League of Legends General /lolg/


it's an Ahri thread!

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>We can post again
>Time for a webm

ADBabs get really fucking bold when they have a tower near them.

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>FINALLY get a game as Swain
>Kai'Sa Top goes 0/14

>FINALLY get another game as Swain
>Up against a Plat 1 Yasuo OTP (note: I'm Silver)

>FINALLY get another game as Swain
>Top and Jungle go a combined 1/24





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why are league champs so uninteresting? I literally can't find one interesting champ to worth buying or unlocking except ahri who is free anyway

fresh hell awaits us again after 14 hours of nothing
there is no escape

Friendly reminder to ahegao your support!

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>had to kledpost on the /lolg/ thread of /trash/

in other news, archangel gutting can't come soon enough, anivia's wall with 20% more cdr is fucking cancerous.

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Never bully your support!
Honour your support every game !

Would your risk your soul?

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I was sad that vg was dead so I played videogames and got demoted... but now we're alive again and I'm happy!

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every mage update was a nerf

Yeah me too, glad we're back~
Proof of what..

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How long till Lux gets a black bf?

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please respond

>play Fiora
>Be a gigantic piece of shit in lane
>Suddenly finish one item and get Max rank Q
>Everyone with enough of a death wish to enter your lane dies

This bitch is power spike the champion

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Pantheon Rework
[P] Art of War
While in combat Pantheon gains AD up to a cap that lasts till the end of combat
[Q] Spear Shot
Pantheon throws his spear dealing x damage to minions it passes through and stops on first champion hit. If it hits a champion the spear is impaled in the target doing small bleed damage over time. While impaled Pantheon loses his spear and starts using a sword lowering his attack range and can't cast it again until he picks up the spear. If Pantheon walks up to the impaled target he rips out the spear doing a x damage
[W] Aegis of Zeonia
Pantheon dashes forward a short distance gaining an AD scaling shield and stunning champions hit by the shield bash. Does more damage and stun longer the further he travels
[E]Heartseeker strike/Critical slash
Pantheon thrusts his spear forward in a line doing x damage or he slashes his sword in a cone doing x damage
Passively makes him crit targets below x/x/x% max hp
[R]Grand Skyfall
Basically the same as old ulti with visual impovements and scales AD rather than AP. New effect: Can be cast while dead to summon another aspect of war to fight for him(same abilities) for a period of time. The aspect does the grand skyfall at a reduced range and doubles the CD if used this way

Y/N? Any insights? Tried to keep it as close to old Pantheon and give him new tools to work with to make him less of a pain to balance

>Everyone taking bone plate
>They forgot that demolish was a rune
>Split-pushing to victory with no contest because none of them have demolish to match


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Xth for surrendering ASAP when the game is clearly lost so as not to waste time

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Play draven

>nearly all pro's building PD on Kaisa
>ask a challenger AD why he does it
>"Everyone does it! It's just to max her Q out faster. But yeah rageblade is better damage."
But her Q fucking sucks!
Is this some sort of collective brain damage going on?

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isn't it faster to go ER + pickaxe for her Q upgrade?

My nigg. Why do people play on even when it's obvious they're going to lose? Couldn't they just start fresh and try again? This seems to primarily an American thing I find.

>tilting your team
>2/9, 0/5, 0/5

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Her Q does crazy ass damage
Reaver means E spam later on

The main reason is they're getting used to ER since rageblade is going to get gutted next patch.

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>Cassiopeia into Anivia
>Q her, use the MS buff to barely dodge her stun

>She walls behind me
Anivia pickers deserve nothing but suffering.

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Yeah sorry I meant ER.
But I just don't get it.
Her Q is trash.
>But it doubles it's damage!
2x trash is just more trash!
You need to isolate the enemy from creeps and other champs for it to be effective, whereas you can just build rapeblade, nashors, witsend and shit out deeps, max her W or E whichever you want first.
Honestly an evolved W smacking a two plasma opponent does massive damage compared to an even isolated evolved Q charge.
Also building AD makes her passive and W almost totally useless where as rapeblade Kaisa all her skills are useful except arguably Q.

>Getting nerfed next patch
This I can see as a good reason. But from my challenger friend he says they're using it because her Q is incredible. But it isn't. I think a lot of people are using sneaky's build for her but it sucks.

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Fiora feels like a Riven that trades flexibility for being easier to play.







