Who is most overrated historical person?
Who is most overrated historical person?
Edison or Lord Byron
Thomas "muh agrarian economy" Jefferson.
Erwin Rommel.
Ein "lemme steal some shit from Poincaré" Stein
Dude played a pivotal role in the creation of the United States. So his vision of America was ultimately impossible due to the industrial revolution. That doesn't make him overrated.
King Tut
Abraham Lincoln
Albert Einstein
to be fair he was one of the few founding fathers that was actually idealistic
it's just not many of his ideas were practical
Wayne Rooney
Voltaire, a third rate Rabelais
It leads in with John Jay being completely underrated
>scan wikipedia entry
guess he wasn't known much since he wasn't a president
Seriously, enough about him.
Zhuge Liang is up there.
t.Sima Yi
lately Tesla
No he didn't invent AC. He came up with some creative ways to use it but polarity is a thing that no one invented.
Buh buh buh buh muh Tesla coil. No, again he utilized electro magnets in some creative ways but he didn't discover the fact that wrapping wire around a magnetic core made a magnet. That was discovered by accident when people were checking continuity in coils of wire by who knows who.
Hipsters worship him because they have been mislead into thinking he invented some science fiction shit and Edison suppressed it from him.
Edison did cuck him, and is over rated as well. Doesn't make Tesla worship worthy.
Im gonna go historical Buddha because the majority of people (in the USA) attribute the entire cosmology of Buddhism to him out of ignorance
Great Sun Buddha?
>look class there is The buddha
Tiny Jizo statues?
>a row of Buddhas
Bald fat guy?
>looks kids the Buddha from that Keanu Reeves movie.
>ancient Jewish apocalyptic cult leader who got rekt by the Romans
>people unironically consider him the greatest person who ever lived
Jesus Christ.
Ein "none of the scientists I pressumly stole from called me out for anything" stein
>iron core
There are many Buddhas. Buddha is a title for one that has reached nirvana. I'm surprised many people in the US think it's all one enlightened entity.
fine, Siddartha