/owg/ - Overwatch General

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>Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


I want to bully Mercy until she cries!

such a cutie

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Here comes T.Racer!

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Reminder that Sombra is not OP and you're just a buttmad DPS main who's never been punished for playing in a style only allowed because of characters being left to be hilariously overpowered for years at a time

>OW is a complete TF2 rip-off
>Instead of just owning up and directly copying mechanics from TF2, they instead do their own thing, fuck it up, and then waste months balancing and patching things only to come up with a solution worse than whatever Valve did a decade ago

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rise and shine /owg/! you can do your best today

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do you even read what you paste over you dumb motherfucker

Just realized the armor is basically perfect for a good muslim girl.

Pic not-related

that's one smoll tracer!

>Tracer will never be nerfed because Blizzard loves her too much
>Genji will never be nerfed because Chu thinks he's him
>Mercy can still rez
Shit game.

>Sombra may be getting nerfed
>Brigitte already laughably nerfed
>Doomfist probably getting nerfed sometime later
>Symm rework will more than likely make her even more useless as support or defense
And so the flanking dive meta is secured for another year
Bravo Jeph

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Post the chu designing genji thing please.

Faggots always like to add their own little touches to the OP like a discord or a custom filter, being anonymous doesn't jive with what they've been taught on reddit so they need to be recognized one way or another (like tripfags but can't be filtered)

You must be shit if you can't kill two people within 30 seconds.

Help me decide on a new name /owg/.

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>last thread didn't even have waifufilter
>go out of your way to find it and include it in the op
>post with waifu image

there's being dumb and then like 2 rungs below that is whatever the fuck you just did

Is Brigitte live?

>waifuniggers seething

No. If she will be today it won't be for another 6 hours or so probably.

No, and she won't be this week.


>Tracer Blink now recharge in 4 seconds
>Recall puts you to exactly the HP you were at 4 seconds ago not the highest amount
>Pistol spread increased significantly


>Dash no longer resets on assists unless Genji dealt at least 50% of the damage
>Deflect hitbox actually fixed to only cover Genji's size and not Reinhardts shield in front and behind
>Dash no longer rest on Dragonblade

There unironically balanced and no longer Xeelee tier when compared to other heroes, hire me any time blizzard

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I've never waifuposted in my life but if you think anyone is using your filter I've got a folder of sweetie reaction images primed and ready

>Watch Wraxu
>Watch Dafran
>Watch Calvin
>Watch Harbleu
>Even watch that living dumpster Kephrii
>None of them can make me laugh like DotA2's SingSing or Admiral Bulldog
Am i missing a good streamer anons? I don't want to have to keep going back to dead MOBA for good laughs

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>your filter
user, i'm not that autistic to make something like that but it's just amusing to see all you waifufags get ass devastated by it.

>replying to underage nu-Veeky Forums twitchbabbs that post umad
come on dude

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I hate AdmiralBulldog as a person for what he turned into but I do believe he's extremely smart about marketing himself and will be able to live off investments for his life if done right

Best virtual woman. Muh waifu

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God I want Rein to not be trash so bad, why would they go and make a directly superior shield hero with Orisa?

What's there to hate?
>Win a TI, get lodsamone
>Try a bit longer, realize Loda is becoming holier than thou with the blame game, driving people in Alliance away from each other
>Pick up streaming, become a personality, get lots of money and fame
>So much so that Valve actually steps out of their cave to protect you from ESL's bullshit
>Just dick around on stream now milking fat, bald, and bad
If i was him, i'd play it exactly the same way

I need her anus in my mouth.

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Didn't he get catfished for months and thousands of dollars from some girl that constantly streamed with him?

I haven't followed Dota since TI4 so Alliance was still a huge deal last I heard of Bulldog, I just feel like he's the Dota version of Emongg, just yelling catch phrases nonstop it comes off autistic even if they are making bank.

If you like twitch memes being shouted out loud by frustrated wannabe variety streamers shacked to one game and spamming a retarded chat with hundreds of other retards you should just watch xqc

Just kneel, chéri

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What's the point of having a hero with big tits if they're hidden behind layers of armour?
Brigitte is not the titty hero we asked for, Blizzard.

>tfw no Widow to deliver a steaming loaf right into your mouth

Mei wants to show off her tits too, but Jeff won't let her.

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Guess we still need a Tiddy Queen.

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I want to main either Ana or Zen. Whom'st've should I choose? Is either choice shameful?

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Helena actually visited/moved in with him for a while, Think Gorgcc was the one who got catfished
But yea, he has become very 1 track at least on the comedy end, with few moments of actual genius
Can't stand Emonigg though, he's such a virtue signaling aussie fuck, with 0 skill outside of latching on to better players as a support cuck

Ana if you enjoy suffering
Zen if you want to deliver suffering

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Fat tits dont count as big tits, user.

Zen is meta and arguably one of the best heroes right now, he fits in almost any comp. Just be wary of Sombra.

