/wtg/ - War Thunder General

M1 Tank Test Bed Edition

Previously, on /wtg/ >Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeaboo and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>vg chatroom:
Type " /join vg " into chatbox.
If prompted for a password, use "memes".

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

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Other urls found in this thread:


Slav genocide fucking when

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>Finally unlock abrams
>6 minutes in queue later it kicks me out of the queue entirely


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post trax

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thread theme



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hahah holy shit the M163 sounds like such trash now thanks gaijin you filthy fucking monkeys

i agree

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Draw it on a napkin, dip it in coffee and mail it to Gaijin as a top secret design from 1970.

>karelia is still in the RB map rotation

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t. mobashitter

t. braindead faggot

>actually defending karelia
>false flagging by calling people mobashitters for not liking a genuinely horrendous map

Why does the ASU57 gun have so much pen?



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>French decals are finally in one place and they added more of them to unlock
Who here /erect/?

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The gun on it is just a ZiS-2 with a double-baffle muzzle brake, so look into why the ZiS-2 has as much pen as it does.

Does anyone remember that "Expeditionary Tank" or whatever from Armored Warfare? When?


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does this broseph guy ever play a match? i see him J-ing big maps and small maps alike

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>he's still doing it
dog bless

This is the real thread fags, sorry.

So why are the 152mm's shells so weak?

The HEAT and HE carry pitiful payload for their caliber.

How do I keep decorations consistent across different camos on a vehicle? I saw it before but it hasn't happened again.

>Doesn't even mention what 152mm gun he's talking about

It's isn't, sorry.

I'm going to bail out every time I get Karelia now.

>maximum rangefinding skill
>expert crew
>rangefinder module researched
>rangefinding is still inaccurate

>has more replies, and the saved links.
>was made earlier
>not the real thread

okay fag

You should be able to guess from the description and the very limited description.

But it's the gun/launcher

>152mm gun
gee I wonder if it could be the M551 Sheridan gun

So it's not just me?
I had separate instances today of 120mm APDS bounce off Object 120 turrets and front plates

but i cant see a pattern in it. he leaves big and mobamaps alike

>was made earlier
>real thread
>isn't even named war thunder general
nice shitposting though

The very limited selection*

Does anyone actually like the SU-122?
The shells don't even one shot, it's just sad.

>pump 5 rounds into the ass of a T-34-57 from 5 meters away with my M4
>3 fires
>never knocked out his crew
how the fuck can you guys say this game doesn't have an obvious slavshit bias?

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They did in CBT. Those were the days.

To be fair, with 5 pens that were clearly enough to pen and start a fire, you should have been able to snipe the crew.

There's still obvious bias, but that's in fuel tanks absorbing your entire shot/not penning at all

>was made way before previous thread limit
>renamed le epix jokes
lmao kys

I tried, don't worry. You'd just think that 5 rounds skewering the tank at an upward angle, all throughout the frame, would fuck up any inhabitant.

I think this game is getting to a point where it needs a split in the factions.

What I mean is, have a cut off year. Like 1946-50(or earlier). Anything from that year or before, is considered inter-war/WW2. You cannot face a vehicle past that year. Unless its a custom battle. So that nations that fought in WW2 would be the factions in that era. Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, Fascist Italy, the USA, Great Britain and France.

The change would really come in the cold war era. You split Germany. Make an East German faction and a West German faction. Soviet Union, post imperialist Japan, Italy, Great Britain/Commonwealth, the United States and France all have their trees changed. Whereever the cutoff year starts, say 1948 for example. That's when the P-80 became the F-80. So the P-80 would be around to fight the Me-262s, but the Yak-23 would not, since it was introduced in '49. (Disclaimer: I realize those slav cucks wouldn't let that happen because (((((((((((, but let a mean hypothesize here.)

This would effectivly eliminate bullshit like, Tiger IIs fighting T-54s and T-10s and all those wonderful cold war British tanks that rape them.

I'm hypothesizing how to keep Cold War separate from WW2, and how to provide a base for additional Cold War factions, such as Israel (good goy), South Korea, China, a better integration of post war Italy and Italian tanks, Sweden, to name a few players during that time period. I think this would provide a good base to expand on post 1st 2nd and 3rd gen jets, both bomber, attack, tactical and fighter.

