/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Previous: >[E Pluribus Unum Pickup Summon]
2018-03-15 07:00 - 03-29 03:59 UTC
New servants: Nightingale 5*, Helena 4*, Rama 4*, Geronimo 3*, Billy 3*
New craft essences: Ideal Holy King 5*, Record Holder 4*, Beast of Billows 3*

>[E Pluribus Unum Release]
Fifth Singularity: North American Myth War E Pluribus Unum
Release date: 2018-03-15 7:00 UTC
New interludes for Orion, Fionn, and Fergus

Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones


Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA/edit#gid=525320539

Rate ups in JP FGO: drive.google.com/file/d/131VQ4DGGnb4A_iG6J-4BLJ2ePeFDUX3D/view
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742
Servant Planner: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfEa5k-sB5btC8905kZKPfRC07IokKM1sXnoXo6-YQo/edit#gid=537592975
Friendlist: pastebin.com/Am2aVbVW

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Other urls found in this thread:


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What happened to all jalterbros?

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The highest ATK thread

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I thought Horta was next week. Turns out it's actually two weeks. I fucking can't do this anymore

Reminder to save your quartz for your true wife instead of that whore Jeanne Alter

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I tried baiting the dumbasses earlier but it didn't work because they're Reddit and get scared off from Veeky Forums easily

Are (you) ok?

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It's not a visible nipple only a dent in her bra, calm down autist

Let's get this command card business sorted once and for all.

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Does anyone roll because of VAs?

I dont have any yet but I would really love to make a Sawashiro team someday

>whore Jeanne Alter
Medbkeks are the absolute last posters who should ever say something like this, your wife got fucked by hundreds of men and is absolutely not for (you)

>apokeks and stay/keks seething because LE is the better show

jesus christ, why the fuck is this stupid dragon bitch showing up in every goddamn singularity


I'm going to roll for Hokusai just because she's voiced by C.C.

I love lolis!
Especially Abigail!

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Beginning treatment.

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I want a Rina Satou servant.

Smelly neet feet!

>this image is the OP again
Oh joy

Merlin is voiced by Suzaku, are you getting him as well?

She's the grand lancer.

I love Abi too

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>That Sita scene in America.

Shit, I actually wasn't expecting that to make me feel so sad.

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>Hide powerlevel because I kind of like normalfaggotry life half the time
>Have gf
>Like Medb
Oh boy.


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I can't believe how smelly she is. Holy shit

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I hope Lelouch will voice a cool servant, Perseus would be cool.

I don't get it

Reminder to HAVE FUN!!

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>Smelly neet feet!
But she is not a neet, she is a saint! Being a saint is a full time job!

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>medb will never piss with the force of a fire hose into your mouth
>you will never drown in her musky bladder water

My dick.

Dumb story gacha masters

You left out the part where it's because she wants you to unzip her, your present.

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Post the full dialogue, I want to read it.

Congrats on pulling the worst Cu.

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That's normal Jannu's job. Alter is just a neet!

omedetou user

Did anyone really root or like Suzaku before his double heel turn? Guy is a fucking traitor.

I'm not saving for you, but you're the last servant I plan to spend money for if I have to.

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>unzips chick


That slut isn't Mucha enough to be my Rider.

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But she is still a servant and constantly fighting! And she brings home FP when she isn't fighting too!

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I attempt to summon every saber.

But they don't love you, they aren't for (You).

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>says while posting Proto Cu

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>wanked to hell and back
>dies in the sidelines
Why is this allowed

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The elevens deserved literally everything.

>had to play helena stage on mute because normies were in the room
>dig the ufo NP
>find out that's the only fucking stage
>nobody on my friendslist fucking has her
And if that's not enough, I blew my only meme ticket for story gacha on a whim only to find that none of the other America servants like Edison are even in it yet.
I'd roll for Mordred except, you know.

So do the Japs know very little about American history/symbolism or they just don't respect it? Why do the American presidents pool their power on to Edison, when there is already someone that symbolises the government itself: Uncle Sam? If not him, then there's lady liberty. Or why not just George Washington Vampire Hunter? The DC version of Uncle Sam would've made a really good heroic spirit.

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Hey guys! I'd really appreciate it if you posted some Serenity fan art.

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Comes right after.

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>Quetzalcoatl walks into a bar and the bartender asks
Why the long face?

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She wasn't serious at all. If she wanted, she could solo the war by herself.


I'd really appreciate it if you


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They don't care or are just poorly read.
Murrica has tons of folk heroes that'd qualify fine. Pecos Bill would be a hell of a Rider and John Henry could be Giga Nigga 2.0.

Spee D Reader!

Actual, non-shit, non-fanservice Musashi when?

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jack every thread until she has her banana buddy

can someone check the translation of this

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>Rama couldn't see his waifu because he's cursed to never be with her again
bros wtf I'm sad now

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Fuck off Gilfag

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>So do the Japs know very little about American history/symbolism or they just don't respect it?

I want to fill that cup

After seeing her actual personality and animations, she is quite boring.
It's just a beamspam genki saber that happens to use two swords.
I'll save for old man and Saber REGEND instead

>Gilgamesh pulls out Enuma Elish
>Pecos Bill lassos the energy vortex and starts riding it around Chaldea
Someday please.

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Never, just like a Kojiro that isn't a 1* shitter

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Yeah Scath and Jannu tried that and look what happened to them

I am after Jannu Horta.

Why do you assume it's just America they do this to? They disrespect their own culture far more than ours. And there's plenty of yurops who bitch about the celtic, roman and british portrayals.

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>Murrica has tons of folk heroes

Seems fine, choice of words in the second bubble is a little strange though.

This. What a lot of people don't seem to get is that when it comes to major cross-franchise media like Type-Moon, it's beyond the sum of its parts. In fact, all these fanbase shit-flinging ("this fate work I like is better than that fate work you like") is stupid since they're all inter-linked, not just verse-wise, but in how they support each other as a franchise.

I'm pretty sure an enemy Saber Kojiro appears in the Japan EoP or something.

It hurts. IT HURTS.

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That is one spicy Mash

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No thanks

They don't care. I can't complain about Edison though because his NP being a fucking 20th century fox logo reference is the best shit I've seen all day.

No that was just an amped Assassin.

I'm afraid that cup already had its fair share of filling
Any more and it may outpour

based feathered serpent poster

So far LE is one of the worst selling SHAFT shows of the last decade. It's flopping hard.