ahri is the cutest, you know it's true edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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New Avatar teaser
What's the likelihood Riot keeps the weird Irelia is a zombie thing?
Best Ezreal/spoiler] skin?
League brings over Dota 2 Talent Trees. What does your main's tree look like?
>Level 4: +15 AD or +125 Health
>Level 8: +25 movespeed or reduce Hexcore price by 500
>Level 12: Siphon Power mana ratio increased to 0.9 or Increase Death Ray range by 150
>Level 16: Chaos Storm applies grounded effect or Viktor gains two charges of Gravity Field
>yfw Irelia is female Pajeet now
I hope she has enough CC and a useful ult so I can play her as support.
What is this expression trying to convey?
no,seriously,show me the evidence where it says jarvan friendzoned her or i call bullshit
ekko buffs when