How the fuck did they do it?
How the fuck did they do it?
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By using horses to be at an incredibly hihg speed
>Finland wasn't part of the Mongol Empire
What did they mean with this?
muh horse archers
Talented generals
Full details and figures about supply, faggot. Especially in empty Middle Asia.
National secret, gaijin
Empires grow from humble meritocratic beginnings to electing people to positions of power based on family rather than skill. It's all in the name of sating the rich so they don't try tou overthrow you. This leads to incompetence throughout the government. Eventually some outside pressure causes the whole house of cards to collapse, starting the cycle anew. The Mongols just hit China and the Middle East at the right time.
They didn't have supply which is why the """empire""" was short lived and dissolved into smaller and localized states
wet period in mongolia starting from the early 13th century on leading to a surge in grassland density and # of available horses
Im about actual army. Soldiers and horses need food to move and fight. And some other things.
We know about supply of Napoleon's army and his result in Russia - which was SLIGHTLY less populated than Europe. We know hard and boring way of life of small nomadic tribes of 19-20 centuries. Good to know about logistics of """Great Mongolian Army""".
Somewhat professionalised army, extensive use of engineering and siegeworks, massive numbers, terror works wonder on getting people to submit so you don't have to fight absolutely everybody etc.
Their horses ate grass. And the warriors plundered farmers for food.
Mongolian horses can use their hooves to find grass buried under the snow, they also were smaller so they needed less food then all other horses.
And they rode mostly female horses because they could drink their milk.
>They didn't have supply
They could supply close to 200 000 men in the middle east campaign, this is way "supply" then those of the supposed "master race" europeans which could never field an army of more then 20-30k outside of their own countries.
>Their horses ate grass
Lel. Grass in steppes, grass in deserts. European idiots care about forage - storing, moving. But Mongolians were smart - eat what you see. 100 000 horses together and grass.
>warriors plundered farmers for food
Europeans were stupid to rob populous European lands, they were care about supply lines. But Mongolians were smarter - only rob farmers. Farmers in steppes, farmers in deserts...
Most people read the map wrong, the red part is the lands they didn't conquer.
>Mongols didn't have supply
This is what EuroPEONS believe
Nomad horses eat grass, is it so strange to you? Or did you think Mongols grew oat for their horses? But you forgot they were nomads, not farmers.
About invasions of Russia.
Napoleon's army robbed too, but it was 10 times larger than Mongolian. Also it consisted mostly of infantry, so less mobile. Mongols used frozen rivers as roads and most ancient settlements were on rivers too. They sent horseman raid parties and had plenty of food.
Mongols learned to fight against Chinese who were the best in the world at the time. Middle east scum and Europeans were basically in the stone age of warfare after Rome fell. Good tactics, Generals, brutality, and smart diplomacy crushed every opposition.
By the fact that about 80% of that land contained no people.
Fucking meme Empire
>Look at how much lad he conquered so fast Praise Tengri
>Falls apart 100 years later
Look we got an actual mongol here, Now this might hurt you, the empire was nothing special and tactical superiority came from directly cultural differences and their empire dissipated immediately when the slightest infighting started and people they governed learned their fighting style and drove them out by counter. It was purely a chimpout followed by a royal beating.
What book is that?
I hear a lot about Subotai's brilliance as a general. What are some examples of this? Genuinely curious here.
>ey governed learned their fighting style and drove them out by counter.
And then Timur came 200 years later destroyed the Mamlukes, the Delhi Sultanate
army and almost went on to conquer Russia before turning away- therefore you are wrong.
>posts hitler
How long did your ubermensch empire last cockold?
If it was so easy then why didn't the Russians or Germans conquer China and the middle east?
Go and relearn the history of your failed crusades and how the ARABS BTFO your "eternal roman" empire.
>Mongol Imperialism: The Policies of the Grand Qan Möngke in China, Russia, and the Islamic Lands, 1251–1259 by Thomas T. Allsen
>Random horses for daily nomadic life
>High mobile horses with forage
>Super-mega genetical type of "True Mongolian horse" which was lost before European research and stealing
Choose one.
There was no fucking place that if the Mongols set their mind to they couldn't crush. No place the conquered rebeled and from them learning did they beat the mongols. Fuck off you cuck the empire may have been lost to infighting but there are a ton of countries that are what they are today because of it. You're welcome for Iraqi civilizations not conquering Europe.
>About invasions of Russia.
Napoleon's army robbed too, but it was 10 times larger than Mongolian
Do you consider Mongolian army was less than 40 000? I have seen figures like 400 000 or even 1 000 000.
