Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #172: (S)Cool Shooter Edition

Zenkai no /llsifg/!: Current Events
JP: UR Punk Ruby Scouting
EN: NozoNico Score Match

>Game Wiki

>Event Points Calculator

>Event Cutoff Predictor

>Team Builders


Attached: 67761281_p0.jpg (975x1379, 530K)

Other urls found in this thread: Live! School Idol Project Chapter 21.rar

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I love Kotori!

Attached: b875cc3cc84ea7f6e7ca9c8f3ed7d348.jpg (1440x900, 155K)

Fuck KLab.

I love Kotori!

Attached: 1501720017956.png (640x890, 153K)

Kisses for Kanan!

Attached: kanan_matsuura_by_tonee89-db4n20y.jpg (600x829, 93K)

Why did I just notice you fucked up the OP?

Actual 1722, because keyboard decided to not work.

Attached: 1501220955045.png (501x720, 426K)

lick chuuni

Attached: 67523417_p8.png (700x750, 228K)

uMiEE iSd L0vee

Attached: umi fuck2.png (419x358, 108K)

Don't make OPs if you're just going to fuck it up, retarded Umiturd.


practically no one gives a shit about a number

Goddamn honknigger.

for tsubasa

Attached: 1520793216843.jpg (1252x1252, 147K)


Attached: Kira_Tsubasa.png (450x773, 100K)

Post cute Chikas!

Attached: 797464754.png (940x620, 378K)

Chika loves her beautiful senpai Dia-chan!

Attached: DYffLc2VMAAIFaO.jpg (1200x624, 94K)

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The beginning, middle and end parts of the threads are the worst.

Cute wives!

Attached: 3101074i.jpg (532x600, 130K)

Jimo jam

Attached: DYfHW0cVQAAAGWm.jpg (1716x1596, 355K)

used to touch myself because of these slutty outfits

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the cutest.

Attached: 1499256759102.jpg (516x728, 65K)

Cute canon.

Attached: DYZZ15jUQAI4lzZ.jpg (1024x1024, 75K)

I take your garbage and propose to you a better ship.

Attached: 309c8e59ada8a1063a2fc4a4189b200a789ae023v2_hq.jpg (1024x877, 72K)

I wish this was the Nico instead.

Attached: 1509349065326.png (2220x1080, 2.88M)

>No A-Rise x µ's performance
>No A-Rise nesoberi plush dolls
>No A-Rise anything

Attached: NEODAI-32980.jpg (500x500, 38K)

Anyone around 20k want to play in 20 minutes?

cUtE mIkAn

Attached: mikan.png (940x620, 266K)

nah fuck off go play with yourself

why does she have oreos on her dress

But user, why waste 2 perfectly good seals?

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blame the Erena's seiyuu who dropped the job soon after anyway

A-RISE was garbage aside from Tsubasa. Saint Snow deserves it.

Midnight snack


>2 seals for another Yazawa kid
I'd rather just take the extra gem.

Attached: 50720745_p0.jpg (900x1200, 269K)

Hello /llsifg/! Let's have a great day of circle tapping! Make sure to send out a nice message to your /llsifg/ crush today too!

cute alien Umi

>get 3rd place with full combo
>person ahead of me has 80 combo

Looks like my rhythm game skills have a lot of room for improvement

>tfw haven't messaged anyone from here for almost a month

Already did

Cute! Who is it?

Daily reminder that if you ship you're low test.

>messaging other players

Attached: 1507451073814.png (300x308, 161K)

I already have. I was left blushing from their response

I can't tell you that right now, but I enjoy their company.

Cute! Your /llsifg/ crushes are great!
You should compliment their raibus!

cðngràts on the cute UR!

Why did you just leak 90% of my messages?

Please do not leak my messages.


Attached: 3vE27gTMPPyj.png (1920x1080, 1.66M)

>that bot score

>the absolute state of roasties

how can we expect Klab to do something about cheaters when their bots are cheating too?

Love Live SIP chapter 21 re-translated.
Here's the download link. Live! School Idol Project Chapter 21.rar
And on Dynasty.
All that's left is chapter 22. Editing is pretty slow. Even Chapter 28 is already translated, same with a few SID chapters like Ch 20 and among other things so it'll take a while to edit the text onto the pages.

Attached: C84yd5OUIAEg0EV.jpg_orig[1].jpg (1536x2048, 311K)

Attached: DYab4IHVAAAMyto.jpg (1109x1200, 187K)

Hope you guys like it!
BiBi a best!

Attached: 079.png (1080x1536, 1.04M)

Wow, how did that person hold a combo for 9000+ notes? That's some crazy consistency

>The preview for the Aqours 2nd Live Memorial Box is now up!

Attached: DYfSiBUUQAAixmd.jpg (2107x1706, 695K)

they tried their rubesty.

>Nico and Pana are the evil stepsisters
Cute idol nerds.

wow even reddit knows how to use the mod now

Reminds me of this

Attached: en-50457157_p0.jpg (600x847, 183K)

Tech at :24
20k MMR

For magnets.

Attached: 41a0d0fa63153f6ae1a5616469b0f840.png (680x450, 166K)

Damn, my MMR is too low

Take your timen, user, and thank you again for the translations!

Attached: CZAE6PBWkAAlbSF.png (191x259, 51K)


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Thank you based Nicofriends.

Piece of shit cheating nigger roastie

Well, that's just a range(the higher half of it), you can try joining at 17k or something. Unless you're even lower than that I guess.

maya how could you...

>"Flattery will get you nowhere."
>"Oh, too bad."

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I don't even know what to say. I don't know what I could've done to prompted people to try and cheat in my name when I purposely go out of my way not to bother or mess with anyone, but I would never bother to do that and risk losing the opportunity to play one of my favorite games. It's rather discouraging to see that people hate you no matter how cordial you try to be.

Based TL bros.
Thank you for translating.

>not only a roastie but also a cheater
Fucking pluuvia.

Attached: Screenshot_20180317-222548.jpg (2160x1080, 728K)

Tech at :30
18,5k MMR

Damn, didn’t get anyone.


Attached: 1515780586147.png (2220x1080, 2.02M)

Lick Ruby.

Attached: 64369906_p0.png (645x1000, 422K)

I bet that piece of shit roastie Maya is purposefully cheating to get /llsifg/ linked to cheating.

I feel bad for people who have posted their IDs here.

Damn, good thing other anons started doing this too, I got a good laugh from this.

>posted my ID in here a few times in here but no one ever namedrops or reposts it

Aikyan IG live:
And the best part:

Attached: Aikyan_Ruby.png (1069x602, 504K)

Tech at :37
18,5k MMR

Make sure to put your /μ/ tags on!

Reminder that Umidah saved SIF EN

Attached: umidah.jpg (225x225, 8K)

the one fucker who dares scaring cute chuuni deserves the worst, most painful and slowest of death full of agony and punishment


Tech at :43
18,5k MMR

Who /hasn'trunintoahackeryet/ here?

Attached: Rin 0.gif (280x480, 320K)

I-I just woke up!

Attached: 362902951.png (281x292, 82K)