Headpats edition!
Headpats edition!
Best girl thread
biglewater doesnt have any assassins yet
unless you count fizz but he isnt directly tied to bilgewater afaik
Wait till you nerds see how cancer Akali's reworked shroud is.
It's going to be some boring ass pirate assassin for neckbeards to say "haha!! now THIS is cool!!! fuck all that edgy shit!!! i'm a contrarian!"
And whoever wanted to know wher it was confirmed, it was teased by them saying something about "between Darkin and Ionia lays Bildgewater"
Describe your main in 7 words or less
You can cook 1 meal for your main. What do you cook.
Post a song for your main when 1v9
>Describe your main in 7 words or less
fuckoff with the rest
Is this form achievable natty?
do you put bread in the fridge
Bara fags pls leave this is irelia /u/ territory now
demacia doesnt have any assassins
quinn kind off, but she isnt classed as one.
eat lots of tacos, kill trespassers, ride a lizard, respect women, and you too will become this big.
Can someone explain to me how I'm supposed to be using Leblancs ultimate? Is it just a way to duplicate a cast of one of your spells?
well niether of them are technically classified as them though
dont get me wrong i get that they have very assassin-esque playstyles and even designs but t e c h n i c a l l y they’re marksmen
vayne is classified as a marksman/assassin
basically yeah
its like a cooldown reset
i have the edge here """chad"""
women dont like manlets
i'm not a woman and i like manlets
>entire game is based around adcs
>riot always listens to them
>your teammates will always die to protect you and always give you gold objectives
>do the most damage in every game
>the game is determined by you
>still whine that adcs are too weak
how did we reach this point
Can you guys help? I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I heard Janna is good for climbing
im gonna lose lane but split push
but ill have to dock points for liking disproportional dick-body sizes
i like my tomboy dom women like vi and my crazy flatties like jinx and my friends with benefits peace keepers like karma. to each their own bara yordlefucker
>ywn be claimed by noxians and carry their superior genetic offspring
>49% WR
Jesus fucking Christ how?
you are either under age or may have a mental illness
or maybe a bad connection or trolling? i dont know
which ever it is you are not ready for ranked yet and you should learn the game first
don't play janna in bronze 5
it just wont work
Mid has no influence. Game is entirely dependent on how bad your bot lane is. Used to have a 70% win rate then i keep on getting unluky team mates.
My op.gg is there prove me wrong by my op.gg
just roam bro xd
in all seriousness
Noxus has no support champions.
Theres a lot of creative room for one, user, tell me about your concept
ahri uwu
>OP.GG says that my MMR is low for a S3 player
>last game's "match mmr" was like 1450 and 6/10 players were gold 5
Is the MMR thing in op gg bullshit?
Marry me
Playing Ahri instead of an actual good midlander is probably your first mistake.
Wait for her buffs or rework if you really wanna play her.
Maybe I shouldn't ask this, but what tips would you guys give on playing LoL again ?
The last time I played a match was about 2.5 years ago.
I'd like to start fresh and look up some tips with all the new changes.
I'd appreciate your advice.
holy shit unlucky
just roam bro xdd
That exactly what i do. Constinetly high damage, cs, kill participation. The vast majority of my losses are trolling team mates or 1-20 bot lanes from my last game. The shameful fact is, that this is a smurf and I hit plat 3 last season playing Ahri, I'm probobaly not as sharp as before but this is silver 3.
its probably accurate considering i just evened that mmr out now with a 5 win streak
Land E and Jungler loves me.
Don't have to cook candy
There is only silence.
Just play bro
It'll be like riding a bike
a drill sergeant female
she berrates everyone around her and drops inspiring and motivational quotes when the team gets an objective or kill
her kit buffs up allies and promotes aggression, with some cc for peeling
eh you have a positive winrate so just keep playing and you'll get out of there
um, lolbabs?
cute waifu with big tiddies
ahhh she's so pretty
mm doesnt even look that good
I had an 70-80% win rate at one point and held it for a while. Shouldn't be dropping this many games in silver.
i want to impregnate her
good to see riot stick to what made this company what it is today: thots
I like this idea.
>*lick smacking sounds*
I like the metal "ears" better than metal buns.
Another Noxian broodmare it looks like.
>decide my 7th mastery 7 will be vi
>take her top
>gotta fight gp
>kill him for fb
>remake because kaisa didnt make it
just try out a bunch of roles and champions to get a feeling for the game now
some old feelings and insticts might be incorrect now because of all the changes, so you just have to get used to that again
your mechanics and macro will gradually improve along with it
Go home Kench
they never stopped making thots
if she breathes, she's a thot.
kalista, illaoi and taliyah are thots
I thought you couldn't remake after first blood?
whoops clicked wrong post
but basically yeah leblanc ult is like a cooldown reset and lets you extend her spellcombo a step further
should i
also holy shit what a ripoff, i thought they were 250
Whatever happened to Bandlebro?
Working on a Trist pic, but I aint got no idea how to position her right arm, suggestions or edits to show me, please?
i wood a kalista, maybe a taliyah if i lose my arms and cant relieve myself anymore, but illoai, no sorry.
shes like a female bro
Irelia splash and login theme
Courtesy of germany's official league page
Why isnt smug riven available??
on hip
>starting dshield on renekton into a melee matchup
Soyboys should stay in botlane.
all women are thots
people who use this word need to kys themselves
ekko buffs when
put her right arm over the gun, crucefix style, laid back
bandle stopped posting she rarely still makes a post and lurks
she plays overwatch now too so
they're 225 when they're on sale, every 2-3 weeks 3 new ones go on sale so you could just wait
>facebook link is spam
fuck you hirojewt
new irelia
how does this void monster make you feel lolg?
>Playing Sivir against Cait
>Our Kayn comes bot, tries to towerdive and gives Cait kills
>We ask him to not come bot
>He comes bot again and gives up more kills to Cait
>I end the lane 0/1 when their Cait is up 4/0
>Kayn then spends the rest of the game bitching at our bot lane because Cait is fed and tears us a new asshole
Gee whiz, I wonder how that happened
he's my best bro
bronze supports never play passive
New Irelia's theme.
vel'koz is my husbando but unironically
You started mana crystal?
Monica, why. Dblade or Cpot both would have been better.
yeah why
ok but the theme itself is fucking lit
i wish riot's balance team was as talented as their music team
Big tiddies + big dick is best.
its just a broken item right now user
The difference between a decent jungler and a bad jungler is fucking staggering.
>Literally Heartspan the Irelia main right now
Kind of ugly desu
>adc dies 4 times in 10 minutes
>does least damage in our team
>enemy has 18 kills
>I died 2 times
Eh. It's fine, but it feels like a very standard "orchestral soundtrack" theme to me.
>play jungle camille with 4h of sleep
>do poorly but still get successful ganks in lane phase
>cast lightning on big snake at the pivotal moment
What's the best ADC to pick into Cait so your boipussy don't get pounded in lane? Do I just have to pick Ez and play like a pussy?
Irelias butt is better now
Fact or Opinion
probably one of the best themes of the past few years
jesus christ I'm hard
Irelia is officially CLAIMED by me, this user right here.
No other user can waifu her. She is taken.
her traps are free mana for you
use that mana to waveclear
>pic not related
>still qt
>still has bodysuit+armor plates
anime is saved once again
>Small tiddies + Small doik is best