Warring Kingdoms edition
Warring Kingdoms edition
What Illaoi skin do I get?
third for elise
top xth for I couldn't help myself
none her base is the best
So I just came back since quitting in late 2014. When the fuck did Warring Kingdom stop being Dynasty Warriors skins and why exactly? Only thing that made them good.
has anyone tried revisiting toplane bruiser fizz since the new AP items came out
seems like you could go liandry’s morello’s hourglass and tabis or abyssal mask and be a threat to pretty much anything
default is best.
they fucked up the new one so hard it's absolute garbage, and void has an awful filter on the voice and shitty color scheme. base skin forever until she gets a pool party skin
xth for Zoe's feet
>ywn have elf jinx bouncing and bullying your dick
When will Riot fix toplane and midlane?
Are they too stupid to listen to what the fans want to have happen?
Make Talayah skin, NOW!
>botlane feeds a jinx
>w/e i shit stomped mid all i gotta do is dive while not being cced to death
>kill jinx 3 times
>realise my team cant handle a solo aatrox diving four
>every teamfight is a quad kill for him
>have to kill aatrox then jinx
>its impossible for me to do it alone while aatrox jumps in and jinx just right clicks the closest target'
>we ff
>jinx has a ramble in postgame talking about how we could have won that game and that we should have won
I dont like losing, but i hate losing to retards that dont know why they wom
Why are Swedes so good at e-sports?
Aren't the best players in CSGO and DotA swedish aswell?
Amazing for such a small nation
whats wrong with resistance illaoi?
>tfw no qt petite gf
w-what do you mean by "bullying" your dick?
Is SG Lulu worth it if i already have Winter Wonder/Dragon Trainer/Pool Party?
I hate that attention whore and drama queen
>When the fuck did Warring Kingdom stop being Dynasty Warriors skins and why exactly?
They still are?
Vi beats people with Jade Gauntlets, Garen is King Varian, Azir uses his soldiers as weapons. If you're talking Lunar Revel, thats something completely different.
Haha no
ahri! :3
why is it called jungle when its a forest?
>We burn heal and exhaust from their bot, jungler is at kruggs
>Dragon is about to spawn, jungler is at kruggs
>Their taking turrets down, jungler is at kruggs
>Try to ward and get roamed on by them and their jungler, our jungler is at kruggs
What is the point of this camp ? Is it to filter the absolute trash junglers from the good ones, i swear if i see my jungler do kruggs i just want to throw out the ff vote since i know it's over
to throw xd
Time for dickless to carry 1v9!
it means she got zap pressed on it and will pull the trigger if you dare cum inside her,this is while she swings her hips and talks dirty
>dark harvest still allowed to exist on that map
>if you get aced once it's over and you lose your two turrets
>champions like kayn needing 15 minutes to evolve even though most games are 15 minutes long, or taliyah's worked ground making her useless because of how small the map is
>riot forcing faster games even though no one asked for it and actual aram players hate it
>the amount of dodges
>aram accounts
>people have been asking for ARAM balance changes for months on the boards
>riot has been ignoring them
>we don't even get weekly game mode rotation anymore
>you're basically stuck either going on summoner's rift or on the unbalanced mess that is aram
>no one care about twisted treeline
this game is just... really not fun anymore.
Imho WW > PP > SG > DT
If you main her you can get it, if not then pass
They listened to Waveclear fag and now everyone who doesn't have good waveclear is about to be bad. Also the guy who did the Rengar and Ryze reworks is in charge of this whole waveclear rework. God help us all.
where the fuck are the trees nigga?
i feel like this skin is a waste since the only one i like is water
actually after checking out the skin spotlight, i definitely agree that WW is best, so im not gonna buy it.
I wish that Dragon Trainer had seen a little more love, it doesn't compare to her other 1350 skins.
no need to complain in every thread idiot, we can't do shit about it
This game actively causes personality disorders.
>Nuswain EU pick
Oh boy here we go.
I wanna cuddle Jinx and make her a mommy during our honey moon
Me too user!
Actually imho it's a fine skin, but I feel the Lunar Revel one is just as good for half the price
SG skins are hit or miss. Some are great (Jinx, Syndra, Ahri, Janna) others are meh or flat out bad (Soraka, Lulu, MF is w/e)
I hope we get an Ionia lore update along with Irelia's rework release.
I wanna know what Jhin, Zed and Shen are up to. Yasuo and Lee Sin, too.
>They still are?
Maybe loosely based off Dynasty Warriors but they aren't representing a character like they used to.
Jarvan was Lu Bu, Xin Zhao was Zhao Yun, Tryndamere was Guan Yu. I guess Garen could be Guan Ping? While Vi, Nidalee and Katarina don't represent anyone or if they do they did it bad. Azir can't represent anyone.
I know I am being autistic but I find it kinda bullshit that they didn't just keep blatantly making warring kingdom skins dynasty warriors characters.
What does is taste like user?
here we go
Plebbit said that Azir was most likely Zhuge Liang
PROJECT was entirely metal gear references until they started branching to make their own designs. They're fine right now even if they're not off direct characters.
