Why is American Christianity so commercialised and focused on doomsday prophecies, Veeky Forums?
Why is American Christianity so commercialised and focused on doomsday prophecies, Veeky Forums?
they're not wrong
>why is an apocalyptic religion focused on doomsday prophecies
What the fuck am I watching
it isnt, but that's what you see on your TV set and that's what people you know think as well so why question it
The descendants of the religious outcasts of Europe naturally formed into the autism that is American Evangelicalism
Cause people are tired of waiting on Jesus.
because islam got all the actual nutjobs so they are stuck with these pseudo-nutjobs and mormons to fill the void
Cause they are being c*** by the old testament.
In Europe, nobody takes the old one seriously.
Matthew 24:36
Except Jesus apparently, and the first generation of Christians who believed him when he said he would come back before their generation passed.
2 Peter 3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
>ywn be american
>restaurant quality food
This is insane, are the people for real? How are they still in business?
This lie is pernicious.
Jesus said that the generation who saw the beginning of sorrows would see the second coming.
Jesus also said that someone hearing him would not die until he saw Jesus coming down from heaven in glory.
That generation is yours. The beginning of sorrows has begun.
That man was John the Revelator.
>wow that's good
The specific doomsday stuff focused on in America is for the most part in the New Testament.
According to Gibbon early christianity was fixated on an apocalyptic message. It wasn't really until they supplanted polytheism as the dominate religion and gained considerable secular power that they switched the program up.
>A sex scandal led to his resignation from the ministry. Subsequent revelations of accounting fraud brought about his imprisonment and divorce. He later remarried and returned to televangelism.
>From 1984 to 1987, Bakker and his PTL associates sold $1,000 "lifetime memberships," which entitled buyers to a three-night stay annually at a luxury hotel at Heritage USA. According to the prosecution at Bakker's later fraud trial, tens of thousands of memberships had been sold, but only one 500-room hotel was ever completed. Bakker sold more "exclusive partnerships" than could be accommodated, while raising more than twice the money needed to build the actual hotel. A good deal of the money went into Heritage USA's operating expenses, and Bakker kept $3.4 million in bonuses for himself. A $279,000 pay-off for the silence of Jessica Hahn,
it's not new either
most the american great awakening sects were extremely apocalyptic and even born out of failed prophecies e.g. adventists
Gotta respect the dudes hustle
>Their show grew quickly until it was carried by close to a hundred stations, with average viewers numbering over twelve million, and the Bakkers had established their own network, The PTL Television Network (also known as PTL-The Inspirational Network). They attributed much of their success to decisions early on to accept all denominations and to refuse no one regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, or criminal record.[citation needed]
>By the early 1980s, the Bakkers had built Heritage USA in Fort Mill, South Carolina (south of Charlotte), then the third most successful theme park in the U.S., and a satellite system to distribute their network 24 hours a day across the country. Contributions requested from viewers were estimated to exceed $1,000,000 a week, with proceeds to go to expanding the theme park and mission of PTL.[5] In justifying his use of the mass media, Bakker responded to inquiries by likening his use of television to Jesus's use of the amphitheater of the time. "I believe that if Jesus were alive today, he would be on TV", Bakker said.[this quote needs a citation]
>Fraud conviction and incarceration[edit]
Following a 16-month Federal grand jury probe, Bakker was indicted in 1988 on eight counts of mail fraud, 15 counts of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy.[7][14] In 1989, after a five-week trial which began on August 28 in Charlotte, the jury found him guilty on all 24 counts, and Judge Robert Daniel Potter sentenced him to 45 years in federal prison and a $500,000 fine.[4]:52[15]
this + Book of Daniel
>not buying a bonuses bucket
>not eating all the food and then shiting in it
>According to Gibbon
It's the American way to try and make a business out of anything, the Dollar is Almighty over there
Apparently the historian Gibbon's grandfather was involved in an illicit trade deal involving the South sea bubble, where a sea fishing company promising exorbitant profits to those who bought overvalued shares. Gibbon was never imprisoned although he was in on it.
Consider all the people who fled Europe or were kicked out, because of their religious beliefs. They all come to America where there's plenty of room for everyone, but the sheer distances involved means a lot of these communities expand in isolation, with their already outlandish views perpetuated in an echo chamber hug box.
>someone hearing him would not die until he saw Jesus coming down from heaven in glory
Hmmmm...Wandering Jew anyone?
It's mainly millennialism which pretty much exists only in Protestantism. Since Protestantism is the main form of Christianity in the United States and the more militant faiths (evangelicism, Pentecostalism, etc.) have spread over the last 50 years you get the wacky televangelism, prosperity gospel bullshit.
And people wonder why Protestantism is hated. Even the indulgences of the Middle Ages weren't this bad. Heaven help us.
They should detonate Yellowstone. This way murricans can finally into apocalypse while the rest of the world goes on without burgers shitting up this planet.
Detonating Yellowstone could set off a cascade effect which plunges us into a decade of permanent winter. And by "us," I mean everyone on Earth.
Brainwashing the caveman way:
That's some damn fine population control.
I'd reckon maybe 10% of people survive those 10 years, if that.