Assad's army killing civillians is continuing.
Aleppo has fallen
shouldn't have rebelled and/or harbored rebels
tough shit lmao
Yeah I'm sure the civilians are fucking distraught that the Islamist rebels who rule them with an iron fist are getting their shit pushed in
>roasties would rather kill themselves than have sex with a man below their standards
Where were these heart-bleeding faggots in the past 2 years when ISIS was slaughtering people en masse?
Don't you mean reclaimed?
If only there was a board for news
>there are actually people who think the regular Syrian army is more likely to commit war crimes than the hodgepodge (((Syrian))) rebels
this isn't history or humanities
Or they could just surrender to the government. Tying the SAA solely to Assad misses the point that there are many people in Syria who oppose Assad but also do not wish to see their country fall to the Islamists.
Women and children killing themselves because of fears of rape is not *too* different from the IJA telling Okinawans/Chamorro that American soldiers would rape and kill them. But in this instance, we blame the SAA for actions they haven't done whereas in the other we would criticize those evil Japanese. Amazing how blind the Western media can be.
25 year rule.
Media has done everything they could to portray the rebels as the good guys instead of the worse of two bad options.
>tfw the Star Wars movies have unironically shaped the way most westerners view politics
Bit of a difference between an enlightened authoritarian holding onto power in a highly destabilize region and a pseudo-mystical power cult forcefully seizing control of an entire galactic system.
link to the live stream pls
>not willfully manipulative
You're not smarter than them, they're on a different team
Wrong board.
The average schmuck who graduates from Columbia or NYU's journalism program has no idea about American foreign policy or geopolitics and just reports on what they see and hear from their colleagues and "contacts".
You're conflating general ignorance with a devious plot. The deviousness comes from the CIA and Pentagon and it's pretty filtered down once it reaches the New York Times. Liberal journalists are merely useful idiots, they're not actually power holders in the system and they consider themselves to be oppressed watchdogs rather than protectors of state power.
>the good guys are winning
>You're conflating general ignorance with a devious plot
Sums up /pol/ to a T. I wish people were capable of the kind of massive scale conspiracies some think they are.
>5 years, 8 months and 4 weeks
>still here
With chinese contractors and the fact that all the salafi scum has left for Europe, Syria might look at good times after this "civil" war.
The leaders of the media have their own goals which trickle down into the entire organization. The grunts are always useful idiots, but when you say the western media is blind it implies much more than John Jackoff reporter at large.
somewhat more Veeky Forums related
now that IS is back in control over Palmyra is there any chance it retains anything resembling historical significance after they're done with it?
As they lose powerbases all over I could easily see them plant a bunch of explosives and hold it "hostage"
Its not a 'devious plot' conducted by a small room filled with evil people, its a population with a different moral paradigm. The leaders have their own goals, their friends have the same goals, they hire people with the same goals, on and on until the organization represents the will of those in power. This isn't conspiracy, its the metaphysics of reality. Like attracts like.
I don't hate these people or judge them morally. I'm part of a different team, I have a different vision for the world, a different moral paradigm. The universe will sort it out through the will-to-power, the Darwinistic struggle that we all live in and are. We are all just pawns on a divine chessboard, playing the roles we must play.
Off-topic, but that sounds a bit fascist. Life isn't just a struggle, there's lots of symbiotic relationships that develop in nature. Failing to recognize the duality of nature means that extremist ideologies like fascism will always be doomed to fail. Neither do I believe in the current neoliberal scheme, but that's a different story.
What is Aleppo?
people tend to ignore how cronyistic and patronizing nazis and mussolini were
>with chinese contractors
sri lanka is already struggling to repay their debts to the chinese for their development projects in the country. A shitty, corrupt country like syria will fare terribly under chinese development. add onto this the fact that the chinese don't employ local labor to perform development project.
There are oil/gas-fields around Palmyra, so they would want to retake it as quick as possible so we might get minimal artifact loss.
Also I like how IS pulled a fucking Bulgarian empire as in all their other fronts were crumbling so they decided to do a 4000-man zerg rush of Palmyra instead of trying to hold any other place.
or were you already BTFO for being an interventionist shill??
I believe in unity as well as struggle, but both exist, and we're entering a new stage of struggle. Fascism isn't 'correct' and neither is democratic egalitarianism, they are both different adaptations for different peoples at different times.
I have no doubt that if man avoids destroying itself we will end up a unitary race, a one world government. But we cannot simply 'choose' that, we must reach equilibrium through destruction and assimilation.
Think of the religious fanatics of both the west and middle-east. On the west we have biology denying radical egalitarians, on the east we have repressive religio-fascist nationalists. Those two sides cannot come together without conflict. I can certainly imagine both groups throwing their hands in the air and saying 'this is silly, we just believe in different fantasies. Lets choose one fantasy to believe in together.' But that will never happen. The law of averages won't permit it. The two sides must clash.
