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Why is the early game for DS2 so painful compared to 1 and 3?

Miracles > Hexes > Pyromancies >>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorceries >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literal shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pure melee

It's not DS2 is the best Dark Souls game

Sign's down next to the bonfire.

I've never found Farron Keep so horrible that I couldn't just make it with moss and a good shield. There's only three or four places where you "need" to get poisoned if you're going to 100% the place.

I found high wall of lothric to be more painful than any of the ds2 starting areas

i agree with this one

Too many enemies ambushing you all the time. Also resources are a lot more limited and durability is an actual problem.

Your iframes are held hostage until you pay up. But at least it's not boring like ds3's early game if you can enjoy ds2 gameplay that is. Every single run starts the exact same way

Because literally no Estus, no good shields and existence of Adaptability, so it's very hard to avoid damage. I actually got through the early game the easiest on a Faith build that had loads of early heals.

It didn't seem that bad to me because I was very experienced with the Souls series when I started 3, but it felt like it would be a fucking nightmare for someone playing that as their first game.

I mean, I could imagine Gundyr being a complete road block for a new player. He is A LOT more difficult than Asylum Demon, he only seemed like a pushover because we played Souls for thousands of hours before.

The majority of DS3's early levels are so bloody bland and colourless it makes fucking Fallout 3 look more colourful.

30/30 is ideal for a Dark build but is it still usable for Pyro?

Unironically best post.

I don't know, I've beaten dark souls a long time ago, beaten ds2 last week so I pretty much did gundyr first try without a problem but holy shit the high wall just tore open a new asshole for me for some reason. Probably because of how the game just overall feels faster than the other 2 and the weapons seem weird at first

Pic related.
Also I had 28 vig not 25, so fuck those l1's, they just do a lot of damage
>can't roll reliably
I can roll reliably in pve god fucking damn it, I just have an easier time against every enemy including bosses than fucking npcs. Even human players are easier. Every time I just walk away while hitting them as they get closer, it's just exploiting one of the weaknesses of the ai. If I didn't do that I'd never beat any of them, I died to Hawkwood 6 times before cheesing him with arrows, and I beat exiles and Fallen Knight with the aforementioned walk away super secret technique.
>preferred weaponry
I just found these axes and upgraded them to +7, which is what I used against Hawkwood. Before I used propaned, executioner's and Murakumo but they are all too slow for me to like them. In general I like dual wield in this game more than anything else, so far.

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You are too kind, thank you so much, user.
Shame I haven't gotten the "thank you" stone yet or I'd have spammed that. Thanks again.

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For DaS2: Yes, Pyro softcaps at 60 total, though you can go Pyro as literally any caster. It's just that Hexer hits that exact number.

For DaS3: You need to hit 40/40 for Pyro, and either 45/45 for Izalith Staff and Sunless Talisman or just 45 Int for Murky Longstaff.

Oh and normally I don't use a shield I just equipped one for cunt destroyer Hawkwood. Usually I have longbow and torch in my left hand if I'm playing melee, I will use a shield only on casters.

That Vitality looks a tad high, and hyperarmor with the twinaxes isn't exactly reliable. They're more Strength weapons anyway, so you could shave off Dex and make it Heavy in the meantime.

And 33 Vigor with PChain isn't actually that bad for SL71, if you're having trouble with Hawkwood it's because he's a literal hacker who does an assload more damage than an actual player would, to compensate for his shitty AI.

How do I deal with the Greatsword and other UGS in pvp?

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>tfw don't upgrade weapons for at least half of the game because you don't know what weapon you want to use and don't want to spend materials on other ones

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Good shit right there. Along with follower javelin (because they have trash chasedown) they were my pb&jam.
Ditch the dex, hone the extra to str and infuse them with heavy. Probably use a crossbow instead of the bow.
The stats aren't minmaxed but far from retarded
Should've gotten a parrying med shield

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IKR? Raw flamberge and dark hand pretty good for this.

ADP. Having to get used to DS2's sluggish gameplay.

just do it man, also

1. Outspace them and hit them while their hyperarmor frames aren't active, like with fast running attacks.

2. Roll through the attacks and go for a backstab if they swing more than once while you're within attack range.

3. Keep rolling through their attacks and punish them once their stamina is gone.

>blew literally all my Twinkling on a bunch of muled weapons
>now have four or five weapons at +2, no more Twinkling and no access to ADP

I know that feel so hard.

I just find it especially bad in the early game because you quickly get to the point where any weapon does painfully shit damage. I don't even know if you can buy titanite indefinitely later on like in DS2

I don't know where it is and I feel bad for looking it up on my first run
i'll just have to suffer with my uchi

>upgrade a weapon to +9 just to try it out
>it's shit

give me my chunks back!!!

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You can buy regular Titanite after getting certain Umbral Ash in various areas, and enemies start dropping them like candy after a certain point. You just have to be careful with Chunks, Twinklies and Scales until the end of the game.

You can but you need to give ashes to the handmaiden, specifically these:

Dreamchaser's Ashes for titanite shards
Easterner's Ashes for large titanite shards
Dragon Chaser's Ashes for titanite chunks, titanite scales and twinkling titanite

I finally got my 30 ears for the dumb darkmoons

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be honest, did you cheese them?

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Been strfagging forever, just started PVPing with dex and I'm not doing so great. Got any advice? Advice of any kind, really.

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No, didn't even know you can do that
I just single-pulled them

Those three, yes. I don't think anyone expected me to face all 3 at the same time
>30 or so flaming red skulls chasing you at every time
But one by one they aren't so scary, their hp is strangely low considering their giant body

You can plunging attack them at the bridge, it's more fun

I've done both ways, they're only really difficult if you have to fight them in slow-walk swamp. Cheesing is pretty good, but visceraling the assholes in the face and watching the special death animation is satisfying as all fuck.

