/wtg/ - War Thunder General

M56 Scorpion Edition

Previously, on /wtg/ >Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
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>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeaboo and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>vg chatroom:
Type " /join vg " into chatbox.
If prompted for a password, use "memes".

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

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I have nothing agaisnt russians or slavs but...
seriously, fuck them, subhuman pieces of shit, they should all be anihilated

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>thought they were foldering all of the Panther 1s
>they only foldered one with another

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Is the MB.5 any good?

Funfact about the lil Scorpion
>Four M56 were gifted to the Spanish Army but they were only used as training vehicles for years because they were, and I'm using some friends who were in the army as source, literally too fun to not use them.

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Is the Hitlerbolt good?

it's like a burgerbolt, but the fat comes from the sausages not burgers


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>tfw i've been playing for the 4 years
>tfw my password is some trash weak shit that i came up with in 10 seconds becasue i thought i won't play longer than a week
>tfw still haven't changed that password
>tfw 3000 hours in game
how Vatniks decide to which account break into?

>that one faggot who sits spawn killing instead of attacking the objective because he's too much of a shitter to
>his entire team is dying and he has every opportunity to attack the point and get an advantage
>instead spawn kills
Do people in this game act like complete shitters on purpose?

If you manage to kill them in their late game slav machines they put you on a list.

F2P games attract the worst of scum

I assume they target sleeper accounts.
Accounts from people who don't play often or spent too much time without playing, that way the risk of the person coming back and getting the account back is lesser.

The game incentivizes you to be a selfish asshole at all times. He probably figured they'd lose anyways so he wanted to get whatever gains he could from the loss (not much).

good think i literally don't have any premiums or GE.
My account is literally empty except unlocked vehicles, there is nothing to steal
oh good then i play almost everyday so im safe i guess
and the fact that there is nothing to steal prolly also helps

Just started a new match and not even five minutes in I get spawnkilled (after dying on cap) by a nigger in a T-44-100 with subhuman runes covering it. What the fuck drives these people?

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i act that way when i know that most of my team is dead and we don't have any cap points.
I just go for kills

what the fuck

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>when you're playing the swingfire and hear a vehicle engine but there are no allies nearby

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>sitting alone in a forest watching a pretty common approach
>no teammates withing 400m, according to the map
>"vrum, vrum"

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custom memes when

lions when?

is this Interstelar?


>when you see ATGM carrier alone in the forest and there are no enemies nearby

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>when you start hearing tank engines and start looking for them
>Drive around for 3 minutes
>Still hearing them sitting like

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lions when?

>here engine sounds
,>gajin have programmed the game so poorly it's impossible to pinpoint where its coming from

So many times in stereo I've heard engine sounds to the left when an enemy tank is to the right

When you find that pesky tank making those engine noises and hit him in the side.

>IS-2 absorbs HESH on the UFP and directs everything to the viewport

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oh ok

Am I a bad person for using the hiterbolt to grind golden eagle wagers?

No, you're a smart person.

>attempt to enjoy japanese tanks
>remember this means teaming up with the germans
Is it going to be worth it? The Chi Ri II looks cool plus it even has 2 guns

german premium 47?


for lions?

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What do you mean?

>it even has 2 guns!
You will never use the 37, there is no use for the 37 at that BR.

>M56 Scorpion

Just go this thing and im loving it so far

Not even for dealing with SPAA?

Nope. At the most you might shoot an ASU-57 with it once or twice, but why bother when you can just OHKO it with your main gun?
That said, the Chi-Ri is great fun, one of my favorite weeb tanks. Too bad about everything after it in the tree.

I am playing RU tanks and I just reached the T-44-100, I feel like they are boring as shit how do I keep playing to get to cold war tanks?

Deleting everything with one click gets boring after a while.

Get the ZSU-57-2 if you want fun.

T-54 is just "T-44-100: Better edition" but I actually love the T-54 mod. 1951 because it gets HEAT-FS. They aren't really gonna get more exciting though, maybe you should play a different tank line for a bit. Playing Brits is quite fun until you hit 7.0 and then you will remember how amazing it is to 1 shot with APHE and go back to the Soviets.

>be ontos
>come to any sort of stop
>guns are literally flailing about
would they even fucking move around this much when coming to a stop? jesus christ

The only one click tank I felt was the KV-2 with the ?152mm? gun, I am currently playing US line and the shermans often feel like better tanks desu.

