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New weapon: H-3 Nozzlenose D is available! Sub: Suction Bomb; Special: Ink Armor
Next JP Splatfest is Latest Model vs. Popular Model (sponsored by Nike)! 2018-03-24 06:00 UTC - 2018-03-25 06:00 UTC
Chicken wins the latest US and EU Splatfest!


>Patch notes

>S2 gear & weapon lists (contains unreleased weapons)

>Loadout planner with weapons, gear, abilities, and stat calculations

>List of possible main abilities for gear from Splatnet

>League weapon usage data

>Add your FC to the list of FC below:

>List of FC:

Attached: S2_ABXY_Album_Cover.jpg (2000x1853, 450K)

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hot retarded cumslut

Attached: 1520953353438.jpg (825x1125, 214K)


first for cumming inside senda-chan

(go away)

I think all of the aquatic creature children variants we can play are just fine.

Attached: everythingisokay.jpg (240x208, 14K)

Do you have the image where she's injecting drugs into her arm?

How many eggs can a Woomy lay?

I need the answer for school tomorrow


>Work at Toys R Us
>The closing stores means a liquidation sale is incoming
>Our manager gives us the ok to hide non-electric items we want to buy when the sales hit despite it not being allowed what's he gonna do, fire us?
Time to finally buy some Splatoon Amiibos

[Protect Woomy]

What if getting exposed to differently coloured ink carried long-term issues like skin cancer, but nobody knows this? Basically how it was for us with asbestos.

Attached: really makes you ink.png (618x581, 200K)

do the have the squid sister ones

have fun hotglueing them and uploading the video on xhamster

when whites are around niggers for too long their IQ level drops.

I gotcha senpai

Attached: 1466468726326.jpg (750x600, 215K)

>nearest one only has Green Squid Girl

Attached: 1503262668188.png (390x347, 8K)

Inside my ass so you can scan me and get rewards?

jesus christ

user is hoarding them all

sorry to hear about your job loss.
hope you find a new job soon
your woomy believes in you!

Attached: 61t8hfvjJVL._SL1000_.jpg (1000x1000, 101K)

Thanks mane.


is this the equivalent of "I want to cum inside rainbow dash"?

Its a part time retail job. They have retarded folks working most stores, if you can't get a job you are dumber than a retard.

Sweaty octogirls!

Attached: mask11.png (2880x2880, 1.64M)

Not yet. They need to be as committed as "I want to cum on Callie's tentacles" user for that. God bless that user


Is this leela from futurama after she grew another eye?

probably about 10 in a clutch

>if you can't get a job you are dumber than a retard.

This is a general where adult males in their primetime to making kids or establish a company playing a nintendo game for children and being proud of it.

And there is also having bad luck and not having the connection for other people.

Attached: 1516431828291.png (265x252, 106K)

who says we're proud of it? you don't know anything about me.

This is too real

Attached: DYg0hM4V4AA37Wr.jpg (1200x675, 66K)

>first time in ranked
>jump from c- to b
>continue playing
>jump from b to a
is that was supposed to be that easy?

What exactly is she anyway?

>woomy getting raped
>laying eggs in the bathroom
>take her roller and smashing all those eggs
>lies crying on floor and don`t want to live anymore
>her phone is ringing
>Salmon Run is open

Such is life as Senda-chan

why do people want it so badly? splash-o is a shit weapon

I just want tri nouveau.

Attached: 1511235040607.jpg (581x581, 63K)

because the kit is fucking insane

Very accurate gun with good mobility and turfing ability with a full bombing kit. It'll be fun


there is Ranks S, S+ and X for you.
So don`t think yo wasted your money.

Attached: sdfrb v.png (700x500, 145K)


Attached: Title_Screen_-_Sonic_and_Knuckles.png (320x224, 11K)

>no bottomless version

just saw this one too

Ranking up in Splatoon 2 is hilariously easy. Getting to S+ is an inevitability if you keep playing. You'll get there eventually.
S+ in Splatoon 1 on the other hand was a fucking nightmare that was the equivalent of Sisyphus rolling the boulder up the hill -- almost reach the top, only to tumble all the way back down and try it all again.