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Oh look its another game of botlane ints and flames eachother when they are playing the two easiest roles in the game XD

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Not sure fiora is easier than Riven just because riven has an aoe instant stun and fioras is situational depending on whats being thrown at you.
Riven's more mobile and more damagey and fiora seems more tank inclined.

>he never played against tryndamere or nasus or anyone who abuses triforce


Just go shlick to some porn, you degenerate.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Fiora. Her kit is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of game mechanics most of her comboes will overwhelm a typical league player. There’s also Fiora's underpowered passive, which is deftly woven into her kit- her ability to 1v1 literally anyone at any point of the game draws heavily from her lore, for instance. The mains understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this champion, to realise that she's not just underpowered- she's DIFFICULT to play. As a consequence people who dislike Fiora truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the skill in Fiora's signature combo, "R Q Q Q Q”, which itself is so insanely difficult faker blew his left nut off out of anger trying to perform said combo. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Riot’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

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Dude just don't let her buy Rav Hydra xD

>tfw Riot's underwhelming reunion of Kassadad and Kassadaughter

*wears bramble vest*

But her Q does do a shitton of damage on a low ass cooldown, even losing hits to creeps it's just good free damage going out and it helps a ton killing tanks that dive you

Saying her passive is useless by building AD is like saying Vayne's W is useless if you build AD. It's an amazing on hit and the AD build includes AS. Her W also has a disgusting AD ratio.

I prefer rageblade too because it spikes earlier and has insane dps but reaver has good things too. If my team is heavy on magic damage I go reaver because rageblade Kai'sa is almost 50/50 split in DMG.


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>playing a melee vs kaisa and vayne on the same team
>dude can't hit either of us and can't pink us either lmao

holy fucking shit that was so unfun

Why does smurfing feel so fucking good?

I love shitting on noobs below diamond

>ult cooldown is halved if you get a kill within 3 seconds after using it
Did I fix Kaisa?

Because you won't get shit on by players who are better than you are. Have fun in the kiddie pool.

Give me one reason to not bring Glacial Augment on Tryndamere.


smurfs who do that to "shit on noobs" are just crybabies who can't even hold their elo anymore

I never get shit on


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>Playing a dedicated splitpusher in this meta

I am not a good player. I have never, even briefly, been higher than Silver 2 and I've never finished a season higher than Silver 3. I'll never be a pro player and I'll be lucky to ever hit something as lowly as Gold. And I'm ok with that. I still love to get into a ranked game, try hard, and try to see if I can climb a little bit higher than previous seasons. It's fun to compete with people who are roughly around my skill level.

You know what isn't fun, getting stuck in a ranked game with someone who clearly doesn't belong in my elo. There is nothing as frustrating, aggravating, and humiliating as having some random smurf on the enemy team run around and ROFL stomp everyone on my team, myself included, as if we were little better than bots. So, everytime I see someone with several solo kills and 120 cs at 15 minutes, you better believe I take screenshots, check out their op.gg, screenshot that as well, and then send a report into Riot via a support ticket At times, I'll quit League for months at a time over this sort of thing.

So imagine my surprise when one of Riot's longest standing casters admits on air to this behavior. Diamond players DO NOT BELONG IN BRONZE AND SILVER GAMES. EVER. And the way the game and TOS are set up, there is no legitimate way for them to end up there.

Zirene, if you read this, I am a silver player and I am not a kid. I was serving in the military before, during, and after 9/11. I was overseas protecting American interests abroad literally before you hit middle school. I find your comments and behavior reprehensible and it is my sincere opinion that you owe the greater community an apology. I have reported you via Riot's internal ticketing system and it is my hope Riot will use this as an opportunity to send a message to the community and take a stand against behavior that is clearly not in the best interest of the game and it's competitive integrity.

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I think I'm just grateful the game was a remake.

On a side note, any tips on farming past laning phase? I'm always scare do miss a team fight, so I fall behind.

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>Riot is and will always be a one game company, they succeeded in spite of themselves, their SJW attitude is cancer

because the resolve tree gives so much shit and besides taking that means you want to be team fighting or chasing enemies which is not tryndamere's job

Her Q really isn't that great.
This is evolved with 3 items that are way more expensive than a RB, NT, WE combo and does less damage.
Her Q has a low cooldown sure but with the AS speed from a RB build you proc your passive way quicker and do more damage than the Q. Her W does more damage than the Q and has real poke and snipe potential.
I just don't buy the idea that her passive is okay with ad. People forget that a big part of her passive is incremental bonus damage for every plasma stack.
This increases with AP.
The percent missing health damage also AP scales.
Nothing on her passive scales with AD and makes her proccing weak. Especially since PD doesn't provide any AS which is arguably her primary stat.
I can totally understand where you're coming from if the enemy team are building MR and you go PD. But going PD as the default for pro's seems just collective brain damage at the moment.
I think it's shown me how uncreative and how prone pro's are to just follow what someone else is doing rather than experiment.