>within 50k of the MBT-70
>my teams are going to take an incredible dive in overall competence and I'm going to get fucked over by unimaginable levels of ))))) from here on out
Oh god I hope it's worth it

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>stock round is HEAT
>weeks of fallout in the MM thanks to the mutts creaming their pants over Abrams
>whole thing will probably create a dent in the already damaged allied competence
Stop while you can and go for something handheld.

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>leo nigger misses my scorpion
>drift and go to aim at him as he's reloading
>his MG3s somehow penetrate the shielding for my gunner and driver
>fucking russian machine guns short of their DShK don't penetrate it
fucking epic!

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>chi ri is fun
good, my efforts will pay off it sounds like

someone give me some GE so i can get lions pls

only if you send me nudes

HESH hitting the UFP of an IS-3. This is how Gaijin thinks HESH performs in real life.

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So im guessing using 90mm HESH from the M56 scorpion is not a good idea?

Your HESH even have enough pen to kill an IS-3?

ok, where and how

The Scorpion's HESH actually works most of the time, just not on )))) vehicles. I was using 90mm HESH

pm me :^)

should i use hesh on my magach? or just the heatfs

>giving gaijin money

>He bought the Magach
Why didn't you just talisman the M60 like a smart person?

>m56 kills me
>spawn in plane and strafe him to death
>come into thread and complain about AA being op

Or at least thats how i like to imagine it

haven't played in about 2 years friendos

buy the m46 premium?


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>those monster hands
Which side is this propagana cartoon on?

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>leopard is literally fucking 10m out of spawn and still has spawn protection, shooting at teammates
Why the FUCK am I never given the privilege of five minute spawn protection?

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Just me or the Bf109G10 lost tail control more faster now?

absolutely in love with the CASnigger genocide going on in top tier tanks right now lads

which tank has the most bullshit damage model and why is it the T-44

Fucking thing is so cramped and yet it's always only two crew members that die. Such bullshit

I just found an ancient prepaid debit card with $50 on it, but it expires next month so I can't wait for a sale: what's the best SL grinder I can get for that?

Amazingly something that's only benefiting Ger or Ger/Ru/France teams. Otherwise Arado spam is still ruining it all

Prem acc goyim

no room for explosion )))))) small explosion )))) little damage )))))))))))

>be me
>gun woobles like dangled on the edge of a plate of jello when there's a 9.0 magnitiude earth 5 ft from the plate
>jew m60 hesh only kills CM
>cent 10 misses point blank shot on me because muh big rock
>cent 10 hesh only takes out my tracks when I'm side onto him
this tank is going to F U N

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Tell your American teammates to spawn in their M163's then, it has radar too.

why doesnt't that happen to me
>chally unlocked
>30% of my deaths come from flanking tanks
>70% come from Aradoniggers/Do-335/Me-262 oneshotting me through the top of the turret

>literaly 5000 RP away from finishing the sheridan
>match after match after match of getting a bunch of kills
>don't get shit in RP

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>get sniped by an object 906 nigger from 900m away through three layers of bush

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new spotting mechanics)))

>the slightly damage can fuck up your entire flight model
Why people even use this thing?

>wing gets filled with holes
>suddenly doesn't work as well

Friendly reminder 90% of the users in the /wtg/ discord are """men""" using HRT

t. nigger who thinks planes twitching into the floor is realistic

t. shitter who thinks an actually good plane is shit if it does something any other plane does

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Fuck it, I boosted it, this is just ridiculous
For what in I am?

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0 rp gain and no fun because you're playing tanks, i'm sure you already know this though

>kill a tiger 2
>it was in the middle of an open field
>it had been there for pretty much it's entire lifespan
>because my teammates literally fucking DROVE PAST IT
I was wondering when my matchmaking would go to shit
Kicked in a little late but damn did it make up for lost fucking time

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>actually believes planes twitching into the floor after their aileron gets simpsoned is realistic

absolute trash
hope you like lobbing ineffective heat shells at enemies that have heat negating techologies until you get the atgm and realize the atgm is actually worse

what was matchmaking like before they made it so MBT and KPZ couldn't team up? Right now it's either allies vs axis or US, UK and Japan against Germany, USSR, Italy and France and it's pretty boring

>Love bestplane P38
>Climbs like shit and bleeds energy like a stuck pig
>Every other fighter can outpace, outturn and likely has better/more guns
I don't like this but I absolutely love the Lightning. How do I git gud?

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