Tree of Savior General - /tosg/


>New/returning player?

>Last big update
R9 class info/discussion:

>Upcoming changes
New classes (Onmyoji/Retiarius):
Guild promotion/quests/collections:
New raid/lv360 legend gear:
QoL stuff:
Wiz+Swordie rework:
Colony Wars:

>Latest Patch Notes

>Current events
and ingame 'News' button

TOS Info:
Detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links

>Addon Manager

>Database, skill planner and other stuff

>Card Effects

>Extra Stat Points

>Servers (choose what's the closest to your location for better ping)
- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA) Fedimian(EU) Silute(SA) Telsiai(SEA)

>/tosg/ Guilds info:
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.

Futureproof (ApplyAFineHorse3)
cute (Merigolds/Majiene)
CuteNotLewd (Plasmagica/Mia)

Comfy (neshoi)

CoffeeHouse (Capyba)

Lewd (Nanaumi/Pokart)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>no one even claims the first post

If Lily is Vakarine who is Haru?

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Oh wow news.. or..
They are both whores from another game. Fuck off to your Gen.

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>not even 800 players logged in right now worldwide playing this semen slurping kusoge

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Not true, retard.

>not true
What did you mean?

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As long Mia afk in town game will nevr die

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>What did you mean?
That you are a retarded brainlet. No spoonfeed for you now.

But right now there are less than 800 players logged in and during March game had a -126.4 lose on average players so far
Both are facts

And? Your post above is not true, as i said.
At least try, brainlet.

>denying facts this hard

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Oh c'mon. Focus the handful of braincells you maybe have, and not at sucking weet weet dick, for a moment.

>*writing an essay to defend your game

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What/Who is that?

>world wide
>Only counting non nexon regions

>iToS is not so dead if we consider the other versions of the game
Who gives a shit, kToS or jToS being dead has nothing to do ith iToS being dead too.

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Soulworker veteran here. If you're gonna doompost or shill, you need to at least pick another game. Soulworker is barely an mmo and it's not a game you play for a long time. You hump and dump it in less than a month and you'll be bored to death after finishing the main story.

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Is the story that good?

Typical Japanese anime story telling. it doesn't do anything new. There's no other reason to play than to finish the story, after that the only thing you can do is uninstall right away and move on.

Not really, but main issue is in this phase of the "beta" there is only the first tier of raids out
Once at lv 55 cap you have literally 20 hours worth of content
Done that there is only stocking up money to buy the newly introduced tokens or cosmetic.
The main quest continue but if you try to enter the map where it progress you get warped back to the starting town.
The question is if they will add this missing content (literally 80% of the game) anytime soon

>ToS Killer
>It's only content is levelling and then hoping JewForge bother with publishing content from a 10 years old game they for some reason hadn't released yet.
So what will be the next ToS killer shitposters will spam? Code Vein? WoW BfA? Something i am missing releasing soon?

Code Vein for sure, but that game will have it's general too so they will move there

Man there is playing a shit MMO and then there's playing a shit MMO where the developers just drip feed you content that was finished years ago so they don't have to work on anything. Don't get how people can play these mmos that take 10 years to port.

GameForge aren't devs, they are publishers
The actual devs probably aren't even working on that game anymore for years now and just sold them the license for almost free

10 years ago that shit game would have been pretty good imho
The graphics alone aren't even bad for 2008 standards and so the mechanics, but it's just some generic garbage now

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Reminder that he changed his username, avatar and removed his github signature out of shame for being outed as a subhuman piece of autistic shit.

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Popos are the master race

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nobody cares about your brazilian who bf asshole

>2h between bumps
f-fuck off w-we are full!

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That's just nighttime at all servers
the 700 "people" playing are all the remaining bots

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Do we have any idea what the belcoper set bonus are going to be?
Is that shit release yet?

I saw someone listed yellow pag clamper cloth for 10m. Is he having a giggle or is it really that expensive? Returning player here please help

just gold seller stuff

Did this really happen?

People that play ToS don't play WoW. Current WoW has even more daily grinding than ToS.

Get the addon that lets you see names of people selling things and confront them about it. I got some fag to give me a bunch of items to not report him, and I reported him anyway.

im not him can you explain what is not true about it?
other regions dont use steam?
do they play on the same servers?
i dont think ive ever seen hangul names running around on the servers

ToS doesn't need a killer. ToS is killing itself just fine.

20m tokens?
Bye bye tostards, just for that

ToS wa mou shindeiru, but what is dead may never die.

I wish BRRabbit was here to defend ToS' honor.

And here I thought I've hit the jackpot with my clamper cloth stack. Does dungeon still gives decent money?

The retard probably was talking about KR/JP

Only if you're not more than 30 levels above the dungeon lvl, that's when silver penalties start ocurring. Some dungeons can give you some treasures like the DG180 iirc (you can get a Max Petamion recipe there; it's way more valuable now).