Gengis Khan was a literal cuck. He even tried to make his wife's son his heir.
I just find it kinda sad that all those Eurasian horsefags just kinda seem to anonymously disappear from history, there isn't too much discussion about it.
Did guns completely killed their way of life? Or was it something else?
What are some good books on the mongols?
The guy he made khan was a drunkard, and the wrong choice.
>decimated by the japanese
The Japanese is the most powerful race in the world, there is no reason why they can't control weather.
the best warriors come from nothing
watch more anime
those katanas if folded correctly(important) can influence the weather
Then why didn't they send a typhoon at the American fleets during WWII? Checkmate weeb.
>t. one of the 1/8 of a Billion little Khans
Can this qt anime be my gf? uvu
>There was no fucking place that if the Mongols set their mind to they couldn't crush.
Are you a jew? :DD
Mongols got BTFO by Vietnam.
So did the USA.
>Ib4 my nukes
No they don't count.
Anything more to say?
>Mongol lands are pure nothing and are easy to conquer
Why do white people forget that they tried to conquer the Ayyubid Sultanate for 200 years and didn't even manage to take half of it before getting kicked out?
It doesn't count because you are white huh?
>shoot arrow at soldier
>he runs towards you
>ride away a bit so he can't hit you with his sword
>mongol cavalry had an advantage in plains
>"rabble rabble rabble white people rabble rabble"
calm down
If it was so easy to do when not get 100k horseman with bows and send them eastwards from europe?
>EuroPEONS were too stupid to breed large ammounts of horses.
because it is full of mongols who are about as good as you if not better due to their experience in the steppes, you have to wait until around the 16th century when your wealthy towns and cities can outfit cossacks with firearms
> you have to wait until around the 16th century when your wealthy towns and cities and outfit cossacks with firearms
That's not what Alexander the Great said and done more then 2000 years back.
>that Sogdian campaign
Pretty brutal.
because, by then, all modern seafaring military vessels had sharp deep keels and were not hastily made by an occupied people.
There were a number of technological and possibly environmental differences between alexander and genghis.
Also Alexander's companion cavalry, though exceptional, were not numerous enough to expand throughout the steppes.
Nah, logistics
>we were afraid to do what Alexander the Great did more then 1000 years earlier (with inferior tech too)
Alexander the Great and the Seleucid rulers controlled roughly the same area as Timur, Timur could get to India, Egypt and China - thought he was too old at his last campaign.
Literally these people would drink their horses blood if they couldn't find a water source and the horse would remain alive. Obviously they took all this shit with ease.
they weren't cucked by Monotheistic religions
O. I already knew that though and I am not sure what your point is so I will talk about the battle of Ankara
Timur was faced with soldiers that were about his equals on the steppes. He was also challenged by the Ottomans who clashed with him at the epic battle of Ankara. Both sides had ~100000 soldiers and lost almost half of them, Timur won but it was a enormous drain on resources. Had he lived I'm not sure how much progress he would make into Egypt or China.
India though was a possibility. The last very large scale Mongol conquest would be by the Mughals who utilized traditional cavalry and cannons. Babur drew from the Ottomans for the basis of his artillery.
Ok. I understand, They were not need to eat. Its so easy - bring troops together and start to conquer. Like in EU-3 or Civilizations.Logistics is overrated.
>horses for daily nomadic life
I choose this.
I didn't say there was not logistics. But Mongols didn't need to deliver their food from Mongolia, conquered countries were their source of food.
50 000 - 100 000 of Mongolian army are more believable.
About logistics of Mongols. It is know that each nomad warrior had not one but few horses. If 2 or 3 horses are assigned for carrying food supplies. 3x50 kg or 2x75 kg. It gives us 150 kg of sublimated food (dried meat, grain) which is enough for 1 year.
The silk road came to be, so the lands were valueable since tariffs changed.
Most of his Enemies greatly underestimated them as stupid barbarians.
During the early period of conquest, the mongols would actually lose or give up.
These early enemies (The Northern Chinese, Central Asians) had experience and cavalry to fend them off. But through treachery, brutality and shortsidedness of the Song Chinese, the Mongols took them out and "leveled" up with siege engineers and iron weapons from the looted cities. The Southern Chinese, Russians and Persian Middle East Stood no chance.
mongols were outnumbered
Nice meme the Hungarians werr getting there assholes pounded until the Khan died.
The samurai are indeed the ultimate warriors they even control the weather. Katanas folded a thousand times can not be broken.
>Fucking meme Empire
just like the British.
