Who was history's "evilest man" before Hitler and Stalin kicked in the door?
Who was history's "evilest man" before Hitler and Stalin kicked in the door?
Other urls found in this thread:
Gaius Julius Caesar
Remember the one million
Atilla the Hun
Napoleon, remember the 6.5 million goy
Probably pic related, but Hitler and Stalin are different in that not only were they shitty, but they represent ideologies that are a threat to liberalism on top of it.
atilla and the other scourges of god
only to the anglos
Napoleon no contest. It has everything to do with being anti establishment. Hitler is just a dogwhistle and doesnt count.
Napoleon due to Anglo butthurt that someone dare challenge their primacy. You'll notice that most "great villains" of history are those who stood against the tea kikes.
Hitler didn't start off as that evil.
He believed in retributive justice. He took back land he thought he lost immorally and had the Germans at his back. Then England declared war and it turned into a shitfest.
>He took back land he thought he lost immorally
>he didn't start off as that evil
>Then England declared war
>He took back
>he lost
>Then England declared war
> He took back land
>Hitler didn't start off as that evil
I'm just talking about how the general perception of them was, not their motivations or actions.
>what's the great purge?
They could have just given the land back and avoided the entire confrontation.
We went to war with the south to get our land back. Similar idea.
>Catherine Merridale’s book IVANS WAR:
“In 1904 a group of comrades were out for a walk along a river swollen from spring rains. A calf, newborn, still doubtful on its legs, had somehow become stranded on an island in the middle of the river. One man, the Georgian Koba (one of Stalin’s earlier identities) ripped off his shirt and swam across to the calf, He hauled himself out to stand beside it, waited for all the friends to watch, and then broke it legs.”
Lies I suppose?
user you don't need me to tell you why appeasement didn't work
Attila slaughtered entire villages for the sake of raping the women.
Don't bother. Brainless commies will defend or deny anything in defense of their broken fantasy.
[citation needed]
To play that game, Attila.
Realistically speaking, there are no evil people or good people in history. Just people who did what they believed was necessary and those with clashing ambitions and actions.
>Lies I suppose?
>Catherine Merridale’s book IVANS WAR
You answered yourself
I thought it was common knowledge.
Russians too.
Perhaps Genghis Kahn, or Nero (because of whiny christ-fags).
>autists sperging out about the definition of evil
Obviously OP is talking about archetypical "pure evil" figures of popular imagination, not the leaders of the objectively quantified evilness scoreboard throughout the ages.
That said it depends on the culture. Even today the apparent ubiquity of considering Hitler the Evilest Man is actually limited to the Western world with it's largely shared culture. People in say Africa or East Asia don't have as vivid a view of him.
>it's not true cause I say it's not true
>Gaius Julius Caesar
Old timey popular imagination had Caesar as one of the Nine Worthies while Brutus and Cassius were stuck in the jaws of Satan together with Judas.
Where did this meme that Caesar was widely believed to be evil come from? Is that what they teach in American schools?
ty. I should have phrased it as "perceived to be the most evil man"
What about the Caligula?
I'm not sure how people in the post roman-1800's felt about him I always thought everyone knew he was just batshit insane and not necessarily evil, so to speak.
>"I hate him so I wished he killed some puppies and shit "
not an argument
>it's not true cause I say it's not true
Justify the purges. If you can take Stalin's dick out of your mouth for long enough, that is.
Discredit the source than. You've offered nothing but your word. Which as a communist is worth less than trash.
>Yezhov as example of victims of Stalin's "evil purge"
Hahaha it's just pathetic
Just a related picture. Don't forget Stalin loved that little guy's special talents. You're losing the argument, step it up.
Genghis was pretty evil but Tamerlane went out of his way to be a genocidal maniac.
The first picture is a photoshop.
Look how Yezhov is glowing. Also, the first image is always cropped compared to the second. This whole image is blatant Western propaganda.
>Some anglo push it's own narrative
This shit doesn't have a grain of credibility so why the fuck I should even spend my time to discredit this garbage
the systematic disenfranchisement of the jewish people and widespread repression of dissenters started long before the war
that was wrong
he made Samarkand pretty nice though
>>Yezhov as example of victims of Stalin's "evil purge"
You just said that it was a horrible example to hold up of Stalin's evil nature. Are you high?
Because you said it was a lie
there's more than one person writing here dummy
We need IDs
>Where did this meme that Caesar was widely believed to be evil come from?
>Randomly swim on a island to break some calfs legs
Riiight and it's I am the one who must debunk this fanfiction
Okay, forget it. Justify the purges.
$0.03 have been deposited in your Indulgence.
>ctrl+f "Genghis Khan"
>0 matches
Veeky Forums pls
I'm a non-believer, but if christian god exists and this fat fucker doesn't burn in hell I'll kick him in the balls
Look Here
It isn't spelled right but he's mentioned!
