Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Double trouble Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


where the FUCK is Mei

Attached: Mei.jpg (774x1032, 123K)

Where the FUCK is BlackThorne

2nd for protoss!

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Zagara > Fenix

Attached: This kills the Fenix.png (282x211, 15K)

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this kills the crab.

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Can this game only pump out assassins?

where the heck is????


Nothing wrong with that


Yes, because

>Making assassins is easy as long as you can think of one gimmick to make them stand out
>The vast majority of the playerbase are QM shitters who need high KDR to have fun and wouldn't play any other role
>There are more ways to creatively kill people than heal them/tank for them

I could go on, but it's all one long variation of "it's easy"

too late protossfag

>male:female ratio is already hovering around 3:1
>release another male hero
fuck off

>sgt hammer
i hope her playerbase dies in a fire

no you sempie

>we should release female characters just because of some equal ratio nonsense

Retard most video game characters that are cool are male.

It is a bit dull. And people already don’t want to play other roles, making more incentive to isn’t necessary.

Fenix could’ve been a Warrior. Though I do think his kit looks cool. But it isn’t as though I don’t have thirty other assassins that I could play instead.

>Hey lets add another hero that is easily countered by Overshits

God forbid if we get a real counter to them.

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Blizz gotta shill Overwatch as much as possible now everyone is sick of it.

>trusting the spotlight guy
Purification Salvo will completely BTFO Tracer

I would unironically play her more if she didn't have that awful redneck voice.

How DOES this make you feel?

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Seeing as its the similar as Mcree's ult he will be dead before he can do anything unless you have everyone protect his ass to the teeth which even then Tracer can get out of.

feels like you posted this in the last thread

There is :
51 Male characters (64.5%)
25 Female Characters (31.6%)
3 Bisexual or Asexual character. (3.7%

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Johanna loli is cute and fun and she tries her best to tank for you!

Attached: johannaloli.png (1000x1414, 873K)

Why is this allowed in a children video game?

actually kinda small by latina standards


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How does this make /hotsg feel?

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Chromie was a Male Dragon that choose to be a Female Gnome, no?

here she is!

Attached: 66417509_p0.jpg (2086x2188, 1.24M)

gender does not equal sexual characteristics
why is ragnaros grey while zagara is pink?


you can't buy hero skins with gems?????????????

No? That meme was debunked around 6 or 7 years ago during blizzcon.

>have to lane murky as zeratul because our retarded nazeebo wont
>can literally never gank anyone or leave the lane because this faggot naz wants to sit at mid instead of laning murky or rotating for stacks
>hit 10 and fuck off because im sick of it
>lose because we got no early game kills and nazeebo is dying to murky now that he's laning him
>nazeebo wonders how i couldnt handle murky when i ping spammed him to help
literally i could fucking tie with him all game but the point is i need to roam you fucking frog throwing nigger monkey, you dont need to be at mid brawling 24/7 as nazeebo

depends which ones

only the ones on weekly sale and heroic bundles

good taste, except that terrible sylvanas skin

Zagara is Female. She's a Broodmother
Rag is an Elemental Lord. They do not have sex.

>Tomb of the spider queen in unranked
>Have 3rd pick, hover Xul
>First and second pick go Murky and TLV
>4th and 5th start hovering specialists too
>pic related

Thanks for wasting 11 minutes of my life you insufferable shits.

Attached: playforfun.jpg (540x695, 62K)

how do i get skins then?
how do i make more shards? wtf

"Interestingly, "-ormu" is typical of the male bronze dragon, while "-ormi" is typical of the female. As Chronormu is female,[10] she is an exception to this "rule". In Old Norse "-orm/-ormr" means "dragon, serpent"."
>Exception to the rule
>Transgender Dragon
Pretty sure it was supposed to be a male dragon, but they retconned it. But hey, it's Blizzardx

yeah and sulfuras is not a phallic symbol at all

>twitch tv/blizzheroes
gooks are playing

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level up and open crates dumdum

No it was not reconned, Chromie exist since vanilla those rules are not that old (vanilla was 14 years ago) and no she was never supposed to be
a male dragon.

takes a million years without a stim

>Go brawl
>Everyone on the team gets a shit pool
>End up with 4 tanks and Auriel as supp
>Get raped all game

Attached: 850.jpg (540x507, 19K)

Play low level heroes.

so buy a stim

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>he's not /stimmin/
spend your shekels you fool, the game is just pure suffering without stim

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>Paying money to Acti-Blizzard

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Stop lewding Lili

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I fucking love her, she is so much fun to play. There is no feeling like popping a li-ming from full in under a second. There is no feeling like popping a D.Va the instant she de-mechs. And there is absolutely nothing else in the world like a tracer rewinding out of certain death, only to be blown across the map. She is my favorite hero and my highest level, there is no other hero in the game that makes me feel like I am capable of becoming good at the game
I really really wish I had the balls to pick her outside of QM

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Is Gilly there tonight?

