/vtg/ - Vermintide General


Latest 1.03 patch notes

>Information about chests and when to open them
>Tome and Grimoire locations (someone check to make sure it's all correct)
>Performance guide
>Mega of cool stuff:

last thread

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second for dorfs

>What class/loadout is the most self sufficient/independent?

High level Unchained Sienna with a Natural Bond necklace.

these stairs go up

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early-ish for rats

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..are cunts


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The grey wizard's place in VT1 is still the coolest level in either game. port of VT1 maps for VT1 owners when

Fucking FoV
I hated every single map in VT1

>chaos sorcerer throws his tornado into an incoming ambush + stormvermin patrol and saves us all

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>the constant and unfounded anti-dwarf propaganda in these threads
Pitiful, but what else would you expect from elfshitters.

>BRAAAP wizard throws a vortex
>catches a bunch of specials in it
>have a big fat laugh when they slam into walls and die after being thrown out

The beam staff is pretty shit when used by 90% of the Siennas out there.When i see a beam staff user i prepare myself to get friendly fired every few seconds and trying to avoid Sienna more than trying to avoid the rats.

Retards that are hunting for green circles are the biggest offenders for friendly fire.

Papa Nurgle just watching out for the party.

why is handmaiden so fuckin _fun?

They really need to fix this meme spawning shit.

t. dwarfshitter
You niggers are almost as bad as Siennafags, don't try to deny it
160+ hours in the game and the worst human beings I've seen in games have been dwarfs, most of them anyway. Siennas are worse if less vocal


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dude just block lmao

why haven't they fixed this?

Learn how to F2 pleb

what is the 3rd weapon there? is that a falchion?

increase fov

it's cropped you niglets

post yfw

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I'm talking about saltzpyre's fov, if it had been higher he might've lived.

I think there's something wrong with slayer's ult. A single rock makes me launch straight into space what the fuck is this fatshark

have the same one but I cannot tell what it changes
maybe the handle

An old rangers trick :^)

Always something in stooore, HEH HEH :^)

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I call it the Tony Hawk each time I do a Tribes-style slide off a wall and end up nowhere near where I wanted to go.

the icon looks sick tho thought it was a katana at first glance

I love beam meme

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>heard you talking shit like I wouldn't find out

Fair and balanced, surely they intended this to be how beam functions

probably because an entire level is unplayable rather than players can freely move for 5 seconds in a cutscene

>fully dying that far into the level
was this a deed that had downed = death or does legend has instant death?
or where they just shit?

do "increase healing" talents affect natural bond? I mean regeneration is healing right?

Find out by trying it out

>veteran or maybe even recruit
>most damage taken
You suck as Sienna lad.Don't play her on higher difficulties.You will just bring your team down.

>he presses F2 to run ahead of the team
>not pressing F2 and crouch walking backwards in circles while you block and look straight up
get on my level

literally only most damage taken since I was last wizard standing three times in a row

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it's legend and the majority of legend games fail within the first 5 minutes when the director spawns a horde + 5 specials + a patrol all at once.

If you can make it past the beginning of a Legend mission you'll have a good chance of going all the way.

judging by damage dealt, player level and kills i am going to say that damage taken it not from overheating but from venting overcharge into temporary health user

Are you a flounder by chance?

this too temp health is ez with beam m2+m1

I do more damage, boss damage, and more special kills with the bolt staff than the beam. Why do people use beam again? Just because its glitched doesn't make it good.

How much of that is friendly fire though?

Why are you lying on the internet lad.There is a level 20+ Bardin on your team.The only way he goes down before you is if you are playing on champion and you killed him with friendly fire.I have a fully decked level 30 Sienna so don't try misleading me.

>Legend difficulty

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Just because you're glitched doesn't make you good.

believe what u want to believe user

I know. Beam is more versatile but I'm going back to my Bolt + reduced cd on crit + flaming skull vents build. Beam's gonna get ultranerfed eventually anyway.

I do feel Conflag needs a massive buff though. I fail to see the point of it. Maybe give it no FF and make it the de facto horde killer for Sienna.

man I just love it when hook rats and assassins fuck you in the ass through an entire horde and there's nothing you can do about it

Are you trying to tell me that you are venting on veteran?As a Pyromancer?Stop trying to defend the shitter.

>look into the first field
>3 chaos warriors
>6 Chaos Maulers
>10+ Stormvermin
>"wow this is going to suck, lads agro them slow from here"
>Wizard lazers one guy
>Director spawns a horde behind us pushing us into the field
>tfw 2 Assasins spawn

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>Empire in flames
>xLegolasmaster2001x (Kirrilian): All tomes all grims?
>the other three run past the first tome

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>I fail to see the point of it.
You can use it safely to blast enemies in the back without having to fear your team mates walking in front of you and taking friendly fire.

