Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Fear not death Edition

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Fenix > Malthael

Where the FUCK is Magatha?

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Johanna loli is cute and fun and she tries her best to tank for you!

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But what's the point when Big Jo exists?

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Haha, I'm Varian and I'm gonna go Twinblades despite the enemy team having an Arthas. I'm gonna play as the world's worst Butcher despite being level 17 with Varian, I have a fucking negative winrate with him. But surely Twinblades will work this time! Even on a map without a boss to solo, hee hee.

t. support cuck

Little girls are cute and I love them?
Not in a sexual way though because that's disgusting. I'm not some sort of lilifag that needs to be purged.

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>watching varians go warbringer + juggernaut every game regardless of matchup
>even when the enemy team has a strong sustained healer or shields on 3+ members

ever wish you could just take a hero away from someone

Post ships

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Would he be doing that if it was prime evil diablo?

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>somebody picks nova

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never forget

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>that one hero that you can pick and have fun no matter how good or bad the game is going and no matter how bad your team is and how good the enemy team is
Who is it /hotsg/?

Pic very related for me

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Homosexuality is against the law! You have to be using prime evil diablo (futa) for Korea to recognize this consummation.

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I want to impregnate D.Va

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Can someone post that image of Auriel crowning Tyrael? It is some korean fanart or some shit so I can't google it.

I always liked them together regardless of how shit the whole Valsharah thing was.

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A relationship born in metacancer

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>"You'll find I won't be easy prey!"
>dies in one hit

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D.Va is no for that. She is for enjoyably playing in HotS and the occasional headpat.

D.Va is for marriage and impregnation.

Is this guy still pumping out art despite Tracer being a full blown carpet muncher?

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My wife is not a lesbian, she's bi at the very least. She has never explicitly stated she's not interested in men.

>Jimmy: "rest assured, I'm the man that's going to kill you some day"
>spends the entirety of SC2 finding a way to save her and not kill her, even killing his friend and comrade for trying to kill her
what did Jim mean by this?

had his eye on that xel'naga pussy

the fact that there's a way to reverse the zergification through the macguffin xel'nagan artifact, and zeratul's missions that explain the extreme importance of kerrigan in stopping amon have something to do with it.

I want to stimdrone Fenix
I want to see how busted this is

I want to thrall earthquake into fenix lock-on ult

She hasn't show interest in men either. Regardless if she is Bi or not. Tracer is in a gay relationship. The closest male would be Winston, but he is pretty much out of the question.

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Probably not very. Mode a is a +150% steroid, so stim only makes that 225%.

You go from 2.0 attacks per second to 2.6. Phase bomb mode is .8attack speed, so stimming there takes you from .8 to 1.4

>tracer isn't a virgin she 1000% was clapping her cheeks on that gorilla cock

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I love Lunara!

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Only Nova. I was I was better at the game so I could git gud non-QM heroes.

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>Gorilla cock

Yeah even if they did have sex Tracer would still be a virgin.

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he's scientifically engineered he could have a 3 foot dick for all we know

Brightwing or Chen.

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pretty sure two inches is enough to hit the hymen

alright, so i know you guys weren't digging the barkwing skin....
but how about Ballerina Brightwing?

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Tyrande because people underestimate her all the time and its pretty rewarding to land your shit. Still I could I go do without some dpsfag bitching about healing because I am not babying him 24/7 despite keeping them up.

I liked the barkwing skin tbqh.

cute and good

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Why do I lose almost every game I play.

>I play my lane early game to soak.
>I participate in team fights.
>I keep an eye on the minimap.
>I always try to do the objective.
>I always stick with my team late game to avoid being ganked
>I always try to avoid staggering and wait for respawns late game.

I do all of this, but in the end we always fall behind on exp and levels and we get completely outfragged every single game.

I lose what feels like 9 out of 10 games every time. What the fuck am I doing wrong. It's honestly fucking depressing. And it's clearly me who is the problem, because my friend stopped playing with me after losing 8 in a row and proceeded to win his next game while I once again proceeded to a 9th loss in a row.

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Brightwing with a paperbag over her head because she ugly.

You lack impact
Participating and not being dead weight isn't enough usually, you need to do your part to sway the game in your favor. Do something different.

