/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #2936

Holy maiden edition

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Stream summary

>Recent news
SSR Summer Jannu (Wind) released
4th Anniversary Event with Magfest, daily crystals, free daily draw, bonus pendant, JD drop boost and Daily Roll Roulette with one guaranteed 100 rolls in the last day if you haven't got one before that.
Yaia 5* uncap and Bonito 4* uncap in March
What makes the Sky Blue Part 2 is ongoing with free SSR Sandalphon and a free discount Primal

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for March:
2/28 - 3/23 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II
3/12 - 3/18 - Rise of the Four Beasts
3/18 - 3/24 - Xeno Corow Clash
3/24 - 3/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun)
3/31 - 4/8 - New Scenario Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin


Attached: DYalMPTVQAI1gdW.jpg (849x1200, 168K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Has anyone ever gotten a Crimson Finger from Agni raids or is that just a myth?

Do not sexualize Jeanne
Resist your carnal urges

Attached: jeanne is pure.png (1085x789, 500K)

Coffee is great for prepping your insides

Captcha is back.

Will Siero be Dark or Fire?

Legacy captcha?

Does Eugen's gun replace a Baihu claw as the normal modifier in a magna grid? I don't feel like playing Titan but not using the gun feels like a waste desu


>Roll Titan
>just in time for f2p titan's funeral
Thanks kmr


Game captcha.

Reminder that esser is the strongest eternal

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I fucking wish
That Grimnir katana really makes me hopeful for SSR Noa (Wind). I hate it


someone did 148mil tho

there was some whale with a shitton of berries who was able to farm like 2 of the things. Remember, its all about wanpan because they don't come from host chests.

I wonder if they're easier or harder to farm than MII

Does Shiva remove the damage cap entirely?

>You will never fight alongside Jeanne d'Arc to expel the English menace from France, helping her train with the sword, admire her body while resisting your urges as if she was an angel herself, hearing her call you her "beau Duc", watching her sperg out over cannons, then march through France until you reach Paris and be ready to take it back, only to be cockblocked by your shitty king who stalls the war for an entire year trying to make a shitty peace treaty while you were already winning, only to have him disband your troops and send Jeanne to fuck off in the south while you're told to go back home, and tell Jeanne you'll see each other again but instead she gets captured and executed and you fall into depression and become alcoholic and ruin your estate
Why even live

Attached: kill me.jpg (698x658, 102K)

>korw nio lecia

executed for CROSSDRESSING
your waifu literally is a tranny

>Still not a single account viable to play long term
I'm getting so tired.

Attached: rerolls.png (550x751, 48K)

The call on ougi? increases it by a significant amount.

>everyone is talking about how hot new Jeanne is
>I can't stop thinking about how pure she is
seriously her Fates really cement her as very unlewd.

Attached: Jeanne_dArc_Themed_B.png (960x800, 200K)

Someone here got a finger last rotb

Not really a strong argument when they retried afterwards and found her innocent

but she holds your hand and doesnt let go



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Reminder that she broke her sword on the back of a prostitute


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is 2500RP per slime good or bad?

I was given a very specific criteria of what makes a playable account in this very thread by people who are no doubt better at the game than you. If you want to make a case for one of these being competitive going forward be my guest.

fuck hell lad, what's going on with you? Good luck, you madman

Have a TOOT from me



>got s. heles and izmir yesterday
>now beato
pretty good, just need jannu now

Attached: file.png (562x864, 887K)

man I was bored but fuck these ppl

Attached: shit.png (595x245, 172K)

Cap or DA? Also, crit is bettter for the Baihu claw, right?

Attached: a.png (526x587, 535K)

Reminder that Siete and Nio are shit and overrated

You motherfucker congrats

*does 20mil 4turns in a row at turn 10*
heh nothin personel

Ah, fuck. I can't believe you've done this.

Yeah yeah no one cares about your epic high IQ wind comp that miserabily loses to someone with Siete and Nio, no go away.

>in this very thread by people
Oh yeah you'll fit right in.

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Reply onegai.

>crit is bettter for the Baihu claw, right?
No. Unless you're Titan. Go for cap.