Difference is that Mongols actually fought against real countries and real warriors/soldiers. British fought againt primitives with sticks lol.
All of the mongolian armies together with levies?
Easily over 1 million at the height of their empire - most of them in China - around 500 000 counted together.
200 000 in the Golden Horde
200-300k in the whole Ilkhanate
100- 200k Chagatai Khanate
>ITT: Crusader Masterrace
Where is your Jerusalem now?
Stay mad
t. Achmed Al-Britani
>All of the mongolian armies together with levies?
in European Campaign
Wikipedia says 80-90k men at the start in 1236, other sources around 100 000.
After casualties in the Rus they moved on with less soldiers, and then they split off their armies in 2 parts - one went into Poland the other one into Hungary
>Able to move at great speed needed little resupply because they could live off of mare's milk and warm blood. The mongols usually brought 3-4 horses to battle so that he could alternate which horse he drank from.
>They had a less rigid but clear command structure where everything wasn't dependent on what the boss said. You had a cascading chain of command where each group of men down to the smallest blocks of 10 men had someone to lead them.
>Other armies frequently consisted of huge masses of conscripted peasants with little to no training and arms. Every mongolian rider managed his own equipment and had been subjected to rigorous training.
>They frequently drafted soldiers from their vassals to fight for them, requiring a tribute of men for their army if they were to let a city or nation surrender.
>The mongolian army allowed for a certain amount of meritocracy where a competent leader could rise through the ranks without noble ancestry.
I think these are some of the factors in their success.
>the assblasted Mongolcuck once again turned on his communal 486 in Ulan Bator and posted this fucking thread again
Literally it's the same assblasted Mongol making the exact same threads over and over again, getting laughed out of the building and then chimping out and calling white people cucks and peons. He should be banned.
Nice projections here, peon.
I did not even make this thread i only replied.
Btw do you have anything of revelance to the topic to say?
If anything you should be banned.
No, you should. You still haven't properly responded to the fact the first Mongol invasion of Hungary didn't conquer a single castle and the second invasion got outright crushed, the only thing you're able to do is spew your assmad around.
What countries or kingdoms did Hungary conquer?
Why didn't they just invade into Golden Horde territory if they were as strong as you say?
You know how long it took for the mongols to to reduce their standing armies to 0? less then one year.
China needed 60 years with atleast 5 times as many men if not more.
Persia around 20 with atleast 3 times more.
>muh castles
>muh castles
You think the Golden Horde was afraid of peasants who hid in castles?
Hungary was a nobody that only managed to escape mongol onslaught because half of their population was hiding in them.
Next time on Veeky Forums
>Muh master race europeans could conquer the whole world in the middle ages, except they didn't, they got stuck in the Levant and never got further!
>Proofs you ask? : White Power!
Figures that for a Mongol the only display of power is riding somewhere and niggering it up.
The later european display of power was to colonize spear chucklers on some islands with firearms while coincidentally leaving out countries like China and never conquering Constantinople back.
You're so defensive it's laughable. I never said anything about whites being the master race, I merely mentioned how idiotic the Mongol claim to ability to conquer all of Europe is considering how spectacularly they failed in Hungary.
>how spectacularly they failed in Hungary.
They did better in Europe then crusaders did in the Levant - you know they actually established a big state - The Ilkhanate, while the crusader possesions needed a miscroscope to be seen on a world map.
In relation to the distance from the other Khanates to Europe i mean.
But we aren't judging European ability to conquer. We are judging the European ability to defend. I mean I know Mongolians tend to be thick in the head, but you should at least grasp the context of the discussion, no?
Claim: Mongols would be able to conquer all of Europe
Counter-claim: Mongols wouldn't be able to conquer all of Europe, considering their failure in Hungary.
Yapping about Crusades and Colonialism is non-sequitur.
>Price: $719.53
Meanwhile the remaining 20% contained about 50% of the entire population of Eurasia.
>He even tried to make his wife's son his heir
Except he didn't. He didn't even consider Jochi because he knew his other sons would refuse to follow him. I'm also fairly certain that slaughtering the guy who fucked your wife, taking her back, then taking several more wives negates cuck status.
You hear about how the Mongols quickly adapted siege warfare and eagerly brought in engineering specialists, and also how they would send out spies to learn every possible detail about the land they were about to conquer, in order to best deal with their tactics and subordinate them. That was all precedent established by Subotai. His invasion of Europe was strategically the largest operation in the continent up until that point, even the Roman hadn't used as complex and large scale strategy (not underscoring the Roman military here).
>How did they conquer empty plains?