I thought genji had a thing for mercy

how about drugged out hobo brightwing

Like what? I click on enemies. I use abilities. I try to kill key targets like supports or carries.

The only hero I ever win consistently on is Nova. I lose with practically every other hero in the game.

Mecha BW, Bumblebee BW, Netherwisp BW and Satan BW

fuck off bitch, no one cares about your literal who whore.

Hitting someone with your ability isn't enough, it's WHEN you hit them, HOW you hit them, WHAT you hitting them then leads to. It's not possible to go through every situation where an action leads to impact, but imagine the scenario of 1) Hitting a full HP hero with your ult vs 2) Hitting the shrine minions with your ult which summons the Punisher that then leads to a fort taken and several hero kills.

Stop thinking with the scoreboard, the next step you need to take is finding those non-scoreboard value plays and start thinking outside the box. Get smart.

Reminds me of every Tyrande player ever
>dude i hit my owls ive got 40 stacks
>wtf team no damage i keep stuning them!
>helllo?????? hit my trait targeT?????????
nigger time your shit better
turn the buttons you press into actual results don't just expect everyone to win for you with your useless ass poke damage and meaningless """"stacks"""" against a team with Lucio so all your poke means fuck all because it's erased instantly

Everyone has a thing for mercy

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Hey janitor I got a message for you.

go fuck yourself you miserable furfag.

I've heard all of you, and I think I have a compromise.
Introducing Cardboard knight Brightwing.

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Mercy is for making babies after marriage.

trashy corner hooker brightwing

I will stick to the only good skin.

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do you feel threatened?
why do you care so much?

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I want a fluttershy brightwing because same VA and same voice she doesn't try hard to change it.

why would garrosh allow her to live after knowing she poisoned cairne? perhaps he simply was ok with winning through cheating after all?

because Magatha is a fucking bitch and if she wasted a slot in our precious game with her horrid presence i'd genuinely be mad.

If Fenix has a teal/green skin then HotS team is based
If not, Samwise has failed us

same reason why Baine let her go after fucking up Thunderbluff, the Earthen Ring let her stay despite all the taurens getting triggered over her being there, Varian didn't whoop her ass after she ambushed them with elementals, the player saves her from the Twilight Hammer, and shaman players deliver the Doomstone right into her fucking hands in Legion.

WoW writers are fucking hacks.

How do you anons choose what hero to buy when you have 5+ you are deciding between?

Which fits your current playstyle, which one if most fun to play, which one fills a hole in your current drafting roster, wtc.

I've had all the heroes since Rexxar came out at launch so I don't know how to answer that question

>he doesn't own every hero

Will they ever fucking finish her story? She's got her fingers in like a dozen storylines but they never go anywhere. I just want her to die already.

Thanks. It is adorable. And while I know nothing about the lore, it seems like an acceptable ship.

>Saurfang joins the Alliance in BFA
Warcraft lore died long ago

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>I just want her to die already.
this, I can't believe we have her as our finale order hall champion instead of burning her at the stake like the cattle she is.

Just had 3 really close games in a row that I won. Never had this much a adrenaline from playing hots.

she's also pinkie pie.
Beauty Pageant Brightwing!

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I like you user. You do good thing.

Hey man, when the game works as intended, it really is amazing. It's shitty that most matches can't be that close due to the nature of random matchmaking and how ladder games work.

buff when?

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Well, blizzard finally gave me 1000 master and 38 extra per game so I get some really good games right now.

he's beautiful

>17 posters
3AM general

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why does he look like he's from my chinese manuscripts?

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MY zul'jin doesn't have tusks, fuck this imposter scam artist blizzard is shilling us


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chink tourny is so great because of shit like this

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fucking savage

Why do they hate braxis so much?

Pros? It's a shitty map where you lose on draft screen and the objective is too snowbally.

>teamfight on warhead junction
>enemy ETC stagedives from top to bottom of the map
>vorpal blade to him and finish him off
Zerashk Gulida

Thrall is so fucking stupid.


how is that different than what happens on shitshire every time they pick it? At least braxis has some rockin tunes

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can't wait for the balance patch this week, baffling how they thought turning him into a poke mage is a good decision and hope they'll buff his AA/bruiser build when they gut this crash lightning bullshit

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based chinks