Hype edition
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Hype edition
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>Blizzard removes the content you were about to start working on
How do you react?
Humans are for _____
Relieved it was removed before I started working on it. I'd rather never do something have it be gone than only get halfway through it before it's gone
Shadows gather.
>Removing Mage Tower skins
How FUCKING dare they do what they already announced they'd do months ago.
now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that MOP had the best soundtrack of any expansion?
I remove the game blizz is working on :) unsub and take my money elsewhere :)
Pretty much the only enjoyable WoD zone desu. I guess Nagrand was okay just because it was funny to see garrosh get BTFO
I don't mind them removing mage tower after legion but at least make that shit account-wide.
This will be your tank for your Mythic Plus. Say something nice about him or he'll sacrifice you to the Wild Gods later.
Bear druids are getting gutted in BfA by the looks of the class changes so far. It's pretty deserved after they were pretty much a top-tier tank for the majority of legion
the faces look a bit derpy since they had to imitate that open mouth look
>low resolution around the eyes
B-blizzard why....
SMV was also pretty nice
Close enough
>Can finally change my darkspear druid named Dinomancer into a Zandalari druid
This sexually confuses me, if it's a female.
If I spoiler mistress's feet, will she lower the punishment from ganking to spanking?
>Marksmanship rotation felt like garbage for most of Legion
>play BM reluctantly
>overall one of the worst specs of the entire expansion for raiding
>looks like the MM rotation is being fixed in BfA Alpha
>it's probably going to be absolute shit this time around and I'll be stuck playing BM for another expansion
i can almost guarantee it
Their only dino-esque form is the travel form though.
The Zandalari has some very underwhelming druid forms IMO, the Kul Tiras' forms are way better.
Why are Velves able to be Priests, shouldn't it be impossible since they're fused with Void Energy? Was it added as a class so they had a chance to be healers?
druids deserve every nerf they get after being able to do everything better than every single other class
They're all shadow priests.
Notice the shadow priest is nothing but void related shit.
I disagree completely. The balance and bear forms look incredible. Kultiran bear looks so fucking stupid
Will you /wave back?
Oh, ok. I was thinking that was the explanation but I haven't gotten around to rolling a Void Elf priest yet
Blizzard doesn't want to split priest into two classes.We've been discussing this since vanilla.
unless you're literally a cutting edge mythic raider you should just play whatever you find the most fun to play.
H-how did you get so many pictures of her feet? I want a mistress ;-;
it is becoming account wide, wtf are you talking about?
Sell me on a HMT class, anything's fine. Gonna need something after I level my VElflock (which I'm nearly done with at 1 1/2 more levels), LFDadin and NBmage.
I'll trade feet pics for food!
the zandalari "bear" is almost an ankylosaurus though, all it's missing is the club tail
Are there any zones that you have a fondness for, even if they arent one of your favorites? I like Westfall
where are the glug posters
>pets have designated specs again in BfA
>Families have their skills again
So we're going back to when I quit the game. (I didn't quit for this reason)
How bizarre.
Survival Huntard or Shaman since you seem to like cookie cutter archetypes.
That or just fall back on Tauren Chieftain styled warrior.
You haven't even logged on in 5 days. Please come back miss ;-;
Loch Modan
Dun Morogh
Storm Peaks is my absolute favorite
Give me a source on that one please.
I think I just dislike the general zandalari druid form aethestics, it's a bad, unsucessful mix of dinosaurs and the respective druid beast forms and the outcome is an abomination that doesn't feel like either.
Winterspring, Tanaris, Western Plaguelands, Feralas. Basically most of the pre-cata zones that I have such fond memories of from questing in them when I first started playing, although it wasn't vanilla, it was early on after TBC released
>Give me a source on that one please.
Dev Q+A with Ion
Is that a recent intervie or? I remember seeing a bunch of tweets with a dev but it wasn't specifically mentioned.
I don't have access to google right now because I am in China and they stopped one of my VPNs so I can't confirm for myself.
Arathi Highlands and Dun Morogh.
Old un'goro
Swamp of Sorrows
Duskwood was my favorite, shame you literally can't level in that place in a comfy manner anymore since it's has became a hot ganking spot after allied races is introduced.
is it just me or does this thing look like the bear from annihilation?
Shhh, you'll make the druids cry, and Blizzard will have to give them a physical ranged DPS spec to help them cope.
Teldrassil. My first character back at release was a Night Elf Druid and I was in awe of it the entire time. I also liked old Darkshore, the melancholy and remoteness of it made it comfy.