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heres a visual. I did my best to make sure I was hitting any and all crew, but slavshit is 2stronk

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but queue times ((((((((((((((

>waste 4 faggots in their new bias wagons inna Sheridan
hahaha slavs need to watch their children be bayoneted repeatedly

Wait, so you were shooting from behind?
need exact type of ammo and where

Yes, directly behind him literally 5 meters away. He was afk or 2busy fighting fires.
3 rounds of M72 and 2 rounds of M61

tfw you kill 2 tanks and an AA and get 30k within 2 minutes

>Shoot at an MBT-70
>No fucking joke turns invisible right before I fire
>Reappears after my shot misses and blasts me

>no one playing sim at all
anyone else glad these retards made it event-only? I sure am!

omae wa mo shinderou

one APHE round into the turret should have done him in, if not, it will have cleaned his turret. instead of just spamming rounds into his engine which will just eat the shells because )))))))) just wait for this gun to start to move because that means his turret has people in it again and slap another APHE round into it for the kill

Pretty much what the other guy said, components in this game are notoroius for eating shrapnel (fuel tanks are the best armor in the game) so shooting through the engine block is unreliable. Either then go for the turret or circle around and into the side hull

>Ki-61s are STILL massively overtiered
How long has it been like this and when is it going to get changed?

heh,,,,,,,,,,, too fast for ya,,,,,,?

>game randomly locks up sometimes after new patch


is it a russian plane struggling?


>dead bodies act like armor
love it

tfw still flying my SBD-3 in later tiers since it's the only 99% reliable way to drop bombs on tanks

>teammate rages about being used for cover while he repairs

>atgm detonates on faggot's gun barrel
>undamaged enough to fire back
I really tried to get back into tanks, did 5 rounds with each nation.
This mode is for mouthbreathing rats.

>make a joke about playing br 3 to earn SL with fake website
>some retarded jannie takes it seriously and blocks me for advertising
Why are they all such retards?

inb4 banned for mocking jannies

back to chasing nametags for you then :^)

go fly in a real sim and then tell me war thunder air isn't mouthbreathing bullshit.
>pick vehicle
>hope your opponent doesn't have a better plane because the computers fly them on the absolute limit of possible performance 100% of the time without fail
in IL-2 you can fuck people up with the memest of planes, in war thunder it's a shitshow based on RNG

I think tank combat is way more satisfying than the air combat. After so long in the air it just becomes boring and uninspired.

keep clicking on bushes and hoping you roll a +4 :^^^))))))

Best tier 4 Jap premo plane??

Don't give these filthy beasts any money.

>get hit in one (1) rifle on the ontos
>all of them are unusable
I love this meme

>planes is more RNG than tanks
poor thing forgot to take it's medication today

t. angry mobashitters

Alright fags, I've just spent 24 hours grinding 390,000 RP and eventually got my Challenger -- but it wasn't plain sailing. You see I absolutely adore my Chieftain Mk 3, even though it's meant to be "le sniper tonk" it's versatile enough that you can throw it into harm's way and do some ebin tier brawling. But I knew I wouldn't be able to get away with this playstyle with the Chief Mk 10, so I tried playing sniper but it seems like with the new larger maps it's too hard to keep up with the incredible mobility of the new tanks (and it's boring too, especially when you're sniping at long range only to kill the gunner, resulting in the enemy tank deploying smoke and disengaging) . As a result I was too much of a shitter and gave up on the Chief Mk 10 and went back to my Mk 3. Now that I've got my Challenger, I'm wondering -- is it the strictly the same as the Mk 10? Or will I be able to relive those glorious Mk 3 days? At least I can grind the 2K if the Chally's playstyle is shit.

But fuck me do I wish I had gone for the Abrams.

I'm literally losing every game I actually get kills in, how convenient this is only happening as I am 66,000 RP away from researching my first Tier VI tank

>just because 99% of aircraft disintegrate on contact with a bullet means it's a fair and square deal with no RNG involved!
again, go play a real sim where player skill is a factor in the outcome of an engagement.

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t. braindead faggot

>nippon cas
just play nippon ground or nippon air. if you really want to bring a plane into RB GF, just play it as an air superiority and kill other CAS planes in a Ki-87

>mmm gaijin please fuck me in the mouth hard and give me more maps like Karelia and Jungle!

Last match I hit an Object 120 with 4 sabot shells from my leopard 1. 2 bounced. Two penned the turret and set nothing off.

I'd rather play jungle than kursk or maginot line

Congratulations #4751 on the most retarded strawman I've seen in a week, that's how we know you're a true GF player.


arcadebabbys dont even know how to reply properly LMAO!

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>Grizzly can one-shot a Challenger in the back of the turret

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I am fucking sick to death facing tanks designed in 1960, destroying them, only to have the same nigger I killed whip out his fucking Arado or Bf 109 to revenge bomb me. It's just fucking ridiculous. in the same vein, I don't want to see some faggot in a Thunderbolt bombing others after sitting on the cap and J'ing out in his reserve tank or M22 locust or those faggots who bring Pumas into Tier V matches, die instantly and go into their Arados right after

>gee I wonder if the Object 906 is handheld

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Until Gajin put more cover/landscape in their bigger maps and wider streets in city maps, late game tanks will never be fun

or from above. 20mm roof

I mean, I have the same KDR in a centurion mk 10. That scoreboard doesn't show you the obscene reload speed, sanics and until recently nigh invulnerability to solid ammo

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leopard 2k is undertiered.

Why are you posting these?