/civ4xg/ Endless, Stellaris, Civilization, and 4X

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>Official and Unofficial Wiki
>Community Hub
>Planets Stats
>Ships Stats
>Horatio splicing guide
>ES2 politics guide.
>ES2 prequel

>Dev Diary #107: The Post-Apocalypse
>2.0 tech tree
>Pastebin(mostly outdated):


>Browser Civ Game, plays like civ2 (shut down)
>Civ IV XML fix
>Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE):
>Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot:
>Civ 5 Mods
>Civ 5 More Mods
>Civ 5 Drafter
>District Cheat Sheet:

>Essential improvements:

>MoO 2


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*seduces you*

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stop cheating

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Does cheating exist in absence of a cheater?

Not first for best music youtube.com/watch?v=lQWI-181h8g

Serves you right namefag. He did you a mercy.

According to Wiz, yes.

I have never played Vicky 2 or CK2 so I assure you that I wouldn't even know what to change to make it so.

I'd first turn Stellaris into a thematic SMAC in Space than a anything else.

Things I wanna do:
>Make any option you pick change the way you play much more drastically.
>Make traits more different from one another/game-changing. Also should affect ethics.
>Separate all organic species in a similar way to how Synthetic portraits and Organic portraits are similar to steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1160316076
>Basically, All organics would have certain traits in common, but Plantoids would have specialized traits different from mammals, and so on.
>Add more ethics to the game and give each a Policy specialization, Tradition Tree, and Ascension Path.
>For example, Authoritarians would now have a Police State policy that reduces unrest and gives more ethics attraction at the expense of reducing productivity. Later on you can expand on your Tradition tree to gain new bonuses and Civics to change your empire, eventually giving you the Thought Control Society Ascension Perk that basically destroys Ethic Divergence and probably has some drawback (gotta think of stuff).
>meanwhile the previous Caste System policy that Authoritarians have would be given to a new Elitists Ethics, with it's own Tradition tree Ascension perk and so on.
>Make MegaStructures harder to build but much more valuable.
>Retool all of the Opinions Empires ahve with each other so they reflect more appropiately all of the actions they take with each other, reflecting on their government and stuff like that (Xenophobes only cares about purges of their main species types while Xenophiles react badly to even Non-sapient purges).
>Make the AI less dumb if possible.

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i forgot to turn it off
ive been in Veeky Forums for years now and i've only now discovered you can casually name youself. i thought you needed a trip or something

Too late, i was already in love.

You can't on a clear save, though I didn't know you could skip stages.

i don't need to cheat
your game is so easy

Define what you mean by "cheating." so I can know what not to do.

disliking Wiz is cheating

Well I'm fucked hard, then

if you don't exclusively play on vanilla ironman then you're cheating and you're making the game too easy for yourself you fucking cheaters xD

praise wiz

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Really, of all the things wrong in 2.0, by far the worst is that you can't engage in any meaningful diplomacy unless you're neighboring empires.
Especially considering the game penalizes you hard for expanding.
I either ally with my neighbors or destroy my neighbors and then I realize I don't give a FUCK about the rest of the galaxy unless I happen to play devouring swarm or something.

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Have these dragon things always been a thing or is it a mod I installed? Haven't seen them more than once in 400+ hours now.

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>tfw Enrico Dandolo turns you into a Jew

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anniversary portrait for stellaris
it is free

If you were a robotics engineer that were to create a sapient robot that would eventually turn on you, create an army, destroy humankind and then proceed to annihilate every organic being in the galaxy, what would you name it?

Stop with this unwarranted necrophobia.

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SexBot V2.1 Premium Sentient Software


you cheat wiz

Is that estus in the background?

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Wiz is the third best female in that series. I'm fine with that Wiz. Swedish Wiz can go fuck himself.

Is this any good?

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its the most gamey space 4x ever. even gamier than stellaris

makes me happy to see the best weapon of all time pictured so nicely

I'm more into halberds than poleaxes.

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anyone else's mind immediately went to anime?


I can't help but remember Shofixti and their "KYAEEEEEEE" every time I hear one of those screams.