Why aren't you leveling an alt with no heirlooms and using no flight paths, /wowg/?
Because I don't have autism.
I'm waiting for WoW Classic. Then I'll be free of the nu-WoW shitshow forever
Play whatever feels good. inb4
>muh mythic raiding
Just run Mythic+ with friends and actually have fun.
Got to level 30 on a warrior with white gear only run then died to a silver dragon like a shitter
>follow golden
>tweets political garbage
every fucking time I follow a western person
Pretty sure Feral has consistently been middle of the pack
>heroics come out 12 years ago
>everyone hates them
>mythics come out now
>pic related is the response from the underage faggots that play this shit game now
You should all be fucking ashamed of yourselves.
>missing the point
Every druid spec should be middle of the road. Instead, they've had a spec every expansion except Vanilla that is one of the best Just thinking about BC Resto Druids causes my blood to boil.
So why was Zul retconned from a well-meaning extremist worried about the future of his race to "fuck the Zandalari, I'm all that matters and I will rule alongside Azshara"
Whats wrong with Highmountain Druid?
Mythic raiding is fun,and lets me avoid shity guilds and their fucking autism about raid schedules, reserve Lott, etc.
And people love heroic dungeons in BC. They were hard as balls.
It's not druid's fault when the devs in charge of balancing other tank specs are fucking retarded.
Playing as early Legion Vengeance and Blood are fucking painful experiences.
So are you just a butthurt rogue or something? If anything Legion has been one of the great equalizers, since the legendary system has more or less shit on people trying to play multiple roles.
>its not le druids fault
t. fotm druid reroller
Druids have been whiny faggots since Vanilla. No class gets as much attention and features as druid, yet druids will pretend they arne't Blizzard's favorite class.
Because any villain in this game has to be related to the Old Gods
It wasn't retconned, he just got sick of watching the other empires fall and Rahktastan failing to do anything about it and decided he's too weak of a king.
Bring back hybrid tax. It's fucking retarded that one class can be top tier at every role.
I ditched those specs and have only played bear for mage tower, I was and will always be a warrior tank first and foremost, nice projection.
Consider that almost every furry rolls Druid and it all makes sense.
>finally get 2nd lego for priest after nearly 2 weeks
>norgannons foresight
Pandaria sure is a strange place
You know whats even stupider ?
They're still trying to push fucking lightning shield as a talent even though everybody fucking hates it.
Stop avatarfagging you pathetic permavirgin
Nobody gives a shit about your N64 character model
are there any zones or places that are perfect in your mind for erp but no one even rps in them let alone erp?
>le rogue joke
No. I'm just calling out how far the game ha shifted. Druids also attracted whiny faggot for years, and now they got what they want and can do everything as well as pures. its just crazy how much fucking attention Blizzard gives that class.
Meanwhile, the other hybrids have been gutted both mechanically, and in terms fo flavor and utility. Shaman totems are just stationary cd buttons, paladins lost aura, etc. But hey, at least druid got a 4th spec and custom models based on their race!
>have miserable fucking day
>need eyebleach so badly I'm going to start crying or puking at any moment
>just want to destress on wow
>too shitty at the game to get anything done
Im so frustrated right now I just want to feel better. Does anyone have any tips or some shit? I feel like I'm gonna fucking die.
Femdead exclusively.
I agree with some of the favorism arguments because I was pissed too as a rogue main back in the day.
I think it's entirely justified for them to have multiple and updated skins though, you are literally unable to see yourself in gear/mog and is stuck with the same few forms until Legion hits.
kys you whiny bitch
FUCKING THIS! Just give them back their utility (totems, auras, mark/innervate etc) and put them back to the middle of the road at whatever role they choose. Nobody cares that they cant clear mythic raids with their fucking boomkin.
There's cool little houses on the bluffs in Jade Forest that are super comfy and no one ever is RPing at them.
Venture Bay in Northerend too.
Idk looks pretty good to me
It wouldn't work with the way blizzard designs classes and specialization now. For an extreme example. Paladin was balanced by being a fucking auto attack class, but it's just retarded and difficult to tax modern ret in a non-hamfisted way when they have many active abilities, holy power, and shit that all vanilla pallies had now locked behind holy or prot.
Thats fair and I agree. My issue is more with the loss of hybrid tax, and the fact that other classes don't get so much dev attention. I wish every class got as much love as the druid does form Blizz.
Lyndria! What if all the anons grow addicted to your soles? Will you take responsibility?
But I'm having fun