Don't get greedy, learn to space and learn to roll like a motherfucker. Also, true combos like L1L2L1 with Sellswords is good, and consider putting on OWCS and Right Eye.

Never kill them in mele. Too fucked up for early game, too pointless in late. Pretty weak to fire and arrows.

I cheezed the entire game with a pure faith build

But they really aren't hard as melee
You can just bodypull them one by one and kill them easily

>when you 2 shot Pontiff in your SL1 run by going full hypermode with a Millwood Axe
Feels fucking good man

They aren't but the DAMAGE. Having log in the face or bombarded with skulls in poison swamp, where sometimes you can only fatroll or hop around isn't actually fun. Challenging yes.


Is Right Eye really worth the ring slot? I hear the effect in PVP is very minimal.

>they do the slam attack
>heh I got your ass now, fool
>it was actually the pull shockwave attack which instantly kills me

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Attached: Replay 2018-03-16 18-46-36.webm (960x540, 2.83M)

>want to make a new character
>Cemetery of Ash
>High Wall of Lothric
>Undead Settlement
>Farron Keep

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I know your pain

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>Undead Settlement
Was fun.

the archives however...

>it's not even hard to tell that its shockwave
>still fall for it at least once every time

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You can stack it with OWCS, and on Sellswords with the true combo (L1-L2-L1) you can rack up decent damage if you can catch someone with it twice.

With other Dex weapons not really worth it, but the Sellswords are designed for huge DPS so they're really good for that, especially if you buff with a resin.

Undead Settlement?
More like Undead Shittlement.

But it's the only level with color

>what is the Painted World
>what is Lothric Castle
>what is the Ringed City

Just get a weapon with Perseverance and facetank them to death.
If you like dual wielding get a heavy caestus and respec to 40 str so your twin axes won't do baby damage.

Only three levels out of the entire fucking game, two of them being tacked on afterward.

What are the caesti for?

how do I defeat this boss?

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For punching people in the face.


>Ass Crest with katana
Like pottery.


>yfw they do their hidden WoG attack

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If you are friends with the archer giant just get near the white birch and wait for him to shoot the crab

please no bully

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Since I've decided to go wildberry purple, what can I expect?

i fucked it up, it was meant for

when it's winding up the 2 claw slam you can riposte it in the middle of the animation

Don't expect to fool anyone in "co-op". Everyone got the gist of purples one week into release. Miyazaki didn't think ahead.

Not much in the betrayal department. Everyone knows what a purple is nowadays

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>he doesn't make a friendly purple to guide hosts to the boss fog and kill blues for rewards
>he didn't name his friendly purple "FriendlyFire: ON"

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I've seen people cooping with purples in Settlement.

I'm gonna be a Farron watchdog, what to expect?

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Unless you're already a master at spanking ganks, expect to get dogpiled by literally everybody else. Nobody trusts a purple out of principle, one that attacks everybody is playing the covenant right but will find it hard to actually win unless they're actually good at fighting off multiple foes at once.

Ganks, if not a lack in activity.

farron is a great covenant if you have 2 monitors and netflix. actually now that I think about it you only need 1 monitor .

Invasions every 5 seconds at 25+1

Well purple sounds terrible, maybe I'll just go irrelevant and become a Darkmoon Blade

what about aldritch?
The area defending covenants are my favorite

go to SL90 and be a spear
shit's fun

>finally find Lothric's room
>Lorian *teleports behind me* and kills me in seconds
>get to the second phase on my second try but die miserably
>on my fifth try I finally remember to use one of my gorillion embers
Oh god I'm never using magic again. Getting up close and personal with Lorian was the best shit.

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Near-constant invasions from what i remember

anyone know who calls you "sire" after you do the usurpation ending?
I read someone does but everyone ive talked to so far says the exact same things

It's the most active PvP zone in the game.

You need to be SL79 max to avoid the SL120 cancer. If you're going to Spear, then you may as well go all the way up to 120 or 133 yourself.

can't wait to RP as a silver knight

Probably Yuria.

good work, user. magic is a crutch used by new players and literal faggots. it's actually less gay to play with a buttplug in, but I digress.

For some reason I can't seem to get any spear summons at 120, but at 90 I can't even alt tab to shitpost between summons
I might try to get a SL75 dude though, good idea. I've only used ultras as a spear and had decent success with them, what else could I try?

I dunno, I like up close and personal play, but having a hadouken or two really helps in the pvp range game when you are closing.

Being pure melee is like bringing a knife to a gunfight.
Spell+melee hybrid builds let you buff/infuse to enable melee combat as well as use spells at a distance if you feel like it.
Being pure melee limits you to melee combat like a brainlet normie shit.

Territory defenders have the highest upsearch range in the game, but the same downsearch range. If you're at SL120 then you can invade down to SL108, but if you're invading up from a SL90 you can go all the way up to SL137 or some shit. So what's probably happening in your case is that you're encountering the SL81-107 crowd on your SL90, which your SL120 is completely incapable of reaching.

>what are crossbows

no it isn't faggot

How do i find tournaments and fightsclubs?

What are you talking about? it's better than 3s
Huntsmans Copse is pure kino
Lost bastille is nice to and hiedes for aesthetic

>what are consumables
Invade in an active PVP zone until you find one, or put down your red sign and hope you get summoned for one. Alternatively, make one yourself and advertise it here to get all the /dsg/ sweaty tryhards to try to outmeme each other.

for das2 faith is way lower

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what i thought he meant bad because it's shit
people had trouble with any part of dark souls 3?
was a fucking cakewalk