This "cheating meme sounds pretty arbitrary

so I've playing some Stellaris and I've noticed that the techs available for research in each field appear kind of randomly... I've noticed it when I've loaded previous saved games in the same campaign to redo some stuff I later regreted, my science options available, as they appear whenever you finish to research a tech, have been different from the other time-line... is there any way to predict or control what tech options will be available as the game goes on?

I think of youtu.be/ZZ5LpwO-An4?t=29

Not really, no.


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Tech specializations aren't just for +15% research, if you park a specialization: propulsion scientist on Engineering research when the current tech finishes you'll get more propulsion research options

There isn't really a way to predict what you'll get but certain techs lead to others. Also some special techs, like Psionic Theory or whatever, are weighted on your ethics and the scientist you have. Being Fanatical Spiritualist makes it more likely to come up at some point in comparison to if you weren't Spiritualist at all. Maniacal scientists also have an attraction to Psionic techs.

ignore the previous replies. The chance for a specific tech to appear depends on your ethos, the scientist traits and your previous researched technologies, ie if you are a militarist you will have a bigger chance of getting weapon techs, a Maniacal scientists will have a better chance of getting dangerous techs

>You came to the wrong global quest motherfucker

Give me a quick rundown on Inward Perfection. Is it truly the best way to play tall?

Unity is a must for any Empire, particularly tall ones.

Xeno empires when you genocide a bunch of fanatic purifier aliens

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somehow I'M the bad guy

Nearby xeno empires when your democratic idealist society conquers another empire

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Not really?
Most of the ascension perks are useless

Is a must if you don't want to die of boredom from the few things there are to do in vanilla Stellaris, I mean.

Are you saying you don't want all the science or ringworlds?
One Vision can be nice to keep pops from diverging a bunch and fucking up your influence income as well.

Megastructures should be like Wonders in Civ, or there should be a separate Galactic Wonders category.
Trade needs to be based on a tarde route system, and be raidable by certain civics.
Espionage system of any sort needs to happen.

>all three basic weapon types avariable to every player form the start
>Still no unique game mechanics for them besides % shit like everythng in this fucking game

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There's a couple that are "nice". Just nice. Like "200 influence edict"-tier nice.
The ascension and megastructure ones you get timely even if you're halfassing your unity income.
There's no reason to rush unity, at all, especially since the actually powerful perks require a certain amount of research first too.

Yes and no. Unity cost increases for traditions is punishing in 2.0, if ones gets too wide too quickly unity income compared to cost ends up practically nothing. It's worth "rushing" at least a couple since it's nice to have a couple tradition trees and you're gonna be stuck with them for a century.

>Megastructures should be like Wonders in Civ
>Make most Megastructures practically impossible to finish before 1000 years are past and boost their rewards ten times over.
>They have however vastly more stages of growth so they take longer to complete, but give results much early on and on more amounts.

>Make building a Megastructure make you the target of all the other Empires in the galaxy that are not allied to you.
>Federation allies can now contribute to the construction of your Megastructures and reduce building time, but may also demand a portion of the ressources produced, and even try and politically manouver the other Fed Allies to agree with them.

What could stand for Galactic Wonders in Stellaris?

Inward Perfection is the worst possible way to play. You handicap yourself of the way of conquering territory through war while also not being able to enter federations for the federation win condition. It's literally impossible to win with Inward Perfection.

>conquering territory through war
one of the worst things you can do in this game tho

I don't join federations anyway. My reasoning is that Inward Perfection gives me a bunch of nice bonuses for unity and growth while taking away a few shitty diplomatic options that I don't use to begin with. I also rarely finish a game with the predetermined victory conditions either so nothing of value would be lost.

What do you suggest each should do?

Has anyone here played Aurora 4x?

The worst thing about it is completing the quest doesn't even make the fucking armies despawn. That region is pretty much just off-limits until my cultist and forgotten neighbors leave me the fuck alone long enough to send a death stack in to clean it up.

fuck these guys and everything they stand for.
I keep destroying their 25k fleets every month or so, so far i killed ~150k-200k worth of ships but they keep rebuilding them so quickly. How can they even sustain that much of a fleet? It's not like their technology is that great either, they just have so much. shit

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When in doubt, it's for multiplayer balance

is there anyway to completely destroy any of these faggots?

