Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

rare huntresses

>Monster Hunter: World
Deviljho, weapon balance, and more coming March 22nd.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Post or find a room ID. Squads are not searchable without one. 3DS use passcode 7243.
World, Preference: Small Monsters - Message: Zenny Farming - Private: No
Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/


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Other urls found in this thread:

Keep the fun hunts coming, /mhg/!

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Which version is better though: alpha or beta?

Post huntresses

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I think I made a mistake with the free voucher

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Opinion poll, please give opinions.

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I like it, It's very cute.

everybody hold the fuck
did the stream mention anything about the necksnap camera?

I forgot to quote

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What the fuck is this "alloy face"where its like 100% androgynous?

Attached: AloyHZD.png (400x400, 331K)

Any sexbox rooms up?

get the fuck out of here with your reddit data collection bullshit

the one with the little mask off to the side

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Holy shit somebody post a room I can't fucking stand getting back to back shitfucks carting in my hunts.

>Capcom gives Horizon Zero Awards one last hurrah before it gets forgotten for all of time by giving it a shit armor set.


Xbox or ps4?


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Aloy is 100% cute!

Attached: Horizon Zero Dawn™_20170603144653.jpg (1920x1080, 185K)

Ps4 doesn't matter anyway since I'm calling it a night.


Cute boy. Would stroke his girly femdick.

There's a question. Why does everyone play this on ps4? What's the advantage other than "it's ok my precious monster Hunter, you're home now."

Fuck it, I'll just post my full lazy huntah warld set for you. Only requires Mighty Jewel and Magazine jewel

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>playing nip games on an xbox
Its loke you hate yourself or something.

Fuck me dude one angle its boyish girl another its full on man.
How do you accomplish this.

>shits pants
>can now eat again
Thanks Doggo!

Attached: Janky.webm (1280x720, 2.01M)

Finally, a huntress that hits all of my fetishes.

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>owning an xbox

Probably has something to do with nearly 80 million consoles sold

health boost


Why the fuck do GS and IG feel so underpowered and GL tier now? What the fuck happened?

ps4 has a few worthwhile exclusives. xbox has, halo, I guess.

I'm playing it on xbone until PC since my brother let me borrow his

God that looks scary.

>doing the affinity booster quest
>stuck after the capture tobi kadachi

what do i need to do? do every optional quest or something?

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Thank you user

>Owning an XBone in 2018

Gonna play this on PC when it releases on there as well.

You're an idiot and I hope no one spoonfeeds you.

IG had all its MVs nerfed but GS is still one of the best weapons in this game.

They fucked up, they're buffing them on the 22nd.

I already had a one x, all my friends are on sex box. Ive played mh since freedom on psp, this is my first console mh.

5/9 of those skills are a waste.

She looked great until i expanded the image, so just play on a small tv :)

>that mole

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The bane of being white

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Why would you buy a xbox in the first place?
I got my ps4 pro after World announcement and confirmation that only ps4 would have japanese players. Also way more collaboration exclusive chances.
That summed with some great exclusives you can get with Ps4. Xbox can't compete.

Not even close to what happened to SA

She cute user
I would've lowered her mouth I bit

GS feel so underpowered for me or am I missing some new combo or skill?

IG had its MVs nerfed, mounting threshholds were increased (this was needed), and many kinsect effects were removed.

Dunno about GS since I never really played it as much til now.

I trust you meant to reply to the post above mine, user.

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Xbox is shit. It was okay the own a 360 last generation because it actually had worthwhile games, now it has jackshit.

>all of my fetishes.
Is that what you call being homo in 2018?

It's a lazy/comfy hunting set not a "minmax dober" set
But y'know, reading comprehension etc.

Because PC isn't out yet and Xbone is horrible.

Are western game devs purposely making disgusting looking females in games now? Do they really think that will sell more copies or something?

>GS and GL

So is there a room up?

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Just be better at the game

What good reference do they even have?

There are less Xboners since it's a a weeby game though it appears worse since Psposters use the thread as a second discord

Yeah, I see that now. That's what I hate about character creators, it's easy to see after you're done but not when you're doing it. And until Capcom gives another free one guess I'm stuck with it.

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>xeno with kaiser and nerg parts
So you made an ugly mixed set and arent even getting good benefits from it?

Gunlance is definitely shit

What possible direction were they going with alloy?

mfw I dc and someone instantly joins the room

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I've never used Reddit.

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They don't want to get attacked by ugly feminists saying that they're objectifying women.


draw>tackle>true charge

That's all of GS and it's big numbers, for now atleast

So they're pussy pussies who know nothing about pussy?

Nips can and do make plenty of pretty western-looking females in their games.

Hasn't Xbone been getting screwed out of a bunch of the events?

why do devs even care about them? they should know by now those kinds of people don't buy games

No, but they'll cause a stink and cause problems for them.

Just the ps4 exclusive stuff like horizon stuff and cat.

Why would anyone even buy and xbox?

Nice. Thanks for this.

They wanted a female Zac Efron.

Oh you're talking about anime

Attached: Kingsglaive-Final-Fantasy-XV_2015_05-26-16_004.jpg (1133x1866, 700K)

All my real life friends are on Xbox so I have one, and I have this game on there as well as PS4.

I like the controller more. The one x tech is really impressive too. I dunno why else I bought it. I don't even play halo anymore...

I asked my brother that a dozen times before he bought (and eventually traded in for a ps4) his xbox. It was mostly nostalgia towards gears of war and halo, after he played the newest installments and realized they were shit he made the switch.

Holy fuck you are retarded? I'll just fucking link you the original posts from the previous thread
You're welcome

She's nice

There's supposedly a God of War event coming, based on ticket items that were hacked in.

>recreate huntress from blonde preset
>forget to change the voice
I'm glad I have a backup, this shit would've bothered me forever

>Anything made in japan is anime
Brb guys gonna go eat my anime ramen soup.

>Only exists to be a plot device sought after for half the game, then fucking dies as soon as she can

Yes, very good character

>I'm so insecure about my sexuality I think pussy is gay if the girl has short hair

For GS, which one is priority? Focus 3 or Crit Boost 3?

I have a 2 jewel slot left but I have to pick one.

Any sessions up? My internet seems stable at the moment.

You're making a lot of effort to defend your terrible choices.

not only the hair but also the face of a boy

health boost 3

t. reddit

Where's the option for character edit located?

What's your set? Damasas B + Diablos Nero B give you Focus and a ton of slots.