ahri is cute, ahri is sweet, we all love ahri!
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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>When the outscale starts to happen
i have no friends
xth for lux big fat tits
What champion has the shittiest passive?
lewds brehs
do you think this should stay this way?
Hey me too
I pick tristana. If they pick tristana first, I pick twitch. If tristana and twitch aren't available, I pick??
Orianna is bullshit
Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game!
I am your friend!
I want to be cowgirl MF's boytoy!!
I want you to be my boytoy
Buff Zyra
Wukong, Sivir, Xerath, or Anivia.
>Pick ADC that doesn't have much to offer to in early fights and generally just wants to stay alive but scales into a monster
>Support locks in fucking Blitzcrank instead of literally anything else.
Here we go bois
I hope you Anons have a swell and wonderful night!
Invade to scale early.
>Pick ADC that doesn't have much to offer to in early fights and generally just wants to stay alive but scales into a monster
Why is Jinx's mouth open in every splash?
>Pick ADC that doesn't have much... but scales into a monster
oh here we go again... real chink hours
try that joke when there is more people in the thread
Kog probably
Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.
shes a soyboy
Kog, Twitch, Kai'Sa, Jinx. Yeah they, Jinx especially, can snowball pretty hard if the get early kills but they don't want a Blitzcrank snatching a fucking Morgana into them either. I fucking hate Blitzcrank, he's a goddamn mongoloid champion.
Fuck ahri and her free move speed and triple dash ass
I miss Swift
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
don't bully ahri
soon to be 5
Should I bully Ahriposters instead?
Ghostcrawler doesn't like ahri, and Meddler and the other designers don't like the 5 dashes, thinking thats a bit too much. That won't be going live. If theyre half intelligent it'll be 2/3/4, or she'll have some way to get one extra dash.
It's over user. Lewdposting is dead.
at least not all the time
guys did you know that individual skins have lore!
almost none of them do, but a few have a text description, including all esports skins and a few seemingly random others
>girl(male) that isn't a submissive support player
i dont believe it
>get a blitzcrank on my team
>enemy sup is leona
>blitz makes it his goddamn personal divine mission to hook leona whenever he can
>Can't stop listening to the Itachi song
Is this my fate? To become a Kayn main?
can you guys explain how I've only gotten from g5 to g1 promos in ~40 games with a ~70% win rate? i'm getting 25-26 lp a win. that means it'll take me at least 50 games to get to p5, which seems like more than necessary if my goal is to get to d5
fwiw, I duo'd about half my games, but the guy I duo'd with was d4 last season and is currently p2, so if anything that should significantly raise my lp gains given my win rate vs my MMR (~1850 on opgg)
oh how cute
what's the lore with bittersweet lulu then?
>bout ta nut
>press R
>soul doesn't get stolen
is Tryndamere the only guy who can fug Ahri and live?
Him, Kayn, and GP are the only champions that can avoid Urgot's ult
But they're always cock teasing.
>ejaculation lasts longer than 5 seconds
do you have it? check the skins tab
probably nothing, most old skins don't have any except esports and seasonal ones
ekko buffs when really
you know what you do have though?
no waveclear
How can GP avoid it?
>lux support thinks she is a mid laner and never wards and contributes nothing to the fucking team outside of showing up to last hit people with ult and act like she is contributing to team when she has no fucking damage or vision score and does not fucking land snares at all
He just eats oranges my dude
yep there's nothing
how lame
Finally only took me 14 games for my FWOTD haha
Streaks shouldn't be so hard to break
What are your expectation for the rework
Why isn't Kayle played more? She's pretty fun desu.
>outdated kit
she my girl
>be me
>mid xerath
>trying to climb for the first time
>bronze trash
>focus on not feeding
>get into promos
>this happens
I dont thinks its worth it
>Lux support
>Starts doran's ring
I really like this picture
can I save it?
her E is too stupid and unpleasant to use
just rework her and make her permanently ranged
How do I convince my hardstuck bronze friend to stop fucking playing Ivern jg? He's not a good jg or Ivern player.
>get to bronze 1
>get teamed with hardstuck silvers that dont know anything about the fucking game
consider if he cares about your opinion before you try this
during the first part of the ult or the pull?
I never knew this wtf
Just let him play Ivern jungle, it's not like he's a good player on any other champion or role
You have to stop going Ivern Jungle, you're not a good Ivern orJungle player.
Try out champs like x, y or z.
yea go ahead
He's honestly bad on every champ but his ebst champ according to his wr is Yasuo even though he averages like 12 deaths on him
there you go, please don't encourage him to play Yasuo, there's enough of those already
get him to play shyv, rammus or warwick. his winrate will sky rocket
is it bad i find kaisa really fun and cute
summarize your top 3 champ playstyles in 10 words or less
Why are yordle wombs perfectly shaped for human dick?
Ahri is stupid!!!!
Bully Ahrifags!!!!
Kayle has too much of a role problem with her kit. She has what it takes to be a support like Zilean, but unlike Zilean she's melee and would suffer from being a support. Can't adc because melee. Nothing for good gank potential except a speed buff.
WR or KDA or what?
Why are toplaners all literal fucking manchildren
Literally anything doesn't go their way and they run down lanes and refuse to do anything but push and intentionally die
the ones that show on your profile user
I've been having this awful fucking trend where i win 4 games in a row, get to my promos. Then they ban my Janna the first game, we lose then next game everyone feeds and we lose. It's literally happened to me three times in a row now. Also Silver support main LF Bot to duo with!
what is your alternative to janna?
Smart shields defensively and offensively;
And I think Amumu is third right now so: Power farm until I win
is there anything more annoying than getting a fucking a 20 year old bum stoner on your team who plays like garbage and ints and just keeps typing "dude im soooooo high XD"
we need to purge these fucking degenerates
show us on the doll where your top laner in your last game flamed you and inted
Her laning is a chore. And her items keep getting nerfed. And her need for CDR kind of requires some awkward build orders.
She's not a bad champ just one that requires a lot of effort. But if you find her fun then more power to you, m8.
She's not a bad mid or top.
Top lane sucks. The only time anyone pays you any attention is when you're doing well so the jungler comes up to push you back.
Literally the most reasonable way to play top is to just afk farm and wait for people to do shit elsewhere on the map so you can rotate.
whats more annoying is a faggot gp on your team who is inting so he can drop down to bronze from silver because he says he likes the climb, costing you your promos. CHRIST
"Good luck and many tokes to you all"
I want to fucking die