No. It's one of those games that nobody has ever actually played.

space mongols get to pull ships out of their ass for free

Using the DLC I bought from you isn't cheating. You're just a scrub.


also those things that they build in like, 2-3 months that probably don't cost them anything have strength equivalent of Star Fortress that takes like 5 years and 2800 minerals to make.
Fuck this shit I'm just gonna camp at hyper lane choke point and hold it like it's Thermopolis

anyone wanna play civ

Depends on which civ

What would it be like if Zelevas was your father or grandfather?

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you'd probably get executed for treason at some point

civ 6

What do I do about this?

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>lazer costs energy to fire (drains during battle) and has insane range, and accuracy. slow rate of fire
>kinetic costs minerals to fire (drains during battle) good at mid-close range, high fire rate, inaccurate but has a spread of fire ("missed" shots can hit other ships)
>missiles cost minerals (a stock has to build up before battle, slow rebuild during battle, starbases with refill modules can transfer their own stock to fleets, etc...). mix of tracking, swarming, decoy, dumpfire stuff: the only type that has the tool for every situation. large damage
>laser and kinetic have vastly sub-par stuff to fill their weaknesses, incl their own type of PD
>cant mix and match weapon types per ship: its either all lasers, kinetics or missiles
>cant research/salvage other type of weapon tech until you are at least 3rd tier into your chosen one
>shield/armor/hull bonus damage/resistance erased. the difference is now that shields recharge, armor is hulldmg reduction, hull is HP. no magic hullregen shit from tech or admirals. HP repair only from starbasess or support ships

what the hell are those hyperlanes, also avoid system the dreadnought is in, there's no way anyone is touching him for a long time

It'd be nice if I could designate colonies as purely industrial endeavours; e.g., call something a mining colony, and get -100% to everything that isn't minerals, and +10% to everything that is

Are you ready to get TALL?

>also avoid system the dreadnought is in
It's sitting in the chokepoint.
It's also sitting on two habitable planets.

what else can you do? It's not like you can get 15k-20k anytime after starting a game

What's more cost efficient in the long run:

Maintaining a constant standing fleet
Having lots of shipyards and building/decommissioning ships as needed to avoid upkeep

>lazer costs energy to fire (drains during battle) and has insane range, and accuracy. slow rate of fire
>kinetic costs minerals to fire (drains during battle) good at mid-close range, high fire rate, inaccurate but has a spread of fire ("missed" shots can hit other ships)

These are terrible ideas, fleet upkeep is already out of control and you want to add more?

>laser and kinetic have vastly sub-par stuff to fill their weaknesses, incl their own type of PD

Don't they already have their own PD varients?

Man, Vodyani are fuckin' TOUGH to play for a newbie.

I get that they're considering a more-advanced playstyle but their story is cool so I wanted to try. Every quest I got was "DEFEND YOURSELF FROM PIRATES" and they usually fuck up my ships without Momma Ark to protect them. Even tier-2 ships got beat up by Prowlers.

What are the best first and second ascension picks in 2.0?

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What's the better Civ 5 mod,Vox Populi or JFDLC?

Hmmm these are some nice borders.

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other numbers would be balanced around this ofc, maybe other mechanics too like efficency or booster modules, admiral traits, fleet stances....

i think theres a generic PD line and a kinetik flak PD

Also why is this one cruiser always diving in first, it's always the same one and it's taking all the hits. And why are my strike craft flying to the edge of the system after being launched?!

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whichever ones match your RP

Does it have afterburners?
Is it equipped with the Picket combat computer?

All my cruisers have afterburners and all of them have the artillery computer. Could this be a bug?

You're upgrading your ships right?

Thanks for beta testing

update, 7 years later the borders pretty much haven't changed, they keep throwing their fleets at me, the attrition is starting to be a serious problem because all of my minerals go to reinforcing my defending fleets and it completely prevents me from upgrading buildings/expanding anywhere else. I'm going to pour literally everything i have into hopefully making 50-60k fleet and try to finish it in one swoop otherwise I'm doomed.
Also the horde completly ignores the AI empires around it, fuck you Paradox