>just rolled 250 times
>only rateup character was an izmir moon, who was also the only one I had
g-gratz user...

Thanks, what about the turtle axe? DA or cap?

Today I will remind them.

Attached: Euphoria.png (477x355, 364K)

Should I be aiming for Agni or Shiva?

Time to level my baha gun!

Attached: potate.png (315x333, 164K)

>all the SSR I get are Dark and Light

I still don`t have a single earth ssr

>18% boostat SL15 to charge attack DMG for an earth ally in third position
Does it also increase the ougi damage cap? I was thinking about getting this for an ougi centric Titan team, but there wouldn't be a point getting this if I already reach cap, right?

Attached: Baihu_Fangstaff.png (640x554, 42K)

Reminder that Jeanne is cuckshit and you fell for art bait if you rolled for her

I keep getting good summons for Dark and Light even though I barely have any characters to use them with

I would literally trade you two of these for that doll

Attached: wtf i love light now.png (551x929, 661K)

Cap for magna but both for Varuna, if you're f2p.

Post them Corow grids.

Attached: XenoCorow.png (521x669, 724K)

Wtf I can`t get that reactor boss in chapter 62 he keeps nuking me to death

Cheers lad.


You know that's a tough choice for me.
If I didn't have a decent light grid already i would take lucio and vira, but that dagger man...

Attached: Did I win dark.png (479x689, 641K)

Every girl besides my favorite is cuckshit. Especially your favorite

Oh hey, did you just drop 10k$ bucks into the game for a big dick whale grid to steal MVPs?
*steals your mvp with f2p 0$ grid*

Attached: WIND.png (701x412, 175K)

Oh nononononono

*spends 5000 berries*

Your first account has djannu szoi and 4 mi auto man, fuck off. What's the fucking point of being so anxious to get all of the good shit right off the bat when you don't even have a grid to support those? It'll be months before you catch up to these people, you'll probably be able to spark even twice if you had the patience to reroll 66 accounts by then. There are even some early game carriers who will definitely do more damage than your endgame characters for a good month or so, but go on and reroll another 60 accounts with your VPN on, I'm sure that's more entertaining than playing the game

So, I still need the guns, huh.

About to do the fate that unlocks uncap 4, will work on levelling it this week.

Attached: my grid.png (478x604, 583K)

>pretty damn sure I had a gold and damascus bar
>suddenly they aren't there anymore

Get both if you play Varuna, just be yourself if you can't afford both during curent RoTB.

Also got Quilin bow which I'll replace for Baha sword.

>4 days of fucking flashfest on 10 rolls

We ARE getting legfest afterwards right? cant possibly let only light and darkcucks have their grands, not that they're worth a damn or anything

Is the drop rate staff even worth using? I only ever seem to get merits in coop when equipping one, yet even at max skill level its apparently only a 3% bonus. Might as well just swap to a different element and use treasure hunter.

Wow, that's garbage then.

>no hp
You're like a little baby, watch this.

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Why is no one streaming their sparks? Or are they all saving for the last day of flashfest?

Have fun getting those harps
I’ll enjoy my guns

tbf he only needs to use 6 dama bars and 1 sunstone.

Granted getting those duel disk systems might take a while.

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>>only one person can possibly dislike Vira
Viracucks make up shit like that and then they wonder why everyone calls vira and viracucks cancer

how viable is Wind Gizoku anyways? I never actually see people soloing or racing BahaHL/Ubaha with anything but GAO.

What comisc rifle am I supposed to get?

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I'm close to just whaling this shit, brothers

Shut the fuck up arbtr and go back to rebbit

It still works with wind if you have 6/7 guns

>ultima instead of reunion

Because there are still free rolls so there is no good reason to spark before the last day.

You're more annoying than Virafags. Kys.

Wait 1 more days brofam!

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Me in the bottom.

Ho boy, being a dirtfag never felt this painful.

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>playing anything but GAO
Gizoku more like bitzoku

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>that plus distribution

Why can't I get twig flips? I'll even take primal twigs. Just flip for me please

Attached: raw.png (500x280, 111K)

Going back into the Shiva mines. I'm going to get all those Gold Animas I need. In 2 months.

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