>doesn't support based hots devs

Attached: 1067330.jpg (424x640, 59K)

>try to purchase gems
>says parental controls are on my account
I've never had parental controls on my account what the fuck??????? I"m 20 fucking years old

A 20yo person could disable the parental control lmao.

>buy a 30-day stim two months ago
>20 days left
its pretty neat you can keep stims rolling with chest drops

Gilly is casting Rocket League, she won't be there for the whole tournament

it's past your bed time son go to sleep

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I've made purchases on blizzard website all the time, how the fuck have i not been able to purchase in game items?

when i first made my acc for WoW at 12 my mom never touched the computer nor did she touch the account. I was in control of the account so how the fuck did parental controls get on therE?

Who cares if it's phallic or not. It's a pile of Fire with a deep voice.

All this talk of crabs made me realize I've never actually eaten one in my life.

Are they tasty, bros?

demons are asexual, they dont reproduce like that, in lore when the prime evils walk, the demons just appear

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but he looks like a man in wow

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>Me and this other guy both pick Diablo
>Sgt Hammer on the enemy team
>Both pick Apocalypse ult

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>getting headhunter

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Demons are actually male or female or asexuals. The Prime Evils are all Males. They are "Brothers".
You also have female Demons like Lilith. The whole reason we have Nephalems is because Lilith could not keep her Tail to herself

Attached: diablo_3_anniversary___inarius_and_lilith_by_ziom05-d65j7mn.jpg (1024x640, 177K)

He does, but it's a shape he takes. I dont think there is any lore that show there are Male or Female elementals. The Lords just take different shapes that they like.

>murky female
>chromie male

"Chromie is a male" is a very old wow meme because she actually have a male name but blizzard confirmed she is a female.

Yeah guys lets just start making up female characters just to fulfill some soyboy liberal quota! Fuck getting characters people actually want! We need diversity!

So Mommy Therazane isn't really a mommy ? I'm disappointed.

Attached: Therazane.jpg (850x660, 167K)

>Murky lay eggs
>Chromie has a male dragon names

Blizzard also didnt know that an important character was still alive and needed a red shirt to tell them.

Yeah, she prefer to be a female form, but "she" is not really. At least unless they show me that Elementals somehow have Male and female genders.

Why is Blizzard so afraid of making specialists like Zagara and Sylvanas not one-trick ponies?

Zagara and Sylvannas aren't alike at all

Didn't that Ragnaros fire horse mount in WoW said he wanted a daughter? How those that work then?

You know I think the other guy is wrong because Therazane have a daugther that looks like her and she was impregnated by a male.

You know, Murky is a character in Legion and he is a male.

>small character from a book not related to the main history is important
He is so irrelevant that they forgot about him and I don't see how this is related to Chromie at all, there was no indication she was a male until people tried to force that meme.

The last specialist we had was Probius a year ago, and before that it was Xul a year before that.

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Fuck Zagara. I still remember the days where she was drafted every single time just for maw and the whole game was just about maws and void prisons.

They're alike in their one-dimensional nature, there's no flexibility in their talent trees that could make you say "okay in this game I'm going with talent X or Y because I'm an actual hero and not a glorified lane pusher"

Dragons are polymorph creatures they can choose to take any shape they like or want. Chromie could become a Male orc or a Female Murloc

>Dragons are polymorph creatures they can choose to take any shape they like or want. Chromie could become a Male orc or a Female Murloc
Yes she can become anything she want but she is a female dragon.

She is now, yes.

She always was.


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Every hero in the game basically. Talents suck balls.

what is it that makes hanzo so strong on BoE?

scatter arrow talents.

>27 posters

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It's 6AM here and 1AM in NA. Not many are on.

>leavers every single game today
>always on my team
>AI is practically worse than an AFKer
>doesn't listen to pings, misses easy skillshots, and walks into the enemy team constantly
I'm out bros

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what happened
this gen was so alive during the maiev craze

>get into game
>"can you join us in team voice, user?"

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>join team voice
>everyone thinks I'm a guy
y-yeah bro

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