how fares Your empire, /gsg/????? huh???
Other urls found in this thread:
none of your business
high quality thread
this is trash
so r You lol
no.... we are trash......
A reminder that there is a 90% chance this thread doesn't get deleted and everyone just posts in it.
and that's a good thing
agree x 1
agree x 2
respectfully disagree x 1
agree x 3
Absolute best Victoria II mod?
and its beautiful
anyone who tells you different is just shitposting to waste your time
Hearts of iron 4
>the exact same time
xelat and also t. whatever loser made PDM
Cucky Wucky was a bear
Cucky Wucky had no heir
Cucky Wucky wasn't lucky was he
why even play with those awful mods
>holy but treasounous.
What the fuck Zoroastrian?
>anime portraits
>that fone
>debug info on
kill yourself
Plowing an African cunt so hard you get knotted in her and spurt. She cries out in mingled pleasure and pain as her gut is filled with voracious, lineage-destroying seed.
my peepee liked this post
Implying I didn't think of that rhyme and then pick up a screenshot from r/crusaderkings
minhas mudslimes hates that fone....
i told you to kill yourself, why are you still posting here?
sorry friend I'll go ahead and do as you say
Her Mother and Father don't want this. In fact, you used taunts of that to get her sopping. Made her body betray her mind. Now the flesh of her innards is squeezing and milking at your hilted prick - her body's final betrayal as it instinctively sucks up the spunk it craves.
Depends. The janitors have been told lies, and misrepresented information about the poster. Some of the other groups are just sadists getting their rocks off. Others have a more... secretive agenda such as the SteamGroup. It's not that these groups just report you non stop, a MASS warning is sent out the second you make a post, and it's like one giant game of Telephone wherever you go, people report with their mobile devices. If a group, or shitposter wants to drop in if they're near your thread, they can and will, generally with phoned or CCTV recording their skits and the targets reaction. Their goals? Ultimately is to get the target to kill themselves, end up incarcerated, or Institutionalized after acting out in public.
is this original work
yOU have some talent
im waggling so keep going
Reminder that TH(this)IS is what the G R A N D E M P O R E R L E O P O L D T H E F I R S T wanted for his grand nation!
>non continous US states
>US states at all
Since I'm a retard who cant refresh threads, is Kaisserreich better for DH or HoI4?
DH, hands down.
is this based?
HoI4, hands up.
yes very
i like scandinavia....
that's what happens when one of the scandi countries takes the decision that adds scandinavian cores and then one of them gets dismantled
>That clusterfuck of a middle east
Holy shit...
you shouldnt be playing hoi4 at all
>teaming up with the Germans to bully all of continental Europe
>But leaving the UK alone
what are you, gay?
o-only if you want me to be....
So this is what bicycles does to a man
Prove you aren't a Reddit migrant. Who is Reed James.
t-that would be me....
Tfw only oldfags remember tomato forums
Leopold had big dreams
Fuck liberals, every time they win an election I have to turn subsidies on again for every single factory.
t. kurek
>Stockholm separated from Sweden
Literally perfect
How are you doing user?
i just.....
i can't even.
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet....
very based
Pretty good, having fun with an S-P run
There is a "subsidize all" button on the industry ui in case you are actually subsidizing everything one by one
Fixed the atrocity formerly named "German USA".
*yeehaws angrily*
Um and who are you...
Howdy germanic servants
look, I am made of gold
t. Charlemagne
get the fuck outta here johan
And just when I thought I had fixed everything.
It is amazing indeed. Gold is a valuable commodity. You are very powerful and I have no choice but to submit to my servile instincts and become your vassal.
I totally didn't have any plans for independence or world relevance by the way.
GOOD post
So uhh, is this normal in HFM?
I wish I could protect Italy from the french attempts at liberating savoye without having to support them in their own liberation of south tirol.
i miss willy
Why didn't you just name it the United States or the United States of America
Because then it will say "German United States". I'd prefer the game naming it "German Texas", so this is a compromise.
he has severe aspergers
t. butthurt sudacas
You know if you actually released Texas as a vassal not only would they get immigrants (becoming more powerful than they would be otherwise), but it will also say "German Texas".
I'd prefer the game naming you "fucking retarded"
Should have just named it Vereinigter Staat.
larping as a colonialist so I can't release them as a vassal
Should have just named it Amerinigger Mutts.
But if I release vassals I won't be as GROß
These, but unironigally.
>I can't release them as a vassal
You can, just say it's a semi-autonomous part of your country.
Post a screenshot of Australia.
Who thought adding Tibet was a good idea?
Should rename every nation in Deutsche for proper roleplaying
well fuck you then buddy
>pre 1066
You deserve it.
You're welcome >:^)
Can you kindly explain why this is so bad? I enjoy building a dynasty that lasts the entire game
is UnHPM good