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There's plenty of amateur couples like that on pornhub.

Literally a lose less item. She's still going to splitpush your ass in

>basically second fiddle to pubg and fortnite especially for normies, which is the main audience for LoL
>season is garbage

We are officially dead game status. When do we post KPop?

>their SJW attitude is cancer
Sounds like somebody got banned for flaming his teammates

Then why aren't you climbing you ding dong? :3

nah ive searched my tags are populated by uggos and unskilled doms

furthermore you wont see a man like that on ph

okay theres this one swedish dude and his slave but they only have like 7 vids

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>implying that pubg is even still relevant


"bawww riot isn't making as many waifus as before!! varus is gay and the game has now non sexualized women fucking sjw!!"

Soon I hope. She and Ekko have way more in common than Ezreal or shitty taliyah

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I don't get people who complain about midlane in this season

Thanks to the new runes you can literally play any midlane champion and be viable

Nah, never even got chat restricted. But they even started talking about 'hate speech' on plebbit and in-client and people start slurping Tryndamere's cum and talk about how 'toxicity ruins game'
Thin skinned faggots

pubg is fucking dead bro

fortnite is just another meme fotm game, it's blizzard's PUBG that we need to be really scared of

fortnite is a fotm game, the craze will die down in a month of two, just like overwatch two years ago.

there is something truly addictive about league and this game will most likely never die as long as they release content, just like world of warcraft

Why does Soulhunter Kayn have to be so mediocre? Is he getting a new skin soon? :(

Lmao, so this was what caused the freeze?

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and yet i still can't play Lulu mid, sad!

>wants a dom male
>dates a skinny lanklet


>and talk about how 'toxicity ruins game
And yet it never occurs to them that this game is what makes people so toxic.

Her passive is 20% base at Max level, it has an AP ratios but the damage on it by itself is still fantastic.

I build her most of the time similarly to Varus but I've tried Q evolve and it's pretty disgusting damage if you manage to lock down 1v1s. Her W is pretty underated specially in lane where it hits for 140ish damage at level 2 but later on the purpose of W and Q are different, W is poke and Q is just more sustained damage.
Her Q is super underrated imo. Evolved it does 600-700 damage on one Target every 2.4s, if you hit more evenly you can easily look at 900ish damage on three targets.

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didn't some dude shot himself on stream too
what the fuck is wrong with people i just want to play league of legends and talk about league of legends in peace

>Veeky Forums is back
I want to tell Cassiopeia how BEAUTIFUL she is!

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but user hes fucking brutal

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Pubg is already dead
Overwatch is dead
Fortnite will die

Also competition is good, I see no problem with this

idgaf about waifus, I main Zac and Kindred. I even forgot about Varus being a fag to show how progressive they are

I doubt that

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A huge amount of release skins are mediocre because riot doesn't know what their fanbase wants yet.
See, Sir Kled, Void Illaoi.
The only saving grace for their skin is that they sometimes get new lines.

what are some mids that can 1v5
or 1v9 if I'm unlucky

>not a waifu
stupid furry

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I sort of agree but also don't. Her kit is great but not building into it and building inspite of it seems like a bad trade to me.
I'd rather have her whole kit be buffed with a RB build than just her Q with an AD build.
Proccing your passive in less than half the time with RB's passive AND getting more damage on the proc's and build ups along with more AS, a worthwhile W that can insta pop all your plasma seems way worthwhile than a one trick Q build.
But I also respect where you're coming from. I still think that pro's not considering a build that's more versatile with more damage and evolving both her W and E at 3 items rather than just her Q for that one trick pony setup is crazy.

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Oh ye, 60kgs of pure brutality. Bet you could hold him down and rape him if you wanted to.


Olaf is great this patch

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6'3'' 60kg is a fucking undead i dont do skellies

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Pubg took the chinese. Fortnite is taking literally everyone else.
Same question. KPOP WHEN?

I'm surprised he still has a winrate below 50%, but more than anything I'm just glad you don't need to take ghost on him anymore.

But you're dating a skellie.

Do you really think Cass doesn't know she's beautiful?


>the other skeletons helping the legless skeleton up
how nice

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You literally posted a pic of your skellington bf.