/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging. Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, 18th of March:
1229 – Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, declares himself King of Jerusalem in the Sixth Crusade.
1241 – First Mongol invasion of Poland: Mongols overwhelm Polish armies in Kraków in the Battle of Chmielnik and plunder the city.
1871 – Declaration of the Paris Commune; President of the French Republic, Adolphe Thiers, orders the evacuation of Paris.
1940 – World War II: Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini meet at the Brenner Pass in the Alps and agree to form an alliance against France and the United Kingdom.

Random Country Picker

# News
EU4 DD 06/03

CK2 DD 19/03

>Archive (mods only)

>Where to get these games


>>[EU4] - /gsg/ and Taxes v0.2 - 12/10/2017

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.2

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 14/12/2017

>>[V2] - Music Mod

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

Old Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:




This battle has been going on for like six months.

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chose to restore the UK but it still gave me a commonwealth with Monty in charge, bleh

Attached: russiabritain.png (1366x768, 501K)

Why would you restore perfidious?

Carefull boy, it might not be the best idea to discuss grand strategy in the grand strategy general

Shit like this makes me want to play DH, but then I remember the terrible UI, awful controls, and the doomstacks.

Play hoi3

>last thread link is from 6 days ago

>no politics
>no way to split up countries you conquer

>tfw no more Romanon to look forward to



Attached: eu4_160.png (1920x1080, 2.99M)

tfw marsanon is ded

It was a good idea

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only problem is there's no realistic way for nations to be formatted, since it's all one continent with no natural boundries

the anglo is the rightful master of the world

>mars has no mountain ranges or valleys

it doesn't it has tons of craters though

how do i get good at naval combat in DH?

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What a stupid thing to say. You could do it along climate barriers as well, like ssaid

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wow all 5 nations?

>what is dividing them further by culture


Attached: eu4_161.png (1920x1080, 3.29M)

>not infinitely superior Venus instead

Attached: venus.png (1264x632, 1.08M)

this general has really gone to hell

>inherited all of Bohemia on my first ruler death

Uh, now what

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Hello, are the moderators informed about the shitposting general, ?

>Implying it was ever good

Most people on /gsg/ don't even play gsgs anymore or have never played gsgs and just come here to shitpost

Reminder that Huey Long did nothing wrong


Attached: eu4_164.png (1920x1080, 3.5M)

blob all of central/eastern europe, remove kebab by 1453

Ideal European borders

Attached: B60E3B35-A7FD-47F8-BA6A-BA2C4BADA9D9.jpg (1920x1080, 561K)

Spam destroyers and naval bombers.


Attached: eu4_166.png (1920x1080, 2.8M)

That's 5 continent you stupid nigger

Just like dh

don't reply to me

aren't destroyers easily wrecked


>Swedish reich
>No sweden

based and slavic

All ships are easily wrecked by carriers. The point is to get the fastest ship so the firing distance can be reached as soon as possible.

Why is it called east Austria?

you replied to me first

i said STOP


uh back the FUARK off?

What country do i play as in kaiserreich

*fronts the fuark on*


Huey Long's America or the Kaiserreich if you want a based but nearly impossible game, Russia if you want a good introductory country with options to go any direction.

Brazil it is
I've put countless hours in DH

what determines whether or not a sphere'd unciv asks for a protectorate?

Should my Brazil go commie or fascist?

communist and install it in all the other latin american countries too


i did a natpop brazil game a while back, was pretty fun taking over latin america and iberia
couldn't take over north america since the CSA had like 400 divisions

Attached: brazil9.png (1366x768, 463K)

just went the commie route

>Wanna play EU3 again
>Remember how shit colonization is in that game.

Mmmm now that's nice

Attached: gorgeous.jpg (1920x1080, 691K)

I'm about to do a Krakow run in EU4, and I'm trying to decide what to do and how to cheese the game since I just did an Orthomans run for unlimited manpower. Any ideas?

If you mean Romanian geejunk we are all waiting for his return.
If I remember correctly you took over Iberia this game because the commonwealth was too much of a challenge.

Not them, but I'm waiting for the thread to stabilise.

Just play miscmods. Also don't blob, just pick a small colonial area to colonise and actually invest in it. There's more to colonies than just helping you get more trade.

I've never seen this event chain before in Kaiserreich

Attached: pol-don coalition.jpg (723x90, 39K)

i believe they split ukraine at the dnieper

also new cores i've never seen

Attached: newcores.jpg (1141x664, 230K)


Attached: eu4_169.png (1920x1080, 3.33M)

>the absolute state of the cossacks and winged hussars

Attached: fail.jpg (1363x627, 208K)


Attached: eu4_173.png (1920x1080, 3.64M)


Attached: eu4_177.png (1920x1080, 2.97M)

a-anyone got a link to latest niggermod update?

nvm figured it out

n-no i didn't


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stop stuttering on the internet you fucking sissy


>commonwealth was too much of a challenge
the CSA? yeah
could probably have just nuked them but meh

Have I gone too far?

Attached: Lothringen.png (1920x1080, 3.87M)

That CoA is fucking atrocious.

>Ottomans attack me, Austria
>I'm allied with Bavaria, Bohemia, Brandenburg and Milan, have Hungary and rump Union as subjects
>think it's the end of the turk
>none of my allies joins the war
>lose Dubrovnik and part of Hungary


The Militant Autists have risen!
Reports are coming in of rebel forces in
We must rally our forces to deal with this!

Which one? The one around my flag on the HRE screen? And how so?

*launches a rapid anti-partisan sweep with cavalry*

The burgundian cross on yellow background. Acidy looking, bad color combination.

>follow a huge event chain with tons of downsides to form the PLC
>or just press the integrate button

This submod didnt think this through very well

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>using a built in mechanic is cheating

>load up Waking the Tiger to see how shit it still is post-patch
>Kaiser Germany run
>reforming the central powers involves diving into naval tech
>by the time I even get to the sentiment bonuses, Pact of Rome or Polish faction claim them
>Italy flips during their war with allies
>join them
>fighting into France
>Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Hungary form AH
>AH immediately joins allies

For what purpose?

Attached: laughter stops.png (600x431, 331K)

Since I've obliterated the Turks and warscore is bullshit, would it be cheating if I used console to kick them out of Europe and leave them with only Anatolia?

Attached: Getfuckedturk.png (1920x1080, 3.39M)

as long as you are RPing, who cares
you are not playing multiplayer so why do you care about balance

how do i stop carlists

you join them

To reform the central powers go democratic and invite everyone into your hugbox against the USSR.
Of course it would be. But if you are not playing /gsg/ and taxes the Turks already cheated with their ridiculous war dynamism so it will be only righteous.

What's war dynamism

>these fucking French tank designs

every time

Attached: METAL BOXES.jpg (1755x979, 828K)


Attached: papal states.jpg (1759x984, 466K)

>playing as count of narbonne
>married to sister of duke of toulouse, children will have claim to my duke's whole duchy
>conquer britanny, shit is cash
>wife ends up fucking the devil, have to split with the bitch and my second son, Hunting Accident because I'm a zealot and he literally tries to kill my progeny, LaGenius EBT three fucking times
>kill second son
>duke hates me because after the demon spawn event he became a member of his family instead of mine
>duke is given second duchy and now his levies outnumber me


They get all of the Balkans and Anatolia for less than half the warscore and a free CB for them. Without that CB you can't annex Constantinople at the start of the game, because it has too many pops.

>>Where to get these games
The link doesn't work.

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