/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #2939


Buy more mobacoins

Stream summary

>Recent news
SSR Summer Jannu (Wind) released
4th Anniversary Event with Magfest, daily crystals, free daily draw, bonus pendant, JD drop boost and Daily Roll Roulette with one guaranteed 100 rolls in the last day if you haven't got one before that.
Yaia 5* uncap and Bonito 4* uncap in March
What makes the Sky Blue Part 2 is ongoing with free SSR Sandalphon and a free discount Primal

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for March:
2/28 - 3/23 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II
3/12 - 3/18 - Rise of the Four Beasts
3/18 - 3/24 - Xeno Corow Clash
3/24 - 3/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun)
3/31 - 4/8 - New Scenario Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread

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F0191CCC Ubaha HL scrubhosting para sage 1/6 need thors

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That's pretty hot.

>Post says cog
>File name says cag
Which is it?!?!

Coming to trigger transcendence just because of that spoiler

My wife!

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I hope something nice happened to you today /gbfg/. And if it didn't then I hope something nice happens to you tomorrow. Let's all hope for the best outcome on the last free roll of Flashfest before diving into +Fest.

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If I get a free 100 rolls tomorrow I promise to buy not one but TWO anniversary outfits, KMR.

5/6 3 spartan 2 sage

Kindergarten man.

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Has anyone +300ed their waifu yet? I want to see them!


if you actually did that and it was an account witth decent progression then i applaud your willpower. personally i'll just keep exploiting and botting while secretly hoping that i get banned one day so i too can be free of the gacha hell.

Reminder that win has won 2018


Not even fire can compete with this QUALITY line up

good luck bros!!!

y-you too

I got the Best girl but other than that its been a slow day, maybe when I reach rank 30 things will speed up

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>win has won

failed raid

If I get a grand character tmr I promise to buy those too.

>win has won

>ROTB ends
>Xeno Corow starts
Bros... is KMR unironically trying to kill us?

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Chevira HL nips fell asleep midway please help...

can i run double 120 colo if i'm using an icky sticks grid?


>win has won

Good thing win won again, I was worried

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Mobage-flavored Karoshi.

Well lad all I got today was Oceanus. But I'm used to draw shitty summons. Yesterday I got some good shit though

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I forgot to get my fucking nugget yesterday

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Is this worth stoning?

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It's okay I guess

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Can somebody summarise what happened in What Makes the Sky Blue part 2? Lucifer died or something but I didn't read everything.

I fucking hate this turtle

Go look at your journal.

Ohh yay~! I found a cutie from my gacha roulette today! Hope you cuties have a really sweet night!

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>mfw people actually get good shit from rings and I got 300 atk 150 HP five times

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Then read everything you tard

Lucifer dies
Sandalphon becomes supreme primarch
A sexual deviant nearly molests everyone.

Asking again, I got a gamba, eden and 5 swords, is it okay to get a zeus from the fake primals?


Right back at ya

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why nips dont join my ubhl coop bros

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Fucking retarded amerifat.

Don't even think about it

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Americans, everyone.

Chev 2 will kill Zeus let alone its bootleg version

>got dodge on my doll
>now she has 31% dodge

Host it here silly.

My dick says yes

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Are we guaranteed to get at least 1 other new character during this celebration?

How do I get echoes playing light?

>still havent gotten my 100 roll yet
>another 10 roll today
>all i got was a fucking zeph

Fucking this shitty p2wgame

Cutest Crytato


Warlock, Rosamia, Lucio, potato, etc.

Is 0* olden cortana worth losing the Atk from a MLB Axe?

>staff weapon with harp-effect
Are there any practical reasons to use this?

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I like christmas cakes does this game have any?

yeah but they are cuckbait

Evening fellas

Who else here /barely touched rotb/?

Got a few seals but that was it, i was too burned out to do any of it seriously.

Let me introduce you to the sexiest character in Grubble.

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Host UBahaN!

You want to charm but you also want to choke


Yes, Granblue likes to pander to haglovers.



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sage with plifer

When a Sage wants to take Soul Soloist so that people can land their debuffs? That's the only time I've seen it used.

can't blame you, especially with xeno corow coming up


Xeno Corow sword stats when


even small ones

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4 minutes

5 minutes

Same. I bought a seal for a dong train and that was it. Didn't even do most of the dailies.

Isn't Ferry outdated now?

2600 attack, massive light up, when MH gives MC only 20% echoes, blind on ougi

To spare, what it lacks is lolis


Thanks for the host.

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They better give the Xeno Sword DATA on ougi or else.

Host another UBHL!

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You're mom is outdated lmao

>no leechlists
this place is so boring now

>he doesn't know about the Chevira+Ferry lucha tag team meta

Turing Belial into a pure boy!

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In Noa's second fate episode, he mentions that the Grancypher was created on Eustlacia by the Astrals to be the flagship of their overwhelming armada. The ship is probably something like the Yamato, but based on a Caravel instead of a WWII ship.

Also, when the crew first fight Freesia before Pommern opens the Black Gate the Morannon to allow the crew into the fortress to subdue Freesia and allows Lecia to have her undeserved victory over Ghandarva they mention using Lyria to summon a primal to knock it down but she says doing so could cause the island to collapse and sink into the sky killing everyone. Kinda like what Sandalphon did

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>/gbfg/ fails another ubhl


>doing 200k a bunch of times

wow amazing job light

If it's gay to want to fuck Ferry then somebody tell me when the next gay pride parade is happening because I guess I should march.

If I have S.Jannu do I run is it worth running mist and arrow rain or do I drop mist

I'll post leechlist if you host another ubhl.