When did you realise the working class (proletariat) have actually been the bad guys throughout history?

When did you realise the working class (proletariat) have actually been the bad guys throughout history?

They support Communism

They support Nazism

They support Fascism

>Modern Day
They support mass surveillance and reactionary politics

The working class throughout history tend to be the most uneducated and support extreme figures in the name of preserving their "culture" yet tend to produce no culture of their own whilst falling for policies which are under the guise of helping them but which are actually malicious.

Will automation finally wipe them out?

>implying fascism is bad

The time I realized Cato wasn't a populist, and Thermidor, of course.

and I forgot to add
>implying the Italian fascist movement wasn't also spearheaded by the artistic avant-garde, producers of some of the greatest modernist culture

>>implying fascism is bad

>In Mussolini’s first year as Prime Minister in 1922, Italy’s national debt stood at 93 billion lire. By 1934, Italian historian Gaetano Salvemini, estimated Italy’s national debt had risen to 148,646,000,000 lire.[9] The New York Times put Italy’s national debt as 405,823,000,000 lire in 1943.[10]

>Up until 1925 the country enjoyed modest growth but structural weaknesses increased inflation and the currency slowly fell (1922 L90 to £1, 1925 L145 to £1). In 1925 there was a great increase in speculation and short runs against the lira. The levels of capital movement became so great the government attempted to intervene. De Stefani was sacked, his program side-tracked, and the Fascist government became more involved in the economy in step with the increased security of their power.

>The lira continued to decline into 1926. It can be argued that this was not a bad thing for Italy, since it resulted in cheaper and more competitive exports and more expensive imports. Politically however the declining lira was disliked. Mussolini apparently saw it as "a virility issue"; the decline was an attack on his prestige. In the Pesaro Speech of August 18, 1926, he began the "Battle for the Lira". Mussolini made a number of strong pronouncements and set his position of returning the lira to its 1922 level, "Quota 90." This policy was implemented through an extended deflation of the economy; the country rejoined the gold standard, the money supply was reduced, and interest rates were raised. This action produced a sharp recession, which Mussolini took up as a sign of his assertion of power over "troublesome elements" - a slap to both capitalist speculators and trade unions.

Really makes you think

Tony Wilson asked Sid Vicious if he wrote for the man in the street. He replied "I've met the man in the street and he's a cunt."

>tfw no divine monarchy

More like anyone who uses the distinction of "working class" have been the bad guys. There is no "working class". Everyone "works" in some way or another (besides the genuinely unemployed), and it's not as simple as "everyone is a poor laborer except for the rich, ruling aristocrats".

>when you realise the middle class is the most influential and important class
we were behind pretty much all revolutions
we were behind pretty much all intellectual thought

working class are troglodytes
ruling class are decadent and despise change

wtf I hate poor people now

Do you even know what proletariat means?

It has a distinct definition.

>They support Nazism

Actually the Nazis never won the popular vote.

t. juden

>not born out of working class men
pick one

That's why it failed.


Automation will wipe out the working class. Problem solved.

>implying the Butlerian Jihad wont occur first

Shai-hulud when?

This. We've seen "social corporatism" and "folkhemmet" work fantastically for the nordic countries. All you need is to avoid the warmongering.

Based peasants fight for based Napoopy and everything is gravy until he invades Russia and the British ruin everything for the sake of aristocracy.

refer to

Well managed corporatism works fantastically. Badly handled corporatism is mediocre.

Well managed capitalism also works fantastically. Badly managed capitalism leads to communist revolutions.

Well managed communism barely scrapes by. Badly managed communism implodes in on itself.

>considers himself a fascist
>posts faggy anime

You do realize this makes you look like a loser, right?


>applefags believe this

>complains about anime images
>on an anime imageboard
>posts on Veeky Forums
>calls other people losers

This: anime is what they typically call "degeneracy."

Except I watch anime on a regular basis, retard.

I just don't pretend to be a hardman whilst posting anime, retard.

anime is degeneracy

>complains about people calling him an edgy weeb Nazi faggot
>he really is one

>Well managed communism barely scrapes by.
No, well managed anything works fantastically. You can not say anything under the Sino-Soviet sphere of influence was well managed. They themselves were not well managed. Anything managed well is going to do well. This is retarded.