I actually think that American rednecks and Middle Eastern Sunni jihadists could be close allies. Humans aren't idiots, they know when their people and way of life are under attack. In my opinion, the same dynamic that propels some young kid from Iraq or Saudi Arabia to take up arms against the West is the same dynamic that propels some American millenial to vote for Trump.
Being a hardcore Islamist or Trumpist isn't about being racist or wanting to kill others. It's about protecting your tradition and people who would be affected if your lose your tradition which is a source of strength to rally around. Of course, since I'm neither an Islamist or Trumpist, I can understand if these two groups would disagree with such an assessment.
god I love memri tv, they find such ridiculous shit
You need to be more respectful. Islam is a religion of peace.
Good Lord, has it been 25 years already. Time flies.
The creator of this image seriously suggesting we ought to intervene militarily in Middle Eastern affairs AGAIN?
Make up your fucking mind
>mainstream and social media dosen't give a shit about the Yazidi genocide
>Islamists getting BTFO and a possible end to the refugee crisis is a tragedy
Hmmmmm really makes ya think.
the yazidi genocide was widely reported
we might aswell convert this thread into a "times when the Ba'ath movement achieved something"
never underestimate the liberal mind, habibi:
Just because people defend their turf and collective vision does not mean that they find peace through that, so much for your "Trumpist-islamist" solidarity retardry.
They cucked out of their march already.
>yazidi genocide
>not the last remnants of the oldest church of christianity currently getting wiped out in the ME by pretty much all sides fighting except the shia's
>pop culture faux news
pol not his
rebranding themselves Alt Right and waiting for people to forget who advocated for n intentionally destabilized iraq
>the last remnants of the oldest church of christianity
How many Christians worship a peacock angel of redemption?
Assyrians are not Yazidis you plebeian.
>In my opinion, the same dynamic that propels some young kid from Iraq or Saudi Arabia to take up arms against the West is the same dynamic that propels some American millenial to vote for Trump.
>teenage Muslims taking up arms is "practically the same" as teenage rednecks casting a vote for trump
have the liberals finally gone full retard?
nah he is simply biased towards the christians even though both groups have it hard and get ruthlessy decimated.
Assyrians have a based militia tho.
Huh, I always thought that song was called "Wake Me Up (Inside)."
Excuse me fag, this isn't 25 years old.
Whether or not killing everyone occupying a plot of land is a war crime I'm pretty sure it's not genocide.
>I actually think that American rednecks and Middle Eastern Sunni jihadists could be close allies.
Yeah, they are. As in, USA is allied to Saudi Arabia.
>It's about protecting your tradition and people who would be affected if your lose your tradition which is a source of strength to rally around.
No it isn't. Both Saudi Wahhabis and American neocons are universalists who want to turn the entire world in their image, ruining indigenous traditions. They don't accept people having it any other way.
It's especially noticable with the Saudis since they have literally, without the smallest amount of exaggeration, bulldozed and burned down Islamic heritage sites in their own fucking country because they're incompatible with wahhabism, like the graves of the Prophet's companions, or the Prophet's mother.
This comparison is more apt with movements like Iranians or Hezbollah on the Islamic side and European nationalists, since they both want to preserve their own stuff, including traditions that aren't really compatible with Islam but people have grown accustomed to them. And, unsurprisingly, they do show support for each other.
Hating on humanities I see
fucking mods, i reported this right after the thread was made
>yazidis mattering
they are literally a tiny minority. the only reason anyone cares about them is to play out their crusader fantasies.
dat compression
1st of all,
25 yr rule you faget
2nd of all your hilarious ironic bait is gay as fuck, and people who fall for it are even gayer
>In this moment
>are captivated
>Woman rather kill
>what can I answer to my children
Can we focus on the fact that whoever wrote this doesn't speak English as a first language.
I like them because I appreciate diversity.
This, they also have a very ancient religion, and they are cute. Shame they are nearly exterminated.
>Assyrians have a based militia tho.
so do yazidis in fairness
>because of IS more and more k*rds are returning to their pagan roots of Zoroastrianism after they saw what they did to the Yazidi's
>they opened the first Fire temple in the K*rdistan region last month in Suleimani
>so not only did IS fracture all the different muslim religious groups and communities but they now helped revive an ancient pre-islamic religion while giving K*rds more territory
Why the fuck are Arabs this self-destructive?
What causes them to take all these retarded decisions to stab eachother in the back while Iran, K*rds and Russia pick the corpses?
I'm not talking about the Saudi royalty. They are to the Middle East what our neoliberal/neocon elites are to the West. The angry citizenry rightly see them as Western appeasers who place their own power above the interests of the common person.
And while I greatly respect the Iranians and Hezbollah, they have the same end goal as the people they're fighting in Syria - the removal of all vestiges Western imperialism, especially Israel and Sykes-Picot, from the Middle East.
They could find some understanding, at the very least.
>implying the turkroaches aren't going to go full kurd genocide and annex all territory in "self defense"
That image is the faggiest thing I've ever read.
neat, hadn't heard about that
Its not blind unless you mean wilful blindness
It's pretty funny.