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first for panzer waifu
When is NEET changing their name again?
na is dead so probably never
>personal missions
>actually require you to rely on team
>Error: You seem to have mistyped the CAPTCHA. Please try again.
>when captcha lets me in automatically
personal missions are easy, stop being a bitch
Reminder that the tier ten Italian medium tank has a whopping 1K dpm.
if you play like an autoloader, then yes. single-shot dpm is 1909 (still pathetic) most of the time.
been shot 5 times today and set on fire 3 times
t-43 lyf
eu platoon?
>3500 damage to TDs
Congratz on getting your insurance user
played this for first time in few years and was reminded right away why i stopped. Why do you do this to yourself and are these threats usually this dead now days?
I want that retarded tank
people unironically watch this retard?
So who his the best WoT youtuber and is Veeky Forums approved. I can't think for myself and I need you cool guys to tell me what its okay to like. Is it:
>Jingles the ladyboy cuck
>Fat neckbeard man
>Foch impotent slavrage
>Claus the Krautcanuck
>That jedi dude
Also is jingles going through a serious depression? His videos have become increasingly dry and devoid of humor. Did the poor fucker pour all his happiness and pension into that dick-girl or does he no longer feel fulfilled spending his life savings on hot topic merchandise? Did QB abandon the old man?
As a yellow shitter I don't understand what role its supposed to fill. Is it supposed to just be a slow reload single shot tank that can be played as an autoloader when you see an opportunity to quickly finish someone off? Is it a quick cash grab to get some more Italian shekels because of some recent market research? Seems like it would have made more sense to make a copy pasta Polish line with a tier X T-72
Where did the slavic man touch you, child?
Someone needs to add Ukraine to the image.
Just do all your damage to the TDs bro.
>Just do all your damage to the TDs bro.
Ah fuck, I knew I was doing something wrong.
I don't hate him like everybody else seems to, but he goes over the stats for upcoming tanks and is far far far easier to watch and listen to than that autist Sahm. At least QB speaks English like it's his first language.
>Jingles the ladyboy cuck
Doesn't do much WoT content anymore.
>Fat neckbeard man
Circon? Skilled and not afraid to say what he really thinks about WG and they're product.
>Foch impotent slavrage
All I know about him stems from the fochwagon debacle.
>Claus the Krautcanuck
Worse to listen to than Sahm. Like holy shit.
>That jedi dude
Kinda seems like QB five years ago. Also not beholden to WG for a paycheck like QB is.
> Did the poor fucker pour all his happiness and pension into that dick-girl
I'm 95% sure that was legal shenanigans. The "engagement" happened around the time there was talk of Brexit requiring non-UK citizens to leave. Once it was made clear that even with Brexit, the UK would have to honor the Schengen, the "engagement" was called off.
>His videos have become increasingly dry and devoid of humor.
They always were.
Chinese and Russian tanks are incredibly bland looking.
What's the best tier 7 for a tournament?
depends on the map
Obviously, but what is the best overall tier 7 for comp play? I have a tourney tomorrow.
Depends on your team
Thanks for the all help.
Get a KV-13 or a comet
You're welcome
How hard is it to get through the "campaign" missions?
I really want that T-55A.
if you have a lot of tanks, the majority of the missions are easy. there are missions that are RNG based so there is nothing you can do about that. the campaign is harder to complete nowadays because you can't skip arty.
Yeah, I'm a casual non-premium player (only got up to the king tiger), and the only thing that's keeping me from the Stug 4 is not having a higher arty tier than the Bishop, and the very last mission requiring the light tank to get 3000 points, which is not really something that happens at tier 5.
Otherwise I'm just working through the H,M,TD missions again to get the extra credits.
Just get the arty that branches off from the KV-2 ya dip
actively attempting the missions sounds like a nightmare. casually playing and finishing them occasionally sounds fine. when they introduced the campaign, i already had a large garage so i can pick and choose tanks that make certain missions simple. the skill requirements for missions is not very high, and the only barrier to progress is rolling the right maps or tank compositions. having good tanks is like having more dice to roll for chance. fuck trying to roll for a miracle with the KT.
I'm 8k away from it. It's good enough for its tier and the missions, is it?
I've been able to get a few through brute force, but I have a relatively mixed garage except for light tanks, so I don't recall having to force any missions in particular, just leave it and get it by chance.
Oh, and what would be the better light tank trees to go up, with the missions in mind? I have a chaffee, and IIRC I have unlocked the tier 6 German and Chinese varieties, as well as the one that comes after the Russian T34.
The S-51 is good enough for the 1st and 2nd campaign but after that you will want a higher tier arty. The American arty line is the best for the missions though.