>Badly handled corporatism is mediocre.
>Badly managed communism implodes in on itself.
No, history has shown that badly managed corporatism implodes on itself and/or starts World Wars.

>Badly managed capitalism leads to communist revolutions.
No, it can lead to shit like kleptocracy as well.

How is anime degenerate?

Where was I acting like a hardman?

Not a nazi. But anime is pretty good.

This desu. Anime is degeneracy, but I don't pretend like Veeky Forums is some sort of Aryan pride website. Veeky Forums is for degenerates. Neo-Nazis are delusional degenerates.

The German working-class voted SPD and KPD. The Nazi Party's base came from the middle class and Great War veterans.

I meant relatively well managed. Of course socialism isn't going to be well managed because of its nature, but relative to other socialist countries it can scrape on by for decades.

Also, we're talking about economic systems here. The nazis were warmongers, but warmongering isn't an economic system.

You are right about the kleptocracy though. And while we haven't really seen corporatism "implode" per se, we have seen leaders be deposed like Mussolini or replaced after death like Franco and Salazar.

No it is not.

They are just classcucks, useful idiots and temporary embrassed millionaires. I rather blame the people using them


Goddamn what a retard. Do you even know the distinction between class?

>How is anime degenerate?

It typically espouses thoroughly anti-social and anti-traditional values, encouraging young men to engage in isolated, obsessive existences oriented around escapism.

Nowhere did I treat Veeky Forums like that, I'm not even a nazi, so I don't know where you guys are getting this idea from.

Okay, it can be like, but so is all the media today. In some ways it is better, in some ways worse. Doesn't mean it is degenerate. You have to judge the anime on an individual basis.

>I meant relatively well managed. Of course socialism isn't going to be well managed because of its nature, but relative to other socialist countries it can scrape on by for decades.
But the umbrella of socialism spreads far wider than the USSR and it's satellite states. The stupid things satellite states and China did can mostly be attributed to following Marxism-Leninism, and following the USSR's example. Not to mention, most of these were unindistialized shitholes before turning socialist, unlike the corporatism examples. Standard Marxism would dictate that a country should be capitalist during industrialization.

>The nazis were warmongers, but warmongering isn't an economic system.
Yes, warmongering is an economic system. Do you not know what a plunder economy is?

>And while we haven't really seen corporatism "implode" per se, we have seen leaders be deposed like Mussolini or replaced after death like Franco and Salazar.
By that argument the USSR didn't implode.

>is communist
>not fascist
>not distributist
Come on man, know your history! We're gonna have to imprison you guys if you ever become a legitimate threat you know.

>Nowhere did I treat Veeky Forums like that, I'm not even a nazi, so I don't know where you guys are getting this idea from.

If you're the sort that's engaged enough in anime to be avatarfagging with it, you probably enjoy it as a general medium, which means it would fit the typical /pol/io definition of degeneracy.

Note I'm not saying anime is a bad thing, but it certainly doesn't fit with being some manner of /pol/io.

its called the lumpenprole, you ignorant fuck, go read a back.

I know there are more examples of socialism than just those countries, there's just no good examples of socialism, so its a bit tricky to define "well managed socialism".

I know what a plunder economy is, but I'm just saying it's not inherent to corporatism. The Nazis were planning to go to war on a massive scale, thus their economy centered around that.

Fair point on the USSR imploding though.

/pol/ just doublethinks so much they're still defending trump

Well if you find any anime fascist Italians or Portuguese you be sure to let me know m'kay.

I'm not a huge fan of /pol/ personally. They're okay, but they engage in way too many conspiracy theories, and there are way too many Hitler fanboys over there.

>tfw someone calls fascism aesthetic
>tfw they think its aesthetic because of all the anime pictures of fascism they have

Who mentioned aesthetics?

Not a communist but I don't think it is bad only impossible to get and maintain at the current technological level

I think socialism is possible at higher tech levels. Communism with its lack of government I can't see ever happening, not when other governments will handle the automation different ways (fascism, distributism, UBI, socialism, etc.)

So you're saying normies are to blame for everything? I can get behind that