/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #2926

Summer jannu soon edition

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Stream summary

>Recent news
4th Anniversary Event with Magfest, daily crystals, free daily draw, bonus pendant, JD drop boost and Daily Roll Roulette with one guaranteed 100 rolls in the last day if you haven't got one before that.
Yaia 5* uncap and Bonito 4* uncap in March
What makes the sky blue Part 2 is ongoing with free SSR Sandalphon and a free discount Primal
SSR Tiamat, SR Birdman and SSR Halluel and Malluel summon released

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for March:
2/28 - 3/23 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II
3/12 - 3/18 - Rise of the Four Beasts
3/18 - 3/24 - Xeno Corow Clash
3/24 - 3/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun)
3/31 - 4/8 - New Scenario Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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My cute wife Lecia!

Attached: Lecia_(Grand)_A.png (960x800, 137K)

Be honest, are you guys mentally ill?

My lovely husband!

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But she's my wife!

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1-4 Diantha
5-9 Seruel for GW
0 C Arulu

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Another SideM collab in thr way besides the one that will be Put on the side stories, which characters are we going to get, hard mode... Not Saki and his trap VA.

Attached: Saki 01.jpg (1049x752, 229K)

So what gacha tomorrow?

>no lennah to play stamina wind
Well fuck it, I wouldn't be able to farm harps anyway

Summons who have a chance at being playable

Celeste (Posession)

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That's the event for their side, you fag.

Why is he so cool?


Repeat after me: NEVER EVER

Is Samurai just a meme class?



They talk about the SideM collab being in gbf side stories and gbf event in SideM being rerun

Stupid Saki poster

Attached: DYVX2zXU0AAGrXi.jpg (800x450, 63K)

Is she truly garbage?

Attached: 1517417120621.png (539x774, 733K)

This is becoming my favorite sticker for some reason and I don’t even have her.

Weird. She's my wife too...

Is it really a new collab?

This is your gaijin collab for the next year.

Attached: Gerald.jpg (640x920, 88K)

How does F2P Varuna compare to Levi x Levi auberons

This fuccboi

Attached: 81wglgheILL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1058, 231K)

Article needs a subscription but found a video link
It's not really interesting so here's the tl;dr
Dude lives with his parents and is 31 years old
Doesn't work but makes money through the stock market
Money spent is the total since he started playing, not a one-time roll
They show a bunch of people who streamed themselves rolling

>Overrated garbage in my game
No thanks.

I did it!

Attached: Six.jpg (477x687, 119K)

Who'd voice him?

Lecia polyandry confirmed. user A gets to fuck her feet. user B gets to fuck her mouth. user C gets to fuck her armpit.

How the hell is that a boy?

>we literally got SnK less than half a year ago

Wasn't Geralt voiced by All Cummings?

>draw a girl
>call it a guy

He wouldn't suffer the typical teenager JRPG protag.

>3 flips
>2 cradles

Well, I certainly wouldn't consider myself sane since I spent 23bucks on a voiced picture that will soon disappear.


you mean SV collab with Gwent

>Sieg looking at the countryside while hoping he could settle down with the woman he loves and live a cozy life raising children

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Grea's fat dragon booty!

Attached: fed5265eb73ce94e2312bd46c0c18fea.png (889x1300, 1.18M)

The same way this is a boy

Attached: 81vI38gnWTL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1058, 260K)

That's not how you use the word "literally".

Define mentally ill

Why does he have daggers?

I was wondering for a second why everyone started talking about him suddenly. He's probably going to be my main in SC6.

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My wife.

>people in the grubble world don't know what makes the sky blue
>they also don't understand how the moon changes forms
for all the technology they have they sure are a bunch of brainlets

Attached: moon.png (728x162, 12K)

I don't know, and I don't want to know. I could think of nothing worse than knowing I'm fundamentally broken

>when the leaks became true

We didn't get the cute boys with the Sword Boys collab, we won't get them with SideM. Enjoy your generic bishonens.

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>erf was the origin all along!

Attached: earth.png (537x770, 694K)

bros where do i farm orbs and whorls?
i thought i had lots of them but turned out i need even more to ele change a gw weapon

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I wouldn't be surprised if I did turn out to have some kind of mental deficiency.

I want to settle down with Sieg

I need more power. All the other magnas are nothing but fuck this boat. Pls

>48 kilos
Someone feed this malnourished fuccboi

I'll probably main Mitsurugi or Kilik unless Setsuka somehow makes it in and is her SC3 version or they collab with Disgaea or something

kill yourself

Why the FUCK didn't we get a Soul Calibur collab
Put Lan-chan in Soul Calibur + Siegfried skin for Nightmare, and gave us Sophitia + Nightmare skin for Siegfried

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He's just another victim to me

I love 2D feet.

Reminder to use your rolls today

He's 160cm you amerilard

Wait a second, is that a boy or a girl?

I wanna fucc Pierre from SideM.

Yeah, he basically is one.

I claim her mouth, then.

Attached: __lecia_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_akira_coffee_curry__52654f080e4420680c454db534431705.jpg (1045x692, 98K)

You posted a bishounen.

That's a sword (male)

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god I love Saki. Someone post Pierre

Wow, what did Djeeta do with the shota?

Attached: slut.png (521x757, 744K)

Pretty much, yeah. Never told anybody though.

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Bea or Idol Slut?

Attached: TIX.png (905x168, 150K)

All guys swords

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Welp, looks like I'm gay and swordsexual now.


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bea is shit.

I want to [REDACTED] Midare

Is Lennah good?

Imagine tixing charas for ants.

Not even the best sword (male)

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Make Yuisis start in attack mode.

I fixed her lads.

Tied Alec to the engine of the Grancypher, of course.

All sword boys are cute, you don't talk shit about them, you trapfag.

She's cute!

I said generic bishonens
That's a cute girly shota bishonen

Can't help it, I'm weak to ponytails

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If I host Medusa HL will /gbfg/ carry me I need 3 more urns for Salsa

Homos should hang themselves.

>ringed orchid
>she rolled 600 attack and 300 HP
>but 5 dodge and 16% crit
Do I even bother ringing her again?

>Japs keep killing Agni before his adds are dead

pretty hard playing granblue with 4 arms

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Sword boys collab 2 when?

Is S. Korwa even used for anything?

5 dodge and 16 crit? keep it.

i already got my 9x multiplier and mvp box, why should i care about you

16% for how much dmg

Why do japs keep calling me ゴキブリ ?

Is it because my name is キリキリ