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Next time count to ten at least!
Don't you want me in your gacha game user..
Reminder that this is the best music in the series
>Legendary Water Hero Colorless Dragon Corrin
I-it's not happening, right?
As an awakeningchad, I do not want an awakening seasonal to be next. I need time to recover from Grima and Helpfulman
My nigga Chrom
what weapon upgrade for gerome?
Why doesn't Grima just flip over and send everyone flying again
Brave Axe+
why didn't they just ride the eagles to mt. doom
Because his vessel was also standing on it
Where were you yesterday?
I was in trash, and was ok till everyone started to RP. I missed you a lot
anyone else just really burnt out on playing?
most I can really muster is just autobattling the tempest. Can't muster up 5 minutes to finish up the new chain challenges and squad assaults that have been up for the last Month(s).
I wanna date, fuck and marry Micaiah
Sure dude, I could always use more lancers. What skills do you have?
If you wanna post lewd shit or just talk about FE girls, feel free to come on over
Serika servicing studs sexually before sortie!
I only care if men are included
I absolutely fucking hate how they handled Sothe’s promotion in RD. You have this excellent Oifey unit, who is solid throughout the early chapters, and then hate his promotion behind a near endgame cutscene. And when you get the promotion? Is it a special class to justify gating it? No, it’s a whisper, a class with caps so low that only healers and magic users have lower strength, even though Assassin exists already, is a class Sothe promoted to in PoR, and already isn’t even as good as swordmaster because of its weapon type. No, you wait the entire game to have him promote into an abortion of a class, while also making him mandatory to take with you for all the final chapters! What were they thinking?
>needing a Falchion, Bladetome, or special to kill Grima
She spilt her ketchup!
I like playing the other stuff in the game, but for tt I just use up my bonuses then don't play that anymore. Tt is boring as shit
>If you want to hang out with shut-ins with brain problems come on over
I'm not really burnt out, but I am looking into playing other games while doing TT casually 99,999K
Post shared colour units who you got instead of what you wanted
>Says the Celica poster
whoa! two fehs!
>needing cav buffs
>go there expecting good lewds
>its just bondage
I sleep
for a second I was wondering how you managed to get tyrfing on horse chrom
I’m so sorry user
All I need is Caeda
Hi /feg/
I don't want to post my -Atk Oscar.
My one and only ever foray into rolling shared color units. I'm still traumatized.
Lucina is flat!
4 horse chroms and no morgan
How many orbs do you have saved up for Lego femui/cavzura?
>sigurd full health
I'd rather take a falchion than a healer.
>Taking out Sealed Falchion for Divine Tyrfing
>38 Spd without A slot
Don't you want me in your gacha game, user...
>literally a circlejerk
no thanks
Do you dudes have TT auto teams with Gerome that can handle Lunatic 5 or is it only possible to auto Hard 5?
Where are my fellow savers at?
Post orb count, who you're saving for, and how long you've been saving.
For me, I've been saving since I got LA Hector, and I'm saving for Brave Hector.
What did you make Faye into?
I'm going Cleric now
Doubling with Nosferatu is fun
It is especially boring. I'm probably just noticing it more sense I've stopped drinking
1000+ but not for those two
>Zelgius started the "alts every banner" cancer
>Ike started the "Legendary Heroes are just normal heroes" cancer
Will Tellius kill FEH like it nearly killed FE?
What blessing for infantry Crumb? I'm thinking fire is the most fitting.
At 500 but couldn't give a fuck about more nuFE shitters, saving for Brave Celica.
post Bara tiddies
i want unseen kids first
Can i suck your penis?
small dick sagittae strats
the next legendary hero is going to be Yune Micaiah
is female morgan worth rolling for if she's one of my daughterus?
pic related is other one
Tellius has saved this shitty game twice now after Jugdral and Fates nearly killed it.
>Micaiah's was the most successful normal banner
>Ike's was the most successful lego and most successful banner in the games history
Telius strong....
>a face more ugly than the original
Felicia is the cutest! I love spending time with my pretty wife! I`ll never let anything hurt her or make her sad! Every second spent with her is perfect! I want to stroke her soft hair and give her little kisses on her cheek! We`ll have each other forever and always! I love Felicia!
Nino's third son, Gordin!
>literally just Micaiah but with red eyes
knowing ISIS they'd do it
Finally, i've merge all the 4* star Tailtiu that i pulled.
Now i just have to decide whether to use my feather to 5* Caeda and michalis for my flier team or pulled more tilt and use it on them
It finally happened
Aye lad.
That headpiece looks good. Must've taken awhile to craft.
hi :3
I really like Faye's voice and desing, too bad her character is just to be the main lord's personal stalker.
She'd look cute with Kliif desu
>Refined Shine
I too love explosions
>/feg/ Fire Emblem General
This is why I fucking hate Lucina sometimes
ganbare, anons!
> her father was tighter than her
BK, Zelg, Grima and either Valentine Eliweed or promote +def -spd Sheena
I want to paizuri Loki
You just need to give her some special lance training
Kliff looks like her sibling so it feels wrong.
Tobin and Faye should get together as consolation prize.
what are you even asking
>Celica: Brave Queen
>Golden Dagger, dagger: When at full HP, reduce damage taken from first hit in combat by 30%, when special activates, deal +10 damage.
>Special, Plenitude, 2CD: Ignore 30% of enemy unit's def, absorb 30% of damage dealt as HP.
>A skill, Close Counter: Enables counterattacks regardless of range.
>B skill, Mila's Blessing: Recover 10 HP at the start of each turn if unit has no adjacent allies, if unit has adjacent allies, they each recover 10 HP instead.
>C skill, Goad Harem: Atk/Spd +4 to all male allies within 2 spaces during combat.
Fairly balances stats, but with her significant SPD boost going to defense and speed.
Would you?
Should the 4th slot of my armor team by Valentines Eliwood or Sheena whom I have to promote?
why would I go there when /feg/ provides that in spades?
Why aren't you using Hardin? You rolled for Zelgius and Grima, but not Hardin? You're not a NuFedditor, are you user?
I made it as a joke just to see how fast can she be and i ended up liking it.
really wish it was Thoron+ instead
>Golden Dagger
Just go Ragnarok Omega.
Make Veronica the colorless one.
I didn't know Tiki had feelings for me
No, I don't like her. As a matter of fact, I don't like any of the brave heroes, idek who I'm gonna choose
>Brave Queen
I think ''Brave Priestess'' would be more fitting though.
Without her tome she looks like she’s laughing at him in secret
What should I build on Rhajat. Her ivs are garbage I just need her for my Nowi.
No. She needs to have a brave tome like in Awakening because Reinhardt does, otherwise t's not EPIC enough! Ughhhh