Why is this bronze age tier construction considered an achievement equal to american, asian, and european architecture of the same time?
Why is this bronze age tier construction considered an achievement equal to american, asian...
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Rhodesians thought it was so amazing that Africans could never have built it and attributed it to Arabs or Phoenicians. Ask them.
Why is this early neolithic tier construction considered an achievement equal to american, asian, african and mediterranean architecture?
>Why is this bronze age tier construction considered an achievement equal to american, asian, and european architecture of the same time?
Why is this clickbait-tier strawman considered a reasonable OP
Because it's comfy?
Isn't that how all European thought worked at the time? "Anything of significance in Africa must surely be of outside influence" kinda thing?
This is Veeky Forums
Except no one claims it was a great achievement, in fact the opposite, as you're doing.
Because it was built during the neolithic era?
Maybe back in the early 20th century, but not into the 1960s-70s.
>I was the archaeologist stationed at Great Zimbabwe. I was told by the then-director of the Museums and Monuments organisation to be extremely careful about talking to the press about the origins of the [Great] Zimbabwe state. I was told that the museum service was in a difficult situation, that the government was pressurising them to withhold the correct information. Censorship of guidebooks, museum displays, school textbooks, radio programmes, newspapers and films was a daily occurrence. Once a member of the Museum Board of Trustees threatened me with losing my job if I said publicly that blacks had built Zimbabwe. He said it was okay to say the yellow people had built it, but I wasn't allowed to mention radio carbon dates... It was the first time since Germany in the thirties that archaeology has been so directly censored.
There's supposed to be a rule that "Veeky Forums isn't /pol/ with dates," but usually once OP fucks off the threads turn out to be somewhat informative.
Pretty easy to pick off the idiots anyway, for example the file name on this post .
Because Megaliths take a lot of work to build, regardless of the time period
Ironically enough now it's Mugabe who threatens to kill whites if they reveal that it wasn't balcks who built it but Myceneans
The theory that the Jews built Great Zimbabwe makes a lot of sense if you're aware of the Lemba tribe who have a proven genetic link to Middle East.
I'm not saying indigenous Africans couldn't have done it, but it's not certain that they did outside some Afrocentric fantasies.
Nobody stated that Mugabe was better, nor sane
>who have a proven genetic link to Middle East.
That's vague as fuck though, where in the Mid-east where they from exactly?
Jesus /pol/ leave Veeky Forums alone, this is the single most transparent "hurr Africa sucks cause niggers" thread I have ever seen
It gets a lot of attention because the Rhodesians tried to deny that Africans built it.
The site itself, along with hundreds of other 'zimbabwes' throughout the country, is interesting as evidence of the rise of complex societies in Zimbabwe's highlands after 1000 AD.
black people arent the only reason Africa is behind, just one of them
Lemba didn't build it at all.
See this is what people meant by anything to mitigate the nativeness of anything.
Incoming thread derailment.
>that talk page
The Jewish Lemba thing is also bullshit.
>This finding, together with the lack of matches of haplotypes found in the combined Lemba/Remba group with Jewish populations, suggests that the haplogroup J Y chromosomes in the Lemba/Remba are not closely associated with Jewish ancestry. Rather, this study suggests a stronger link with Middle Eastern populations, probably the result of trade activity in the Indian Ocean. Also, although the SA Lemba and Zimbabwean Remba originated from the same founding population, several differences were observed in the composition and frequencies of their Y chromosome pools, perhaps a consequence of drift and human contacts the groups may have had following their split.
>Airing on the History Channel, did genetic testing on the Lemba, and PROVED that they ARE the lost tribe. It should be mentioned
Thats why you dont build with megaliths. But I guess during the middle ages the zimbabweans still hadnt learned this little detail that the rest of the world had already understood
You havent explain why it deserves to be called an architectural wonder of its time.
Complex society doesnt mean great civilisation as college professors are trying to portray it as.
I havent fucked of because I havent read an actual answer that i cant refute. All I read is "thats rayciss"
No academic is calling it an architectural wonder of its time and or considers it a 'great civilization'. It's used as a textbook example of archaeology being distorted by political influence and as an example of an African culture which defied contemporary attitudes about what they were capable of.
It did it's job. If they used mud or other materials people would bitch even harder.
An answer to what? You're just going on about an assertion that nobody here is making. Fuck off.
They weren't capable of much desu.
That's like bragging that you got a C when the teacher thought you'd get an F.
Memes aside sub Saharan, black societies have always been shitholes.