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Spotting edition



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All maps but Plane should be removed.

I'm EU, is there a place where we fags can hang out? Maybe discord? :3

You should be removed.

>No new Wife operator

>lion scanning you
>dokk calling you
>jackal tracking you
>finka buffed blitz stomping around the corner

Attached: cat panic.gif (250x141, 459K)

you better be a girl or girl (male) with sexy feet if you're gonna ":3" post nigger

Doc is my loving husband!

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That one fag that keeps spotting you but you can't find the cam. I honestly just give up on the match and on life.

Ela is cute

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Are they ever going to put some of the older maps back in ranked mode? I want to play them in a format with proper skill segregation and stakes to the match.

>kill bandit with a thermite charge

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Why is Bandit angry?

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Egyptian operator when?

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She'd be a great fuck. Do really degrading things to her, never contact her again and make her feel like she's easy

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They were very unbalanced and one sided; we already have 2 newer maps that are also unbalanced so you might see them rotated out for a reworked older one.

He visited /r6g/

I would be angry to if I was stuck in a sim for 3 years.

>tfw no Islamic State operator

Probably because

Bandit became angry after Hibana was released and made him unable to trick.
He's never forgotten.


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i want to inhale IQ's foot perfume!

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Update the fucking pastebin, please. It's missing most of Year 2.

>burn a booster
>this happens
These things are cursed

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If you put a bunch of wires on the ground that are connected, will Bandit's electric charge electrify all of them? I want a sea of electricity and no one will be able to pass.

you were warned

we got a better Farah already.
god i want to mating press Farah.

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no, but it ought to

What do you even need a booster for

>not brown

I saw no such warning 6 hours ago but I'm not gonna deny it. Where was the warning? On the twitter?

>new meta becomes to equip entire team with razor wire and wire everything to 4 batteries that are hidden behind a wall


>invisible operator glitch fix
kek, I've already had it happen twice. It's only ever happened on Club House for the attackers

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>submitted two hours ago
>booster was bought and used six hours ago
It's only an hour down, I'll go walk my dog or something but I don't think this counts as a "warning" especially since the booster's timer is still ticking down


This, especially when I'm too retarded to find the drone as defender

would never happen, would never be a problem

of course it had to be a fucking subhuman slav abusing it

>reload Finka's LMG
>accidentally start shooting a moment before ammo count updates
>have to wait through whole reload animation again
Weren't they supposed to fix that and add reload stages in Chimera?

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I agree that it should be implemented but it could be exploited. For example, two barbed wire under a window that is commonly used to enter a building where the bandit thing is behind a wall that you can't shoot while rappelling is a sure fire way to stop attackers from coming in that window. It also works for doors, and you'd need a sledge or a frag to get in without taking damage

>tfw only played a dozen games of ranked a few seasons ago
>tfw didn't do so good
>tfw have 0.8 wlr and 0.8 kdr
>tfw want to play ranked again
>tfw can't risk solo queuing and sinking any lower

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>t.butthurt eastern european
Want us to liberate your women from virginity again?

they did, but apparently not for LMG's or maybe just the PKM since i haven't checked the G8 or M249

ever heard of these goons called Twitch and Thatcher
also Ash

Okay I forgot about thatcher because only beta cucks play him for anything except challenges but twitch could easily get fucked while trying to navigate the sea of electric barbed wire

I'd be happy with it transferring to one other wire or an area where you could use it in all directions but it would only travel one space

Worse teeth than a chav dad.

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>cant risk solo queuing
was copper in white noise, in chimera im platinum just fucking play the game retard who cares about ranks

>snowniggers response is assumptions and rape

I believe you can break wires which renders them useless.

when da server back up

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Yeah but you'd have to expose yourself twice to get the melees off. If they were in a line leading up to a doorway then you are a sitting duck while you systematically break them one by one making a fuckload of noise in a hallway with no cover. Or you run through it and make a fuckload of noise, or you bring a sledge and make a lot of noise or you bring a thatcher and bring a lot of noise or you just can't go that way

Any of the Outbreak stuff look good

Is that a yes?

Smokes outfit.
That's about it.

Udssr weapon skin
thats pretty much it

I want to kiss IQ's toes.

The universal weapon skins are very nice

Thatcher elite when!?


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>sledge will never firmly grab you by your tied up wrists, look you in the eye, and sternly tell you, "WHAT I SAY, WHEN I SAY IT"

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>twitch drones shock you
>recruit keep scanning you

draw IQ feet

some of the septicemia skins, smokes outfit, the ash skin is nice but its not different enough from the welfare ash skin to matter, the universal skins if you like white/red

beyond that its mostly filler trash

>shoes on


Doc only loves himself.

Good morning r6g, how are you doing today?

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kys weeb

too complicated
i might try for a laugh if you promise to cum on it haha
that woudl be funny hahaha

Good morning Morgan

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>got a warning for toxic behavior
>only thing i even typed in any chat was "must be that time of the month for jager" during the evac cut scene on his outbreak mission

waifufags must die

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i will haha but only as a joke haha
please draw me IQ feet haha

Sick fucker, you deserved it

What should I do with ADS sensitivity? Should it be changed to match the sensitivity of non-ads?

Is there a ratio for that

what do when rainbow sex down

i play battlefield

what are you going to do about it punk

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Also, does raw mouse input just sets your sensitivity to what your mouse has when you're on your desktop?

literally personal preference

Can someone explain. You can't get Legendary Skins via Renown. Only from Alpha Packs?

I'm replaying ODST

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I care about the stats that appear when you click on my name because I got bullied by people on my team before. They were laughing at me because I'm at 0.8

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83 ADS is 1:1 hip to 1x scope sens
acog has its own values that arent changeable so you just gotta deal with it

>the absolute state of this game

Then play ranked and raise it.

I feel you bro
>Want to play ranked
>Have nobody to queue with
>Don't want to fuck my stats if I get a string of bad matches

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EuW down?

all down for maintenance

Who /lowmousesensitivity/ here

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that's sexism, user, and as we all know it's [current year]+3 so there's literally no reason for you to say something like that
seriously though i disabled chat entirely, not willing to even risk crossing jewbisoft's clown world interpretation of "toxicity"

Tried it and hated it.
Makes sweeping corners a pain in the ass.

Attached: ITS CRAP.gif (448x252, 2.8M)

>back in approximately 10 minutes - 2pm
>it's 3 pm now

800dpi/6 ingame here, thinking of trying out 400dpi/11.

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I feel like my sens is very low, even for low sens fags

400dpi @7/7/71

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who gives a fuck, you sound like one of those reddit fags crying about toxicity
mute those niggers and move on

they never last as planned, dumbo

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What exactly is "low"?
Playing on 7 sens and 400 dpi.