Napoleon was probably the most demonized man of the 19th century
that's pretty mustache twirling villain tier and is in the same league as believing Hitler personally bathed himself with soap made from da juice
sup Reddit
>only one reply
you've done well Veeky Forums
Ghenghis maybe, possibly a mughal ruler
depends where you were. no one gave a fuck about napoleon in 80% of the world
To be fair, Luther was against most of the violence that resulted from the Reformation. Plus most of it those wards were started by the Catholic Church getting butthurt that tons of people no longer wanted to bend their knee to the pope.
T. perfidious albion
It was in quotations for a reason, you mouth breathing faggot.
>just give them the land
>implying we already didn't do that
[spoiler]we did[spoiler]
He needed to consolidate power because he knew the west would invade and literally wipe out his entire country if he wasn't able to make the needed changes.
Than why did he eliminate so many talented military leaders? Some who had proven themselves loyal to socialism in the civil war.
iono....must've had a good reason. They probably weren't loyal enough to Stalin.
They must've not been that great in the first place if he ended up winning the war without them.
>winning the war
lol yeah i guess not according to your american elementary school education. Fuck outta here you pleb.
It's anecdotal, but the first time I heard ever heard someone criticize Caesar was when I read Machiavelli. Most people I know that have heard of him know the hero from Shakespeare.
>iono....must've had a good reason.
Learn to argue you fucking pleb trash.
dont be dissin ma man cato boii, caesar was a prick
Any Anglo, really.
Napoleon, easily
Whoever was behind killing 10,000 Huguenots, and all those catholic killings in england.
It's funny how we consider the death of 1,000,000 people quaint now
back to your hugbox with the rest of the undesirables
Meh, jews had been kicked out of dozens of countries over a hundred times before over a period of centuries. People act like Germany were the only ones to do this.
There was a still a fair bit of anti-jew sentiment in other western countries in the 30s too. Canada had a "none is too many" policy on jewish immigration. Hence why they exagerrated the holohoax so much.
So, Hitler and Stalin, moreso Hitler, are vilified because it's antithetical to the West's self-image and philosophical status quo.
"Slavs aren't 'real' Europeans, of course they have progroms."" Of course Genghis Khan killed 40 million people, he was a barbarian and they were oriental non-humans". "Who care's about Mao or whatever the Great Leap Forward was, Chinese are soulless insects anyway."
Germany purged itself of foreign influence and wanted to create a "new man". This was a direct threat to the economic and philosophical systems still in-place today, and a threat to the political systems of the time. The hatred isn't over acts, as no one cares for those acts that happened to so many before Germany. The hatred arises from the fact that it was a challenge to the hegemony of the world, that we have today more firmly than ever, albeit thinly veiled with increasingly irrelevant borders and flags of hollow meaning.
No its because he killed other people, the rest kill their own. Also its because the rest have killed mostly through incompetency, Hitler killed with pure intent.
Genghis Khan is equal but too long ago now.
No, Stalin killed overwhelmingly non-Georgians. Non-Russians, as well, to avoid letting go at geographic and historical ignorance. This supports my argument that it's normal to us, because "they do that", and east of Germany isn't "us", it's "them". It was shocking that it could happen "here", and a threat to everything the world we live in is governed by.
Hey Dan
I agree. Nothing wrong with trying to solve a obesity epidemic and being a little suspicious of people when you're in power.
It's basically this, reputation-wise.
>t. Angry Georgian ghost
Sorry pizzafrog, but England owned 1/4 of the world and dominated most of the rest so it makes since that a man vilified in England would be vilified elsewhere
>"Napoleon" - the single utterance of this name brings Anglo into a spastic fit. Hiding in their island from the country that had no naval tradition, the eternal Anglo employed harmless civilians in Spain and had to be saved by Prussians during the decisive battle of 100 Days. The same battle that is now considered England's greatest military victory.
Attila or some other steppe nomad leader.
>depopulated Herat, mere generations after it was devastated by Genghis - when he was done, little was left except smoking rubble and birds scavenging the human flesh
>depopulated Delhi
And by "depopulate", we're talking about killing all the unskilled males, making towers out of their heads, having multi-day orgies of his soldiers raping and looting, and then enslaving all surviving females and all males with useful skills. He did that to Delhi. Fucking Delhi, one of the most populous cities in the world. All the men dead or hiding in the countryside, save for the "lucky" few that got carted off to work for the Emir. Most of the women taken as sex slaves, except those that were literally murdered or even gang-raped to death. Human misery on an abominable scale. The Turk. The muslim.
But he was commanded by God, a veritable sword of Islam so it wasn't evil
Oh, and I nominate the following:
>Emir Nasrallah of Bukhara
two great torturers
>Nasrallah of Bukhara