Choose any LT line you want for the LT missions and get past tier 5.
>Assault on Heilbronn
>team captures the base with 18 seconds left while an O-Ho is desperately trying to reset it and a T-10 is hiding
>Black Sea
When it comes to stolen tech tree, I'm genuinely curious what will they make up. Supposedly composite armour is a no-no, to no T-55AM Merida and it's the only tank that could fit tier 10. I've heard we might get kurwa heavies to contest anime heavies, though.
Assault on Heilbronn is always a close call when the attacking team makes it into the city, but they usually lose. Defending team has such a strong defense if they really dig in into the city.
>Assault on Erlenberg
>entire team except 3 goes to the castle
>enemy caps in record time
Your team has to be colossally retarded to lose Helibron defense. I honestly thought they removed it a patch or two ago because I haven't gotten it in so long.
It's been a while since I had fucking Icebound and I don't want that to change.
350 tanks on garage RIGHT NOW
Who matches me?
How many X's? If it's mostly premiums I'd bet whatever cunt bought the THE FEAST can match you.
only 109 tanks right now, 20 tier 10s
How dead?
20 premiums, 330 normals
20 normals, 3 premiums
>didn't answer the question
How many X's soyboy? I could have 300 tanks too if I bought everything up to tier 6.
Fuck no,
that would give you much less, only 220.
>still including prems up to VI
Actually it's 202
Only by 4
You're the guy who bought the feast? Godspeed user, hope you enjoy the game.
Post your reward tanks.
Why in the fuck would anyone need 600 days of premium time?
Rate them on how hard they were to get.
If you see yourself playing for two years it isn't a bad idea. On console they frequentl sell premium time for 25 and 50 perecent off so you can get a 2 year sub for the price of one year. I'm sitting on 400+ days and don't regret it one bit.
Saltman reigns supreme, rest a shit
I'll never understand why people like Jingles. What's so funny about some fat old dude laughing and making half-jokes to himself? He's a straight up windbag and his "historical commentary" is straight from Wikipedia.
Bong inbreeding
he's comfy. but i admit some of the novelty has worn off and i don't watch/listen to him as much
ids beautiful
Papa smurf
did the reqs fall after they sold it again?
I used to like him because he felt like a dopey uncle trying to fit in with the kids but now he's just sad.
Don’t forget to buy a t-34-3 before it’s gone !
Hope you all are celebrating St. Patrick's Day correctly by playing the Cromwell.
I'm going to be spending my hard earned neetbux on this premium t-shirt and fancy handbag.
is there a way to see how common the badges are? Like is the T28HTC concept badge more common than than gold STUGIV?
BLAPS is recruiting! If you are green or above and would like to play in tournaments on PS4, send lilchat a message. Empty applications will be denied.
I dunno what the requirements were, you need 2660 combined atm.
You know, seeing as Europeans use the metric system which is base ten everything, why can't they figure out how decimals work?
Are you trying to ruse me, el goblino?
Did that look like a decimal point to you?
Where do you need a period here? It's not thousands.
Thousands use the comma. Decimals use the period, hence "decimal point".
>shartmart mcburger education
The correct way is:
6 000 000, 88
six million point eighty eight
>mad because bad
> buy 30,000 bonds for only 12$
We all know it’ll happen
What do you need 30 bonds for?
for your mom
That's thirty thousand bonds, moron.
I sense a lot of hostility in this thread. I just came over from Reddit and you guys are honestly just as bad as everyone says you are. At least we support each other and have genuine discussions, unlike this place where entire threads devolve into ad hominems and racism. Well since I'm a normal or whatever you channers call it I'll be spending my St. Paddy's at an Irish pub and will probably bring home a cute girl after having a pleasant conversation about music whilst we drink moderately. I want her to be able to consent after all. I'll then wake up refreshed tomorrow morning and make her a delicious breakfast of avocado toast and send her on her way. I'll then roflstomp you in this game you all allegedly hate so much to enforce what lowly creatures you have all devolved to. Please take some time to reflect on your poor life choices and come join the adults when you've stopped flinging shit at each other.
>amerimutt calling others stupid
oi I'm laffin
>tfw I didn't read a single word of this after Reddit
same desu
kv-85 122 or 100 gun?
> i’m from the place where 90% of all sjw faggots live
Fuck off
I don't know how to reply to your individual posts but I want you to know that I did not mean to cause you all this much distress. You clearly all suffer from depression or some other debilitating mental illness and I'm talking down to you from a place of privilege. I have a good understanding of intersectionality and I see now that I was probably too harsh and hope I didn't drive any of you to further hurt yourselves. I hope you all have a nice St. Patrick's day and I wish you all the best.
stop baiting you dumb faggot