Esports are finally back today

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Thought this was a middle aged man off the thumbnail

>Posting trash EU Soe

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Or any hitscan, or diving winston/DVA

you can combo a tracer diving on you if you have the skill
discord orb, head shot, then follow it with a melee and it will kill those evil time lesbians of infinite mobility dead
thinking about it zen's melee animation is probably the most satisfying on the game, nothing beats kicking a timedyke in the face

who cares if she got nerfed
she's still the best Waifu

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the guise is exposed whenever she's seen interviewing attractive players at the end of a game, all she can think about is their easily excited willies pressed against her, throbbing, and then getting on her knees and servicing them for a full 2 minutes and 39 seconds, before filling her mouth with sour gamer boy wine sauce. then she would politely ask if she can force the cum into their butthole through her lips with her tongue, hearing them shyly agree, and then leaving as soon as she's done with the act. nobody knows why she does it, not even herself, all she knows is she wants to fill every cute gamer boy's butthole with their own cum. she's already drained and filled the quake players, she's already flooded out the insides of the wow players, she's causing no lack of cum-drought in the overwatch player's bumholes, and lord knows she's gonna move onto the playerbase of the next pro gaming scene to emerge, and do exactly the same. you can see it in her eyes.

At least soe has played overwatch at least once

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more like christmas cake

Jesus, is she sponsored by every makeup company in EU?

>okay guys, what if we have some heroes great mobility and a strong kit
>and made our system give them even more breaks
>what do you mean dive isn't naturally going away?!

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>Let me put on a pound of makeup for this quirky gaymur girl photo I can upload to my instagram so everyone knows hoq quirky I am

What a fake, OWL needs a Sheever, a 6/10 that actually has game knowledge and can represent females

Everyone on camera needs makeup or they look like a corpse, don't let that get in the way of a good womanbashing though

>must protect m'lady's honour

why is this allowed

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Soe doesn't need the entirety of France's monthly supply to look decent

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>waaah why do women wear makeup if they want
made me remember I'm still in virgin central

Hi, hello, it is I.

The awkward New Girl on the NA OWC* desk.

As pretty much 100% of you have guessed, i am SUPER new to eSports. My hosting background is as an emcee, a round-table lead, man-on-the-street, and a lead on a tech/dev-based talk show, with all of which I have a pretty fair amount of experience. (And yes, an actor- theatre, and motion capture for videogames and film, mostly.)

I expected to peek into reddit and see myself getting roasted, but i'm actually incredibly appreciative of y'all's comments (pretty much all of which are civil af, so really and truly and honestly, thank you


Common misconception, she's only 23 ;)

I like her, but fuck.

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Why is this allowed?

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>-My hair is amazing

i'm falling in love guys send help, i'm buried up to my neck in lovesand and i can't get out AAHHhhhhhh-

Is Corsair the most patrician Ana skin? Or should I be using Ghoul or Merciful?

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Help /owg/ I’m about to decay if I don’t play today by Overwatch is so stale to me at this current point. Too busy playing prey, what do?

we can all agree that she shits all over soe with long hair, right?

i think she looks cute as fuck even with the dyke hair

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edge-lord out

waifu-fag out

hold up
is this the same person?

Why the fuck do you niggers actually watch esports. I get streaming since if you're eating or some shit, but people are actually remembering player names and shit? Fuck that

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I-I love soe!

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To be fair it doesn't take a lot to shit all over Soe.

I know, right? It baffles the fucking mind.

It's fun. More fun that me ooga team booga "will I get the thrower or will they" coinflippery

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i want soe to get DYKED by this hotty!

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This game has become so obnoxious to play that watching it is the only way to enjoy it.

pretty much all in chink team are throwers ;)

Maybe she could somehow act as a lesbian conduit, and suck all the gay out of Tracer so she would be straight and I can marry her!

The enemy has a teleporteur.

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The thread has a shitposteur.

Maek yourselves usefuel, moeve the paeyload!

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>Enemy has a teleporter
>Your Tracer, Genji and Sombra all don't get it

>implying there is something wrong with waifuing the best girl
c'mon dude

>enemy has teleporteur
>flankers don't camp the first few people who use it, but break the thing instead
How high do I have to climb to get intelligent teammates?

and yet she's clearly wearing foundation and other stuff, just thinner.


Brig nerfed
They only removed a melee cancel and made it so you can't start a melee the instant you shield bash
You can still melee, then confirm with shield bash and whip which will kill a tracer or anything else that is near you with low health.

I don't see how that's a major nerf she's still good AF and a great argument for brawl tank meta defeating the dive c meta.

She is also legitimizing the (for lack of a better name) health buff meta. Symetra and or Torb on her team work really fucking well. 150 Rally Armor + 75 shield + 75 torb armor + 75 temp repair armor = Ridiculous fucking health
Not to mention if you haven't seen it yet a Brig + Symetra and/or Moria combo is fucking insane amount of damage that is nearly unavoidable at close range.

fuck u snipe on the payload

he's trans right

Get on the objectif!

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You gotta respec' the grandma, not waifu her