We have a discord now! Come to post your ign, find groups, and post your victories. 10+ kill victories get a special role


>Stat tracker/leaderboard


>Most recent patch notes

Previous thread

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>still the same old patch notes
Step it up fampai

dead thread
dying game now that more than 5 people have played it and most realize it's dogshit
good riddance
see you in whatever game you play next after this game empties out in a month

Not even three posts in and we get turbobait. This salty pube-gee virgin is desperate for any kind of attention from chadnite players

Is muh season pass worth it?

Pub gee players
>I feel bad for you
Fortnite Chads
>I don't think about you at all.
Only buy it if you really want some kind of basic multiplayer progression since that's all the battle pass is.

But it's just more challenges and cosmetic shit. What else is there?

Some free vbucks for some more cosmetics or you can put it towards another battle pass for the next season since it kinda pays for itself of you save all the vbucks it gives you.

PVE is more fun than PVP

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18 minutes until new featured items fellow goys

I wish there was a way to queue for a squad who talks.

>spectate guy who killed me
>has literally infinite ammo and resources


*HEY GUYS is anyone there hello hello hello hello hello hello hello"
*Parents arguing loudly in background / Screaming baby / DADDY WOT GAME R U PLAYING*
*Middle eastern ravings*

Yeah it'd be a real gem

Better than total silence and all 3 matesdropping different places.

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What a pile of trash

>land twice at salty springs in squads
>immediately killed
I really fucking hate this holy shit

>Dailies are shit again
Does Epic actually want money?

>sitting on 3k vbucks waiting for the things I want to rotate back
>its been over a month since I last saw any of them

>Buy new skin
>Win first match
I see

>Last two alive
>Other guy spams rockets at me
>Kill him with a pistol

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What are you after?

I've got 1200, dunno what to get.
I do like the Fresh emote desu

Burst Rifle is garbage.

Prove me wrong.


Just various pick axes that I checked and aren't hidden behind anything like a holiday or anything, they're just never rotating in


Because the recoil is aids.

I've wrecked people in one burst to the head with the blue who were holding Gold scars

>Dude bro who thinks he's good demands we land somewhere without a lot of loot
>Rushes chests and leaves the rest of the squad with just greys
>Gets down running in to fight like a mong
>We kill the squad who downed him and left him there to bleed out
People need to fucking get a clue.

Its amazing how big of a DUDE BRO audience this game has

Maybe, but the majority of the time that isn't going to happen. At any decent range the recoil makes it unusable. I'd rather have a gray AR.

Fugg I need my blonde gladiator waifu

>Before crossplat
>Most people were generally okay, didn't spam emote or ever teabag unless it was like a super hard fight
>Now get full squads who leave you there bleeding until you die while they just teabag on you and spam dab

>mfw epic's only source of income lately was licensing their engine
>their past 5 games have been duds
>pubg markets their game really well, but it's not optimized and can hardly run on anything less than a 1060
>fortnite has been at e3 since 2011, some niche horde mode, tf2, borderlands, base builder that will die like everything else theyve made lately
>quick, program a battle royale mode, we have 3 months
>saves entire company

epic games has been dying, and somehow they came back from the brink, fortnite is fun honestly

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>Get cool people to have fun with
>Get hyper nerds for a win
>Get pissy normies and just piss them the ever living fuck out of them
Its a win-win-win if you ask me

>See a squad
>Both squads throw up stairs as they run and jump at each other with shotguns while they shot gun at each other until one is left
>This is fun.
This game would be much more interesting if they removed shotguns.

>Still Discord

I'm going to let you in on a secret.
The Battle Royale has existed in a similar form prior to its release. It was tested two or three times while I had Alpha access. A lot changed between the last Alpha and release, but the premise was the same.

>no Highland Warrior
guess I'll have to wait 2 more days.

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so is weapon bloom/spread related to rarity?

ie: white AR sprays all over, blue/epic doesnt?

She's shit anyway

for you, plus it comes with a back bling

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>There will never be decent backbling that thematically fits with Rust Lord

God I hate this game, there's so many fucking weird quirks.

>about to ping a grenade into some faggots tower
>he jumps out
>I switch to my AR instead
>because I was holding down LMB it imediatly starts firing and gives away my position
>I get a barrage of rockets in my face and die

I would've won if it werent for this shit. Is there a way to cancel grenade throws that I don't know of?

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the pubg beat them to it?

Let's say you are playing duo, and you knock down someone. Now someone else kills their other teammate before you kill the one you knocked down, do you still get the kill for the one knock down?

>someone hacks my account yesterday
>spends over $300 on V-Bucks
>hacker doesn't send the V-Bucks to another account, doesn't purchase more copies of the game, just buys V-Bucks on my account
>talk to an Epic Games rep as soon as my bank notifies me of what went down
>rep issues me a refund, tells me I should get the funds back into my bank account within a few business days
>log back in to Fortnite today, all of the V-Bucks are still there
D-do I do the right thing and tell them I have over 40k V-Bucks on my account still?

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>Being this mad your game is dying.

They'll probably just let you keep them if you contact them, $400 is nothing to them and it would make you tell other people they should play the game.

I'd contact them, but I'm a beta cuck that's a fucking white hat faggot.

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rookie numbers dead game

Fuck, someone hack me pls

wheres 50v50

Honestly let the Epic reps know. Believe it or not but that fake currency HAS to be accounted for.