I can't imagine it does well at all on KR, considering how many MMOs are shat out every day there.

It doesnt really matter to the retard though
he will spam "not true" like the brainlet he is and think he wins
No one here even cares about KTOS since no one is playing there

Mia plays there! I have an account there, but I only play kTEST!

As long as Mia afks in some game, that game is ALIVE and saying that it's ded is NOT TRUE.

>People think steam players are the only players in the whole world for the game

Regarding ITOS aka the game we supposedly play Steam players are the only players

Listen dipshit
no one cares about asians, they are not humans
probably worse than niggers
The only reason they dont get as much hate online is because online community is filled with children of asian immigrant small-dicked sliteyes or various half-asian mutts

Don't say shit like worldwide (like ) then, if you aren't going to count the whole world.

Oh, how many players are playing on the other versions then?

Now I truly see why most KMMOs have their launcher even if they have steam integration

They can always fall back on
>nuh uh muh steamcharts doesnt count everyone
Kind of funny and smart at the same time, it really limits the impression of dying server when people dont have concrete numbers in front of them
In that regard Steam was a mistake for IMC

I don't know if feel sad for you, shame or just laugh at you.

>arguing on semantic over a semen slurping kusoge
Next time lets say "people logged playing this kusoge worldwide through steam, which is the only way to play this specific version of the game which is the one we care off" instead of just worldwide

>several boards freezed for over 12 hours
Dead game
Dead general
Dead board

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I been telling them that the sex worker game is nothing but a jew handing over a bag of dry bleached flour with a spoon and a glass of water then telling you to enjoy your meal.
Also on the topic of the "missing content". I won't hold my breath on them coming out with anything any time within this year until they milk the fuck out of the "beta" harder than EA with their bad company history. Even if they do have "new content" it will some how be pay to unlock like their other already failed and shut off games.
Then again, there are people that enjoy cutting themselves and call that entertainment, and the salty doom fags...

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i plan to use this week end -50% energy usage event to farm Last Carnival raid to get enough denzai to buy off some retarded whale "gold+silver VIP" pack without opening it doesn't expire and hibernate the game until it gets that content, if it gets it

I will be called a StreetWorker fuck off we are full etc. Game is fun played a little but GayForge management is GayForge management but
>Crimson used to raid tosg meatups and sometimes shitposted here too
>find out they moved to SexWorker
>(((someone)) shitpost about this kusoge in tosg
It all makes sense now

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Are Nuaele cards really that expensive? What are the most sought after cards currently

live board?

fuck off we are full

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How does Chap Kriv Inqui work?

Revelation Online still exists?

I am surprised too
The general on Veeky Forums how long it lasted? Less than a week right?

>The general on Veeky Forums how long it lasted?
I like when shitter take a jab at other games like this when tosg only survives because of mia's shitposting.

probably has more players than tree of saalus and afk in town


why don't people stop bickering and answer these legitimate questions about the game

>talking about ToS
Fuck off

Why don't you try playing the game? Scared you'll have to play the game more if your chap kriv inq build doesn't work?

Ask in your discord

Cast buffs, hold Z to win and let the flames from dead enemies kill more enemies. Occasionally cast malleus for elite mobs/bosses and wheel for big groups. Need 25 mill for flames attribute though.

Keeping tosg alive

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A 10* Nuaele card sells for 10~12mil in my server. I like Armaos better though.
For the other colors, everything is situational, but in most cases people use Chapparition/Glass Mole, greens of their main stat and Gazing Golem/Dullahan.

Just report and hide their posts. They don't realize their shitposting only helps maintaining this general alive.

Oh 4chins is not ded anymore. About time

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you aren't, fuck off nigger

but thread was on page 10

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let it die you fucking retard
stop replying you fucking autist

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quick summary:

>Belcoper raid added

his hp increased but defenses lowered, a bit, still high new old

>No Exp or Silver in Belcoper raid

>Limited use of Soul Crystals inside Belcoper raid

>one entry per week. +1 with Token. Shared Entry with updated ET

>new 360 Gear and gear crafting system, we already saw here


>Guild Promotion Board added. as we saw it here

>Worldbosses will have buffs and be weak to something (?)

>reduced Powder cost for random item stat rerolling

>% enchant attributes for Fencer - Flash and Mergen - Parthian Shaft added

>Errors in skill and attribute tooltips fixed

>some skill bugs fixed. like WL3 demon scratch effect staying

more Details and better soon at

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no one fucking cares

Not true

make your goddamn general and FUCK OFF ALREADY

fuck off retard this general is dead
baiting replies isn't going to change anything

>still no % enhance attribute for Taoist

No u fuck off.


fuck off retard
this general is fucking dead

Mods don't do anything about these fucking faggots holy shit.

literally nothing

Thess are good news but Belcoper gear and special costume looks like shit
And the costume having stats is a bad precedent, from there to gatcha costumes with stats the step is very small

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