And that's where it ends. It doesn't even do enough dmg to kill slave rats, it's woefully terrible against anything with armor or shield, does NOTHING to chaos warriors and bosses and the normal attack, while damaging, has that horrible trajectory and travel time that prevents efficient sniping.

Overall pretty shit I'd say. Give it no FF or give it a massive DoT on a fully charged strike. Or something.

>he doesnt vent into temp hp
LOL stupid umgak

>Sienna trapped between a wall and a troll
>we can't get to her through the troll
>"well guess she's dead"
>hook rat comes out of nowhere and hooks Sienna
>leads her through the troll
>we kill the hook rat and Sienna is saved
blessed hook rat

>Kruber is colored red and metal
>Wields polearm almost always
>Because of that in some messy combat sometimes I react on him as stormrat and start hitting
>Not a problem as i generally fight those in melee but one day ill probably kill him with bow headshot when it will matter

>sienna joins
>guy specifically claims he is testing new staff (conflag)
>1 minute into the game says it's shit and deals no damage
>"i should've taken beam..."

>Slayer dwarf approaches from behind
>see him in the lower right corner of my screen
>immediatly block and dash to the side as I expected a naked rat to poke me for 80% of my damage again

>he doesnt vent into temp hp
Hey shitter, you are playing on veteran and you are overheating with a Pyromancer level 25+! You suck so hard with Sienna that there is an event horizon forming around your mouth!

overheating because thats how many circles im getting unlike you

I keep confusing Bardin for a horde rat.

>When you're told to survive and your boy Sigma has your back

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>2 grim 3 tomes on nest
>doing well, team in perfect condition
>i suddenly die dropping down from a tiny ledge without even getting downed
>chaos spawn appears right afterward and wipes us

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is this what the map is supposed to look like when the lighting is functional?

>functional lighting

What do you think this is, 2018?

Thats maxed settings

Not max light sources though, default is in the 10 to 20% range, thats 50%.

I play Sienna too dipshit. You just suck.

yeah but you dont get circles thats the difference between us shitter

>People keep telling that sword&dagger is good so I decide to try it once again
>Into the nest
>I'm just dead weight on boss but team carried me
>Meanwhile horde clearing may have wider angle, but shorter range so I end game as typical elf player with most damage taken even though I carry team with glaive
Why do you keep memeing on me about weapons?

I simply don't take screenshots of my green circles.

just fuck already

>Is useful to her team just by being near them with that stamina regen
>Dodge and block everything
>look fashionable
>dashing through hordes all day
>more durable than her other careers
>start ressing someone and dash, the res will still go through
>Asur > the other Elves

nice excuse shitter

>Always mix crounching elf for a rate during messy fights in VT1
>VT2 removes the fur from her armor
>except if you own VT1 ;)))

At least I'm always meleeing and never shoot trash rats

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hey guys i have a sick idea

lets take a gas rat and make his aoe bigger

lets make it move too so on narrow chokepoints the team cant escape from it

instead of just doing damage how bout we also make it disable them for about 10 seconds

maybe we could even make it spit ppl out really far, so they can go into hordes of mobs and out of the maps or die instantly from fall damage

other thoughts? my friend suggested we can make them shoot it from behind walls and teleport so you can never kill them, maybe give them some more hp too.

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>he is bragging about his performance on vet when he is lvl 25+
Not even that user, but you're just pathetic.

looks like this on my machine

I don't stick my dick in dumb elves

>omg lvl 1 really
>you've joined hard mode, please pick a high level character
>last time lvl 1 failed horribly
alright, fuck y'all, I'll just queue with other people
>lvl 1 wtf this is veteran!!!!
these retards don't even know what hero power is, probably

Honestly, glaive is the only viable weapon once you hit cham.

>on vet
but it was champ silly

do you expect people to suddenly trust randoms at not being shit for no reason?

>queue into champ on a lvl 1 alt
>nobody says a word
>clear it without much problem
I hear shit like this all the time, seems like it only happens on vet though. Guess those shitters must be mega pussies if they are playing on vet at a high level so it makes sense.

>discordshitters shitting up the thread with their circleposting

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>teleports behind you and deals 100% unavoidable damage

Can you reroll item traits on a red item?

>decide to grab that side area grim real quick by yourself
>"It's a gutter runner!"

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>guy is talking down to me for joining in mid game for being a low level
>tell him its my last character to level
>yeah ok buddy
>he didn't even know all the book locations
>out green circle him
no better feeling

>No Trollhammer torpedoes
>No Runesmith
>No Master Engineer
>No blasting charges
Can we all just agree a dwarf game would have been infinitely better.