apparently according to my wife i sleep talked and said "i'm unstoppable btw" while smiling

should i kms now or when

Soraka's horse cock!

>"If Rakan were here, I'd make out with him until his ears bled. He loves it when I do that."

>adventurous blonde boy meets kind and sweet brown girl on his adventures, forming a happy progressive interracial relationship

how can anyone hate this??

tribal warlord
witch doctor
sopping wet doe cunt

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Ezreal a shit

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>talking to people makes me want to stab them
>Ugh, I hate everyone today.
more gems can be found on the wiki.
How is this watered down exactly?

Do you really not understand the difference between personality and physical characteristics?

I never said they weren't edgy. Just that the term is a meaningless distinction now because of how far flung you autists use it. There isn't another champ like Xayah in the game personality wise. Same with Kayn. You can make really shallow comparisons but they both fill their own different roles in the game. And that was the original point bud, that the champs were created to be different instead of falling under the same-y umbrella a lot of older champs do.

your ship is fucking retarded not to mention racist. Taliyah is in Shurima Ekko is in zaun how would they ever interact with each other?? Can't ship them just because they're both minorities like come on dude.

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>I never said they weren't edgy. Just that the term is a meaningless distinction now because of how far flung you autists use it.
has literally nothing to do with the discussion. Youre sidetracking.

You have no argument and youre just spouting nonsense then create a discussion about the word edgy

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>moba characters
it’s a goddamn strategy game their identity is their personality moron
unless you’re an autistic faggot who gives a shit about moba lore

[email protected]

How do I find a main? Been playing for about 6 months and every time I get a new champ, I play them for a few days and move on.

No retard the original discussion was
>Why does Riot keep making champions with annoying personalities
And the response being "They're trying to diversify the cast"
You're the retard(s) sidetracking.

No their identity isn't their personality moron. No need to cover up your inability to read.

Taliyah is an explorer

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>they keep making annoying edgelords instead of new personality niches
>well these guys are edgy but they still don't overlap with other 'edgy' characters because of X and Y

>who cares they're all still edgy
>weird randomly pulled out rant about edgy as a word/descriptor

You're both talking past each other. He had a point until he started focusing on edgy as a word for no reason.


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league is down in euw right now so i'm forced to watch hashinshin :(

What general class of champs do you like? What role? That can narrow it down.

>teleports into 1v3

Classic Trynd doesn't work in high elo (D3ish) because they just kite you and walk away rather than fight you in melee range and they know how to avoid the slow. With ER you get multiple spins/slows each fight at the cost of some damage so your champion can actually do something.

Without Tiamat you'll get poked out of lane in high elo. Life steal lets you sustain poke and wave clear is important for lots of things such as defending turret, pushing when he TP/recalls, take less poke to CS, etc. and the active is nice too.

However, if you are below D3 I wouldn't recommend Pete's build because people aren't going to play around you anyway so you can get away with building pure damage and that is going to be much more effective. You can take Ignite/Ghost or Ignite/Flash, build Shiv -> IE -> PD -> QSS and split top the entire game if they're just going to walk into the blender.

ezreal is a fuccboi for taric and braum

>watching hashinshin
>not watching /ourgirl/ MaryMaybe

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Thanks for relenting bud :^)

play one for all! pbe's up

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>Calling other people racist
>Not realizing this whole time that people ship them together because they're some of the few characters whose ages are similar to each other

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I build shivv > berserkers > IE > BOTRK or scimtar if they have lots of CC and from here i don't know what to build

sometimes i get lord dominiks regards if they have lots of tanks

rate my build pls

She's not unsalvageable by any means but there is absolutely zero reason for Kai'Sa to have 500 auto range so you HIDDEN OP faggots can shut up on that specific point. That and her W cooldown are the main things I think should be improved.

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>my shop is full of cheap trash
It's like getting coupons to McDonalds.

Post more Ekko for me. And maybe some Sundial

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Any Xerath players here? Just recently started playing him and I'm really enjoying him, any tips on how to play him most effectively?

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There really aren't a lot of young teens in LoL.
I guess Lux is one, maybe?

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Mid lane mages like Orianna, Cassiopeia, Brand, Veigar, Viktor

Seems like you like Control Mages, more specifically. You don't really need a "main" if you just like the role, though I might suggest adding Taliyah to your arsenal (she's fun and cute). I also like Lux, but she's kind of simple and the burstiness might not be to your tastes.

>duo with friend
>play solo
every darn time!

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im so bored that i kept spamming hashinshin telling him to play other champions than aatrox and he kept saying "thanks low elo twitch chat"

"this is why streamers ignore twitch chat"

daddy noticed me

hmmm, it's not like there is a girl around Ekko's age living in the same city as him who he actually knows or anything