Also Azir is Zhuge liang
ah, sorry for complaining about league on a league thread! i guess it's better to have waifuposting!
i want soraka to give birth to me through her horse cock's urethra!
It's still fun when you win but now it feels especially terrible whenever you lose.
But other then that I agree, the game is definitely dying now. Nu-runes truly were a mistake.
how do I become a nami player?
By playing her.
>Sion Mid in EU LCS
i never liked the battlecast theme to begin with, but they took the only good part of the original concept art (the robot arm tentacles) and turned them into shitty red jello. ugly dredlocks, dumb robot head totem, dumb recall animation, drab color scheme (even if you shell out for chromas like a good goy, it's still ugly), stupid recall animation.
either of the other two skins in their rigged ass contest would have been better. but honestly i don't believe they wouldn't have fucked a cool space symbiote skin up just as bad. riot can't do anything right lately.
Know what your passive does
Hecarim or Kog'Maw? I've got Annie, Vayne, Sivir and Darius. I don't like Ali.
I love Kled a whole lot! He's so cute and fluffy, I went to murder trespassers with him!
tfw all these boring reworks i don't give a shit about
where is my corki rework
give him fluffy ears you cowards
what champ can i play if i just want to sit back and chill and not really give a shit about the game
if you're on the enemy team move up to w when the adc goes for a cs and hit the q on the supp when they try to retaliate, if youre on my team hide behind me the entire laning phase
yes, much better
>Sion mid in LCS right now
You want to stretch ur assole to 3 inches
Just farm all day, every day.
you should start by posting more cute namis
you know you would too nigga
salty sweat and last night’s dinner
>got a kill
>got a 100-0 double kill on their jg
jeesus lmao
I dont get why they added chromas to the game they all look like ass and soon this game looks like the clownfiesta that is tf2
>Pros max Q on Rakan
>Saw a stream of challenger where someone maxed W on Rakan
>Get told by /lolg/ to max E
So.. Which is it?
>Sion passive actually scored a kill in pro play
What a time to be alive
They had three options, when with the shittiest one, and then changed all of the good things about it (I'm not talking about the boob window either) so now its double shit.
Riot bitched about how hard it is to make resource heavy champions like Illaoi to get a skin and Illaoi mains aren't talking about it as a good skin much other than "better that voidbringer." Riot is now planning to give Lux another skin probably later this year meanwhile the champions they said are getting skins like Shen or Aurelion Sol are about to get discount 1350s that are just shit like Eternum or Darkstar because thats how it works now.
Janna, Malz, Sona, Cait, Ezreal
I trust my point click than my skillshot aiming
>Plebbit said that Azir was most likely Zhuge Liang
Why? There are other champions that would be perfect characters. Cao Ren Braum? Dian Wei Darius? Xing Cai Leona? Almost anyone Master Yi? Zhou Tai Yasuo? If you really wanted Zhuge Liang make him Zilean. Those are what I came up with in 5 minutes of thinking and would work really well. Once again, I know I am being autistic.
>we once danced in harmony with the land
>until noxus came
>ionian humans have been oppressing vastayans for longer, and have tamed the land and magic, slowly killing them as a result
So Irelia's a dumb bitch, and Ionian "harmony" is a sham, right? Thank god for Noxians
I max W. And I also run electrocute, so I don't know shit.
You know, I've been the first one to defend League through the years, it may sounds really dumb, but I fell in love with the game and it's characters. New lore and all may not be the best, but it's still things I enjoy reading.
Hell, even this morning I was defending League like "i-it's not dying guys!!"
But it's seriously, really not fun anymore and Riot isn't doing anything to make the game better and more fun.
At least I still have cute fan arts.
Azir's a tactician/Emperor and is a bird. ZhuIe was a politician and had a fan made of feathers, ts probably the most ideal match up they could have done and is one of Azir's best skins.
Havent played her in ages btw.
>go farm a sidelane
>team immediately engages
I love soloq
omg EU is so fucking boring
by getting bullied
Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game!
Nerf Khazix!
Tom and Jerry makes for the best screencaps
pretty obvious
if you want more sustain you max Q to reduce cooldown
if you want to engage more often you max W
if the lane has alot of harrass you max E first
i really hope nightblade stays her best skin
Really depend on how you gonna play the game or who your adc is.
Xayah? You wanna go aggro with your bitch, max W.
You are with a late game carry but you can't really engage because it's, let's say, Karma/Caitlyn? Max E.
It's a poke fight in botlane? Max Q so you can poke and sustain at the same time.
Rakan's first spell to max is really flexible desu
I think it's mainly because Riot forces certain playstyles on us. Whenever we find a new memepick or play a champion on an off role it gets gutted immediately.
Riot wants this game to be competitive , not fun.
bump, anyone? How good do they look like in-game?
So, Aatrox rework confirmed to come out around May?
The destined time has finally come, boys!
What should we expect?
>Nerf Khazix!
He's unironically the most balanced Assassin next to Kassadin and to some extent Ekko, fuck off.
Where is Soaz?
>start new account
>have to spend a fuck load of RP if Iwant toplay draft/ranked
wow BE is retarded