Attached: 1495870211699.gif (1024x288, 1.18M)

Attached: 1515575901570.jpg (524x513, 81K)

>Likes irish spring deodorant
>Spent weeks making posts about how much he likes his own body odor
Something isn't adding up here

Attached: DYhnalaUMAAuujn.jpg orig.jpg (1280x720, 172K)

I've seen him in the plaza for months. What's his endgame?

Not everyone needs an endgame.

>wearing a helmet
He's retarded user

Shit mang, might have to hit up my local store some time next week

Can you please fuck off

very cute!!

GG razz

>mention nobody uses this jacket
>now someone's using the jacket
I can't find any shoes to properly match it anyways

Attached: DYJ12j4VMAAfe4Q.jpg (1200x675, 104K)

Nice faggot yebby

"Goodrat" used it too but rip Love Pink ink

Trendy's bi
They should really release some jelly vans, like the shirt. That's what the undershirt on the jacket looks like, anyways. Love that shirt.

Attached: sailorstyle.jpg (1200x675, 92K)

Do y'all think they'll release an Octoling Amiibo closer to the new update?
I kinda want to grab a Splatoon Amiibo now that Inkling is going to be in Smash 5, but the only Inkling Amiibos left are scalped.

Attached: Goodrat3.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Why is it that sometimes tenta missiles hit me instantly and other times it takes half a day?



Trendy you change clothes so often it's literally impossible to tell who you are from screenshots. You should find a single piece of gear and stick to it so your yebbie is more recognizable.

As dumb and edgy as this is, I actually kinda like the idea of this OC. I wonder if the mask will come off when the Octoling DLC is out

Attached: image.jpg (480x361, 82K)

Probably not, she wears it to not only hide that shes an octoling but because shes self conscious about her scarring

How do i choose abilities to focus on for weapons? Are there any abilities that are completely useless or is it actually up to personal preference?

I do like this hat.

Attached: DPycBhBVwAEX-eE.jpg (1200x675, 106K)

Why do I always feel like I'm carrying people in b+ when most of the guys I get on my team are lvl 30 or up and I just started wednesday and I'm lvl 12?

Are people just THAT bad?

Yes. Wait until you get to S+ and above, and people will start figuring their shit out and know their roles.

Fill me in on Quick Respawn. Are people using it now or is it still shit?

I guess I'll just keep climbing my way up, I'm in a winning strike of 6 and everything is going smooth as long as I keep doing my octobrush backdoors.

Slut sticking a remote control vibrating pill in Schoolgirl's ass and taping one to her clit!
Slut turning it up when she tries to talk to boys!

Ah yeah Octobrush is a retard destroyer as well. People freak out the moment someone comes swinging at them with one of those.

It can be useful in all modes.

Still shit. Dont fall for the “zombie build” meme.

Attached: lewd.jpg (414x426, 144K)

They really need to just remove the "twice splatted" condition and leave everything else the same and QR would be useful without being busted like in Splat1.

Its a pretty good weapon to climb these levels it seems, guess I'll go back to Nzap and dualies as soon as people start figuring out my strats and handing my shit right back to me.

Why is this so good

Attached: Inkling Hearts.jpg (891x819, 200K)

>finally got my first sparkle
>could only do it by using hero brella and *blocks ur pathing* the enemy every time, and slapping rainclouds and sprinklers on the zone, all the while bottom scoring
feels good

Attached: think.png (523x495, 261K)

Attached: thicc_judd.png (466x386, 144K)

More like Thudd.

Attached: 4064826633.jpg (360x450, 95K)

What do you guys think of my yebbie?

Attached: DYNKaL-VoAEM9fY.jpg (441x607, 72K)


Is Rainy here?

Who is she?



Best weapon for b+ splat zones?

I dunno, I saw someone named Rainy in one of my matches awhile back and thought I remembered someone here being called that. I just noticed they're already like level one hundred and something and wondered how they got past "the gap"

Any weapon can get out of B+
But brella and splatling

Rainy is a girls name.

Name ONE (1) male poster on /ink/.

Just do backdoors with octobrush my dude.

Its fucking freelo.