>Believe it or not but that fake currency HAS to be accounted for.

what, why?

Ive seen a bunch of similar cases where Epic let them keep the v-bucks, my friend got like 4K vbucks when Epic messed up a few months ago. They don't give a fuck

Go tell 'em, who knows, maybe they'll let you keep some of it.

What'll get changed first? I'm pretty sure the devs are alright with building spam since erecting buildings in seconds seems to be the games main feature. Pretty sure the shotgun headshot multiplier is going to be removed once the new shooting model is ready for the live patch.
Like in any business that sells a product, if any substantial amount of that product makes its way to consumers for free (unlike the free vbucks you get for grinding) it's a net loss my guy.

I've also heard of people asking for refunds for everything that they paid for StW got that refund but yet still have access to their StW accounts with full items

vbucks aren't a real currency. Its not like a real product where someone, some where has to eat the cost of the stolen goods.

The only thing it does, the only thing it can do is skew their data ever so slightly.

Which is why, I believe, you can't turn vbuck into digital copies. All they can do is by 40,000 vbucks worth of llamas in stw or skins, which literally hurts no one.

>Believe it or not but that fake currency HAS to be accounted for.
That's the second cuckoldest thing I've ever heard.
v-bucks have no value especially if epic just lets you have them after the refund already went through, it literally doesn't hurt them for you to have skins

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U rite

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Fucking christ I feel for the hype and I'm downloading this

At this point I'm so damn curious why this game is so successful and exploded in popularity

I shiggy diggy dawg

because the battle royale format is the new game type, and fortnite is playable on all consoles, potato rigs, and your phone. also video games are being WAY MORE mainstream

>also video games are being WAY MORE mainstream
Video games have been mainstream since the SEGA Master System / NES years.

its the same principle as a moba.
maps dont change, but the experience is never the same from game to game

no, lol, not in the true sense of it

>No one cares about Pubg except chinks and drones
>Athletes are doing fortnite emotes on tv during their games
The desolate city of pubg

>Athletes are doing fortnite emotes
everyone of fortnites emotes is a pop culture reference though

Damn, so V-Bucks can't be spent on other Epic Games products? What the fuck am I supposed to do with 40,000 V-bucks. That amount is quite literally more than I would ever care to earn in this game

arent all the dances just common shit or references
at least this game only has dabs and not stanky leg or some other horribly dated dance move

I accidentally bought a pickaxe and got my vbucks refunded. I got to keep the axe.
Just keep it user

True, but no one did the dances until fortnite came out

I feel you brother. I had zero interest in this game from the get-go, then a few days ago my best friend from back home tells me that we can play it crossplatform, him on PS4 and me on PC. The game itself isn't all that bad tho, definitely grew on me. I just wish they had more maps

V-Bucks is a reference to Vendertech, a mega-corp that basically controlled everything in the pre-storm world of Fortnite.
Its not an "Epic currency" its literally just for fornite.

But, at least you'll never have have to choose whether or not to buy anything, you can just own it all.

Either buy super llamas for PvE and get good shit fast or save for PvP for cosmetics you want and future passes

so explain what you do in a building standoff (basic ramp + wall)

is it the person who builds higher, wins?

or do you shoot down their floor to make it fall?

If you're at a standoff with another guy and it's essentially a 1v1 (no one else close enough to kill you) then it's more about aggressively controlling the space between you and him. You either play the poke war then disengage when you think it's right or you're actively trying to close the distance. It helps to be well stocked on building resources. Don't bother trying to shoot someone when they're trying to build ramps up to you unless you can get the shot. When they're trying to siege your tower you're still at an advantage, retreat to a lower part of your fort if possible or make a 1x1 on a floor of your base and on either side you can make stairs to go directly up and reposition.

I find that the first person to build ramps up has an edge

unless you wait and try to shotgun them

>Hard battle with 10 kills
>Moving in
>Some fag lord in a bush with a blue hunting rifle dome hits me and kills me
>I was is only kill
>He dies trying to loot my shit
This is why solo is shit.

>calls a player shit
>gets killed by a shit player

What does that make you?

Better than you, at least.

>literally everybody including pros die to shit players all the time
>does that mean pros are shit?

I miss 20x5 desu

solo is ok but I miss the team dynamic and squads isnt the same

Because it's PUBG but free.

I realized that if you play long enough without buying skins it gives you the black chick every game. I had her 10 games in a row somehow...

dont the skinny girls have smaller hitboxes?

in that sense, skins can sorta be "p2w"

Dunno. I know that that one pink skin with the massive head is antip2w. Shit is basically the "snipe me" skin.

people who buy battles passes are fucking normies

I just don't get skins in games. Played CSGO, Dota, LoL. Never bought a skin. Shit is for suckers.

I just got this game like, yesterday. What does this mean, why am I in the top 5?

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I think the leaderboards are regional but wins arent.

Leaderboards work by grouping you with a random 50 active players. Its not a useful metric.

Some people like to look pretty user, its not rocket science.

Pretty bored, got no one to play with. Anyone wanna squad up? Can’t voice chat if you mind through

Assuming, I was going to be a faggot who ONLY used pistols, I should have a low DPI, right?

Seems like it
What's your favorite pistol, user-kun?

Honestly, the blue revolver, no one really expects to get dropped when they see you in the pistol stance.

I cant into revolvers. I feel like I have potato aim with them